Read Malver Part 1 Page 1


  Part 1


   By Beth Wright

  Illustrated by Wicked Muse Covers

  Copyright 2010 Beth Wright


  Malver turns to his father."You must stay hidden son. For if she sees you, she will be frightened off," his father says as both of them divert their eyes back to the young female sitting by the


  His heart sings out to hers. A longing he has never felt before. He feels the need to touch her. It builds as her face turns more his way.

  His father lightly taps his shoulder. He turns and notices the leader guards walking towards them.

  The one stops beside Malvar.

  Did you mate her yet?

  He drifts his eyes back to the young beauty. His sigh tells the guards his answer.

  You have been coming here for four months now, yet you have not sedduced her to mate you.

  Malvar's low growl draws the guards eyes back to his.

  I see, you have feelings for this female.

  They both look to her as she giggles at the young

  male sitting beside her.

  Is that her mate?

  Malvar turns to his guard.

  No, that is her brother.

  His father then speaks to them both.

  We may not have a Tellianar like the rest of the races do. But surely we can still fall in love.

  His eyes shine with hope as he continues.

  Hopefully she will see past our appearance and see your heart longs for her.

  A high pitched scream captures their attention. All of them watch as a group of Dracthorns swoops down to the two young ones. Her brother is now protectively guarding her with his own

  body as they draw closer.

  Malver starts to walk out from hiding when his father's hand grips his arm.

  If you go out there, she will see you as a monster not a protector.

  They turn and watch her brother gets thrown across the ground.Another Dracthorn comes up behind her and grabs her waist. She kicks and screams as he starts to spread his wings.

  I will not stand by and watch her get taking from me.

  He sends as he vanishes then reappears infront of her and her captor. The Drakthorn draws his sword while growling at her bothersome attacks on him."She is not yours to have." Malvar growls as he sees the Dracthorn squeeze her harder."Let her go," his words are low and very demanding.

  The female stops her attacks and looks up to him with fear writing all over her lovely pale face.

  The Dracthorn points the tip of his sword at him."Gordarns, do not have mates. So why should you care what I do with this human female?"

  He growls back to the Dracthorn, "It should not matter why. Just let her go."

  The Dracthorn slowly starts to release her. Then without warning he swings his sword at Malver's chest. It slices through with ease. The Dracthorn laughs, "Even your kind can not with stand the pain a Dormbar blade deals. His vision starts to faultor as his mind focuses on his enemy. The Dracthorn grabs the young woman by the wrist and throws her at Malver. He quickly catches her before harm could come to her delicate body. As his thoughts where on catching and protecting her the Dracthorn used this moment to drive his blade thru Malver's chest. He feels the pain pass over his body. The Dormbar swords where known by all, their blades are made of the most deadly magic and venom in the world. Death awaits him now. His grip on his one and only love never faultors as his legs start to give out from underneath him. He moves so that his body would be the one to hit the ground not hers. His father and all his guards are now fighting their way to him. His vision starts to falter as the Dracthorn draws near.

  He feels her move slightly in his arms. His wound is covered by her little body. She slowly moves her hands up his chest while examining his wound. Her words come out in a whisper, "Are you going to be alright? Shouldn't your body be healing itself?"

  His heart breaks as he notices the Dracthorn standing right behind her with his blade ready to jab her through. He tries to move, but his body is too far gone. The venom and magic are killing him painfully slow.This pain is nothing compaired to the pain of seeing her die in front of him. His eyes widen as the Dracthorn sends his blade down. His breathing and heart stop at that instance. The blade is knocked out of his hands at the last possible moment.He slowly starts to breathe again, as his heart starts to rejoice over her being safe. A Mongoelilien is now leaning and talking softly to his woman. He is even more relieved when his eyes catch a glimpse of other Mongoeliliens helping the battle. She is now shivering in fear. His heart goes out to her wishing he could ease her pain. The Mongoelilien is now trying to ease her away from Malver's body. She refuses and lays her head back down onto his chest. His arms ache to hold her there forever.

  Leave her. Please.

  His father's kneels down beside him and starts heal him.

  It will not work father. The Dormbar blade has done too much damage.

  If you die, it will hurt her more. Your friend Tronarc is just trying to comfort her, nothing more. She is his Tellianar, but she refuses to leave you.

  His father's words slice thru his heart with more pain than the Dormbar blade could ever deal.Her Tellianar was here. He will lose her now for sure.Tronarc's thought slide thru his own.

  I will not take her from you. I wish to be with her, yes. But I would never take love from you old friend.

  His heart starts to heal slowly as her gentle fingertips start gliding over his arm. He needed her, and now he was over joyed with the fact she needed him as well.To add more to his joy, his best friend was one of her Tellianars. Hopefully he will be able to live through this. More heals are now being brought to his dying body.Gordarns and Mongoeliliens alike are trying to save his life.He feels her hand slowly move away as her body is lifted from his.


  Tronarc kneels down to his friend with her asleep in his arms.

  I moved her so we can finish your healing Malver.I told you already,Old Friend, I will not take her from you.

  Malver's body starts to tingle as the heals increase. He finally starts to

  feel the pain easing away slowly. He keeps his eyes locked on her sleeping form.He starts to drift in and out of conscience. His eyes always look for her when he awakens each time.Tronarc starts to stand.

  I am not leaving Malver. I will be just a few minutes, she needs to bathe, and I need to see if there are any wounds that need to be healed.

  Yes, take care of her. If she needs healing, heal her.

  Tronarc smiles.

  I will.

  Malver feels all hands remove from his body. Soon new ones are being placed on him. Healing starts to go through him once more.His father's eyes shine down at him.

  We will not let you die, son.

  He raises his head and looks to Tronarc, who is now in the river cleaning his mate off.

  She needs you and I believe we all need her.

  His smile lifts Malver's joy another notch. His vision falters once again as a new voice enters his thoughts.

  Malver it is I, Vultar. Your body is healing nicely. It may take a few more days for it to be able to move with ease. But you will live.

  Malver watches as Vultar's eyes waver to his son.

  I know Tronarc has approved of you to be her mate as well.

  His eyes turn towards where her brother was last seen.

  Her brother is dead. That is why he put her to sleep. His body is torn to shreds.

  Bringing his eyes back to Malver's he continues.

  You and Tronarc need to figure out which village she will be staying at from now on.

  Malver ponders on his words then lingers to his father's waiting eyes. Fathe
r, will the rest of the village mind if she stays with us.

  His father's expression softens.

  I will go and ask now my son.

  He stands then leaves as more of the leader guards approach Malver."Watch over him. I am going to talk with our village."

  The guards nod their approval and understanding. "We accept her." They all announce as he starts to leave.

  "Good, I do as well." He hears the truth and love in his father's voice. "I most make sure the others do as well." He vanishes into thin air as Tronarc approaches Malver.

  Tronarc kneels beside him once more, giving Malver a full view of the sleeping beauty in his arms.

  Malver tries to lift his hand, but it does not yet respond.Tronarc leans down and places her on Malver's chest.

  She has not seen her brother's remains. I do not believe that it would be wise

  for her to see what they done to him.

  He takes Malver's left arm and places it over the young woman's body.

  Your father mentioned you wish to have her at your village.

  He glides his hand through her beautiful red hair.

  If your village will accept us then I will agree as well. Our village has too many females who wish to harm pure females.

  Malver hears the truth and fear in