Read Maureen's Journey Home Page 10

  “Of course, Mr. Braxton that would be just fine” responded Maureen.

  “It’s Tony to you, Maureen, not Mr. Braxton.”

  “Thank you, Tony; we would like to meet Mrs. Malcolm.”

  “Rachelle, would ask Mrs. Malcolm to come in please?” he said into the intercom.

  “I don’t think she has arrived here yet, Sir.”

  “Okay, then show her straight in when she does would you please?”

  “Yes Sir I’ll do that.”

  “Right then gentlemen let me outline what I have in mind for you – assuming I can twist your arms into coming to work for me on this project” he said laughing.

  He then went on to outline to program, the professionals who were already on board and the type of facility he envisioned. In fact he had a place in mind. It was a little run down right now, but with a little TLC it could be turned into something worthwhile. As he saw it, it just might be therapeutic for the residents to participate in that restoration themselves. Apparently the psychologists agreed. There was a certain team building element to it, socializing with others and personal accomplishment all rolled into one.

  Andre and Paul were both transfixed listening to all of this. Tony was definitely enthusiastic and really into this and considerable though had been put into it. As they were listening and taking in every detail they could very well see themselves right there in the middle of it all. The more Tony outlined the more interested they became. Tony’s magnetic personality and personal charisma had also played a part, but it was the idea itself that captivated them. Neither of the men were certified tradesmen, but they were pretty good DIY guys and they could wield a hammer and nails with the best. They had to be pretty handy where they came from as they could ill afford skilled tradesmen to do menial jobs – so they learned themselves – often the hard way, but then “that’s life, right?”

  “Now let me explain about this property. It stands in its own grounds and is quite large. It also has a gatekeeper’s house and also a carriage house above which is an apartment for the chauffeur. That however was some time ago now. I have had both of those renovated and they are now in move in condition – quite tiny perhaps by modern day standards, but livable all the same. Should you decide to accept my proposal these accommodations come with the package. The main building does need some work and we shall also be building an additional wing to provide residential capabilities for those who may need it. The idea being we wish to make the place a safe haven for those people – without it seeming like an institution. A nurse will be on hand 24/7, but no other medical staff will be there after business hours. You two gentlemen will be on the grounds and should the need arise the nurse could call upon you to render assistance. Is this something you might like to take on?”

  “Well based on what I’ve heard so far I’m in” said Paul.

  “Me too” said Andre.

  “I would like to hear a little more about the professional help that will be available, said Paul. “You know: what form it will take, the treatment programs etc. if they exist, and things like that?”

  “Well I assume it will be similar to what you have had – but that is up to the psychologists and psychiatrists and how they see things. I’m not qualified to offer any kind of opinion on that. You guys on the other hand are. You have been there, experienced these traumas, lived with the aftermath and can understand their pain. The rest of us can merely try to imagine it – you have lived it and that gives you an edge when it comes to helping these people.”

  “Well I’m not a therapist by any stretch Tony.”

  “No you are far more than that Paul – you just don’t realize it yet.”

  “When you were in therapy, now think back here. Did you honestly feel that they actually understood you and how you were feeling? They were well meaning and dedicated true enough – but did you feel that they fully understood you?”

  “Well no not really, how could they, there weren’t there.”

  “Precisely, they hadn’t been through such an experience so naturally they wouldn’t fully comprehend your pain. They would know you were in pain and they knew why – but living it is not quite the same thing. Having been there, Paul, you will instinctively know how they feel and they will sense that in you. No professional can offer that, no matter how well meaning they are. When you tell a patient something they will listen – this is the voice of experience talking, not some quack. This guy has been there, he knows how I feel. Therefore if he says it then I can truly believe it – he won’t BS me. That is what you will be giving to them, Paul – yourself. I told you earlier that you were a man of integrity and that I believed you were the man for the job. I have only known for a matter of minutes – and I am more convinced than ever that you are the man for the job. More importantly these people will sense that in you too. When they see that you trust what the professionals are saying – so will they. You will then be in a position to explain to the professionals what they may not be able to for one reason or another. Everybody wins here Paul and especially the guys we are trying to help. The big question being: have I convinced you to sign on with me to set all this in motion?”

  “Yes, Tony I am totally on board. I may require a little guidance along the way though”

  “Of course you will and you too Andre, assuming you are on board too.”

  “Oh Yeah, I’m on board too, this sounds like a worthwhile venture to me and I’d like to be a part of it.”

  “Mrs. Malcolm has just arrived Sir” announced Rachelle over the intercom.

  “Show her in please, Rachelle.


  As Rachelle brought Mrs. Malcolm into the room Tony got up from behind his desk to greet her.

  “I’m sorry I’m late, Tony, I had a crisis to deal with” she said as she walked forward, her arms outstretched, to embrace him. Tony gave her the hug she was expecting and then introduced her to the others.

  “Rachel let me introduce you to the other people here. These are the two women I was telling you about: Mrs. Maureen McLeod and Mrs. Gwen Holt. Next to Mrs. Holt we have Mr. Andre LaChance and at the end is Mr. Paul Machin. This, ladies and gentlemen, is Mrs. Rachel Malcolm. She is the lady who runs the Women’s Shelter I was telling you about.”

  “Good morning to you all and once again I’m sorry for being a little late.”

  “Rachel, what I had in mind was for you to have a chat with the ladies and explain what your operation is all about and how you could use them in it if they are agreeable. Does that sound reasonable to you?”

  “Yes Tony that would be fine. On the other hand I could actually take them over there and show them first hand – assuming that the ladies have the time.”

  “Do you have the time ladies?” asked Tony.

  “Oh yes, that we certainly do” replied, Maureen, for both of them.

  “Then that seems to settle that” said Tony. “In that case I should take you guys and show you the facility I have set up and the housing that goes with it. This will then give you an idea of what I have in mind and where you will fit in should you choose to join us. Rachel, perhaps you could bring the ladies over later once you have shown them your workplace. In fact why don’t we all go for lunch? We can discuss the matter further then, it’s always easier on a full stomach. You are all free for lunch I take it?”

  “We certainly are” said Gwen.

  “I am too Tony, said Rachel, but are you?”

  “Good point, Rachel, let me check.”

  “Rachelle, I am free for lunch today am I not?” he said into the intercom.

  “Yes Sir, you have nothing until 3:00pm”

  “Thank you, Rachelle; you can have an extended lunch too.”

  “Thank you, Sir; she replied I do have some shopping to do.”

  Rachel Malcolm then took both women to visit the Women’s Shelter and showed them around. She would also show them the other facilities which comprised of a quadraplex and a house with classroom facilities in the baseme
nt. The classrooms were used to teach women useful office skills to enable them to become employable and the other rooms were to house them and keep them safe.

  “How many people can you house?” asked Gwen.

  “Well comfortably we can manage around 12, but at a pinch we can go up to say 16 in an emergency – but not for long as that is overcrowded. However, as you appreciate, they don’t care about that as long as they are safe.”

  “These rooms are lovely” they must really feel at home in here” said Gwen.

  “Yes they do, but their time is limited to six weeks at the most due to the demand” pointed out Rachel. “They help out in the decorating and doing the household chores too, so that keeps them occupied and busy as well as it being therapeutic. The classrooms are used to teach them office skills, but they can be used for teaching crafts too; sewing, knitting, crocheting and things like that. We try to give the women a skill they can be proud of. If it can uplift their spirits and their self-worth then we are all for it. This is what these women need most and we try to provide it here.”

  As they were sitting there discussing the issue another lady suddenly appeared.

  “Oh I’m sorry, Rachel I didn’t know you had somebody with you” she said as she turned around to leave.

  “No don’t go Debbie, it’s alright. I’d like you to meet them, come on in for a minute please. Ladies this is Debbie Curtis; Debbie this is Maureen McLeod and Gwen Holt. I am trying to persuade them to join us.”

  “I am delighted to meet you both” said Debbie.

  “They are two of the women involved in that forest incident, Debbie, and their experience will be invaluable here don’t you think?”

  “Oh my god, I am so sorry, that must have been a nightmare, I can’t even begin to imagine it - and I thought I’d had a rough time.”

  “Debbie was a client of ours before she joined us as one of our volunteers.”

  “Yes I was and I haven’t looked back since and I certainly hope you will join us. If anyone can understand terror and humiliation you two can having lived through that and survived. Please come on board, we need women like you we really do.”

  “Before you ask, I didn’t know that Debbie was going to drop in and I certainly didn’t pay her to make that plea” she joked. However, every word was true and I do hope you will join us. You don’t have to give me your answer today – but we want you here with us.”

  “I certainly do said Debbie, the shelter helped me and now I am trying to give some of that help back – but you two can give so much more and be of tremendous help.”

  “Do you get many battered women coming here” asked Maureen.

  “Way too many, that’s for sure” replied Debbie.

  “Yes we do” Rachel added, but they aren’t the only ones. Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes and so do the actions that cause them. When a woman feels afraid of something they can and do come here and we endeavor to help them. Sometimes we can, but at others we cannot and have to refer them elsewhere.”

  “Can you give us an example of some of the other issues that you deal with,” queried Gwen.

  “Well last week we had: Incest, Bullying, Blackmail and Rape. The week before we saw cases of; depression, suicidal ideation, low self-esteem enforced slavery, and non-sexual domestic abuse.”

  “Wow you do cover a wide range here don’t you, Maureen said.”

  “Pain comes in many forms, ladies, but I need hardly tell you that. That is why we need your knowledge and experience here. You will be able to understand them better than anyone who had not undergone such an experience. Based on what you ladies endured in that forest you have been through it all from A to Z in terms of humiliation, loss of self-esteem and total shame. The women we get here could indeed benefit from your knowledge and helpful advice in order to overcome these issues. Most of our volunteers are former clients, isn’t that right. Debbie? Mrs. Miller herself was once a client as I believe I mentioned.”

  “Oh there I go again, I keep forgetting that you and Dave are now married and your name is now Curtis.”

  “I do too at times,” said Debbie. I never thought anyone would ever want me and my baggage. I had a teenage daughter – but you were right and then I found Dave.”

  “You see, ladies, this is what we do here. We re-establish their self-worth and send them off to lead their lives totally renewed. As I understand it you two and Andre and Paul are sort of an item, am I right?”

  Gwen and Maureen just looked at each other dumbstruck. How could she know that?

  “Tony is very thorough in his research, he likes what he saw in all of you, hence you being here. He is a very kind and giving man and he loves to help others less fortunate than himself – and that covers a lot of ground as you can well imagine. When it comes to understanding the pain and suffering in people’s lives – you guys will be right up there. You won’t be dispensing any platitudes and giving them any BS. You have lived this, you know and that will come across to these women. Then when they see that you ladies have all been renewed and are now living normal lives the encouragement that will give to them will be priceless –right Debbie?”

  “It sure worked for me, Rachel and from what I have seen since it has for many others too.”

  “Anyway ladies give it some thought and now let’s go and join the guys for lunch. You can come along too Debbie, you’ll be more then welcome and Tony would be happy to see you.”

  “I’d love to. Rachel but I’m meeting Dave for lunch today, thanks anyway. Enjoy your lunch and it was a pleasure meeting you both, I really do hope you’ll join us, Bye.”

  Chapter Nine


  Tony had taken Andre and Paul on a sightseeing tour of the property and explained his vision to them both, and quite the vision it was too.

  “This is where the professionals will have their offices and see their patients; over there will be the recreation room and the pool tables. The TV room will be next door,” he explained. The patient’s rooms will be upstairs, they will be pretty Spartan, but still contain what they need. They won’t have all the comforts of home for a reason – we want them cured and out on their own. If they get too comfortable here they won’t want to leave –why would they? Your office will be in here, Paul and Andre yours will be in the annex when it is completed – until then you guys can share.

  Both guys could see the potential here and they were totally enthralled with the idea behind it all. It was off the beaten track true enough, but not all that far off. It was peaceful enough there, but one could still hear the distant sounds of traffic if the wind was blowing in the right direction. The house itself could not be seen from the road itself as it was surrounded by trees and a solid brick wall. The rear of the property backed on to a local farmer’s field and this too was fenced. On either side of the main house was where the future buildings were to be placed in order to accommodate more people. It was quite the undertaking, but then Tony was a billionaire and had the means to accomplish all of this. It had certainly impressed Paul and Andre. They were then taken around to the coach house apartment and the gate house. Tony was right, they were small, but they were cozy too. They had been newly renovated and they were spotlessly clean and came with all the appliances, both were also air conditioned too. They décor itself was neutral –builders beige in fact. However, with a little imagination together with a woman’s touch, these places could be made quite livable. In addition they were rent free and that was huge in itself. As yet no discussions regarding salaries had taken place – or even if they were to be paid at all for that matter. However, they assumed that some sort of compensation would be involved and the details could wait until later. Having seen everything both men were totally sold on it. They only question being were the two women equally keen? Then there was the question of whether they would be willing to move into the accommodations with them. It was hoped so – but such assumptions couldn’t be made and they both knew it.

  “So guys, now that y
ou have seen the proposed establishment, how do you feel about it. Are you on board?”

  “Well I certainly am said Paul, but it will depend on Maureen’s approval in the end I guess. I think she will go for it, even if she doesn’t accept a position in the women’s shelter. I’d like to show her the house first though to see how she feels about it all. We haven’t known each other all that long and this is a huge step for both of us.”

  “Oh indeed it is Paul and I will certainly not be rushing you. Yes, as a couple you are ideal together from what I have seen – but one has to be realistic, you have only known each other for a few weeks. Having said that, the day I met my wife Cathy I knew right away she was the woman for me. She was and I haven’t looked back since. After lunch, why don’t you take Maureen and Gwen back here to show them where they could be living? Oh! And another thing, we have yet to discuss salaries for these positions. We can sit down and negotiate them later once you have decided to accept my proposal. I certainly wouldn’t expect all of you to be putting forward all this effort for free. I think you’ll find my offer to be reasonable – but it is negotiable. I know I am taking a lot for granted here and you could in fact turn me down cold – but I sincerely hope that you don’t.”

  “I think we will be joining you, Tony” said Andre – regardless of the pay. It’s the whole idea behind this that attracts us. Yes we are a pair of broken soldiers. We were not ready to be taken out of the toy box to be played with before – that’s why we ran off to the woods.”

  “It was the women who sort of nursed us back from the brink” added Paul. “It is for that reason we have to ask them how they feel. We are not indecisive, Tony, but to be honest we need them in our lives, and this is a very big decision.”

  Tony just looked at both of them and then purposefully walked over to each of them and shook their hands.

  “Gentlemen, you would not be the men I thought you were if you felt differently about it. I fully understand, I really do and I will give you all the time you need to wrap your heads around all of this. Paul you have a house out East right? You’ll need to think about that and whether you’ll want to keep it and rent it out or not or whether to just sell it. Maureen too will no doubt have the same issues to deal with. Likewise Andre, you have an apartment in Montreal and Gwen has one too I believe. All of these logistics have to be dealt with and I am well aware of it. That said, I want you guys, all of you and if you have difficulties disposing of your properties, I will take care of it. I’ll buy the damn places if I have to. That should tell you how much I think of you. On the other hand I’m a fool too, I’ve just tipped my hand –you can hold me to ransom now regarding your salaries.”