Read Mary's Christmas Story Part 1 Page 9

God could defend her. Why hadn’t He? She knew what he would discuss with her father tomorrow. She knew that the relationship was over. She prayed quietly to the Lord.

  “Lord Jehovah, God of Abraham,” she whispered, “please help me God. I cannot do this on my own. I need a husband. I need my family to support me. What if they hand me over to the authorities? I know you promised to be with me but I’m struggling to have faith. I’m scared, God.” She began to sob quietly. “Please show me the truth. Please protect the child within me. Keep Him safe. I love Him too.” She touched her swollen belly and felt a flutter gently against her hand. It fluttered continually for about a minute. It was as if the child inside her knew how she was feeling and cared. The sobs came again. She felt God’s love flood through her and felt Him whisper in her heart that everything would be alright. She just needed to trust.

  Although Joseph had enjoyed the independence the last few months since his parents had left, as he lay on his bed that night, he wished his mother was with him. He needed someone to rant and rave with – someone to complain to about his hurt and betrayal. Instead, he lay in the quiet house that was to be his marriage home with Mary, staring at the bare ceiling in anguish. What was the purpose of his life now? He’d gained a new sense of purpose for his work once he was betrothed to Mary. He would have built up his own home – made it special. He’d made them a bed and planned to build a cot for their first child as soon as she fell pregnant. He had plans for tables and chairs with special carvings that would make her so proud. He had started making cupboards for their belongings. Mary was poor and they only had chairs in their home and one cupboard for everything. Most of their belongings were stacked in the corners of their living area. She’d never slept on a bed but only on a mat. He was so looking forward to spoiling her. What was the point now? He had only himself to care for.

  He tossed and turned, trying to shake the anger that chewed through him. What did this other man have that he didn’t? Was he not attractive to Mary? Was this other man rich? Joseph wasn’t rich, but he would have made a comfortable home for her and her children. For hours, he tossed and turned and nearly rose out of bed to find some carving to work on to keep his mind off the churning thoughts. Before he rose, he fell into a fitful sleep, his brow beaded with sweat, his shirt twisted around him uncomfortably.

  He was walking along the road to his shop. A bright light shone in front of him, blocking his path. He shaded his eyes and stared into the light, surprised. A large angel stood before him – he was about the size of two men on top of each other. He fell to his knees, his whole body trembling.

  “Joseph, son of David,” the angel spoke, “don’t be scared to take Mary home as your wife because the baby conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you must call Him Jesus because He will save His people from their sins.”

  The light and angel disappeared.

  He continued to walk and then saw a scroll on the ground. In the scroll was a portion of the prophet Isaiah. He opened the scroll and his eyes read “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”

  Joseph woke up with a start, the sweat running down his back and neck. His heart was thudding in his chest. Fear and awe flooded through him. Had he just had a visitation from an angel in his dream? He knew deep inside that it wasn’t just the result of a troubled mind. God had spoken clearly to him. He didn’t even know the law well enough to have thought of that verse in Isaiah. He may have heard it once or twice in synagogue, but how would he remember it word for word? A son that would save His people from their sins. What did that mean?

  Suddenly, the realization hit him. Mary was pure! She had spoken the truth!

  “Oh, no, God! What have I put her through? How must she be feeling? Why didn’t I believe the woman that I love? She’d proved herself genuine and true with me! Why did I let my scepticism turn my heart against her?”

  He stood up and walked to the large urn of water in the washing-room. He poured some cool water over his head. This child of Mary’s would save His people from their sins. What had the angel told Mary when he appeared to her? He wanted to know more. God had chosen him to father this child! What an awesome responsibility! He paced the room back and forth until the dawn lit up the windows. He could not wait to speak to Jehoram. He had to find Mary right away.

  He left his home without eating breakfast, his heart racing with the news. As he ran to Mary’s house, he realised he still had on the sweaty clothes he’d slept in that were also saturated with water. The cool morning air nipped at him but couldn’t steal his joy. He may look a sight – he didn’t care. After running for several minutes, his shirt was partly dry from the sun and the wind rushing through him. Reaching their door, he banged on it hard, bruising the side of his hand. They may still be sleeping, but he had to talk to Mary.

  Jehoram came to the door, his face stricken.

  “What’s wrong, Joseph?”

  “May I talk with Mary please?”

  “Joseph, we know you are angry, but Mary is resting. We will talk tonight.”

  “Please ask her to come out to me. I need to talk to her.”

  “She’s not allowed out this house,” Jehoram whispered violently. “She will be stoned. You do not wish to send her to the authorities?” Jehoram’s eyes were wide with fear.

  “No, no! I had a dream. God spoke to me in a dream. I will wait out here until Mary has woken.”

  “Oh. I will call you in when she is ready to see you.” Jehoram closed the door, leaving Joseph outside.

  “Mary, Mary, you must wake up.” Her mother was shaking her on the arm.

  Mary sat up, alert, her heart thudding against her chest.

  “What, Mama?”

  “Joseph is waiting outside to talk to you.”

  Mary’s heart beat even faster, and her throat began to throb painfully.

  “He wishes to come in, but you need to dress and make your mat.”

  “Why, Mama? I’m scared.”

  “No, Mary. He is not taking you away. I don’t know what’s going on. Father says he had a dream.”

  Mary looked into her mother’s eyes and the anger was gone. A strange look was in her eyes, almost an expectancy. Mary remembered her prayer last night. She rose quickly, dressed in the private alcove and washed her face. She made her mat and sat on the chair, smiling at her father.

  “I’m ready.”

  Her father ran to the door and called to Joseph to enter.

  “Sit, Joseph,” her mother offered.

  Abby had already started making breakfast in the kitchen and she came through, flour on her hands. They sat around and looked at Joseph expectantly.

  “Mary, I’m sorry I never believed you. An angel appeared to me in a dream last night. He said that I must take you as my wife because the child inside of you is conceived by the Holy Spirit. He said that I must call him Jesus because He will save His people from their sins. What does this all mean?”

  “Oh, Joseph!” Mary exclaimed, her face shining. “I don’t fully know what it means. The angel who appeared to me said that He would be great and would reign forever on David’s throne.”

  Mother gasped. Mary looked at her, but this time it was not with that “you’re crazy, child” look. It was with wonder.

  “After the angel disappeared, there was a scroll on the ground. It had a portion from Isaiah that says that it will be a sign to us that a virgin will become pregnant and will bear a son and He will be called Immanuel, God with us.”

  “The angel said that He would be the Son of God and when I greeted Elizabeth, she called me the mother of her Lord.”

  “Is it the Lord Himself inside of you?” Joseph stood up and touched her belly. “Is He the Messiah?”

  “I don’t know, Joseph.” There were tears in Mary’s eyes. ??
?But I feel God’s presence inside of me.”

  “I’m so sorry, Mary.” Her mother came up to her and held her shoulders. “I’m so sorry I never believed you. I wouldn’t even listen to what you had to say.”

  Mary put her head into her hands and wept.

  “What have you been through all these months, sis?” Abigail stood on the other side of her, holding her.

  “God has sustained me,” she mumbled through her weeping. Her father stood behind her, touching her back. Mother began to weep too. Abigail stroked her arm. It was a long time before everyone’s emotions had subsided. They sat and ate breakfast together and then discussed the wedding. It would have to be a quiet wedding, with just a priest. The only priest who could perform the ceremony without danger to her was Zechariah. Father would send an urgent message to Zechariah to come immediately. Joseph would keep Mary safe in their new home until she gave birth. People may talk, but they had to trust God to keep her and the baby safe.

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