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  The hunger penetrated her skin, clawing deep and taking hold.

  He took his time, exploring her, building a firestorm inside her. A desperate craving. Finally, he slowed and sucked on her bottom lip. The pull careened right down her center to her core.

  Her knees buckled.

  The hand at her hip gripped harder and kept her upright. So much strength. Her mind spinning, her body aching, she reached for his belt.

  He stilled and lifted his head. “You sure, Belle?”

  She blinked. Shook her head to regain reality. Her knuckles brushed very ripped abs. Dangerously ripped. A small whimper rose from her chest.

  His nostrils flared, and the growl that rumbled up was all vampire.

  Her panties dampened even further. Was she sure? Her body bellowed a hell yes, while her mind slowly cleared. “You’ve kidnapped me.” She released the leather.

  “I know.” No apology lived in his tone, but raw desire glittered in his eyes.

  Enough to make her pause. Even if she wanted to, could she handle him? Her body wanted to be overwhelmed and overtaken, but her brain knew better. “Not like this.”

  His eyes darkened to storm clouds reflected in a pure-green riverbed. “Then how?”

  She coughed. Leave it to Zane to cut to the heart of the matter. “As part of whatever is happening. I won’t be the woman you stash in safety as you fight.” Reasoning with a turned-on vampire was crazy. Add his demon lineage into the mix, and she should just stab him and be done with it. “We work together, or we work against each other. Friends or enemies. Your choice.”

  He released her and stepped back. “What if I don’t want either?”

  His low rumble full of desire rippled through her as if he licked her skin, and she swayed in place. When aroused, his voice lowered to a hoarseness that sounded like a full-blooded demon’s. “What do you want?” God, she should not have asked that.

  “Same thing you do. One night before we go back to war.” He shoved a rough hand through his dark hair, leaving him tousled and dangerous. “We’ve been moving toward this since the first time you invaded my dreams. I want you. You want me. One or both of us aren’t going to see next year.” He glanced at the bed. “We have tonight.”

  She followed his gaze to the large bed. The flutters in her abdomen increased to full-out vibrations. She’d loved him since she was four years old, and through the years, that sense had only increased. He could’ve overtaken her with seduction but instead was making sure she fully acquiesced. Maybe the sweet kid she’d known hadn’t changed completely. She returned her focus to him. “Tomorrow you’ll take me back?”

  He stilled and put up a large-boned hand. Make that a humongous hand. “Whoa. I’m taking you back whether you moan my name tonight or not. This isn’t a bargaining chip.”

  Heat swarmed into her face. “I know that. God.” She’d stab him in the heart before she’d bargain her body for freedom.

  “Oh.” He cleared his throat.

  She grinned. How had they gone from panting to awkwardness? “Our history makes this kind of difficult.”

  He nodded. “You’re worried we have too much to lose.”

  “Perhaps too much to live up to.” Her shoulders relaxed. “It’s too much of a risk.”

  He rubbed the dark stubble along his sharp jawline. “Risks make life worthwhile.” His gaze direct, he crossed flexed arms. “Take a risk, Janie Belle.”

  Yeah, that low tenor shot straight to her clit. But she had a brain, and she needed to use it. “I’m not some stupid female who’ll jump your bones without knowing the plan, without being part of the plan. This isn’t to scratch an itch, Zane. It’s you and me.” If he didn’t get that, then one night together wouldn’t make a difference. He had to let her in for them to make a go of it. Of them.

  “You’re special to me.” Frustration twisted his upper lip.

  “Then let’s come up with a plan, and hopefully we’ll have more than one night.” Plus, although she’d never admit it, she needed time. Time to make sure she wanted the real Zane, the deadly soldier, and not the Zane she’d invented in her fantasies. For years she’d only known glimpses of him in safe dream worlds.

  This man was nowhere near safe. In fact, he’d always been her escape from the violence of her life, and here he was, a man intimate with violence. With death and destruction. Even she had heard of the Ghost, and the thought that the feared assassin was actually her childhood friend warned her to proceed with caution. To make sure reality meshed with her impressions.

  Even so, giving up wasn’t in her nature, and she had to hold on to some hope they’d survive the war. She frowned, trying to use her brain and not screw the consequences and jump his hot body. “Why are you agreeing to take me back tomorrow?”

  His chin lowered. “I have twenty-four hours to find my mother and get her to safety, or she’s dead.”

  Janie tilted her head. “I don’t understand the correlation.”

  “That’s the amount of time I have to take you to Suri so he can give you to Kalin.” Zane shoved his hands in his pockets, his eyes glittering.

  “Oh.” Janie exhaled, her mind spinning. How did that make any sense? “Are you taking me to Suri?”

  Zane’s face hardened. “No. Which means if I don’t find my mother before the clock counts down, then I need to get you to the vampires for protection.”

  Janie sighed, her heart warming. Nice that he didn’t want to sacrifice her, but maybe there was another way. He needed to listen to her. “Why not take me home now?”

  Zane leaned back against the wall. “Because that’s not the plan.” The unyielding tightening of his jaw guaranteed he wouldn’t reconsider. Any semblance of the man she’d known disappeared, leaving only the warrior behind. The one she didn’t know. “Believe it or not, we have sources in the Realm, and if Suri discovers I’ve taken you home, he’ll kill my mother,” he said.

  Janie fought to control her temper. “Where does Suri think you are right now?”

  “Scouting the Oregon compound to best figure out how to take you.” Zane reached behind his back to gather paper blueprints. “This is the sketch of the Realm headquarters I have, but I was hoping you would fill in the details for me.”

  “Why?” Janie shook her head. “If you’re taking me back, why do you need to know about headquarters?”

  His lids lowered in a curiously dangerous way. “Because I’m going in alone first. To negotiate.”

  The breath caught in her throat. “For what?” she murmured, already knowing the answer.

  “For your release.”

  Chapter 10

  When the King of the Realm was pissed, the world darkened. Literally. Outside the Oregonian lodge serving as Realm headquarters, black clouds rolled above while thunder bellowed. Hail the size of golf balls assaulted the earth, pummeling buildings and vehicles.

  Dage must be seriously angry.

  The storm suited Talen Kayrs and his current mood. A desperation only a father could feel hollowed him out until he could barely breathe. A demon had taken his baby girl. On his watch. He sat at the round conference table, facing the most dangerous warriors in existence. Family. His brothers. “Any news?”

  “No.” Frustration glittered a molten silver in Dage’s eyes. “No demands, and none of our sources have reported in with sightings of Janie.”

  Garrett Kayrs sat to Talen’s left, anger vibrating off the young vampire. “You’re sure Zane took my sister?”

  “Yes. After Dage shot him,” Talen ground out.

  Dage nodded, steepling his fingers under his chin. “He’ll be weakened but should’ve been able to transport to his destination. Wherever that may be.”

  Talen forced down bile. He was the strategic leader of the fucking Realm, and he needed to think. “Who the hell would’ve thought the bastard could teleport?”

  Nobody answered him. Really, there was no answer.

  He cleared his throat, falling back on training to keep from going insa
ne. “The demons attacked the helicopters, and the second we fought back, the war escalated around the world. Even between the demons and the Kurjans.”

  His younger brother, Conn, leaned forward. “About three hours after a multitude of skirmishes, all fire ceased between Kurjans and demons.”

  Talen growled. “Which might mean Zane turned Janie over to the Kurjans in exchange for an alliance.”

  Jase, the youngest Kayrs brother, rubbed his chin. “Yeah, but the demons want Janie dead. They’ve always called for her death, so if Zane is working with Suri, he wouldn’t have turned her over to Kalin. He would’ve, ah, killed her, which I don’t think happened. It couldn’t have happened.”

  “Right. If the demons had killed her,” Kane, the brilliant brother, said quietly, “then the Kurjans wouldn’t have stopped attacking the demons. They stopped fighting for some reason. She has to be alive and being held as a bargaining chip. Either between them or against us—probably both. Hopefully Zane will make contact soon.”

  “So where the hell is she?” Max, Janie’s bodyguard and honorary uncle, hissed. He shoved away from the table—a massive vampire alight with fury. “I need something to charge.”

  They all needed a target.

  Garrett drummed his fingers on the table. “There’s always a possibility Zane took her to safety. Out of the way of whatever the demons and Kurjans were planning.”

  Talen concealed a wince at the hope in his son’s statement. “True.”

  “Besides, Janie can fight. She’s excellent,” Garrett said.

  Max turned and punched a wall. Sheetrock exploded around the room. “Zane is a demon-vampire hybrid. That kind of power is unparalleled.” Max flexed his fingers, eyeing his dust-covered knuckles. “Janie is . . . human.”

  He might as well have said breakable. Talen exhaled slowly to keep from exploding. “Jane is smart, she’s psychic, and she’s determined. Be ready for her to get word to us.”

  “We’re ready to move on demand,” Conn said quietly. He stood. “I’ll go make sure the forces are suited up.” He, Kane, Jase, and Max left the room.

  Dage eyed Talen. “You okay?”

  “No. You?” Talen ground out.

  “No.” Dage flattened his palms on the onyx table, his hands vibrating. “How’s your mate holding up?”

  Rage poured through Talen. “Not well. Cara and your mate are meditating, trying to find Janie in a dream world.” It was a long shot, considering only Janie, Zane, and Kalin had ever been able to enter the dream world. But his mate had to do something to get her daughter back.

  Dage nodded and stood. Helplessness and frustration cut harsh lines in his strong face. “I’m going to reach out to any allies we have and will report back with news.” He turned on his heel and strode from the room.

  Talen slowly stood, feeling much older than his three and a half centuries. His son stretched to his feet, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him. When had Garrett gotten so tall? They grew up too damn fast. Talen slammed a hand against Garrett’s back to offer comfort, oddly proud when his son didn’t move. “Janie will be all right.”

  Garrett turned, meeting his gaze directly. “I know.”

  The hint of fear in the air proved neither one of them believed their words. Talen cleared his throat. “Zane saved your life once, and I understand your need to think he might be a good guy.” Shit. Talen needed to think so, too.

  The smile Garrett flashed showed fangs. “I owe him, it’s true. But he took my sister away from family and into danger.” Garrett’s metallic gray eyes morphed into a startling aqua. “That means he fucking dies.”

  Zane shoved through time and space, the molecules in his body tearing apart. Drawing deep on a rapidly waning strength, he opened the air and fell to land flat on his face back in Idaho.

  Agony burst through his nose.


  Jesus. How many times could a guy break his nose in one day? He rolled over onto his back to find Nick Veis staring down.

  “How many times have you teleported today?” Nick nudged him with a size sixteen flack boot.

  “Too many,” Zane croaked, accepting a hand up. Each jump weakened him, and he hadn’t had time to restore his strength. He blinked blood out of his eyes, and his large intestine cracked. The small computer room swayed around him, and he stood still until things settled. “Please tell me you’ve found my mother.”

  “No.” Nick dropped into a chair facing a computer and tossed him a cheeseburger from a bag. Then, taking a good look, he threw the whole bag at him before turning back to the screen. “I have narrowed her location down to Maine, Brisbane, or Hong Kong.”

  Three different continents. Zane polished off a burger in two bites and reached for another one. “And Logan?”

  “Nothing.” Nick punched in keystrokes, and Sam took shape on the screen. “We do have an idea, however,” Nick murmured.

  Bruises and blood covered Sam’s face, clearly visible in HD.

  Anger burned through Zane’s gut. “Are you all right?”

  “Of course.” Sam spit out red. “The fighting here is dying down, and I thought I’d head to Africa.”

  Zane frowned and took the seat Nick kicked toward him, eating his third burger. “Where?”

  Nick tapped more keys and split the screen to show a map next to Sam’s face. “We have troops here, here, and here.” Nick pointed to the three places. “Since Sam can teleport, we thought he’d check them out one by one.”

  “What if Logan isn’t in Africa?” The last thing Zane needed was Sam weakened by multiple jumps. With their demon and vampire mix, they could jump more consecutive times than any other demon, but they still had limits and needed to recharge. He eyed Nick. Too bad the older demon couldn’t teleport. So far, neither could Logan, although he was still young. Sometimes the talent took a century to develop. Zane had been able to teleport since puberty, and so had Sam. Rare indeed.

  Sam shoved to his feet, a pained grimace twisting his lip. “This is our best shot—and it’s all we’ve got. As soon as you get a lock on Mom, we need to get there. If I’m already with Logan, we save a step.” He leaned toward the camera in his cell phone, his eyes the same green as Zane’s. “I can’t just sit tight any longer. I need to go find him.”

  Zane cracked his nose back into place. He did like the idea of Sam being off Suri’s radar and out of Iceland, and if Sam found Logan, even better. “All right. Um, Sam? Suri has given us twenty-four hours to turn over Janie, or he’ll kill Mom.” Zane swallowed, his gut churning. “I can’t turn her over.”

  Sam’s jaw clenched. “I don’t want to be the kind of people who’d turn a little human woman over to the Kurjans, Bro. No matter who she is or what she might mean to you.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Let’s find Mom.”

  Emotions clogged Zane’s throat. His brother was a damn good man. “We will. Keep in touch.”

  The screen went black.

  The door opened, and Suri stomped inside. “Status?”

  Zane finished chewing and remained sprawled in the chair. “The best time to hit Realm headquarters is tomorrow morning at ten a.m. There’s a shift change, and several of the forces will be out on training drills, if they stick to their current schedule.” Part of his report was true and the rest complete bullshit. “Too bad you can’t teleport to help tomorrow.”

  Nick shot Zane a warning glance.

  Zane half-shrugged. At this point, he was done. “Where’s my mother?”

  “Safe but well hidden.” Suri’s vocal chords sounded more mangled than usual. Stress must be getting to the leader. “If you attack at that time, you’ll have less than an hour to get to Janet Kayrs and bring her here. To save your mother.”

  Zane slowly stood to look down at the dangerous leader. “Once my mother is safe, I’d like to put her in the ring with you.” If provoked enough, a female demon could easily take a male. Even Suri.

  Suri’s head jerked up. “I never should have let you live.”

  Zane flashed his fangs. “Yet you did, and now you need me.” Nobody else could get close to Janie, and Suri thought he had Zane where he wanted him. “For now.”

  Suri growled low. “For now.” He glanced at Nick and then back to Zane.

  Shit. He couldn’t get a clue Zane and Nick were working together. Zane snarled. “When this is over, I’m done being your puppet. My family and I are out of here.”

  Suri snorted, disbelief twisting his lip. He’d never believe Zane didn’t want to rule. “Just get the job done.”

  Zane nodded and headed for the door. “That’s my plan.”

  Janie heard rather than saw Zane drop out of nowhere this time. She sat on the rug before the fire, her legs crossed, her eyes closed. “Back so soon?” she asked, keeping her face to the flames.

  “Yes,” he groaned.

  A chair scraped across the wooden floor. “Try to be quiet,” she whispered.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Meditating.” She’d needed to clear her head and possibly reach out. Zane was ticking her off, and contacting Kalin seemed foolish. Although, she could contact him just for information and not reveal her location or current situation.

  “No.” Strong hands slid under her arms and jerked her up.

  She gasped and spun around to shove Zane. “What are you doing?” Her eyes flipped open.

  His lids half-lowered, giving him a sexy, dangerous look. “No meditating.” Even with the fierce growl, he couldn’t mask the paleness under his fine skin. A dark shadow covered his jaw and contrasted with his colorless face.

  Janie frowned. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Tired,” he slurred. “Shouldn’t have jumped so many times.”

  No way could he teleport her out of there right now. She sighed, wanting nothing more than to hold him tight and offer comfort. But she knew better. “What do you need?”

  “Sleep.” He grasped her upper arms. Even weakened, his hold was unbreakable. “Did you eat?”