Read Mara's Story Page 2

as her Father spoke "Just read the book I sent you."

  She opened her mouth to speak and heard the dial tone in her ear slammed the cell phone down after pressing a button onto her bed stand.

  She spoke out loud "Drat Dad for not always answering my questions as usual. Dad keeps on always ignoring those questions and comments. I bring up the subject of David to his face, Hmph!"

  Lisa recalled meeting David three days after the attack by the men in the forest, in her Father's office. She recalled on meeting some male some similar height as her. He she saw was dressed entirely in black with a hooded leather closed jacket and some apparent winter weather mask covering the face including sunglasses covering the eyes. The male had on dressy office pants, some thick gloves and boots while having arms folded with a form that was indicating of muscles to her. She recalled the male had on her asking questions aimed at him on his identity refused to bare his face or head or eyes to her.

  She fumed recalling to only to get put off by her Father telling her "Quit asking him those questions, Lisa. This is David as he's known publicity by people and should be known by you as your bodyguard."

  She had given off a Harrumph in response as her Father added "Lisa Norway Mason put up with the bodyguard now. I as your Father insist you accept him period."

  She groaned hearing her Father speak her full name with Norway as her official middle name. He refusing to explain why he gave her that odd middle name. That name was part of a nation called Scandinavia's national state territory in Europe. He always balking on her asking for the origin of her middle name whenever she asked him. Lisa shook her head of the memory to recall herself spied on by David still using his covered up gear. That including catching him behind her trailing her too close to her standards to the point that it annoyed her. Lisa recalled some more that any attempts to ditch David failed. This included while ducking among the crowd walking and going into stores or restaurants to duck out via another entrance. She recalled her attempts of even disappearing into ladies' restrooms in stores or restaurants weren't doing anything to get rid of him. She folded her arms with annoyance running through her as she recalled that David seemed to anticipate her ditching attempts. It was like he fully knew what she was about to do. He was always in sight. She recalled ducking through a major store to ditch him among the crowd on the sidewalk. She fumed recalling going out another entrance of the store thinking she lost him. Only to find him in sight on the sidewalk standing with arms folded. Him standing among the walking crowd ignoring him going around him and seemingly uncaring that he was a hoodlum in his get up. Lisa gave her head a shake of no then eyed the book warily to pick it up and formed a grimace on her face. She seeing the blank purple colored cover with its golden cursive writings on it and groaned out loud.

  She added "It's got to be some poorly accepted by the public novel. This judging by Dad sickening me to read it like he always does with books poorly received by public onto me. Oh, why does Dad have to be so cryptic on what he expects me to do such as reading this book and not always giving me a full good explanation?"

  She held the book and took a look at the back finding nothing to indicate its story to her. Groaning Lisa went to her bed to drop the book onto the covers. She stripped herself of the pants tossing them aside onto the floor of her messy bedroom and got into bed.

  She picked up the book and mumbling out loud "Anyhow I hope this book amuses me. I'm not keen on going outside for anything for awhile."

  She shivered recalling the attack fully in her mind again. Lisa grabbed the blankets wrapping one of them around her as she sat crossed legged and opened the book beginning to read it.

  Book Begins:

  Dear Elizabeth,

  Hi my name is Mara as dubbed by the natives in this military camp. I'm aiming to describe a part of my life despite having problems of hearing naturally via my ears. I was formerly living homeless in some shanty town which I got taken in by a female soldier who took pity onto me. The military camp was some military group of females involving protecting the male vampires their species dubbed Bloody. I also was told that my looks of my appearance of Human black eyes that seemed intense looking and black hair with pale white like skin color. It was what the Bloodies' species' males were looking for in a female when it comes to getting paired with their life mates. This despite this pairing oddly involved matching people together judging by how capable they'll be personality wise. They call this appearance status by females by this word of Sonya I'm unsure of where it comes from. This despite not getting an answer from anyone while living in this military camp I'm living at the moment. I at the moment don't care about the pairing capability as long as this male Bloody gets it the Human term of love towards me. It's something I've been seeking all my life from the moment I was old enough to understand that term as a ten year old seeing it displayed from people. That despite not getting it and seeing it among people giving that love status towards each other which makes me want that myself. I didn't feel like listing the day I did things in letters. That's due to suspecting people have gotten nosy enough to read my typing onto this laptop computer they gave me, while trying to communicate wordings towards me. I have my hearing problem and not realizing that I could lip read people's lips and hear male Bloodies' mental talk chatter very clearly. Hence they using the laptop to type words on it just to talk to me despite me able to get it the language they used. That's due to raised by a couple who taught me the written language to read but didn't bother to teach me how to write in it. The military camp's inhabitants managed with a great deal of effort to teach me how to use the laptop computer as they call that thing. The even further explained it's for use as my communication method to people. As in I typing down my requests to show towards people and them doing the same. Their still ignoring the fact that I can hear Bloodies' chatter all over the place mostly focused onto males despite hearing nothing involved with the females. I haven't gotten an explanation to this despite trying to ask people via questions typed onto the laptop they refusing to answer. They have instead have typed back this excuse to me that male Bloodies can't verbalize their words. Male Bloodies can only communicate via mental talk towards other males including their female their paired with but not with other females. There's exceptions of females that are relative to them as in a sister can hear them talk like their her brother only. I also was told that any male who can communicate with all females have to have some special mental ability. The mental ability is mostly involving their eyes' change from Human black looking to all red color. The ability gets the Bloody male to be declared King and leader of all the Bloodies. The King's home base is in Brazil and not elsewhere due to indicating he's a purebred Bloody vampire by the eyes' changing ability. I haven't gotten an explanation of why this purebred status was declared. I wasn't told the reason why they gave this King leadership to Bloodies displaying this mental ability. Also I was put off on wanting to meet the King himself. I was wanting to know what he looked like out of curiosity hitting me by people ignoring my typed questions on wanting to meet him. They have seemingly acted nervous whenever that subject was brought up each time I mentioned it. They have acted out some religious move of hand over their heart and glancing at the sky before ignoring the question and sometimes walking away from me. That's due to not willing to answer it or sometimes deleting the question I typed on the laptop. Oh well I guess I'll have to find out later about this. Anyway I thought I might as well type letters to Elizabeth a woman who raised me from age ten till she passed away once I started looking feminine.



  Dear Elizabeth,

  One day I pestered a military commander I dubbed Missy despite unable to get a name from her, of an all female military group about city living via typing to her on the laptop thrust in her face. She kept typing in response that she'll find out. Well I got my answer to my question about city living after pestering her for another uncounted time.

  She typed back in response "I'll find o
ut about that. You living here isn't good for you. Your not part of the army group and don't meet the requirements. You don't have any hearing via your listening organ."

  Missy woke me up while napping in bed one afternoon. She woke me up after too many uncounted mornings of her throwing me into military exercises with the group of women. She was shaking me awake instead of doing her familiar pouring water onto my face as always to wake me up from a cup in her hand.

  She typed onto my laptop "Its time for you to leave training to go live into the city Rio Pluto as it's dubbed. Its required for new females to do after they receive the mandatory teaching and training from this camp so get up and follow me to a vehicle."

  I obeyed to take my laptop and followed her to a covered tinted windowed jeep holding two male Bloodies inside to hear one blare at me "Their coming for you for they'll always find you no matter how you hide hah, hah."

  This left me confused to what the Bloodies were referring to as they drove me from the military camp onto a dirt road. I peering out to see shanty towns bordering the road the vehicle refused to stop for waving people