Read Maureen's Journey Home Page 11

  “Not a chance in hell of that ever happening, Tony, trust me on that” said Paul. “After what you are doing for us we couldn’t even dream of such a thing. The respect that you have for us is dwarfed by the admiration and respect that we have for you and what you are doing for the likes of us. There are plenty of guys out there with nobody to look out for them or even care about them as they wrestle with their demons – If we can help them we will. How could we not after seeing this idea of yours?”

  “Well guys I’m glad you see it that way, I’m quite sure Rachel will have convinced the ladies of how valuable they are too. So show them the new accommodations and convince them to accept. I’m sure they won’t regret it.”


  When Rachel and the two women arrived Tony suggested that they go to the golf club for lunch. They sat there and chatted away merrily, everyone apparently on the same page. Maureen and Gwen had driven past the gatehouse and the chauffeur’s garage apartment on their way in, but they had not had a chance to see it properly – that would come after lunch. Just like the two men, the women were equally enthralled by what they had seen and they were keen to get involved and help others in need.

  “So ladies, Rachel tells me that you like the facilities that we have to help women in need and that you wish to join us, it that right?”

  “Yes it certainly is Mr.Br – er Tony, sorry. We very much wish to become a part of this if --.

  Tony interrupted Maureen right there.

  “If Paul and Andre are agreeable - right?”

  “Well erm Yes, I guess that’s about it.”

  “In that case, why don’t you let the two gentlemen here show you the accommodations that come with these positions, once we have finished our lunch? Paul you can drop the keys back at the office later. The guys are on the same page as you ladies in principle – so go and check out the living arrangements and see if it works for you.”

  “Sounds like a plan for me” said Gwen.

  “Yes, I like that idea, said Maureen, thank you Tony, I really do appreciate that.”

  “That’s my pleasure ladies. Rachel can you give me a ride back to my office and then I can let Paul have my car?”

  “Absolutely, Tony, that’s no trouble at all.”

  “Good we are all settled then. If I am tied up in a meeting, just give the keys to Rachelle.”

  Right after lunch they went back to have a closer inspection of the Gate House and Coach House apartment. As Gwen and Andre were living in apartments before they felt the Coach House apartment would suit them as they had less furniture to worry about. Paul and Maureen both had their own houses full of furniture so perhaps they may need a little more room. All of this was on the presumption that they would be moving in with their respective partners. It had not been discussed at all up to this point. They were sleeping together now and they definitely had deep feelings for each other – but this had a more permanent ring to it. They were moving in together and making a home together and possibly co-mingling furniture. This was huge for all of them. It was far more than allowing them closet space in their home or giving them an underwear drawer etc. – and yet they were all taking it for granted. It just seemed so natural to all of them. It was only when they really got down to details that the penny finally dropped. The men were the ones being given the accommodation, so they were secure. The women were moving in with them –but where was their security? Love is wonderful – but it has its limitations and being homeless is not a barrel of laughs. Who was selling what in terms of residences – who was going to rent out their place? These were issues that had to be addressed. The blindness of their love had obscured these things until now. It was now time to face them. They were all well aware of each other’s frailties and they were deeply in love – but was that enough? Well apparently it was. Having looked at the accommodations and taken an even harder look at themselves they were prepared to go ahead. The thought of living without the other was simply unthinkable for all of them. They knew the risks and they were aware they had only known each other for a short while – but the thought of being without the other terrified them all. Love it seems does conquer all – it certainly had in this case.


  That night after dinner they each went to their respective rooms – they had a lot to talk about.

  “Paul, are you really sure that you want me to move in with you, this is a big move.”

  “Of course I’m sure, Maureen. I have given this matter quite a lot of thought in fact. Oh I know only too well that we have only just met, but I just feel we were meant for each other. Yes it sounds crazy, but it’s just how I feel. I was kind of hoping that you felt the same way. I know I have my demons, but I think I’m improving and maybe in time you might learn to overcome that issue. You have made me feel better than I have in a very long time and I really care about you. There’s just something about you Maureen and I just don’t want to lose you.”

  “Are you quite sure about that Paul? I have a lot of my own issues you know. I am not as pure as driven snow anymore – not after that camp. Not many men would be willing to overlook a problem like that, Paul.”

  “Perhaps not, Maureen, but that would be their loss. It’s what is in your heart that counts, Honey. Not too many women would fancy a guy who kills a baby and its mother regardless of the circumstances. I am still haunted by that and wake up screaming occasionally. How many women would want to take that on – yet it didn’t faze you at all. You could see that the man who did that was not the man you met in that canteen. The woman I met there is not the one standing in front of me now. As we go through life we all have to face unsavory and often terrifying circumstances that are not of our choosing. What happened to you would have destroyed a lesser woman. In your case it made you stronger. Your physical beauty pales beside the woman inside and the love that resides in her heart. This is the woman I know, how you became that woman is merely history – it’s the future that counts, Honey, not the past. You can’t live your life through the rear view mirror.”

  Maureen suddenly jumped out of the chair, flung her arms around Paul’s neck and kissed him.

  “You make me feel so special Paul, that’s why I fell in love with you. I really do love you. I just needed you to tell me that you loved me back and you just did. You have shown me that you care in so many other ways – I just needed to hear you say it.”

  “Well I didn’t say those actual words, Maureen – so let me correct that right now. I love you Maureen McLeod – is that clear enough for you?”

  “Oh yes, Paul that is perfectly clear, and a little later on I’ll show you just how much I appreciate you saying that to me.”

  “Well they do say that actions speak louder than words, Maureen” he said with a glint in his eye.

  “Oh indeed they do, and trust me, I have quite a few actions you haven’t seen yet.”

  “Calm down there Princess, we have a lot of things to discuss first. Things like houses and contents etc. I think we need to both go back the Nova Scotia and figure out a few things together. “Oh Yes I think that will be a good idea, but my mind is elsewhere right now. You have no idea how happy you have just made me.”

  With that comment she just launched herself at him and the household content discussion was immediately put on hold. The passion that these two shared could have been measured on the Richter scale that night as Paul was shown some of those actions Maureen had mentioned – but only a few of them. A lady never reveals all of her talents at once. Her mystique must be preserved and it should only be doled out in small doses. Paul certainly appreciated them though, even in small doses. There was absolutely no doubt about that and Maureen knew it too.

  They would call Tony in the morning and tell him that they needed time to go to Nova Scotia and then when they returned they would take up his offer. Across the hall similar activities had been taking place and they too had been involved in meaningful discussions with regard to relationships and their future together. Appare
ntly they were all on the same page – but the hotel’s foundations had managed to withstand the geological tremors that night as it was still standing the following morning. It was obviously a very soundly constructed building to be able to cope with such stresses and strains. In that respect it resembled the two couples who were responsible for it all. They two were strong and resilient individuals with a solid future ahead of them. The road ahead was no longer dark and it certainly had no land mines embedded in it. They now really did have a future to look forward to.


  “Tony, its Paul, having had long and meaningful discussions last night we are all on board and will gladly accept your offer. We all need to go back home for a few days first to sort out a few things, but we are all enthusiastic about your plans and vision and we wish to be a part of it.”

  “You guys have just made my day, Paul. I was pretty sure that you would accept my offer, but now that you have confirmed that belief I am delighted. How long will you need to handle your affairs back home? I’m not trying to rush you in any way, take all the time that you need, I just need an idea so I can get to start other things prior to your return.”

  “Well to be honest I’m not too sure, Tony, but certainly no more than ten days. Can I get back to you on that?

  “Absolutely, Paul, I just needed to have some sort of time frame in order to get my professionals advised and the contractors lined up. I have a few candidates in the wings already and they will be our first patients once we are up and running.”

  “Maureen and I will return as soon as we can Tony as we really are Gung Ho on this.”

  “Are Gwen and Andre of the same mind?”

  “Oh indeed they are, Andre will be calling you to let you know their schedule once he has it figured out. That could well be in the next few minutes, Tony – so I’ll free up the line and call you back later, bye for now and thanks again for the job, boss”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Paul, I’m sure this venture of ours will be a huge success now that you guys are on board, - enjoy your trip back home, bye.”

  No more than five minutes later, Andre called Tony and gave him the news that he and Gwen were also on board. He was going to take Gwen up to Montreal to show her his furniture and decide what to move down to Markton, if anything, and what to dispose of. They would then go down to Gwen’s and do likewise. As they saw it, they would both be earning and as they were living rent free they could soon have the new place just how they wanted it. Both of them were really excited by all of this and saw it as a great opportunity for them both. They would now begin to heal together and put all of their past nightmares and traumas behind them. It wouldn’t happen overnight – but it most certainly would happen now that they had each other to love and be loved by. This would then be beneficial to others as they became aware of just what was possible if they worked at it, both in the Man Cave, as it would be known, and the Women’s Shelter.


  Maureen and Paul had gone to Paul’s house in Chester first to see what if anything they may wish to take back to Markton or have shipped there. It was a quaint little house, well not so little really, close to the town center and it was in very good shape. Maureen fell in love with the place almost immediately and felt it would be rather a shame to have to part with it. Her home was somewhat smaller and not quite so well furnished as this one was.

  “Oh Paul, this is lovely” she said. It’s a shame we can’t just place the whole thing on a truck and take it all back with us.”

  “I know, I grew up in this house, there are a lot of memories here for me.”

  The words were hardly out of his mouth when a police cruiser pulled up outside and the officer called at the door.

  “Oh it’s you Paul” the officer said as he recognized him. I thought you might be a burglar; we have been keeping an eye on the place since you left. You kinda left in a hurry, Paul; you caused quite a stir for a while. I’m glad you are alright - welcome home”

  “Well I won’t be staying; Martin,” he said addressing the officer. I have been offered a position in Ontario, in Markton, and I shall be moving there, at least for now.”

  “I see, and this young lady is no doubt the reason for it all I assume?”

  “Oh I’m sorry Martin. Yes this is Maureen McLeod, my girlfriend. Maureen, this is Martin Clark a longtime friend of mine and now a police officer as you can see. I brought her home to see what if anything we may wish to take back with us. The truth is we seem to want to keep the place as it is – maybe rent it out or something. We are not at all sure what we want to do yet. Renting can be a minefield if you get the wrong kind of tenants.”

  “That it can, there’s no doubt about that. However, should you decide to take that route, Paul give me a call. My girlfriend and I are moving in together as soon as we can find a suitable place – and we would take good care of the house for you. Keep us in mind Paul. It’s been nice meeting you Maureen. Take good care of this guy; he’s kinda well liked around here for some unknown reason. See you around, bye for now – and don’t be a stranger, Paul. There are a lot of guys who’d like to see you before you leave and to meet you too ma’am.”

  “He seems a very nice man,” Maureen commented.

  “Yes Martin is a good guy; he carried me home more times than I care to remember. He kept me overnight in the cells more than once too. We went to school together. If we decide to go the rental route I couldn’t have a better tenant than him. I know he would look after the place – that’s just who he is and his girlfriend Violet is a neat freak too. If he is still going with Violet, that is? – I have been away a while you know.”

  “Oh I love this house Paul, you can’t sell it. Perhaps one day you could come back here to live permanently.”

  “Well only if you were to come and live here with me – if you have not tired of me by then?”

  “Don’t be silly, Paul, of course I’ll come with you, I’ll go anywhere with you, I love you.”

  “Yes I know Maureen, I was just teasing you. In fact I was imagining you and I retiring in this house. I could quite easily see that happening – but let’s live a little first eh?” Retirement is a long way off.”

  “That’s true, but as long as we are together I’ll be happy and that project in Markton sounds very promising – I think we shall both enjoy that, Paul. It will probably help us as much as it does others – if not more so.”

  “Yes, Honey I think you could be right, I am really pumped about that and I know that Andre is too.”

  The insurance company’s check had arrived regarding his Mother’s and his Sister’s Life Insurance policies and he was in no apparent hurry to open them. The policies were not for a lot of money, but it would allow him to keep the house and still buy furniture for their place in Markton. With that settled he called his friend Martin and told him that he could rent his house if he still wished to do so. Martin did and the appropriate paperwork was then signed. Maureen and Paul then went to Murdoch’s Cove to see Maureen’s old home. Paul could see that Maureen was upset at the prospect of having to sell the house, but she was prepared to do it. He then persuaded her to rent her place out too. There was no rush to do so, he had more than enough to furnish their new place and this was a huge move. It could be sold just as easily at a later date when things were calmer or even kept on as a rental income property. After all, real estate was always a good investment. It was a sound argument and Maureen accepted it.


  Gwen and Andre had a rather more difficult time trying to decide what to do as they both lived in apartments. They were both taking a huge leap of faith here and after only a few weeks of knowing each other. What they didn’t ship to Markton would have to be stored –they couldn’t just dispose of it, just in case things didn’t work out. They both realized that they had to be practical here despite their currently undying love for each other. Nobody stands at the altar saying their “I do’s” with unsigned divorce papers in their pockets – and yet
many couples do end up on the rocks. Gwen and Andre were fully aware of the risks they were taking, but they took them anyway. Each had a say in what was to be taken and what was to be stored – at least for now. They could both live with that arrangement. With all of that under their belts they headed back to Markton and the new world that awaited them. They would all heal from their wounds over time as they embarked of this new journey. The love that they had for each other was powerful enough to overcome their doubts and apprehensions – but it also allowed them to see that pain in others. It was this that Tony was counting on. They were uniquely qualified to help these people and guide them along the path to restored health and self-confidence. They might have their doubts right now – but Tony would be proven right over time and they would help a lot of people in one way or another. Heading back to Markton was now step one down that road.

  Chapter Ten


  One week later they were all back in Markton and all set up in the Gate House and the Coach House. Paul and Maureen had now bought most of their furniture, whereas Andre and Gwen had moved some of their own in with them. Both places were now quite cozy, but Andre and Gwen’s apartment had a few more familiar items that reminded them of home. In Maureen and Paul’s case it was probably just as well to have new things rather than to be reminded of the loved ones they had lost and having their knick knacks around as a constant reminder. They thought of them every day as it was – further reminders they didn’t need. It was mid-November now and the weather was now cooling down and going for walks up and down the local country roads required warmer clothing now. It was still nice to stroll hand in hand into the sunset and share each other’s dreams. They did that most night’s after dinner, but soon that would come to an end once the snow arrived. The T.V would then become a poor substitute on those dark winter nights – but a much warmer one all the same.