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  “Yes.” She shuffled her feet. A part of her wanted to thank him for the food he’d left, while the other part still wanted to kick him for kidnapping her. “Thank you.” Damn it. Good manners always won.

  “Welcome.” He turned and led her over to the bed, his normally graceful gait lurching.

  She struggled. “No.”

  “Yes.” He shoved her down and crawled up to spoon around her. “Just sleep.”

  It was like being wrapped by a bear. Heat cascaded along her back until he jerked her into his hardness. God. The man was a brick freakin’ wall. With a pleased murmur, he tucked his head against her neck, one arm firmly around her waist and one leg tossed over hers.

  Her butt settled pressed against a defined erection. Desire blasted into her and stole her breath.

  His hand flattened out, spreading across her entire midriff. Holding her close.

  “Janie?” he whispered against her nape, his breath warm.

  A shiver wound through her entire body. Her nipples peaked, and her abdominal muscles clenched. “What?”

  “I’m sorry I’m not who you thought.” His lips moved against her skin.

  She forced instant need down along with a definite groan. “I like who you are.”

  He chuckled. “You do not.”

  “Yes, I do. You’re strong and loyal. I just wish you’d share.”

  “I’ll share anything with you,” he mumbled.

  Did he have to sound so damn sexual? She wiggled to get more comfortable and ended up rubbing his erection.

  He groaned.

  “Sorry.” She stilled. Maybe she could get him to open up since he was almost out. “What are you so afraid of, Zane?”

  He sighed, his mouth near enough to her ear to cascade a tremble down her back. “Failing. Losing family. Losing you.” With his hand flattened, the tips of his fingers brushed the underside of her breast.

  She bit her lip to keep from turning around and jumping him. The guy needed sleep, and she had to think. Thinking was good, right? “What do you want?” she breathed. “For everybody?”

  “Peace and to be left alone.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut, captivated by his warmth. “You don’t want to rule the demon nation?”

  “God, no.” His voice quieted. “Never.”

  “What if you’re needed?” she asked. Life was all about duty, and Zane’s might suck. But surely he’d step up.

  “Too bad.” He buried his face in her hair. “Smell so good,” he whispered.

  She swallowed. “Night, Zane.”

  “Night. And Janie?”


  “Don’t try to find Kalin. I’ll know, and you won’t like the result.”

  Even his threat was sexy. She opened her mouth to retort, but a soft snore stopped her. He was out cold.

  She blinked and shifted her weight. He tightened his hold, continuing to snore. Protective warmth surrounded her. All muscle, all strength . . . all male. She’d never slept the whole night with a man, nor had she ever been held so tightly. As if she were the only thing anchoring him to earth.


  The raw heat cascading off him loosened her muscles, and her eyes remained closed. A few hours of sleep wouldn’t hurt her any, and then she’d come up with a plan.

  She awoke hours later, while darkness still ruled outside. The fire had dwindled to a crackle of embers, yet the vampire holding her close kept her warm. Or was he more demon? More important, did it really matter? He hadn’t moved an inch during sleep, except the erection against her butt seemed to have grown. How the hell was that possible?

  He breathed evenly against her neck, still sleeping soundly. After teleporting so many times, it was amazing he could still function. Maybe something about crossing the two deadly races had given him extra stamina, because no way could her uncle Dage teleport that many times in a day. Nobody could.

  Janie breathed deep, her body softening further at the scent of Zane. He smelled even better than she’d dreamed.

  But for now, she had to get home to her family. Though she wouldn’t tell Kalin her location, she could seek him out for information. So she closed her eyes again and opened up a dream world, hoping Zane was too exhausted to take heed.

  She slipped into the impossible realm between dreams and reality, making the sun bright in a pretty meadow lined with outcroppings of rock. Birds trilled high above, and a sweetly scented breeze lifted the rough wheat. She sat on a rock, swinging her leg and enjoying the mock sun.

  Kalin stepped out from behind a row of trees, his white face already turned to the sun, which glinted off the red tips of his black hair. Long strides propelled him to sit beside her. “I appreciate your always making the sun available to me here.” His low voice carried across the meadow, filling the oxygen. Even in the dream world, he wore his Kurjan black uniform with the impressive red medals above his breast.

  She took in his size, barely recognizing the boy she’d once known. “I’ve always felt bad that you can’t see the real sun.” Did it make a difference? Would he be a kinder person, less of a killer, if somehow he’d known true outside warmth?

  His eyes flashed open—a melding of green and purple. “I’m glad you’re alive. When the demons attacked your helicopter, I was . . . worried.” His frown darkened his entire face. “Damn demons.”

  She blinked. “I’m fine. Why didn’t you ever tell me Zane was a demon?”

  Kalin lifted a muscled shoulder. “If you’d known, you would’ve told the king, and he would’ve reached out to the demons. We couldn’t have you ganging up on us.”

  “Yet you’ve aligned yourself with the demons now,” Janie said, sitting up.

  Kalin stilled. “How do you know that?”

  Oh. “Our Intel is pretty damn good, and you know it.” Had she just given herself away?

  Kalin studied her, his face implacable. “Interesting.” Reaching out, very slowly, he pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and away from her face. He frowned as if confused by his own gentle touch. “ I suppose you’re barricaded right now behind a hundred vampire guards?”

  She met his gaze and kept her expression blank. “What’s your end-game here? I mean, with the demand to study the chosen one?” As hard as she tried, she couldn’t help rolling her eyes at the last.

  Kalin grinned and flashed sharp canines. “Initially, I just wanted access to you and figured we’d mate.”

  She stilled. “What if I don’t want to mate?”

  Regret twisted his red upper lip. “Destiny is destiny.”

  She sighed. “You think we’re destined to mate?”

  “I think it’s one of your possible destinies, and it’s the one that is going to come to fruition.” His gaze hardened along with his impressive jaw. “I’m meant to have your psychic powers.”

  A vampire or Kurjan mate, probably even a demon mate, often shared her powers, and Janie’s psychic abilities were above par. “Is that all?” she asked softly.

  “No.” He reached out to cup her jaw, his hand cool. “I’ve always been drawn to you like no other. Whatever it is between us, I would never hurt you.”

  Sometimes life made no sense, but instinct whispered Kalin believed his words, even if they turned out to be impossible. The vampires had documented Kalin’s frightening history of violence, and she’d memorized every word. Although he’d saved her life once from a crazed werewolf, he still had the need to kill. Often. “You like to hurt women,” she said.

  He nodded. “I truly do. You’re special, though.”

  Her heart started to race and not in a good way. Nobody was special enough to banish that type of urge. Yet now she had a job to do. “So what’s the plan now that the peace talks have blown up?”

  He smiled. “Things are going according to plan. Soon you’ll be where you’re destined to be.”

  Janie opened her mouth to ask another question, and a sizzling pain cascaded along her scalp. She cried out as she was ripped from the dream world.

/>   She flipped her eyes wide open. Flat on her back, helpless, she looked up into furious green eyes as Zane pinned her to the mattress, his hand clenched in her hair.

  Chapter 11

  Janie swallowed and tried to shove Zane off her. Embers from the fire lit the room, encasing them in a cocoon of intimacy.

  His gaze narrowing, he grabbed her wrists and yanked them above her head, easily pinning them with one warm hand. She shifted against him, her breasts rubbing his bare chest, her hips cushioning his. The hard ridge of his shaft pressed against her cleft, and she bit back a moan.

  Crimson spread across his daunting cheekbones, giving him the look of a furious jaguar. “I said no dream world.”

  She struggled against him, fighting the raw desire rippling along her every nerve ending. “Too bad I don’t take orders from kidnappers.”

  The flash of white against his now healthy looking face surprised her. His smile held an amused menace. “Did you tell Kalin I have you?” Zane asked quietly.

  “Of course not.” She settled into the bed and tried not to move against his hard body. He was just too damn tempting. “Apparently Kalin thinks he and I are going to be together soon.”

  Satisfaction lightened Zane’s eyes. “Good. So he thinks I’m going to infiltrate Realm headquarters, kidnap you, and deliver you to Suri, according to plan.”

  “Probably.” Her eyes wanted to flutter shut and just enjoy the heaviness of the delectable body pinning her. Her brain tried to focus. “Speaking of your grand plan, you can’t just walk into Realm headquarters and try to negotiate today. They’ll shoot you in the head before you get a word out.”

  “Not a chance as long as I have you.”

  The double entendre whispered along her skin, yet she still felt the need to warn him. “They’ll torture you until you give up my location . . . I promise. My family is ruthless.” She shifted against him, unable to stop herself. Electrical zaps cascaded through her at the contact. “Besides. You don’t have me.”

  “I’d like to.” His gaze dropped to her lips, and with a small groan, he brushed his mouth against hers.

  The contact was soft and sweet, the result explosive. Every nerve in her body sprang to attention, clamoring for release. Impossibly demanding. “What are you doing?” she breathed.

  “This.” His mouth covered hers, pressing her back, driving into her with a desperation she felt in her own bones. He stroked her cheek, his thumb pushing against her jaw, forcing her mouth to open.

  The second she granted him entrance, he dove in. Deep and hard, all consuming, his mouth worked hers.

  She thought she’d been kissed before. Hell no. This was carnal, animalistic . . . everything. A flush of heat sparked her nipples and cascaded down to her sex, opening her legs. For him. Only for him. He moved against her, mimicking the sex act, rubbing her nearly into a frenzy. Finally, he whipped his head up, freeing her lips.

  His breath panted out, his rock-hard chest moving against hers. “I want this.” His direct gaze held no subterfuge and allowed for no evasion. “I want you. Just once and before all hell breaks loose again. Our odds aren’t good.” He blinked and pressed a soft kiss to her nose. “Just you and me. Us. For once, in case this is all we have.”

  She moved restlessly against him, needing relief.

  “Janie.” Firm. Commanding. A tone that made her still. In the dream worlds, he’d hidden this side of himself. The side demanding control—pure Zane.

  She blinked. “I know our odds of survival stink.” The war had just strengthened, and Zane had now defied the demon leader. Or rather, he was about to. “I don’t want to miss this night.” It was the truth, and he deserved to hear it. No matter what happened. For so many years she’d hoped for a future with him, and then as she’d grown, she’d seen the destruction of hope and dreams. Those with destinies often had to sacrifice.

  She had a hell of a destiny. “I want this time.”

  “You’re sure?” He loosened his hold on her wrists. “I can’t decide for you.”

  She met his gaze levelly, too much emotion roaring through her to find the right words. Even if they ended up on opposite sides of the world or worse, she’d take this night for herself. Something just for her. “I’m sure. You and me. Now.”

  His eyes flashed a sparkling black through the green. Ah. A vampire’s secondary color brought out only when he was seriously pissed or dangerously aroused. She’d done that. Brought out his hidden colors. The black signified a purebred demon, and it made sense it’d be his color.

  He released her to nimbly unbutton her shirt, a low growl rolling from his chest.

  The sound surged through her and ignited a darker desire. “Do demons growl like vampires?” she breathed.

  His fangs flashed to be quickly withdrawn. “I don’t know.” He flicked open the clasp on her bra. “You’re beautiful, Belle.” Lowering his mouth, he flicked a nipple.

  “Ohh.” She arched into him, digging her head into the pillow. Sensations bombarded her—electric and sparking fast. Those fangs. She’d never been bitten by a vampire. Ever.

  He turned his attention to her other breast, nipping, tugging, and teasing. Janie spread her hands over his shoulders, marveling at the undulating muscles. She caressed down his back, digging into ridges, trying to memorize his body. Just in case this was their only chance, she wanted to remember everything.

  Her shirt and bra flew across the room, even while he kept loving her chest. Bedclothes rustled when he sat up and unzipped her jeans.

  Her breath caught. He pulled her clothing off, leaving her nude.

  Vulnerability flushed through her. “I, ah—”

  “Perfect.” His eyes flashed full black with a rim of green around the cornea. All primal being. “You’re perfect.”

  Heat slammed into her along with a rare feminine confidence. At her small height, she had no choice but to be curvy, no matter how many hours she logged on the training field. Those extra ten pounds she’d wanted to lose weren’t going anywhere—ever. But Zane thought she was beautiful.

  Half-sitting up, she reached for the buckle of his belt. Her hands trembled as she slid the tough leather free and unzipped his cargo pants. His cock sprang free. She stilled, her gaze caught. Huge. Unbearably huge. The small giggle that escaped her was full of nerves.

  Zane grinned and shoved off the bed to drop his pants and kick off his shoes. “It’ll be okay, Belle.” He rested a knee on the bed.

  Gingerly, she reached out and ran a finger along the hard ridges of his penis. His breath hitched. The skin was softer than she’d expected, but the overall shaft much harder. She hummed as she explored. “I should, ah, probably tell you something.” She tore her gaze from his dick to see his face.

  Desire glittered in his eyes, and a masculine tension vibrated along his arms. But his expression. Full of hunger. “What’s that?” His voice lowered to demon guttural.

  She swallowed. He needed to know the truth to make his decision, and she’d rather not get hurt too badly. “I haven’t done this before.”

  The world stilled. Or maybe just Zane stilled, but everything else stopped moving, too. He kept her gaze, the black overtaking the green but leaving enough to be him. To be Zane. “Why not?” he murmured.

  She coughed out air, not expecting the question. Zane always was a head-on type of guy. “Bodyguards, dangerous destiny, busy life.” She wanted to look away, but he wouldn’t let her.

  A very dangerous masculine satisfaction curved his upper lip. “Did you wait for me, Belle?”

  She sighed and picked at a string on the bedspread. Years ago, she’d figured they’d never really meet like this, but she’d hoped. “I don’t know. I think I may have waited for the possibility of you.”

  His gaze warmed even further. “Your sweetness flays me every time.” He leaned into her and slid a hand to tangle in her hair, his mouth against hers. “I won’t hurt you.”

  Relief washed through her that he hadn’t turned away or given he
r some baloney line about waiting for her soul mate. If she had a soul mate, it was Zane, even if their souls wouldn’t be on earth long. “I’m not sweet.”

  His lips curved against hers. “When you’re not reassuring everyone and acting tough, you’re as sweet as they come. The real you.” He kissed her, deep, a man finished with waiting, showing her how much he wanted her. All consuming, he kissed her until she could do nothing but take what he was giving. Only after she’d softened against him, relaxing into the bed, did he release her mouth to pepper kisses along her jaw, over her breasts, and down her abdomen.

  Desire wasn’t sweet, nor was it soothing. The craving coursing through her actually hurt. Beyond an ache, desire was a painful need, and only Zane had the balm. She moved against him, her hands gripping his flanks.

  His mouth enclosed her clit.

  Surprise bent her at the waist before her entire body detonated. She flopped back down, her fingers threading through his thick hair as waves of intense pleasure sheeted the room white. Her body shook in release, forcing her to ride waves bigger than she could imagine. The orgasm overwhelmed her and stole her breath.

  Finally, she looked down. Zane lifted his head and chuckled against her, sending more vibrations through her core. “That was quick,” he rumbled.

  She swallowed. Twice. Vulnerability made her blink. “Too quick?”

  “No.” He wandered back up her body. “Perfect. Although later I want to play there for a while, so try to control yourself next time.” Charming humor creased his cheek.

  She smacked him and settled her butt into a more comfortable position, her breath still panting out. Who knew that sex with Zane would be fun as well as overwhelming? She widened her legs to make room for his hips against hers. “I’ll try not to hurt you too much,” she whispered.

  He chuckled again. “I appreciate your restraint.” One broad palm slid down her rib cage and over her hip until he found her. His eyes closed. “You’re so wet.” He slipped one finger inside her. “And tight.” His forehead dropped to hers. “This is going to hurt, Belle.” Regret echoed on his low groan.