Read Mandra Page 7

  He cleared his throat. "I think..." he began, organizing his words in his head, "that... greedy people have a hard time appreciating what they already have." He looked at her for a reaction. She seemed satisfied with his explanation, but sad too. It was a sad subject, though. That couldn't be helped.

  "Hmm," she said.

  He left her alone with her thoughts then as he made her some stew. She must be hungry.

  Chapter 11

  The next day, Nole packed them both up and started back toward the castle. The sky was overcast and gray, but there was no rain.

  He'd never asked her what she was doing so far away, and he didn't intend to, even though he was curious. She seemed withdrawn, and he thought making her talk about it might make her sadder. So he stayed quiet.

  When they got back to the castle, no one seemed to be around. They took the horse to the stable, and Isabel saw that the horse she had been riding was safely back in its place.

  "I wonder where everyone is." Nole mumbled almost to himself. They walked toward the castle in silence. When passing the garden Isabel saw a flash of white out of the corner of her eye. Peeping around a thick bush, she saw Kie, asleep, somewhat uncomfortably, on the small bench.

  "Look!" she whispered to Nole while grabbing his sleeve.

  "Ah," he said, seeing the young man. "There's one."

  She tiptoed over to him and gently put her hand on his arm. "Kie," she said quietly. He woke slowly with a scowl on his face, and groaned when he tried to move. All his muscles were sore from folding up on that cold bench.

  Once he'd gotten himself into a stiff standing position, he didn't say a word, but wrapped his arms comfortably around Isabel. Finally he pulled away from her.

  His hands still on her shoulders, he said to a surprised Isabel, "Welcome home."

  She smiled, but still couldn't hide her confusion at his friendliness. "Thank you," she finally stuttered.

  "Everyone's been looking for you." He turned to survey the cold bench. "I fell asleep there, I guess. None of us are thinking straight."

  "Is... Devon out looking?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't react badly to Devon's name.

  "Yes. I think he took a horse up that way," he said, waving a hand in the opposite direction from the one they had just come. He didn't seem at all uncomfortable mentioning his competitor for Isabel's affections. "Good guy, that Devon," he said with a genuine grin.

  Isabel looked truly amazed.

  "We had a good chat," he said as if to explain. But he would say no more. "I'll be sleeping if anyone asks," he said as he wandered toward the castle, stretching his arms as he went.

  "Hey, there," he said to Nole as he passed.

  "Hey," Nole answered, thinking what a strange fellow Kie was.

  * * *

  Devon was still gone when nighttime fell again. Isabel waited up as long as she could, but she was still weak from her ordeal. Kie promised to tell Devon the news when he returned, so she went up to her room.

  She lay in her bed watching dark clouds through her window. She saw the moon's faint glow behind them and wondered if it would break through if she watched long enough.

  It didn't. Or she fell asleep before it did, because it seemed like hours had passed when she heard her door creak. She listened, still half in a haze.

  "Isabel?" A voice whispered.

  Now she was awake. She peered toward the doorway trying to see the person. "Yes?"

  Her voice sounded sleepy.

  He stepped into the room.

  At that moment, the moon did break through the clouds and illuminated Devon with a sudden otherworldly light. He looked like an angel to her eyes. She had been so homesick for him.

  He glanced casually out the window at the intruding moon, then his eyes were on her again. "I didn't mean to wake you," he said quietly in that wonderful deep voice she had missed so much. "I just had to see with my own eyes that you were all right."

  "Yes," she said, still distracted by the vision he made in her doorway bathed in the soft light. He had no idea how he appeared to her. She noticed he wore no jacket, just shirt and pants, both a bit dirty from riding in muddy weather for hours. His hair was a mess. Matted down a bit from rain and sweat. He looked tired, and yet his eyes were so awake. He looked so ready to do anything for her, even after all he'd done.

  "I'm all right now," she said.

  "Good." He patted the door, and cleared his throat. He wanted to stall his departure, but he knew it would be improper to enter her room in the middle of the night. "Goodnight, Isabel," he said finally, and turned to go.

  "Wait," she said quickly, sitting up.

  He poked his head into the room.

  "I haven't seen you for days," she said shyly.

  He stepped sort of gingerly into the room.

  "You can come in," she said, hoping he wouldn't think less of her for doing so.

  He took a few steps toward her, still unsure.

  "Devon, it's okay," she reassured him, then held out her hand to him.

  Finally sure she didn't mind, he came toward her and took her hand, then sat down on the edge of her bed and wrapped his arms around her as he had wanted to do all day.

  His clothes were damp, she noticed as she held tightly on to him. He buried his face in her hair.

  The moon faded into the clouds once more and it became quite dark. He finally pulled away from her.

  "I was so worried," he said, pushing a lock of hair away from her face.

  "I know." She felt that if she apologized it would make it all more serious somehow, but she had to. "I'm sorry."

  He hugged her again. "I know," he answered. "It's alright now." He pulled away and put his hands on her shoulders. "I must go," he said with regret in his voice.

  "No, stay," she said before she realized how that sounded. "'Til I fall asleep, I mean," she said quickly to explain. "But you don't have to."

  "No, I want to," he stuttered, surprised she had said it.

  "I just feel so... safe with you," she spilled out. "Like everything is right in the world. It's like where you are... is where my home is."

  "I feel the same way about you," he said softly, wishing he could see her better at this magical moment. It occurred to him that she had changed since her trip. Something had changed in the way she saw things. She seemed more sure of her feelings for him.

  "Isabel..." He knew she was listening, but he became tongue tied. "Does this mean you'd consider... marrying me now?" he asked her.

  "Yes," she said calmly. "I want to always be where you are." She wound her fingers around his.

  He jumped off the bed and did a funny dance all around the room to celebrate. She giggled. It was light again, and she could see him hopping about.

  It started to rain at that moment, and she could see rain drop shadows falling on him from the window pane.

  "Come here!" she scolded him, still giggling. She stepped onto the cold floor and joined him in a crazy waltz.

  They finally collapsed on her bed laughing as quietly as they could.

  She felt immensely tired after the dancing and the illness, so she curled up under her covers once more. She moved over and patted the space next to her.

  He laid down obediently, on top of the covers. She rolled over to face the window, and pulled his arm around her as she went.

  It was so peaceful being next to him, she thought sleepily. This must be what heaven was like. She drifted off with the rain pattering softly on the window and his arm comfortably embracing her.

  Devon watched the rain make patterns on the window as he lay next to her and felt her breathing slow down and become more regular. He knew she was probably asleep, but he stayed. He wouldn't stay 'til daylight. Her reputation would be ruined. He just wanted to enjoy this moment a little longer. To be this close to her, to feel her breathing, and to know at last that she was safe.

  Chapter 12

  Isabel sat in the garden with a blanket
wrapped around her. It was still and quiet. The flowers sent a sweet smell into the air. Devon had gone into the village that morning to look for work teaching. She was in a daze, thinking about him, when she heard a man clearing his throat just behind her.

  She spun around, startled. "Kie!"

  He grinned, but his eyes had no sparkle. He sat down beside her. "Mandra," he began, "when you disappeared the other day, I was... well, I was looking for you... so I could say goodbye."

  "But why?" she asked. She put a cool hand on his arm. "Don't you like it here? Do you hate me so much now that you have to leave?"

  "I don't hate you," he said. "Ah, Mandra." He shook his head, "You know how I feel about you. And that's why I can't stay." He wouldn't look at her.

  "Doesn't our friendship mean anything to you anymore?" she cried desperately. How could he leave now, when everything else was going well finally? "Where will you go?" she asked him. "Will I... ever see you again?" Her voice cracked. "Since we were children we've been together." She stared at the thin scar near his eye, then she traced it with her finger. He closed his eyes. "I thought I would always know you, Kie. Always."

  He pulled her hand away from his cheek and kissed it gently. "You have good memories of me now," he said quietly. "But if I stayed, I'd become bitter watching you with... him. You wouldn't want me to stay then." He looked at her again. "I don't like the way this feels, Mandra." He put a hand on his chest. "It's awful. There's this... huge hole here where there wasn't before, and I can't explain it, and I don't know why it's happened now. But I must go. Before I do something I'll regret." He stood up slowly. "I wish I could always know you," he said quietly, and took one last memorizing look at her sad features. His bag was with him, already packed. His cape draped over his arm now.

  She jumped up as well as she could in her weakness and put her hands on his shoulders. Her warm blanket fell to the cold garden stones. She looked determined. "Promise me something then," she pleaded.

  He nodded at her, surprised at her earnestness.

  "Promise it isn't forever." She grasped his hands. "That we will see each other again. Just don't walk away now thinking we'll never meet again. Please."

  Her misty green eyes cut into him and he knew he couldn't deny her anything. "I promise," he choked out. He touched her cool cheek and turned to go, unable to actually utter the word 'goodbye'. He wanted to stay. To hold her, to cover her up again with that ragged blanket. To kiss her lips one more time. Anything just one more time. Anything to delay the moment. But he walked away. And he didn't look back. He couldn't look back.

  She watched him disappear behind the garden wall, and put a hand to her mouth to stop her tears. She shivered in the chilly air, but made no move to cover herself. She buried her face in her hands, and cried.

  * * *

  Isabel sat in murky darkness, a pleasant muffled noise comforted her ears. Her hair floated around her in waving threads. Finally she came up for air.

  She shook her head as she shot through the surface of the water. She blinked awkwardly at Devon.

  "Here," he said, brushing the lake water away from her eyes with his thumbs. "Better?"

  "Oh, yes, much," she said, then shivered involuntarily. "It was so warm under the water." She sunk in again up to her neck. She was wearing very little besides her undergarments, and thought it best that she keep her body covered with water, in case someone should see them.

  "Now what?" she asked Devon.

  He was standing in waist deep water in front of her in just his pants and a shirt. "You know, I can't believe you never learned to swim," he said for the tenth time.

  "I told you, I couldn't go outside the castle grounds, and we only had a stream. Don't mock me." She splashed him.

  He flicked some water back at her and she squealed. "Shh, someone will hear," he said seriously.

  She pouted. He flicked water at her again.

  "Okay, tell me more," she said, recovering from the splash.

  "You move your legs and arms around in circles fast and it keeps you afloat."

  "What? I don't believe that."

  "Watch." He moved out about five feet and demonstrated. "I'm floating. Come on." He came back and grabbed her by the hand.

  "No, no, no," she said quickly. "I'll do it later, maybe."

  "Uh-uh!" he said laughing. "Come on. He put his hands on her waist, and she threw her arms around his neck. "Relax, Isabel."

  "Oh, no, you'll drop me."

  "You know I won't." He untangled her arms and pushed her away while he held her up with his hands on her waist. "Just try it. I'm right here," he said warmly.

  She sighed miserably and took a deep breath. "Catch me," she said sternly to him, "if I start to sink."

  "I will."

  She took another deep breath and started moving her arms and legs back and forth under the water. He let her go and she frantically kept beating the water with her limbs.

  "It works!" she sputtered. Then after a few seconds, "How do I stop?"

  He pulled her closer to the shore where she could touch the bottom again. He grinned.

  She was still breathless. "I did it!"

  "Yes," he chuckled. "Want to learn more?" he asked.

  "No, no, no, I've had enough," she assured him with her teeth chattering. "I need a fire."


  They shivered onto the shore and dried off as best they could. This had been an unplanned adventure, so they had nothing to do but put their dry clothes back on over their wet ones.

  "Ooo, so much wet hair," he said looking at her as she buttoned her dress. "You'll get sick if we don't dry that." He took his jacket and began drying her hair with it.

  She stopped buttoning and just stared at him.

  He was intent on his task of drying her hair and didn't notice her look for a moment. "What?" he asked, shaking his jacket off.

  She pushed her hair away from her ear. "Nothing."

  She looked sad. "What?" he asked determinedly, putting on his damp jacket.

  "No one's ever done that for me before," she said.

  "Done what?"

  "Dried my hair." She twisted a blond lock around her fingers. "You really care about me," she said as if amazed.

  He looked at her with an odd expression, a mixture of pity and mostly love. "Oh, Isabel." He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned her head against his chest. He rocked her back and forth in a silly slow dance, that settled into a tender embrace. "I will always take care of you," he said, running a hand down her still wet hair. "Always."

  She closed her eyes and believed him. "I love you," she said looking up at him.

  "I love you too." He took her face in his hands and kissed her. "My bride," he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  She smiled.

  The sunlight was beginning to fade as they made their way quietly back to the castle, holding hands and dreaming of a warm fire.

  Isabel woke to the sound of a cracking log. Her eyes stung a bit as she opened them. Her face was warm. Devon's arm was around her. They had fallen asleep in front of the fireplace in her room. She sat up stiffly and stretched her arms.

  Devon lay sleeping soundly next to her. She sat gazing at his peaceful face for a moment. He looked so happy. She smoothed hair away from his forehead. He began to stir.

  He woke slowly and squinted up at her. "You look like an angel," he said gruffly with a sleepy voice. "How long have I slept?" He stretched himself out on the tapestry rug.

  Isabel glanced out the window. "It's still dark. I fell asleep too." She smiled as she watched him curl up again and roll right up against her. He closed his eyes and sighed.

  "Dev?" she said quietly.


  She put her palm to his cheek. One eye opened, then closed again. She stroked his face with the back of her hand. "Do you think it'll always be like this?"

  "Like what?"

  "Wonderful. Us... toge
ther." She pulled her hand away.

  "I mean... what if we were somehow... separated from each other?"

  "Isabel." He looked clearly at her, then propped himself up on an elbow. "Why would you ask that?"

  "I never want to lose you," she answered quietly. "But..."

  He put a finger to her lips. "Don't even think it, Isabel. I'd hate to be away from you."

  "What would you do if it happened?" she asked seriously.

  He looked down, wondering why she went on with the subject. He glanced up and her face was expectant, and definitely sad. "I'd find you again," he told her. "With all the power I had, I'd find you somehow."

  She kissed him. Then took in his face for her memories of this moment. His messed up black curls. His gentle blue eyes, and handsome face. "You won't let us be separated?" She curled up next to him and put her arms around him.

  He embraced her too. "I won't." He held her tight, suddenly fearing the possibility.

  She buried her face in his chest. A tear fell down her cheek, but he didn't see it. Why did she feel this way all of a sudden? She held onto him tightly, feeling she could never get a good enough grip. She wouldn't be able to keep him with her always. But she would try.

  Chapter 13

  Isabel watched Nole as he expertly got two horses ready to ride. He moved with grace and ease. As if his hands had done those same chores a thousand times and knew them by heart. She fiddled with a piece of hay, and marveled at how a simple task can be beautiful when it's done with love. He obviously loved what he was doing, and was oblivious to her stare.

  Devon was meeting her soon for a ride. He had gone into the castle to change his clothes. Isabel had her hair pulled back into a simple bun and her riding gloves were draped over her arm. She had on a sturdy traveling dress, perfect for riding. Not as good as boys' trousers, she knew from past experience, but as good as she could expect.

  It was an unusually chilly day for August, but the sky was fairly clear. She had longed for a ride for days. Cold weather couldn't keep her from it. She was trying to be patient as she twisted the piece of hay with her fingers.


  Devon stepped out of the castle and immediately noticed two men on horseback galloping towards him. He stopped abruptly and stared. They grew closer. It was just what he had feared. He knew them. They were Kargid soldiers.