Read Mary's Christmas Story Part 1 Page 7

moment, she noticed him standing on the inside of the gate.

  “Zechariah!” she called, walking briskly towards him.

  He spotted her and smiled.

  “Were you waiting for long?”

  He shook his head, still smiling. He beckoned to her with his hands. His face was beaming with joy, but why wasn’t he talking? Maybe he had a throat infection or something.

  “Zechariah, I’m so pleased to hear that Elizabeth is with child.”

  Zechariah looked at her surprised but said nothing. He took her hand and lifted her onto his second horse. Good thing Mary was familiar with riding horses as Joseph had given her some rides on his horse.

  They rode in a happy but puzzling silence along the country path to their home where Mary had visited as a child. She loved Elizabeth’s home. Although they had never had children of their own, they welcomed any other children with open arms, and they doted on their animals. They had five horses, ten dogs and several cats (she’d never counted them) the last time she visited. Not to mention the chickens, guinea pigs and birds in a large cage. Zechariah was a priest in the temple, and Mary had always considered him with such awe. She’d never thought they would have such an ordinary life though – the concept seemed a paradox.

  Mary nearly ran into the house as soon as Zechariah pulled the horses into the stable.

  “Elizabeth, Elizabeth, where are you?” Mary called excitedly.

  Elizabeth came waddling from one of the rooms, her face full of joy. She was holding her swollen belly. She spoke out in a loud voice, and Mary jumped after the quiet trip with Zechariah.

  “You are such a blessed woman and blessed is the child you have in your womb!” She stood staring at Mary, her eyes wide. “But why has the Lord chosen me to have the mother of my Lord visiting me?”

  Mother of my Lord! Mary stared at Elizabeth and then she felt it, the same joy she saw on Elizabeth’s face. She felt a warmth flood through her whole being and knew it was the Holy Spirit. It was the same feeling she’d had when the angel had appeared to her. She touched her lower abdomen. Who was this child within her? The Lord Himself? The angel had said that He was the Son of God and that He would have David’s throne forever. He could only be the Lord Himself. Was He the Messiah?

  Elizabeth ran up to Mary and hugged her. She held Mary at arms’ length to study her. “As soon as I heard you calling me, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.” She touched Mary’s face with shaky fingers. “You’re a blessed woman because you believed what the Lord said would happen to you.”

  Tears flooded Mary’s eyes. God was pleased with her for standing her ground even when her family hadn’t believed. She felt joy flooding her being. Words filled her mind, threatening to spill out her mouth. She looked at Elizabeth.

  “Everything in my being glorifies the Lord for this. My spirit is rejoicing in God my Saviour, for He has considered the lowly state of His servant!” She was amazed that God had chosen a poor woman like her that came from a family of no particular social standing, in a small town called Nazareth. He had revealed Himself to the ordinary person! Just what she had been longing for.

  “From now on all generations will call me blessed! The Mighty God has done great things for me!” She whooped for joy. “Holy is His name.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes were shining.

  “His mercy reaches out to those who fear him, from generation to generation.” The words of praise began to tumble out her mouth – words that she hadn’t even planned. A burning fire flowed from her.

  “He has sent far from Him those that are proud in their deepest thoughts. He has taken down leaders on thrones and has instead lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things but sent the rich away empty-handed. He will help his servant Israel, never forgetting to be merciful to Abraham and His descendents forever, just as he promised our fathers.”

  Elizabeth took both her hands and clung on to them.

  “I’m so happy for you Mary. You have been given the greatest gift of all. A chance to live closely with the Lord of life, to get to know God in a way that none of us ever have.”

  “Oh, Elizabeth, how long have I wanted God to reveal Himself to me.”

  “God has always revealed Himself to you in His law and in His creation.”

  “I know. But this – it’s so awesome. Oh Elizabeth, I am so glad that God has spoken to you. The last few months have been very trying for me. My family doesn’t believe that the child inside of me is from the Holy Spirit.”

  Elizabeth peered into her eyes, and a deep frown of concern clouded her face.

  “Oh, my dear cousin. How awful for you to have gone through this. God has favoured you and your family has turned against you.”

  “I haven’t told Joseph, the man I am betrothed to. I couldn’t face him.”

  “God will give you the words at the right time.”

  Mary grabbed Elizabeth’s hand. “Thank you. Thank you for understanding.”

  “God has shown me the truth. He will show them in time. Now come sit for some curds and honey. You have had a long journey and you are pregnant. Your body needs restoration. I know all about that.”

  “Tell me what has happened to you. The angel told me that you were with child by a miracle.”

  “It’s truly a miracle. I have been barren for years, as you know. I had given up all hope of being a mother. Then, an angel appeared to Zechariah when he went into the holy place to burn incense. Since then, he cannot speak, but he made it clear to us that I would fall pregnant and have a son and that the son would be used by God to prepare the way of the Lord.” They sat down as they ate the food and discussed what God had spoken to Zechariah.

  “Now I understand why Zechariah wouldn’t speak to me on the journey here. I thought he was ill.”

  “He was very frustrated in the beginning. But he is a totally different man since. He seems to have so much peace and contentment. He used to be a very negative man, always doubtful and complaining. I think God is teaching him something with him not being able to speak. I think God is preparing us to be the parents of this child. We have always followed the law as perfectly as we could, Mary, as you know, but Zechariah’s heart attitude needed to change. He needed a lesson in faith. I know now that God has been preparing us for years. All the sorrow of being an outcast as a woman has taught me to follow God regardless. Now we will follow God’s directions for our future son. He is not to have any alcohol, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth.”

  “What a privilege, my cousin. God is doing something great in this day. I am so excited to be a part of it.”

  “Me too.”