Read Marked Page 28

She closed her eyes, love washing through her with a completeness she’d never imagined. Then she opened them, not wanting to miss another moment with her family.

  Zane stared at their daughter. “What should we name her?”

  There really was only one possibility. Janie smiled. “Hope.”

  Zane smiled. “Hope Kayrs Kyllwood.”

  The baby, the future, awoke and looked up with serious, dark eyes full of light—and smiled.

  Chapter 33

  One year later

  Cara Kayrs finished tucking in the African violet in a green pot, humming softly to herself in the small atrium off her kitchen. The lake outside shimmered in late fall weather, boosting her already good mood. She added a little jiggle to her butt.

  “Now that’s a damn fine sight,” Talen said from the doorway.

  She yelped and turned around. “Don’t startle me like that.” Taking off her gloves, she glanced down at her casual skirt and blouse to ensure she hadn’t spilled any dirt. “We have a party to attend.”

  “A quick party. Then back here, and I’d like to see that dance again.” His gorgeous golden eyes darkened.

  Heat filled her face. On all that was holy. After two decades of marriage, after she had birthed his son, the vampire still had the ability to make her blush. Her empathic abilities allowed her to feel inside his skin, and sometimes his passion burned hot enough to singe them both. “I’m not missing a minute of my granddaughter’s first birthday party, Talen. You’ll just have to control yourself.”

  Big mistake. Or rather, a big challenge, which she’d meant wholeheartedly to throw down.

  He advanced toward her, all male intent.

  She chuckled and looked frantically for an escape. The vampire was between her and the door.

  He grinned. “You didn’t plan this room well, did you?”

  She shook her head and drank him in. Healthy, virile, and strong. The gray hair had fallen out, leaving a world of bald vampires for the briefest of time as the virus cure took effect. Then health had descended upon them, and the color had returned to their eyes and skin just as their hair had begun to grow. Talen’s thick brown mass now curled over his collar, although a gray strip remained as if a grim reminder of how close he’d come to dying.

  “You know, I kinda liked you bald. You were a Mr. Clean badass,” she teased, angling to the side for her one shot at the door.

  He lunged and caught her about the waist, swinging her up with one arm. Easily.

  The renewed, much darker brand on her hip began to burn. The Kayrs marking in full force after Talen had mated her again. Her golden cuff encircled her wrist again, and she clunked it against his jaw as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pushed her up against the wall, settling comfortably between her legs. “Why do you always try to run?” he asked.

  “So you can catch me.”

  He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “I’ll always catch you.”

  “I know.” Happiness burst through her chest. “Thank you for the atrium. I love this room.” She wiggled against him, gratified when his eyes flared.

  “The structure is sound and will withstand any blast.” He smoothed her hair back from her face. “Although maybe we should’ve included another exit to the tunnels in our aboveground home.”

  She smiled. “We have six passages from our home alone. That’s enough.” The vampires had built a subdivision at the northern end of an Idaho lake, burrowing another headquarters underground into the massive mountains. This time they’d included missiles and defenses in the lake itself. “We’re safe here.”

  “Unless there’s another full out assault.” Talen shook his head. “We had to bribe and threaten too many humans last time to keep our nation secret.”

  Cara pressed her breasts against his chest to distract him. “Who’ll attack us? We’re allies with everyone except the Kurjans, and they’re so wounded, it’ll take centuries to rebuild. Now stop worrying and start making me happy, mate.”

  One dark eyebrow rose. “Keep talking like that, and we won’t make it to Hope’s party.”

  She grinned. “It’s our party, too. We started everything—all the matings, all the love. It was us, Talen.”

  His gaze gentled. “No, mate. It was you. All the love—only you could’ve created this for the Kayrs family and for me. Always you, Cara.”

  Well now. That was the sweetest thing ever. She bit her lip. “I think I might be getting baby fever.”

  “You want another baby?” Talen gripped her butt, opening her to him. “With Garrett and Logan going off to explore the world after Christmas, it’s going to be lonely. Maybe it’s time to have a few more sons.”

  Cara fingered his dark hair. “Or daughters.”

  Talen chuckled. “Vampires only have sons. Although Zane and Janie had a girl, that was a one-shot deal, I’m sure. Because of Zane’s lineage.”

  Cara lifted a shoulder. “Oh, I don’t know. You’ve had a vampiric X chromosome put into your bloodstream that actually changed and healed your pairs; it might be possible for you to have a girl. We won’t know until we try.”

  He blinked. “Another daughter?” Then his smile split his face, and his head lowered toward hers. “Let’s give it a shot.” Then the sexiest, most dangerous, heavenly vampire leaned in and kissed her until she forgot to breathe.

  Finally, he lifted his head. “I promised you forever, mate. Here it is.”

  Emma Kayrs sat on the settee in their bedroom, reading from a stack of printouts and swinging her leg. “Our scientists haven’t found a way to use the virus cure for any human diseases. So far, we’ve only cured vampires.”

  Dage nimbly buttoned up a black dress shirt. “I don’t see how the cure would apply to any other species.”

  “It hasn’t.” She sighed and set the papers on her dresser to study her mate. Very nice muscles filled out his shirt, while he’d tied his black hair at the nape. Even with the sliver of gray remaining mixed among the black, he looked young and virile. She smiled. “Talen is ticked your hair grew out faster than his.”

  “I know.” White teeth flashed in Dage’s grin as he fetched a grape energy drink from the dresser and took a big draw. “I texted him earlier and asked if I could borrow a hair band. He told me to bugger off.”

  Emma snorted. “You were in serious meetings with the witch, shifter, and demon nations earlier, and you took the time to mess with your brother?”

  “Of course.”

  “How did the talks go?” Emma asked.

  Dage toed on dress shoes. “They went well—mainly because of Zane. He has the demon nation well under control.”

  Emma shifted her weight to get more comfortable, glad she’d chosen a light dress for the party. The expertly cut material was sleeveless and showed off her beautiful Kayrs marking on her shoulder blade. “You sound impressed with Zane.”

  Dage nodded. “I am. Zane’s a good leader, even though he doesn’t want to rule.”

  “Maybe that’s the key,” Emma murmured. “Where did you go after the meetings? I thought you’d be home sooner.”

  He chuckled. “You’re the psychic. You tell me.”

  She shrugged. “I get visions but never when I want them. My last vision included seeing Garrett and Logan partying next spring break with a bunch of human girls. Believe me, I saw more than I wanted.”

  “Now that’s funny.” Dage rubbed his chin. “Earlier, Jase and Conn were training in the southern gym, and I went to watch. They kicked the crap out of each other.” Joy filled the king’s laugh this time.

  Emma shook her head. “It’s amazing to see everyone back to normal. Healthy and ready to hit somebody.” She gasped. “Oh my gosh. I forgot to tell you the news.”

  Dage lifted one dark eyebrow. “News?”

  “Yes. We managed to synthesize Virus-27. The characteristics of the virus that negate the allergy aspect in mates.”

  He blinked. “So you can take away the mating aspects in widows and widowers?”

nbsp; She nodded. “Yes. Well, and conceivably even in mated couples if wanted.”

  “Immortal divorces. Not sure I like that.”

  She’d figured he’d be concerned. “Freedom matters, King. You know that.”

  “I agree.” He sighed. “Though you haven’t tested the new serum with mated people still alive, now have you?”

  She couldn’t help but smiling. “No.”

  Triumph filled his gaze. “So it might not work—I mean, if both parties are still living.”

  She winked. “Thanks to everyone’s hard work, we have so many vampires healthy and living now. Finally some peace.”

  “It is good to be alive.” Dage’s graze dropped to her barely swelling tummy. “Speaking of life, how are you feeling?”

  “Better.” She’d thrown up for the first three months of her pregnancy, leaving Dage worried and as grumpy as a wounded bear. “The moment I hit the second trimester last week, I just felt hungry. No more nausea.”

  “Thank God.” He finished the drink and tossed the empty into an antique trash can.

  Emma rubbed her belly, warmth cascading through her. “So long ago, when we were running through that scary forest from the Kurjans, did you think we’d end up like this?”

  “Like what?”

  She glanced down, her heart expanding. “Happy?”

  The king strode toward her and dropped to his knees between hers. One large hand flattened over her abdomen. “Yes.”

  She looked up into shining silver eyes streaking with blue. The blue was just for her. The most powerful being in the world, possibly ever, knelt in front of her, giving her everything. Giving her him. “I love you,” she whispered.

  The blue overtook the silver. “I dreamed of you for centuries, and the reality of the true you blows every fantasy I created out of existence. Without you, love, I don’t have a life.”

  The words slid right into her soul. “Dage—”

  “With you, I have the universe. Only you, Em. Always.”

  Sarah Petrovsky straightened up the lesson plans spread across the kitchen table, taking a moment to feel the vibrations from an old stack of geography maps sent by a shifter teacher in Wyoming. Warmth and happiness cascaded from the paper. Apparently the elderly wolf liked teaching as much as Sarah did.

  “Milaya?” Max strode into the room, holding a bouquet of yellow daisies.

  Sarah gasped, pleasure sparking through her from the nickname as well as the flowers. “For me?”

  “Of course.” Max handed them over. “My pretty one.”

  The name sounded just as lovely in English as Russian. “Thank you.” She inhaled the flowers’ rich scent and plunked them in a vase on the counter. “I love them.”

  His massive shoulders relaxed. “Good.” He tugged his shirt over his head and turned for the laundry room. “Do I have a dress shirt anywhere?”

  “Hanging up and already ironed,” she said, her gaze eating him up and landing on the jagged tattoo of a phoenix winding over his right shoulder. Those shoulders, fully healthy now, could probably shield a village.

  The scars lining his lower back, raised and white, spoke of his difficult childhood.

  He reached in and grabbed a pink shirt, and the smile he flashed spoke of a happy adulthood. With the Kayrs family and with her. “I am not wearing pink.”

  “Come on. Hope giggles whenever you let your vampire eyes show.” While all vampires had a secondary eye color, only Max had pink. A beautiful, stunning, sizzling pink that was only a shade lighter than it had been before the virus had nearly taken him away.

  Max scratched his head. “Yeah, she does. Well, okay.” He shrugged into the shirt and rapidly buttoned it up.

  Sarah grinned. Even in the delicate color, the vampire looked deadly. A strong and rugged face with messy brown hair swept back made him look like he’d never even been sick a day.

  He moved toward her, ferocious and wild, completely solid. “Keep the smile. You owe me for each and every dig I take from my family today over the pink shirt.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” she murmured.

  He reached her in two strides, both hands grasping her waist and lifting her onto the table. “We trying for a baby again tonight?”

  “What? Twice this morning wasn’t enough for you?” She pressed her thighs in on his, her hands flattening across his muscled chest.

  “No.” He tangled a strong hand in her hair. “It would’ve been three times, but I had to check on Hope.”

  Sarah nodded. The second the vampires had begun to heal, she’d followed him as Max had shown up outside Janie and Zane’s temporary room and declared himself bodyguard to the baby. The demon had taken one look at Max’s serious face and had nodded. That Zane was a smart guy. “Little Hope is still smiling the most at you?”

  “Of course.” Max’s chest puffed out, and amusement filled his rapidly pinkening eyes. “Ticks Zane off every time.”

  “You’re terrible.” Sarah laughed.

  “That’s not what you said this morning.” Max leaned in and nuzzled her neck, shooting sparks directly south to her sex.

  She pushed. “We have to get moving. The party starts in just a few minutes.”

  “I bet I could change your mind.”

  “Yes.” She levered herself back to cup his whiskered chin. “Always.” Then she glanced at the pretty flowers. “Although you don’t have to keep bringing me flowers, candy, and presents. I mean, I love it, but you can relax.”

  He shook his head. “I made you a promise, years ago, that I’d court you.”

  Love for him welled through her. “We’ve been mated for decades.”

  “I know. After I mated you, I promised I’d still court you. Then the virus hit, the war went crazy, and we had to go into survival mode. Things are good now. So, Sarah?”

  She smiled, her gaze on her one true love. “Yes?”

  “Be prepared to be courted. A lot.”

  Connlan Kayrs leaned over the crib to tickle his son’s belly. Bright green eyes sparkled up from the babe’s seven-month-old face, full of fun and a little craziness. Yeah. Definitely Moira’s child.

  His brother kicked pudgy feet next to him, his gaze more thoughtful and serious. His eyes glowed a burnished silver.


  Conn winked at the little guys. His wild witch of a mate had given him twin boys. One had already set the nursery on fire. The new nursery in the subdivision was fireproof, as was most of the house.

  Moira’s boots echoed on the tile outside, her lilac scent preceding her arrival. “You mixed up the food in the refrigerator again.”

  He grinned and turned. Yeah, he’d placed the limes in the cold-cut drawer just to mess with her. “You really need to let go of the fridge organization problem.”

  She lifted a creamy shoulder. “Food should be organized. You know that.”

  Crazy and compulsive. No wonder he loved the petite little witch. Red curls cascaded down her back, showcasing smooth skin. For the party, she’d donned a crimson blouse with black skirt and matching boots. “You look lovely, Dailtín.”

  She blushed. “I’m the mother of two boys. Perhaps it’s time to stop calling me brat.”

  Not when it brought such a glimmer of pleasure to her stunning eyes. “At this point, it’s tradition.” One he liked and she’d definitely earned.

  Moira frowned and strode to touch his still aching jaw. “Who hit you?”

  “Jase.” Pleased humor tipped his lips. “We trained earlier.” Like the old days before they’d all taken ill. “It was great. I threw him across the gym and dented the new wall. Dage was pissed.”

  Moira smiled and slipped her hands down his chest. “Aye. I do so appreciate your stamina returning.”

  As did he. With a sigh, he sent healing cells to his chin. “How was your teleconference with the other witch enforcers?”

  “Good. Kell is afraid the news about phanakite has gotten out to the Kurjans, but I think he’s worrying unnecessarily. Plus, he i
nsists we call it planekite when discussing it, and that’s just silly. The mineral has several names.” Moira leaned to the side and cooed to her babies. “Oh, so cute. You dressed them in the outfits Brenna bought in Ireland last month.”

  Conn looked over his shoulder at the matching green and white jumpers. “They’ll outgrow them in a month, so I figured they should wear them at least once.” He couldn’t believe how quickly the little guys had already grown. “Plus, in between throwing punches at my face earlier, Jase hinted it would please Brenna to see the outfits.”

  Moira grinned. “Aye. Bren has been out of sorts because some loony group in Ireland still wants her to be their leader. A total bunch of nut jobs.”

  Conn shrugged. “Makes me happy you’re a witch enforcer and not on the Council. Probably makes the loony group safer, too.”

  Moira smoothed down his T-shirt. “I wouldn’t say that. Apparently Jase knocked one of the loonies into the Liffey. It’s cold this time of year.”

  Her soft hands on him sent desire straight to his groin. “We have a little time before the party,” he said.

  Those soft lips curved in sin. “No, we don—”

  His mouth took hers, delving deep into warmth and woman. Turning, he sank his fangs into her neck. Honey and spice exploded across his tongue, followed by a punch of real power. She sighed against him, elongating her neck to allow him deeper access. He drank and then licked the wound closed.

  Her eyes shone dark and unfocused. “Connlan,” she breathed.

  “You’re the best choice I ever made, Dailtín. I love you.”

  Tears glimmered in her eyes. A powerful woman sharing her emotions. “I love you.”

  Conn tucked her close and caught sight of his babies before rubbing his chin on her unruly hair. His chest settled as he kept hold and kept watch over what mattered most in this world or in any other.


  Kane Kayrs was running late. As usual. After taking a fast shower, he hustled through the bedroom into his sprawling closet, a towel wrapped around his waist. “Amber?” he called out.