Read Mara's Story Page 1

re Life

  By Beth Hoyer

  Copyright Beth Hoyer 2012


  Lisa always liked wearing black sweats. She liked the clothes especially when reading in bed. She had always habitually worn the clothes whenever she was sick from work helping her lawyer Father. This time she was recovering from an attack by three men while out jogging one morning the men trying to target her inappropriately. She shivered recalling the men appearing to be homeless judging by their raggedy clothes. The men had a stinking smell of being unwashed bothered her nose too much came out of the bushes. She was on a paved scenic running trail in part of the city's park. She simply jogging her morning ritual of jogging every morning just to keep her trim figure. The men came out of the bushes and surrounded her blocking her way and keeping her from jogging any further.

  One of the men gave out comment towards her "Ooh what do we have here a lady."

  Lisa groaned recalling that the men tried to touch her inappropriately. That was from their hands aimed at the areas despite kicking her sneakered feet aimed at them. She then during a break of their surrounding movements she took off into the forest crashing into bushes and trees. She wound up looking behind her to see them were following.

  Lisa heard one give off "Lady's taking off!"

  She rubbed a hand on her forehead while lying in bed blanket up to chest shivering. She having the lamp light on and feeling herself hit with hot and coldness abruptly. She figured was related to shock of the attack. She recalled the men caught up with her. It happened after she tripped over a root two grabbing her arms lifting her up to standing position. She wound up struggling with failure efforts to free herself.

  The third male heard by her speaking "Aha got a lady, Yippee."

  Lisa recalled at the moment of her capture gave up a screaming help me sound loudly repeatedly. Only to get one of the men covering her mouth in some tight grip muffling her screaming she forced to give off noises in her throat. Lisa found herself still acting panicky while still in the grips of the men. She exhaled a breath from the reverie shocked by her doorbell rang abruptly. It's ringing seemingly lengthy breaking her thoughts shaking her in fear further. Lisa groaned when she felt herself compelled to go to the door of her two room apartment in New Jasonville City a bustling metropolis city. That was city home of her Father Jansen Mason's lawyer business she worked with him helping out from time to time. Lisa groaned as the doorbell continued to ring. She thrust the blanket aside to grab a pair of sweat pants. She put them on to cover her black bike shorts and ignored her tank top covering her upper body to get up. Lisa headed towards the door. She groaned seeing that the door didn't have a peephole for her to peer out to see who was ringing the door. She recalled some man seemingly giving up feelings of familiarity to her with a face like she's seen him before while clad in black sweater seemingly of a cop to her. She recalled seeing him wearing blue jogging pants and white sneakers with a form indicating of muscles to her came barreling out of the bushes to surprise attack the three men. She groaned leaning against the door as the doorbell stopped to her relief. She recalling the man she assumed was her savior, proceeded to use some kind of hard hand fist moves onto the three men's faces knocking them unconscious onto the ground. The man she recalled then jabbed a finger aimed at her and made a shooing gesture to go away while giving her a glaring expression. She obeyed taking off to find the running trail again. She ran all the way home to stay holed up in her apartment for a certain time frame. Her Father called out of a blue and insisted she go to his office to work. Lisa walked away from the door only to hear the doorbell ringing again to her annoyance. She went to the door and yanked it open finding no one in sight in the hallway. She peered out seeing doors to other apartments were shut and so was the stairwell door. Groaning Lisa looked down as if compelled to find a package of a brown paper bag.

  The brown bag looked rumpled with words scrawled on it in some sloppy handwriting "To Lisa Mason, get well soon."

  She rubbed a hand on her forehead and then picked up the bag before shutting the door locking it by deadbolt lock. She went to her dining table to thrust the bag on top. She peered inside to spot it contained a book from the looks of it. She exhaled a breath and inhaled to yank out the book seeing it looked brand new from the looks of it.

  The book was in hardcover with the cover featuring a purple blank color with words in golden cursive handwriting "My Vampire Life."

  Lisa found the author's name was Anna Alina also on the cover in cursive handwriting in the color gold. The name Anna Alina was seemingly foreign to her. She not sure of ever heard of the author before. Lisa frowned but felt herself cold again including hot went into her bedroom taking the book with her. She thumped the book down onto her bed stand as her cell phone rang. The cell phone's sound of a musical tone indicated her Father calling.

  She picked up and spoke "Dad I'm not feeling well. So I'm just staying home for the day hence I not at the office."

  She paused for her Father's response to hear his voice "That's good that you're staying home. I don't have to put up with the men showing up for frivolous cases just to ogle you. Then ask me if you're available for a date once you're out of the room as always. I'm getting fed up with this ridiculousness stunt pulled by those men. They always wasting my time and refusing to pay for services once they claim that they don't need a lawyer. I have to keep on sickening the cops onto them just to get them to pay the bill. It's annoying."

  Lisa sighed softly and spoke "Fine I'll see about dressing conservatively next time I show up for work at the office. It appears my clothes I'm wearing isn't up to your standards for office work hence the men ogling me."

  She paused as her Father spoke "Just quit it with the really short skirts or dresses whatever they are including those revealing tops you've been wearing for the office. I keep getting tempted to fire you every time you show up wearing those inappropriate clothes. I don't think your Mother rest her soul would have agreed with you wearing those clothes anyway."

  Lisa rolled her eyes at the mention of her Mother. That was due to recalling that her Father recently admitted to her that her Mother was really alive. Her Mother actually working as an actress as some blonde with surgery implants in her to alter her appearance all over the place. She recalled being told by her Father that her Mother name unknown to her despite repeatedly asked for a name. Her Mother according to her Father had washed her hands of her Father and the daughter Lisa herself she bore. This was after two full years of being with him in a secret relationship. Her Mother according to her Father broke the relationship off and told him to declare her dead to her daughter just to keep her daughter out of her life period. She stopped the eye rolling to recall that she read that some socialite name unknown. She recalled the socialite kept having relationships with men as said via tabloids and newspapers sprouting them. This including doing some research on the socialite despite not told her Mother's name she used as an actress. She recalled to come upon information of some unknown socialite having relationships with men. Some of the relationships have resulted in having children one at a time with each man. She remembered reading that the socialite habitually after a two year courtship as always broke off the relationship. She always saddled the males with the child while telling them to declare her dead to the child period. Lisa continued to recall according to her internet research this socialite not named she assumed was her Mother. The socialite had repeatedly publicity denied being the child's Mother after the Father of the child confronted her publicity. This including using her well known public status involving charity work to get men off her back on helping them with caring for the child she saddled them. That involved courts by lawsuits pulled by the men involving the child as always gone her way by the jud
ge siding with her as always. She recalled that the judge wound up forcing the men saddled with the kid to raise on a permanent basis as ordered by insisting on it. The judge after the order was done has always refused to hear the men's excuses of unable to care for the child. The judge had refused to the men's wanting the kid adopted out by threatening them with a money fine always in a really high thousand dollar number. She continued to recall hearing that the cops in whatever city the men were. The cops were always very picky onto the men to pay the fine. That including taking care of the kid if they didn't agree to raise the child they were left to raise as ordered by the judge.

  Lisa heard an ahem noise from her Father on the phone which she spoke "Fine Dad I'll see about wearing some coverage when I show up for the office work tomorrow."

  She frowned as her Father spoke "By the way did you get the book I sent you via your bodyguard David to drop it off?"

  Lisa formed a glare on her face as she spoke sounding annoyed on the phone "Yes I got the book. I'm fed up with being hounded by a hoodlum in black. Can't you get David to dress better instead of looking like some hoodlum?"

  She kept the glare