Read Making You Mine (The Moreno Brothers 5) Page 36

  She pulled away from him to look at him. “Is it? How can you be sure?”

  “Trust me. I took care of it.” He looked in her big eyes, feeling suddenly more emotional but in a different way than he had this past month. In a way that nearly took his breath away he brought his hand down and placed it on her bd it on elly. “How long have you known?”

  She looked down, placed her hand over his and whispered. “Since last night.” Her face turned back up and met his eyes. “But I don’t want you think that I…” she hesitated before continuing. “You know that you have to…” She stopped again and shrugged. “After everything that’s happened, I don’t want this to be the reason that—”

  “Are you kidding me? You really think I wouldn’t be a part of this? Grace I’d stop at nothing, especially now—” He stopped when it suddenly hit him. The pictures of Grace at the nightclub with that guy looking so different. Her spending the entire weekend with him. He was buying her a fucking house—handed over his brand new luxury car. Every muscle on his body went tense. “Wait, what do you mean everything that’s happened?”

  “I’m just saying, even before all this happened we weren’t together that long. I’m sure you weren’t thinking that far ahead and certainly not in terms of marriage and I don’t expect you to just because—”

  “Believe me, Grace. I was thinking all those things and more from the moment we came to an agreement. You don’t have to worry about any of that. But what I do need to know…” He took a moment to calm himself because he didn’t want to ruin things now that she seemed ready to forgive, and move on. As much as he tried his words were strained. “Wh

  at the hell is going on between you and this guy from Laughlin?”

  “It’s just business.”

  “Really because that’s not what Sofie said it looked like Friday night and yesterday you almost kissed him.” Sal’s heart had started up again. This was not how he wanted their first reunion to be like but he couldn’t help it.

  Grace’s brows pinched. “Yeah, you said that earlier. Who told you I almost kissed him?”

  Sal almost wished she’d just deny it. This only enraged him further. “Vince made an observation when he picked up your sister. So did you, after they drove away?”

  She thought about it for a moment then it seemed to come to her. “Oh that.”

  “You did?” Sal stood up straight, no longer feeling the ease to just lean against the car anymore.

  “No!” Her hand slipping into his had an amazing way of calming him. “I was feeling dizzy. Of course I didn’t know it at the time but it’s all pregnancy related. The dizzy spells and horrible nausea I’ve had for weeks have completely drained me and Rose has been really worried. So I’d waited for Rose to walk away before leaning against him for support.”

  Sal stared at her remembering Vince mentioning she’d been sick. As much as he felt the urge to pick her up and take her home to start taking care of her, one nagging thought still occupied his mind. Even feeling completely drained she’d still gone out dancing Friday night—with Frank—looking hotter than ever. But before he could put it aside for now, and focus on her health instead she added, “but we do need to talk about me and Frank.”

  Me and Frank. Never had three little words have such a nauseating effect on him.


  The ride to pick up Rose and bring her oback to Sal’s with them had been somewhat quiet and a bit uncomfortable. Grace noticed Sal attempted to hide his change in mood after she let him know they did need to talk about her and Frank but the change was significant enough. His eyebrow lifted and stayed firmly that way the entire time.

  “She’s mad at me you know.”

  Sal finally glanced at her. He’d been staring straight ahead most of the way. “Who Rose?”

  Grace nodded.


  “Because of Vincent.”

  She didn’t think he lift that eyebrow any higher but higher it went. “Why? Did he do something?”

  “No. It just makes me nervous that they’re spending so much time together. She says they’re just friends but she’s not fooling me. I see it in her eyes. She’s falling for him.” Grace lifted a shoulder. “She’s too young and I worry about how she’s going to feel once he leaves. I don’t think she’s thought that far ahead but I’m afraid she’ll be heartbroken. Especially with the distance between them, how likely is it that things could work out for them? It’s inevitable that she’ll get hurt.”

  Sal reached his hand over to her and she took it, lacing her fingers through his big strong fingers. God how she’d missed this—missed him.

  “Gracie, I know what it’s like to want to protect your loved ones. Growing up, nobody and I mean nobody messed with my sister without paying dearly. But there are some things you’re going to have to let her experience for herself so she can learn to deal with them. You’re not always going to be there to take that bullet for her you know. Her whole life you’ve been absorbing all the pain for her. The pain of your father and grandmother’s passing, even trying to hide the fact that you’re not feeling well just so she won’t worry.” He shook his head.

  Grace was surprised he’d picked up on that. If he only knew how sick she’d made herself, trying to hide the fact that she’d been so devastated from his supposed betrayal.

  “I’m just saying. I get that you don’t want to expose her to any kind of danger and you have my word that I’ll make sure Vincent doesn’t get her into any. Turns out he’s not such a bad kid after all and he’s been duly warned let me tell you. But if the worst thing that will come from this is her being a little sad when he leaves than I think that’s a fairly painless way to start. It’s not like it’ll come as a shocker. She knows he’s leaving at the end of the summer.”

  She knew he had a point but he didn’t just have a sister. He had two brothers and loving parents who he spread his love out for and who in return showered him with that same love. All Grace had was Rose. It was so hard to think of her being hurt.

  “I was gonna have Vin pick her up from my place and maybe take her to grab a bite or something so it would give us some privacy but if you don’t want to I won’t.”

  Taking a deep breath as they drove up to the front of her apartment building she smiled weakly. “No. You’re right. I can’t shelter her forever. And her hanging out with him a few times a week really week reis harmless.”

  She texted Rose to ask her to come with her to Sal’s place for a while. Knowing Rose would wonder what was going on, she told her she’d explain everything later. At first Rose declined, saying didn’t really feel like it. Then Grace textwd her that Vincent would be there and Rose texted back immediately.

  I’m on my way down.

  Grace smiled at Sal after reading it, trying to hide her concern. “She’s on her way.”

  While Grace texted with Rose, Sal texted Vincent to let him know what was going on. Not only did he agree, he was already at Sal’s house when they got there. Rose didn’t even go in the house, jumping straight into Vincent’s car. They were going to eat and Sal spotted Vince some money to take her to a show, too. Apparently he had a long talk in mind.

  Sal offered her something to eat or drink but as was the case lately, she had no appetite.

  Grace pulled a tea bag out of her purse. “I’ll take a cup of hot water.”

  She’d never been much of a tea drinker but lately it seemed to be the only thing that soothed her stomach. After fixing her mug of tea they walked out into his yard and sat at his patio table. Just being in his house again did things to her but taking in the view. A view she never thought she’d be seeing again, brought a lump to her throat. She took a sip of her tea trying to swallow it back.

  Sal sat close to her and leaned into her kissing her cheek softly. “It’s so good to have you back, Grace.”

  She turned to face him. “It’s good to be back.”

  He took a deep breath and his expression changed a little. “Now tell me
about Frank.”

  Grace glanced away and stared at her mug playing with the teabag string that hung off the side. “He agreed to invest money into a restaurant with me and my mom.”

  “And lend you his car.”

  She nodded knowing exactly what he was thinking.


  “He thinks it’s a good investment and he could use the write-off.”

  “Why else?”

  She glanced back at him and sat up straight. She knew what he was getting at and yes maybe Frank had other underlying reasons for being so generous but Sal had to know she wasn’t that type of person. The more she’d thought about this the more she had to agree with her mom that it was a great opportunity. “Those are the only reasons he’s given.”

  “You’re not still thinking of going through with this are you?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  He cocked his head back. “What do you mean why wouldn’t I? You have to know this guy wants more than just to do business with you.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Oh don’t I? Tell me something is thaething it why you went on that vacation to Laughlin? To talk him into investing in your restaurant?”

  Grace didn’t appreciate his tone and certainly not the implication. “I went there, Sal, because I was falling apart and I needed to get away. It actually helped. The idea of him helping me with my restaurant was one that had been brought up long before me and you even broke up. And it was never me trying to talk him into it rather the other way around.”

  “Was it now?” A glimmer of the blaze she’d seen in his eyes when he showed up at Joey and Taylor’s was back. “When were you planning on telling me about it?”

  “I wasn’t because I had no intentions of taking him up on the offer. I’d already told my mom it was out of the question.”

  “And why was that, Grace?”

  Damn it he had her and the rage in his eye said he knew it, too.

  She held her chin up. “I didn’t need the job at the time. I had a good one with you and I was only getting my feet wet in a big restaurant like yours. I didn’t think I was ready.”

  The outraged expression turned almost smug. “No other reason? Why hadn’t you even mentioned to me that the offer had been put out there?”

  Grace tipped her head trying to stay nose to nose with his challenges but she could already tell she was fighting a losing battle. “I didn’t think you’d be happy about it.”

  “You’re damn right I wouldn’t have been.” He leaned in closer his legs practically straddled her chair now and his tone softening just a bit. “Grace, baby, the guys showed up with roses for you, ready to go on a date with you. He’s driven more than four hours each way several times just to spend time with you.” He kissed her forehead then lifted her chin and looked deep into her eyes. “I love you more than anything.”

  That damn lump suffocated her. “I love you, too.”

  He pulled her closer to him. “I’m never letting you out of my life now, you know that right?”

  Grace gulped nodding softly. “I don’t wanna be out of your life.”

  He smiled and kissed her softly. “Good because it’ll never happen again. I’ll do whatever it takes and that’s a promise.” His eyes went hard again. “But if you think for even a second that I’m gonna let that fucker stay in your life you’re out of your mind.”

  Grace tried to conjure up some kind of strength to argue and she didn’t even know why. “But—”

  “I saw pictures, Grace.” His breathing suddenly accelerated.

  “What?” She searched his fiery eyes. “Pictures?”

  “Sofie took pictures with her phone the night at the night club.” The vein on his neck protruded and he seemed to wait for her reaction.


  “I saw you with him.” There was a subtre was ale but undeniable raise in his voice now and she knew any kind of partnership with Frank was officially over. “I saw the way you dressed, the way he touched you and held your hand—the way he looked at you. You still gonna tell me it’s just business?”

  She stared at him knowing there was nothing she could say at this point that would convince him and she didn’t even care. She squeezed his hand. It was so tense and he closed his eyes. “I said partnering up with him was out of the question before me and you broke up because I had a feeling there was more to it than just business.”

  “Of course there was—”

  She put her finger to his lips. “But I’ve never done anything to even give him the idea that I might be willing. Except for allowing him to hold my hand to and from the dance floor. I don’t want you to think anything ever happened. Okay?”

  He stared at her breathing hard. “I don’t want him around you anymore. Give the car back, too. Give it to your mom. I don’t give a shit. I just don’t want you in it.”


  She saw his shoulders and chest fall slowly as he exhaled. “But,” she said making him tense up again and eyebrow lift. “I will have to talk to him to explain it. We were getting ready to make an offer on a property. I’ll be pulling the rug out from under everybody’s feet.”

  Sal reached down to his waist and pulled his phone out. “Call him.”


  “Why not?”

  “Because I have to explain to my mom first. She’s not going to be happy about this and even though I don’t care, I’d still like to tell her before I tell him.”

  After a few moments of him staring at her he finally spoke. “But you’ll do it over the phone right? You don’t have to see him to tell him.”

  Grace smiled, running her fingers through his soft hair. “Unless he’s okay with my mom still borrowing his car he’s going to have to come pick it up.”

  Sal frowned at that and for some reason that made Grace chuckle. “Sweetie, I can see your reluctance about me going into business with the man but me being around him for a few minutes while he picks up the car he was nice enough to lend me is not going to kill anyone.”

  “It’ll kill me,” he muttered

  That made her laugh and she brought her hands to his face. “You’ll be just fine.” Then she leaned back and picked up his hand placing it on her belly. “Now lets talk about something else.” She smiled feeling the tears come as she remembered the dread that kept her up all night last night knowing she’d have to face him again and again with the knowledge that he’d never be hers yet he’d be a permanent fixture in her life. A torment she’d be forced to endure forever. She took a deep breath. It was a miracle how feelings about this had gone from dread to absolute delight. “You’re gonna be a daddy.”

  His eyebrows pinched and seeing the tears in his eyes made her arms instinctively wrap around his neck. Nothing felt better than feeling his arms around her. It’s where she belonged and for once in her life she believed it. She could have it all.

  “My baby momma,” he said against her ear.

  She pulled away to look at him and he laughed wiping away a tear from the corner of his eye. She wiped the tears from her eyes and had to laugh, too. “What?”

  “Well you know that’s what you’ll be unless you marry me right?”

  She stopped laughing and felt the smile dissolve feeling overwhelmed with emotion again and here she thought she already had it all. Then she remembered one very important thing. Rose.


  As the months went by and Sal didn’t get so much as a text from Melissa, he’d begun to believe she’d finally accepted it and he wouldn’t have to worry about her ever again. Then it came: the morning of his wedding. Over four months since he and Gracie had reunited. He logged on to check his email and there it was, an email from her in his inbox. He glanced up but Grace was still sound asleep. She’d slept so much since she’d moved in with him and today of all mornings he was letting her sleep as long as she wanted. He almost didn’t want to but since this was the morning of his wedding he wanted to make sure Melissa wasn’t planning o
n doing anything to ruin it. So he clicked on it and held his breath until it opened and read:

  Hey there. Just wanted to congratulate you on your big day. I won’t lie. A part of me still wishes it was me and not her but I get it. You only get one love of your life and apparently she’s yours. For a long time I thought you were mine until a ton of therapy helped me realize you were what I pictured my ideal guy was. Perfect in every way, but other than how beautiful you are and ha! How well off. I knew very little about you. And obviously you knew even less about me. But enough of that. I just wanted you to know how grateful I am that you didn’t go to the police. I wanted to thank you for that so many times before but Kat and Jason were adamant about me not contacting you even for that. I’m sorry that I caused you so much pain and heartache. Believe it or not, that’s what is going to take me the longest to get over, but I’m working on it. I wish nothing but the best for you.


  P.S. I know you’re going to be a great daddy. =)

  Nothing could describe the enormous relief he felt after reading that. It felt so good all he wanted to do was slip back in bed and hold Grace so he did. He’d come to live for spooning Grace’s warm body and holding her close against him.

  She exhaled with a smile in her sleep. Okay maybe there was something he loved more. He kissed her cheek. “I love you,” he whispered.