Read Married to the Bad Boy Page 12

  “Man, my head hurts,” Brandon complained as he sat more comfortably against the hard-backed airport chair and laid his head on my shoulder. “Why did you let me drink so much?”

  “What?” I asked as I looked at him with furrowed forehead, then looked away, not liking how he was blaming me. “I told you we shouldn’t be drinking. You’re the one who was downing it like water.”

  Then I felt his breath against my ear and he whispered. “Don’t get all mad at me. I thought we had a good night after we got home. I was just teasing you.”

  Before I was able to reply, a voice came over the intercom. “Flight 213 now boarding to the Dominican Republic.”

  Brandon stood up and walked to the lady, handing her our tickets and showing the passports. I remembered that after the dinner with my father, Brandon’s mother took me to file for a passport, not knowing that she was planning this. To find out that Brandon’s parents and my father had planned this trip for us without telling us till this morning baffled me. I understood that his parents wanted to do something nice for us, but finding out that my father had something to do with it? It didn’t sit right with me.

  “Hey, you ok?” Brandon asked worriedly as he grabbed hold of my hand. I looked at him about the same time another girl our age sat down next to us. I watch as she checked Brandon out, with lust washing over her face.

  I just shook any negative thought out of my head and focused on Brandon. “Yeah. I was just thinking how your parents were able to pull this all together so fast. And my father helping just seems odd.”

  “From what my father told me after that last dinner we had with them, he wanted to make things right, so he and Emily changed their ticket information and gave us their honeymoon trip,” he told me as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to him to kiss my forehead.

  “Wait, you two are married?” the girl next to Brandon butted in.

  Brandon turned around and noticed the girl for the first time. “Yes, she’s my wife. What does that matter to you?”

  The girl shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I just thought that maybe you were brother and sister or something. I thought that maybe we could meet up and have some fun away from our family,” she replied, batting her eyelashes at him.

  That only made Brandon laugh. “Brother and sister, really? We don’t look alike.”

  She nodded. “Well, siblings don’t always look alike. You could have different moms or dads.” She placed her hand on his knee and started to rub it. “Plus, she doesn’t look like she could be much fun, if you get what I mean.” Then she gave me a cruel smile.

  Brandon scowled at her when he noticed her hand on his knee and pushed it away from him. “Don’t fucking touch me, slut.” Then he turned back to me and gave me his little smirk that screamed trouble. When he pulled me into his lap, he looked at the girl with my back facing her. “As for my wife being fun, let me show you just how much fun she is.” Within that second his lips were pressed against mine and we were in a heated make out session.

  I just lost myself in his kiss, forgetting we were on a plane. I stopped stressing over my father reappearing back in my life. But the number one thing I noticed was that I wasn’t thinking about the nightmares and the hell I lived through. I was thinking about the boy here kissing me with so much passion that I was able to feel how much he cared for me. I knew without a doubt that I was falling in love with the bad boy, who wasn’t really as bad as others made him out to be.

  In the middle of the kiss we heard a woman say, “I’m sorry, but you two have to stop that or we are going to split you up.” We stopped kissing and I turned to see one of the attendants standing over us. I moved out of Brandon’s lap and got back into my seat. “Good. Now don’t let me catch you at it again.”

  “Why don’t you just move her, then maybe I can have the best of both views,” the girl next to Brandon replied. I could feel my blood about to boil knowing this girl was still flirting with my husband. I was ready to jump on her when Brandon grabbed my hand, shaking his head at me.

  The attendant looked at us with a raised eyebrow. “That won’t be needed, unless you two think you need to be split up.”

  The girl was a bit too insistent for my taste. “Oh, I think they do. Maybe a little pre-honeymoon break is what they need.”

  I tried my best to get my anger under control. I was able to handle Jasmine last night when she was throwing herself at Brandon, but this girl, there was something off about her and I wanted her gone.

  “Honeymoon?” the attendant asked and looked puzzled with this information.

  Brandon lifted my hand and showed the ring on my finger and he showed his other hand as well. “Yes, we just got married last month. Our parents are sending us on our honeymoon. But no, there’s no need to split us up, but maybe you can find this slut a new seat since she is so determined to make us.”

  “Sir, I can’t let you call other passengers those kinds of names, but since you’re unhappy with your neighbor, I’ll see what I can do,” she said, telling the girl to go with her and walking away.

  A few moments later, we had some guy sitting in the empty seat. He looked a little older than us. Brandon turned to face his new neighbor and sized the guy up. “OK, man. I’m only going to say this once. Don’t look, touch, or speak to my wife or I’ll beat your damn ass right here.”

  That only made me laugh and the guy rolled his eyes before putting on his earphones and looking to the front.

  Before long the plane took off, and it felt like my heart did too.

  I sat there thinking of everything that I’ve been through these past few weeks and how I could feel myself falling for Brandon. What scared me the most was, could I really trust him with my heart? Did he really feel the same or was it all just words to him? I mean, I’ve seen how he treated the girls at our school like trash and acted like he didn’t care about their feelings. So what if he was just saying all these to get me in bed with him? What if, in the end, he really wanted to stick to the original plan and leave me? All these thoughts kept running in my head as we started to soar through the clouds.

  “Please bring your seats to the upright position. We will be landing soon,” the disembodied voice rang over the intercom. This had been the longest flight in history.

  Brandon was still asleep beside me and for some reason my eye went to the guy next to him. I saw him smiling at me, but all I could do was frown back at him. I didn’t want to think about what Brandon would do if he woke up and saw us smiling at one another. I turned my head to look out the window, not liking the idea of this guy looking at me.

  As I stared out the window, I could make out the green of the island and the ocean waves crashing onto it. With each wave, it seemed that the water was trying to drown the island, which made me wonder if a storm was coming.

  Through the whole flight, I wasn’t able to shut off my thoughts about Brandon. Here I was on some island with a guy I was falling in love with and I didn’t know what I was going to do about it. We married so he could protect me, but there wasn’t supposed to be attachments formed. In my head, I kept hearing his father telling us we need to treat our marriage as the real thing, but now I was even more than scared to. Every person I’ve ever loved has hurt or left me. First, my grandma died on me, leading to my father leaving me to my mother. I thought she loved me and wouldn’t let any harm come to me, but man was I wrong.

  My mom, I haven’t thought about her since that last night in that house. She would come home from whatever dead end job she was working at and would make herself a drink first and down it as fast as she poured it. She’d keep at it till I would do something that my stepfather didn’t approve of and hit me. Then she’d sit her glass down and laugh as she watched him beat me. I never understood how she could just sit there and watch someone beat her own daughter up as if she was watching a soap opera on TV.

  I sighed and once again tried to enjoy the view, but it wasn’t helping because the image of my mother laughing as I was bea
ten to death was stuck in my head.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Brandon suddenly said from behind me. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. “But not as bewitching as you are.”

  I pushed him away and I saw from the corner of my eye the seat belt sign come on. “Brandon, that’s the cheesiest thing you ever said to me.” I laughed at him, trying to push him away just a little. I could see the guy watching us closely and there was just something about his stare that made me feel uneasy.

  But the more I tried to push Brandon back, the more he pushed forward till his lips captured mine. It was a soft yet sweet kiss. He gently caressed my lips, then pulled away. “Now that’s the best way to wake up from a nap.” He chuckled and held my hand once again as we felt the plane land at the airport.

  Soon we left the plane and walked through the airport hand in hand to the bag claiming area. Brandon spotted one of our bags. He let go of my hand and ran off to get it and left me to look for the other one. As I stood there watching the bags go by, I saw someone grab one of them that was right in front of me. I looked up to see the guy from the airplane standing there.

  “Hi.” He smiled. I just looked away trying to figure out where Brandon had gone. Why was he taking so long? “OK, not much of a talker or is it because you don’t want to see your pathetic husband beat me up? Which I don’t see happening even if he tried.”

  I tried to ignore that comment. I took a step to the side to get away from this guy, but it only made him move closer to me. “Take my word, sweetheart. He’ll get what’s coming to him.” And with that, he walked off.

  I was puzzled by his remark that I didn’t see Brandon come back till I felt him place a hand on my lower back, making me jump. “Whoa, Kami. Are you ok?” he asked. I turned and looked into his brown eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just zoned out for a moment. What took you so long?” I asked. He had both our bags in hand.

  “You remember that annoying girl before we took off? Well, she kind of showed up and tried to talk me into going someplace with her. I’m against hitting girls, but I wish I could have with her.” He shook his head as we started to walk out of the airport just to see the airplane girl standing at the door.

  I really didn’t think anything of it till I saw the guy with her. They looked to be arguing about something. As we walked by, I caught a part of it of their conversation. “You know the plan, now get it done,” the guy said to her. I turned to face him and saw him looking at me with a wink.

  We grabbed a taxi to the hotel where we were staying for the duration of the honeymoon. I guessed our parents had everything sorted out and didn’t care how much it cost since they booked our room on the top floor with the view of the beach below us.

  I walked onto the balcony and looked out into the ocean. I breathed in the salty sea air and for some odd reason, it brought me peace. The wind picked up for just a second and dance around me and I closed my eyes, letting the tranquility take over me. For the last eight years or so of my life, I haven’t had this feeling and I wanted to drink it in before it went away.

  “Kami, are you hungry?” I heard Brandon ask from inside the room. I sighed, letting the feeling go away and walked back in the room. Brandon looked up from his suitcase and smiled at me. “So?”

  “Yeah. Let’s go eat and maybe do a bit of sightseeing. We can unpack when we get back,” I replied, smiling back at him.

  He walked over to me, pulling me to him by wrapping his arms around my waist while mine went around his neck. As we stood face to face, it was like we became trapped in a trance where it seemed I could see his soul, but right about the time I was starting to see an emotion in them, he blinked and pulled away.

  “We need to unpack first or we will never do it.” He laughed and walked back over to his bag and started taking more clothes out.

  He had already thrown my bag on the bed next to him, so I walked to it and unzipped it and what I saw inside was nothing I would ever wear. I didn’t pay any attention to Brandon as I pulled out a black lace lingerie nightgown. “What on earth was your mom thinking when she packed this?” I blurted out.

  That got his eye and he looked at the thing I was holding up. “Maybe it was her way of saying she wants grandchildren.” He laughed, taking it out of my hand and putting it against my clothed body. “Hmmm.” He leaned his head to the side, probably trying to picture it on me. “I don’t know. Maybe you can wear it tonight and we’ll see what happens.” I didn’t have time to reply when my stomach growled and it made him laugh. “Ok, I hear you. I guess this unpacking will have to wait. Let’s go eat.”

  A few hours after eating, looking around the hotel grounds and walking down the beach, the sun had gone down and we were in the elevator going back to our room. Out of the blue Brandon pushed me against the wall and started kissing me fast and hard. I didn’t even have time to think about why he was doing this. He wrapped his arms around my legs and lifted me off the ground, making me wrap my legs around him.

  I kissed him back, just letting him have me at the moment. I knew he had been feeling the sexual tension in the air for a while, just like I did. I felt his hand grab my bottom, pulling me closer to him, where I could feel just how turned on he was. God knew at that moment I wanted him. I would let him take me this very moment and not care if someone was watching us.

  Then he pulled out of the kiss and leaned his head on my neck, pushing me closer to the wall, which inadvertently made him push harder into my core area. I let out a moan. “Kami, don’t do that,” he said with difficulty. “It’s hard enough that I have to keep my hands to myself and I can’t have you the way I want.”

  “Sorry, but I can’t stop it. You’re doing something to me that I’ve never felt before,” I admitted without looking in his eyes, laying my head on his shoulder instead. “There’s this part of me when we’re kissing that just wants to let go and let you have me. Each time we’re like this, it becomes stronger and stronger. I don’t know what to do about it and it scares me.”

  With that, he pulled away and looked at me. “Then don’t think about it. If we get to that point, then just let it happen.” He captured my lips in a gentle kiss and put me back down on my feet about the time the doors opened to our floor. I was thankful no one had come in when we were lip locking.

  When we got to the room, Brandon opened the door for me and I walked in. Brandon pulled me back to him once the door was closed behind us. “Where are you going?” he asked and suddenly started to kiss my neck.

  “I was going to unpack and find something to wear to bed,” I answered, feeling my body getting heated up from his hands that were roaming around my stomach area and I felt his hand slightly land on my lower half.

  He turned me around at that moment to face him. “How about we get you out of these shorts and top and you let me give you a massage first.”

  “I don’t know, Brandon. I mean, I’ve never been naked in front of you before,” I timidly replied, wrapping my arms around his neck and trying to stand up on my toes so I could give him a kiss. But he moved his head away.

  “Oh, I’ve seen you naked, but you just don’t remember.” He laughed and walked us to the bed. He let go of me and removed our bags and placed them on the floor. After that, he turned back to me and gave me his little smirk. “Now, let’s remove this shirt so it doesn’t get in the way. But don’t worry, you can keep the bra on.”

  I could feel his hands playing with the hem of the shirt, but he kept his eyes on me to see what I would do next. I took a deep breath and lifted my arms so he could remove it. I wanted to cover myself up, but Brandon grabbed my wrists. “You really do have a wonderful body, especially now that you’re not covered in bruises.”

  He leaned down and kissed me along my neck and that alone was enough for my frazzled nerves to calm down. I felt his hands on the button of my jeans and soon after those were coming down. He kissed my chest and along my bra line.

  Once my jeans were a puddle on the floor, he straightened up and
looked me over once more. “Yes, very wonderful,” he murmured, unconsciously licking his lips. He walked around me till my back was to his chest and he blew in my ear, making my knees buckle a little. “Lay down on your stomach so I can give you that massage now. But first, I need some oil. I think there’s some in the bathroom.” Then he left to retrieve the oil.

  What was I doing? I tried to shake the feeling off once again and resolved to do what he asked. I knew I could trust him not to hurt me, but I was scared to know what his plan was with this massage. I lay there with my head in my hands, lying on the pillow, trying not to think of negative thoughts, when I felt his hand rub my lower legs. I closed my eyes and just let him work, whatever magic it was he had in his hands. It didn’t take long for him to work next on my thighs. Then he sat down next to me and started to rub my upper back. First, he was gentle, but soon got a little rough with it, but I could feel knots I didn’t know I had dissolved, putting me in a more relaxed state. With that, he moved to the middle and before long was rubbing my lower back.

  As he rubbed my lower back, I could feel him rub against my bottom every now and then. I moved just a little and I felt parts of my back pop, causing me to moan. Without thinking, Brandon started to move his hands against my bottom. I felt his light touch on it as he moved from one cheek to the other. You’d think I was nervous with the fact I was wearing a thong and with him having the perfect view of it, but I wasn’t.

  I had gotten so turned on with having his hands on my body and I was in a state of bliss. I wanted him to keep touching me. I wanted him to take me, make me his. I wanted to feel him become a part of me, making us one. Do what real married people do, give this marriage a chance. I was sick of being scared of ‘what if.’ I’ll just handle it when the time comes to cross that bridge.