Read Malver Part 1 Page 2

Tronarcs words.

  I do not believe my father will let our people say no to this request.

  He feels her move slightly.

  Especially, if you mentioned this to him.

  His body starts to tingle as new heals are being placed on his arms and legs. She is beautiful, is she not?

  Tronarc smiles then states, "She is the most beautiful female I have ever laid eyes on."

  Malver softly chuckles.

  Yes, she is.

  His father appears beside Tronarc. "It is decided, the young beauty is allowed to stay in our village. There are no females there so she will be safe." He says as he looks at Tronarc and Malver.

  "How is she doing?"

  Tronarc smiles at Malver then slowly stands. "She is fine, I have kept her asleep."

  "I have never had the pleasure of meeting you till now, Tronarc." His eyes waver to the redheaded sleeping beauty lying across his son's chest, "But my son has talked much about you and

  your father."

  Tronarc chuckles, “I hope it was all good."

  Malver laughs softly but then stops as pain seizes him. After a few worried glances from his father and Tronarc he finally says, "It is all good. I have no bad things to say about you or your

  father, Tronarc." He slows his breathing, "I also mentioned to my father about your human mother."

  "Tronarc, my name is Sobilar." They shake hands as he continues, "I am honored to meet you. You have made me a thousand times happier today. For now my son has something to look forward to. His death ceremony will be canceled now."

  Tronarc's eyes flew to Malver's. "You were planning on the death ceremony?"

  Malver's eyes close then reopen, "Yes. I have been watching her from the shadows for months now. I did not want her to reject me." He turns and looks back to Tronarc, "It would have killed me more to just keep watching and knowing I could never have her."

  He senses his friends’ broken heart. Tronarc leans down closer to him, "Malver, we have been friends for so long. Why did you not tell me you were planning this." He gently slides his fingertips over the females forehead as she starts to awaken. "Not yet, Love, there is still too much here you must not see." His words softly flow to her ears as his sleeping touch puts her back to sleep.

  Malver starts to move his arms, this time it responds. The one Tronarc placed on the female is now gliding slowly up her amazingly soft arm. "She is so special to me."

  Tronarc's eyes dart back to his friends, "I know, I see it in your eyes every time you look at her." His smile grows wider as he says, "She is just as special to me as well. Together we can keep her safe and happy."

  Their smiles are what bring Sobilar to speak, "It is a good day indeed, to see my son smile with such a heartfelt smile." The leader guards are now gathering around them. "It is time to get back to

  the village. Before more enemies arrive." Sobilar places a gentle grip on Tronarc's shoulder as he sends his thought message to him.

  Put him asleep so that you may carry her and I will carry him back to our village.

  Tronarc nods then places his fingertips on Malver's forehead, "This is for your own good. I will awaken you shortly." He sees his friends eyes look down towards their mate, "She will be safe. I will not let anything happen to her."

  "Son, I give you my word. No harm will come to your mate while you rest."

  With that Tronarc puts Malver to sleep. His heart goes out to his old friend. For even though Tronarc is a little over four billion year of age his friend was over Five hundred thousand billion years of age. He would never be able to experience love unless Tronarc would accept him into his Tellianar's life. He knew for a fact his friend needed her as much as he does.

  “I will place Malver in his dwelling.” Sobilar turns and faces Tronarc. “Thank you, for everything.” Tronarc smiles and nods as others from village crowd around their newest village members. “No one here will harm you or her.” He smiles then enters into the nearest dwelling.

  Tronarc feels her move within his arms. He looks down and sees her beautiful green eyes are open and staring at him. “Hello, Love, how do you feel?”

  She squirms to get out of his grasp, “Who are you? Where's my brother?”

  He places her to the ground gently. “He is dead. I am sorry.”

  Her eyes start to water as she turns to look at her surroundings. “Where are we?”

  This is Malver's village.” He sees the confusion in her green eyes. “Malver is the one who saved you. You refused to leave him.”

  She nods her head and slowly diverts her eyes towards her feet. “Is he dead too?” He words come out in nothing but a soft melancoly whisper.

  His hands grasp her tiny waist, and pulls her body into his embrace. “No, he lives. I can take you to him, if that is what you would like.”

  She shivers then softly replies, “Yes, please.” Lifting her up into a cradle position he soon hears her soft angelic voice, “You’re my, Tellianar, aren't you?”

  Shock takes over Tronarc's handsome face, “Yes.” He looks down into her eyes, “You know about Tellianars?”

  She nods then whispers, “I have been in this world for two years now.” Tears stream down her face, “My brother was the only one who I could trust.” He reaches with his free hand and softly wipes away her tears. Then gently kisses her soft tender lips. She does not fight him, her heart yearns for his. So, she surrenders her everything to this gently, handsome stranger. Her fears and broken heart starts to heal slowly as his warm touch lingers over her face. He glides his fingertips over her lips. She softly asks, “What is your name?”

  He smiles, “My name is Tronarc. I can read your thoughts to know what your name is.” He traces her lips, “I would rather you tell me.”

  She shivers as his fingertips trace her jaw to her neck. “My name is Rose.”

  He smiles as her name fills his heart and mind. “Rose. That is a beautiful name.” He removes his hand as he feels another's presence beside him. “Sobilar, her name is Rose.”

  Sobilar glances at them then stares at her green eyes. “That is a very delightful name.” He steps closer his hand goes up and softly grips a lock of her red hair. “Very beautiful in all ways.” His hand slowly glides through the lock of hair then releases it. “Malver is starting to awaken.” His attention is now on Tronarc, “It is up to her and you. I will not force you two to go see him.” Averting his eyes back to Rose's he softly says, “It would please him to see you awake and safe.”

  Tronarc exams her expression as Sobilar says this last statement to her. Once he realized she wanted to see Malver as much as he did the decision was made. “We will go and be by his side.” His words bring her eyes back to his. “I know you wish to thank him for saving your life.”

  Her lips curve into a smile, “I would love to thank him for everything he did to help me.”

  Tronarc smiles back at her then starts to walk to the entrance of Malver's dwelling. Once there a leader guard looks to them and smiles as he opens the clothe to let them enter. Tronarc nods his thanks then slowly steps into the large dwelling were his friend lays upon a large circler bed piled with beautiful black furs. He steps falters as he notices Rose's reaction to the large beautifully decorated dwelling. She seems to be impressed by it. He smiles to himself as he remembers how his mother Setiana enjoyed her white fur blankets. As they approach the bed Malver's eyes flutter open and drift to his unexpected guests.

  I thought you changed your mind.

  Tronarc stops and places Rose to her feet. She glances behind him at something. His thoughts go into hers and notice the giant bathing area just beyond the entrance. He chuckles inwardly as she giggles and runs towards it.

  I told you we would be here for you when you awakened.

  Malver is now watching Rose dip her fingers into his own personal bathing water. His soft laugh brings her eyes up to his.

  Yes, Tronarc, I heard you. Though I honestly believed it was all a dream.

nbsp; Rose runs up beside Tronarc and looks at Malver with a smile on her face. “Sorry I did not know you were awake yet.” She lightly wraps her arm around Tronarc's. “How do you feel?”

  “Much better. How do you feel, Beautiful?” She smiles brighter as a blush overcomes her lovely face.

  “I am fine, thank you.” She starts to release Tronarc's arm as a loud shout echoes though out the village. “What's going on?” She questions as her fear starts to build with every shout she hears.

  “You are safe, Love, we will not let no one harm you.” Malver states as Tronarc walks her over to him.

  “I will go see what is going on.” She removes her arm from his as he speaks, “You stay here with your other mate Malver. He will not let you be harmed by anyone.” She shakes her head then slowly sits down beside Malver. “I will be back as soon as I can.” He kisses her lips lightly then rushes out of the dwelling.

  Malver feels her fear. He eases his body up into a sitting position against a pile of fur pillow. “Come, Love, I will hold you and ease your fear.”

  She obeys his words, “Doesn't your chest still hurt?” Her eyes are covered with fear and worry.

  His heart aches to ease both. “A little, but if you come sit against me, I will feel no pain.” She moves closer and he wraps his arm around her tiny waist. She relaxes against his big, strong chest.

  Her words softly come out, “I am so sorry.”

  He pulls her closer and then drapes his fur blanket over her delicate body. “What are you sorry for, Love?”

  She sighs, “For being the reason for all your