Read Marked Page 27

  Zane nodded. “Ditto.”

  Garrett growled and shook his head. “We’re not giving up. Please don’t tell me we’re giving up.” He looked around wildly at the group.

  Conn, Kane, Max, and Jase all leaned heavily against the wall, death dancing on their pale faces. Their eyes had lost all color, and their bodies all strength.

  Talen reached out a hand for his son. “I’m sorry, G. I need you to be strong.”

  Garrett blinked, tears in his metallic-colored eyes. He looked so much bigger and stronger than the indomitable Talen that something in Zane’s gut hurt. Bad.

  Dage hobbled toward Zane and handed him a stack of papers. “Treaty.”

  Zane took the pages and a pen. His head hurt, and his vision sucked. “Tell me it’s fair.”

  “It’s fair.” The king wiped sweat off his sagging chin. “Treaty between the Realm and demon nations, sharing all information, and banding together against any enemies. If the Prophesy of Arias is ever found, we share it.” He pointed to a second page. “This page turns over your rule to Sam.” The king glanced at his nephew. “I’ve transferred mine to Garrett. The Realm is yours, kid.”

  That quickly and in front of Zane’s eyes, Garrett Kayrs changed. His head lifted, and his shoulders went back. A wounded desperation filled his gaze, while pure Kayrs power tightened his jaw. “I’ll protect the Realm.” The pain fled his eyes, leaving a hard determination that made him look centuries older.

  Zane nodded at his brother. “Sam?” he gasped.

  Sam stepped toward him and dropped to one knee so they could see eye to eye. “Thank you for being my brother.”

  Tears pricked the back of Zane’s eyes. “I couldn’t have made it without you and Logan.”

  Logan knelt by Sam. “You protected me. Thank you.”

  Zane blinked, not caring that tears slid down his face. “Take care of each other, and protect Mom, Janie, and my son.”

  Sam held a hand over his heart. “With everything I am.”

  “Me too,” Logan said, choking up.

  Zane tried to hold his shoulders up. “My child.”

  Sam’s and Logan’s heads snapped up, while Garrett pushed off from the wall. “My life,” they said in unison, their deep voices a vow to protect and defend.

  Tears clouded Zane’s vision. He’d never thought he’d request the oath, but as it was given, something eased inside him. They’d take care of his son.

  Jase cleared his throat. “I’m going to spend my last moments with my mate. Somebody text me when the baby is born.” He moved toward the doorway and stumbled. Conn reached for him, while Kane and Max assisted each other, and the four inched their way into the hallway.

  Fuck the virus. Zane scrubbed his face with both hands. One little bug had taken the toughest predators in the universe and turned them into old men. The Kurjans should all be shot for creating the virus.

  The queen hustled into the room, her gaze landing on her mate. “Dage?” she asked, her voice breaking.

  “I’m fine, love.” The king slowly lifted his hand.

  She ran to him, snuggling into his chest. “I’m so sorry.”

  Dage ran a hand down her dark hair. “You gave me joy for longer than I deserved.” He slowly put her away from him. “Janie?”

  Emma swallowed and turned toward Zane. “The baby is coming. Now.”

  Panic and hope flamed through Zane. He struggled to stand.

  Emma hurried for him and slipped a shoulder under his arm. “Let me help.”

  Dage padded across the room and slid down to sit by his brother. Two skinny former warriors during their last moments. “We’ll be here. Let us know the good news.” He slung an arm around a swaying Talen.

  Talen exhaled and leaned his head back on the stone, his eyes closing. “I’m almost a grandpa.”

  Emma swallowed and turned to stare at her mate. “I’ll be back. Please be . . . here.”

  Dage slowly winked.

  The room spun. Zane caught his breath and tried to remain upright.

  A scream rent the day. Janie!

  Emma tightened her hold. “We need to hurry, Zane.”

  He stumbled along next to her into the hallway and toward the makeshift medical room. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I think maybe the baby is breech.” Panic filled Emma’s voice.

  They reached the room, and Emma helped him into a chair by Janie’s head.

  Pain filled Janie’s face and blood scented the room with sulfur and copper. Her sable hair was plastered against her forehead, and tears streaked down her pale face.

  She truly was the most beautiful thing in the world.

  Zane clasped her hand in both of his. “Belle?”

  She turned toward him and sobbed. Her back arched, going rigid. With a cry, she closed her eyes and seemed to push.

  Cara fumbled beneath the sheet, her hair a wild mess, her eyes a panicked blue. “Don’t push yet, Janie. I think I can turn him.”

  Janie groaned and subsided into the bed. “Oh God.”

  Helplessness coated Zane’s throat, and his body trembled. “You’re so strong, baby. You always have been and always will be.” He leaned his face closer to hers. “Trust me.”

  Her eyes widened, and then she nodded.

  “Okay. Push now, Janie,” Cara urged.

  Janie drew in a deep breath and bore down. A vein filled with purple in her neck.

  Zane whispered soft words without meaning, trying to stay conscious. Just to help Janie through the storm and to see his son. Just once.

  Janie flopped back onto the bed, gasping for air.

  “Again,” Emma said. “Whoa. Tons of black hair on this little guy.”

  Janie’s eyes widened, and she hissed out air before bearing down again. Zane counted seconds to her until she sank onto the barely padded table.

  “You’re doing so well,” he murmured, drawing in her scent. “Think how special he will be. Human, vampire, demon, and several shifter species. Plus, you’re enhanced, so you’re a cousin to the witches.”

  Janie gave him a pained smile. “He’ll be a man of the world.”

  From the world and to the world. Zane rubbed his cheek on hers. “I’m proud of you.”

  “One more time,” Cara said, her hands full of a towel.

  Janie shook her head. “I can’t. No more.”

  Zane kissed her hand. “One more time. For me. So I can meet him.”

  Tears spiked into her eyes, changing them to a dark, desperate blue. “Don’t leave us.”

  He closed his eyes against the reassurance she needed. Not once would he lie to her, not even now. “I love you, Janie Belle.”

  Her mouth opened, the cords in her neck stretching. A contraction gripped her stomach hard enough Zane could see it. Crying out, she sucked in air and bore down. Hard. For what seemed like minutes.

  Cara ducked low and reached out.

  Janie fell back to the bed, a sigh of relief echoing on her scream.

  Cara cooed and wiped off a little bundle.

  A gurgling cry came from the towel. Not a scream so much as an interested hello.

  Zane chuckled into Janie’s neck, tears sliding down his chilled face. He turned his head to see his child.

  Cara wiped and wiped. “You have a beautiful . . .” She paused on a gasp of air.

  Zane lifted his head. “Cara?”

  Her eyes went wide, and she swayed. “Emma?” she asked.

  Panic filled Zane.

  Janie struggled to sit up. “What is it?” she asked, her voice cracking.

  Emma shook her head and frowned, looking closer. “Ah. It’s a girl.”

  Zane coughed. “No. That’s impossible.”

  The baby gave another gurgled sigh.

  Emma smiled and rubbed the babe’s head, quickly snipping the umbilical cord to place on a tray. “Possible or not, this is a girl.” She took the bundle and laid the babe on Janie’s chest, covering her with a fresh towel. “Oh my.” Emma wi
ped off the baby’s back. “A baby girl prophet. Interesting.”

  The blue prophesy mark wound over her little neck and down her back. Zane blinked. “That’s impossible,” he repeated.

  Janie’s face softened, and she rubbed the baby’s back. “We were in the room when the prophet died, and I was pregnant. I guess it makes a sort of sense.”

  Zane shook his head. “Not the prophesy. She can’t be a girl. A vampire girl.”

  Janie inhaled the baby’s scent, smiling. “Well, demons have girls.”

  “But vampires don’t, and as a cross-breed, I’m a DV blend. No X.” Zane reached out a trembling hand to touch his . . . daughter. She blinked, black eyes focusing on him. He could’ve sworn she smiled. “Never.”

  “When have we ever done things the normal way?” Janie asked softly. “You must somehow have an X chromosome in there. Unless I gave you one of mine. Who knows.”

  She was so fucking perfect his heart swelled, just for her. He had a daughter. Thank God.

  Janie smiled, wonder filling her pretty eyes. “A baby girl. A girl vampire.”

  Emma gasped, her gaze slashing to Cara. “Vampire. Girl.”

  Cara dropped the towel still in her hands. “No.”

  “Yes. Oh God. Do you know what this means?” Emma asked.

  Cara clapped a hand over her mouth.

  Emma ducked her head. “Push again, Janie. Let’s get the afterbirth. Cara, grab the cord.”

  Janie pushed, her gaze remaining on her baby.

  Emma stood. “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God.”

  Zane tried to focus on her, but his head lolled on his shoulders. “What?”

  “An X chromosome. A baby girl vampire with an X chromosome. The cure.” Emma turned to grab a syringe, drawing blood from the cord. Her eyes intent, she turned toward Zane. “This may pinch.”

  He frowned to ask a question, but the world gave out on him before the needle reached his arm.

  His head fell forward, touching both Janie and his daughter. A perfect place to die.

  Chapter 32

  Seven hours. Seven long, impossible, fear-filled hours had passed since Emma had injected Zane with stem cells from the baby’s umbilical cord. Janie perched on a folding chair and cradled her baby, watching the man she loved.

  Her silent, too still, in-a-coma mate. Zane lay on the one table, his long legs extending over the end. Blood and dirt still matted his hair, but the gray shone through. His chest barely rose with shallow breaths.

  Completely out—but not dead. A coma he could awaken from . . . or not.

  She patted the sleeping baby’s back. “That’s your daddy,” she whispered to her beautiful daughter, glancing down at the full dark head of hair. Just like Zane’s. Janie kissed the soft head. “I think you have my chin, though.” How was it possible to feel such contentment and such incredible fear in the same moment?

  “Wake up, Zane,” she said softly. “Please.”

  The warrior didn’t stir.

  The virus had stolen the deep color of his hair, the muscles in his body, the youth of his eternal skin. But even after the virus had weakened him, he’d drawn enough strength to teleport and save her from Suri. With bullet holes spitting blood from his chest. A man who could dig deep enough for such strength deserved to survive.

  Emma strode wearily into the room, shoving black hair from her face. “Any change?” she whispered, her gaze on Zane.

  “No.” Janie shifted her weight on the hard chair.

  Emma glanced at her. “We should get you into a bed.”

  “I’m not leaving him.” Janie snuggled her nose into her daughter’s soft hair, keeping her gaze on her aunt. “How is everybody else?”

  Emma sighed and reached for Zane’s wrist. “The same. Dage and Conn are basically in comas. Talen, Jase, and Max are unconscious but breathing better than the other two. The other vampires in the facility are in similar states. We haven’t lost anybody.” She released Zane’s wrist. “Yet.”

  Janie’s stomach swirled, and her entire body ached. “Do you think we have a chance?”

  “Yes.” Emma smoothed gray hair off Zane’s broad forehead. “If the antibodies are associated with the X chromosome, then we just injected a vampire’s blood, including the X chromosome, into our mates. It has to work.”

  Janie said a silent prayer for the cure to work. “Where’s Dr. Morose?”

  “After he declared you and the baby perfectly healthy, I put him to work in the lab synthesizing the cure. The baby’s blood is . . . unique.” Emma smiled. “Of course, she is the youngest prophet ever claimed.”

  “She’ll be her own person, prophesy or not.” Janie tucked the baby closer.

  “Totally agree. You choose a name?” Emma asked.

  “Not until Zane wakes up. God, I hope he wakes up soon.”

  Emma’s eyes softened. “Me too.”

  Janie drew in a deep breath. “All right. Most of the vampires here are out cold. How vulnerable are we?” If she had to take up arms to protect her child and Zane until he awoke, she was going to need a painkiller.

  “Nobody knows we’re here,” Emma said. “Even so, the healthy vampires have suited up and are ready to fight. You should see your brother—quite the leader Garrett has turned out to be.”

  Pride lifted Janie’s chest. “I have full faith in Garrett.”

  “Me too. Sam has made public the treaty signed by Dage and Zane, so for now, the demon nation is holding tight.”

  “Waiting for Zane to make an appearance,” Janie said. If Zane didn’t step up soon, would the demons turn on them again? Or could Sam hold the nation together?

  “Yes, and Felicity has sent out a video showing support for the treaty and pretty much threatening anybody who rises up against Zane. Then she gave orders for the demon nation to attack the Kurjans at their secondary location. That should buy us more time.” Emma smiled. “I like Zane’s mother. A lot.”

  “Me too,” Janie agreed. Felicity had instantly sniffled tears at seeing her granddaughter, declaring her to be the most beautiful baby in the world. Felicity had good eyesight, and the street smarts to pitch the demons against the Kurjans while the Realm recuperated.

  If it recuperated.

  A rustle sounded, and Cara Kayrs moved into the room. “I came to check on my baby.” She smiled and brushed a hand through Janie’s hair. “And her baby.” Delight somewhat lifted the worry from her eyes as she tucked the blanket more securely around her granddaughter. “She is perfect. Just perfect.”

  “I know,” Janie said softly to her mother. “She has your eyebrows.”

  Cara chuckled. “I think she does.”

  Emma headed for the doorway. “I’ll be back. Just want to check on Dage.” She disappeared into the hallway.

  Janie blinked. “How’s Dad?”

  Cara lost her smile. “The same. Garrett is with him now. Talen hasn’t awakened.” She focused on a too-silent Zane. “How about him?”

  “Nothing.” Janie’s shoulders drew back. “He’s still alive, so that has to be good. Right?”

  “Right.” Cara touched the sleeping baby’s cheek and then straightened. “I’ll check on the doctors in the lab and then go back to—”

  “Mate? When I wake up, I expect you there,” said a rough voice.

  Janie’s head jerked up. Talen stood at the doorway, an arm around his son for support.

  Cara gasped and ran for her mate, sliding both arms around his waist. “You’re awake.”

  Talen lifted an eyebrow. “I noticed.” His gaze took in the room and landed on Janie. “My granddaughter?”

  “Yes,” Cara said, easing to his side and helping him forward.

  Talen reached the baby, awe filling his eyes. “Look at her,” he breathed. “A little Kayrs baby.”

  “Kyllwood,” came a hoarse rasp from the bed.

  Janie jumped to her feet. “Zane?”

  Zane blinked several times and shoved himself to sit. He groaned. “How am I still breathing?”
  “That’s a long story.” Janie smiled through her tears. “For now, meet your daughter.”

  His chest rose and he held out his arms. Janie placed the baby in them, a sense of rightness clicking into place. She turned to include her parents, but they’d disappeared with Garrett. No doubt giving her space. “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  Zane’s gentle smile filled her with hope. “Better. I can feel the healing cells awakening in me again. I’d forgotten the tingle.” He rubbed his nose into the baby’s hair. “You fulfilled your prophesy by first negating Suri’s power and then by having a girl vampire who just may have saved the Realm.”

  Janie shook her head. “No. The first destiny was mine—the next was hers. She’s less than a day old, and she’s already fulfilled a fate.”

  “My girls. Overachievers.” Zane sighed and pulled Janie up next to him on the table. “I have no doubt the two of you are just getting started.”

  Janie smiled through her tears, hope welling in her. God. Had they cured the virus? Could it be possible she could have a life with Zane and her baby?

  Emma poked her head in, a huge smile curving her lips. “Just finished taking blood and running analysis. We’ve got it. The virus is going down.” With a happy hop, she disappeared from sight again.

  Janie’s chin dropped to her chest. Emotion rushed through her so powerfully, she let out one low sob.

  Zane held her closer, their baby protected between them. “We’re all going to be okay, Belle.”

  “I know.” And she did. For the first time in so long, she believed. “I tried to be strong, but I don’t think I could’ve made it without you.”

  “You’ll never be without me.” He turned his head and brushed her cheek with a soft kiss. “I promise.”

  Janie lifted her chin and met his lips with hers before drawing back. “You can’t make that promise.”

  “Sure I can.” Green began to sizzle through his pupils, filling them with color. “I’ve loved you every second of this life, and if I died, I’d love you every second of the next. That, my beautiful Janie Belle, is something neither fate, destiny, nor stubborn will can change. Ever.”