Read Maureen's Journey Home Page 13


  When Maureen came home that night she was full of the joys of Spring. She was really feeling good about herself. It just felt so good to be in a position to help someone and that she had done today. When Paul walked out of the kitchen she just threw herself at him, wrapped her legs around his waist and almost hugged him to death.

  “Wow, somebody’s in a good mood today?” he quipped.

  “Oh you noticed that did you, Mrs. Machin didn’t raise any idiots did she? I helped a woman today and it made me feel good to be able to do that.”

  “Good for you, Honey, I’m so proud of you and happy for you. I would imagine that you’ll be able to help quite a few people in your new role over there. I’d better get myself in shape in that case. If you are going to come home in such a playful mood on a frequent basis then I’d better be prepared. You are in a playful mood are you not Mrs. McLeod?”

  “Well now that depends, far be it from me to take advantage of a man after a hard day’s work. I certainly wouldn’t want to tire him out even further with my lustful expectations now would I?”

  “Yes I can see why that might pose a problem for you – being a prim and proper East Coast girl an’all.”

  With that, Paul gripped her hips tightly and carried her upstairs to their bedroom as she clung on equally tightly to his neck. There was no further dialogue for quite some time as more pressing matters were being addressed. One or two squeals of delight could be heard from time to time as their mattress and its springs was put through their paces – their lustful passion when at full power would test the best of mattresses. However, this was yet to come. Powerful as it was right now, they both had something in reserve. So far they were being pretty conventional – but down the road untold delights awaited them both. The Karma Sutra would be considered a beginner’s manual by comparison to the eroticism and tantric delights their passions would lead to. However, for now there would be no complaints forthcoming either. Each one totally absorbed in pleasing the other – and doing one hell of a job of it too by all accounts.

  During dinner that evening – which they had ordered in after their passions had cooled down - they did get to discuss their day’s activities. Paul downplayed his encounter with Ralph Collins as he didn’t want to unduly upset Maureen. Telling her that story would rain on her parade that night and this he didn’t wish to do. He told her he had met a guy who had a few burns and that he and Andre would be dropping over to have a few games of pool with him and perhaps a few hands of Euchre too in the days ahead. All of that was perfectly true – not quite the whole truth perhaps – but the truth all the same.

  “Oh I’m sure he will like that, Paul, It will be nice for him to have someone to play with.”

  Paul suddenly went quiet and Maureen picked up on it immediately.

  “What is it Paul, what’s wrong?”

  “Oh I’m alright, Honey, my mind just drifted back to a place I’d rather not go. I’ll be fine.”

  Paul’s mind had gone to Ralph not being able to play with his son anymore and that then triggered the image of the baby he had shot – he couldn’t play with his dad in the future either. Maureen had no idea that her comment drew this out of Paul and he certainly never told her. All she had said was that “it would be nice to have someone to play with”. It was Paul’s mind that shot off on a tangent bouncing from one scenario to another. Maureen just got up from the table and went and gave him a hug. She didn’t say a word; she just hugged him and then began to clear away the dishes. Paul would go into such moods occasionally, but they were far less often now than they used to be. Maureen was the reason for that and Paul knew it. Having her in his life was like winning the lottery. Maureen on the other hand felt the same way about Paul. He was kind, gentle and supportive and he loved her for who she was warts and all. What woman could ask for more?

  Chapter Eleven


  It was early December now and all their thoughts turned towards Christmas. Paul and Andre had been into town and bought two artificial trees and Maureen and Gwen had armed themselves with the decorations to put on them. All four of them were determined to make this Christmas far better than the last – but none of them were actually voicing that fact. This would be their first Christmas together and they were going to make sure it was a memorable one. There was a little snow on the ground, but nothing to write home about, so to speak. Hopefully Christmas Eve would give them a little more. All four of them had idle thoughts of how it would be and memories of Christmases past were coming to mind. For the most part they were all good memories, times with family and the games they had all played, going back almost to childhood. Maureen thought wistfully about those days long ago and a warm glow came over her and wrapped itself around her like a blanket. Here now with Paul she felt that she could have those days back again, well sort of anyway. For the first time in a long time she had something to look forward to. Those horrible, brutal men in that logging camp were slowly fading from her mind. She had told Paul everything now, in full Technicolor just so everything was out on the table. It hadn’t fazed him at all and he loved her to pieces despite all of that. He really was a prince of a man and one she duly appreciated. His love and caring was helping her overcome those horrible days – but she would never fully forget them. She realized that and she also knew that Paul would be haunted by his demons for some time too. They had found each other at the right moment in their lives, they had fallen in love and now the future was theirs to make. In addition, the experiences that they had endured could now be put to beneficial use in helping others. As she sat there idly gazing out of the window and looking at the twinkling stars that were plentiful that night – she realized just how fortunate they all were. They would all have a great deal to be grateful for this Christmas. Maureen was not the only one who had reached that conclusion. All four of them were on the same page here as their new lives stretched out before them. This was one Christmas they would never forget.

  Over at the Women’s Shelter they too were making preparations for Christmas. All of the women were pitching in, even though one or two of them wouldn’t be there then as their time would have expired. They had the tree up, but they were still in the process of decorating it. There were presents already wrapped up to go under the tree when it was finished but nobody knew where they had come from, well apart from Rachel and Debbie that is. Each woman and child would receive a gift specifically designed for them and containing exactly what they needed the most. Braxton Industries did this every year as the Shelter’s Mystery Santa. The local Rotary Club and the Lions were also contributors to the festivities. A Santa suit was also packed away in a closet, but as yet they had no one to wear it. One morning as Maureen, Gwen and Rachel were having a coffee break the subject of who could act as Santa came up.

  “Well we couldn’t possibly ask either Paul or Andre” said Gwen. “That would be too painful for both of them.”

  “Yes I can understand that well enough. The same would apply to Ralph and Ken too, for similar reasons” said Rachel. She had no sooner said that when in walked Debbie. As if by telepathy the three women came to the same conclusion on the spot.

  All three of them slowly turned their heads to look at Debbie.

  “What” she said, looking puzzled by their looks?

  “We were just discussing who was going to be Santa this year?” said Maureen.

  “Well don’t look at me, that’s a man’s job.”

  “Yes it is, said Gwen, and we were hoping that you might be able to persuade your Dave to do it this year. Knowing how persuasive you can be if you put your mind to it we though he would be the man for the job and who better than you to persuade him.”

  “Ah I see, so you want me to use my charms on my husband to get him to rise to the occasion and perform that duty, is that it?

  “Well I wouldn’t have put it quite like that – but in essence “Yes” we would.”

  “Now ladies let’s not get carried away and re
member that we are ladies. I used to be a Nun, remember, and my ears burn easily.”

  That was of course quite true, she had been a Nun, but there was nothing prudish about Rachel. “Let us just be thankful that Debbie is prepared to make this selfless sacrifice on behalf of the Shelter, and that she can indeed persuade David to participate. How she accomplishes that is none our business, ladies – despite our possibly vivid imaginations.”

  All four women were now laughing at Rachel’s quip. Whatever else Rachel might be – a prude she was not. They never doubted for a second that Debbie would be able to persuade her husband to step up and act as Santa that year. As for their imaginations in determining exactly how Debbie might accomplish such a feat – well that’s another story.


  Over at the Man Cave a young boy had just been brought in by the police. They had arrested him for vagrancy initially, but they soon realized there was far more to it than that. He had been in a cult, but the leaders had kept him in a dark room alone for most of the day. He had managed to escape, but he was one scared kid the officers said when they dropped him off. Children’s Services had felt that his best interests would be served here rather than in the foster care system, he needed special help and they had that facility here. He had issues obviously, having been caged up all day, but perhaps they might be able to restore him to normal over time. That was the hope anyway. It was Andre who had signed him in and the kid immediately took to him. It seemed like he was a little duckling and attached himself to first thing he saw moving and considered it to be its mother. The boy was terrified of just about everything and everyone. The cult had told him that non-cult members were Heathens and they were very dangerous people who were all going to Hell. More to the point, they wanted to take any strangers with them so “Beware Boy”. That was the message he had been given. One can clearly see why the kid was terrified – de-programming him was going to take time – but for some reason he considered Andre to be okay. He knew he was called Jacob – but he had no last name and didn’t understand what a last name was. He had no idea of how old he was either, but they estimated him to be twelve or possibly thirteen. He couldn’t even tell the police where he had come from as he had walked for days. If they did manage to restore the boy he would be handed over to the local child protections services. Paul and Andre were by no means happy about that – but then he couldn’t live there forever either. That problem was years away and would be dealt with then. Meanwhile he would be loved and cared for and also given educational training at the Women’s Shelter. The women over there would soon give him the love that he had lacked previously. Andre and Paul had no doubts whatsoever about that and they would be proven right.

  Christmas was almost upon them now and most of the arrangements had been made. Rachel and her husband John had invited Maureen and Gwen over one night and Tony and Cathy Braxton had them going over there on another evening. The weather cooperated beautifully – they were going to have a White Christmas this year. The grounds would look pure and unspoiled and the snow would be glistening in the light of day. It just had that magical quality about it all and that uplifted everyone’s spirits. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day they were all mainly involved with the Shelter’s activities or those at the Man Cave. The people in those facilities were the ones who needed the uplift. Paul, Maureen, Andre and Gwen were already flying high now that they had found each other and their future looked rosy. These people were somewhat less fortunate and some had no idea whatsoever what the future had in store for them. Therefore it was up to them to make their Christmas one of fun and joy, even if only for one day. Dave Curtis did a magnificent job as Santa. He joked with the women, played with the kids and let them ride on his back like a horse and then joined in their games. Rachel and Debbie commented later that he had enjoyed himself more than the residents – and they were right. A couple of the women went up to Rachel later to enquire if Dave could be allowed to come back that night to play some more games. They were aware of the “No Men” policy, but could an exception be made in this one case, he was their Santa after all. Rachel told them they would have to have a vote on that subject and one objection would kill it. Apparently there were no objections. In fact it turned out to be most beneficial in the end. A few of the residents made remarks later to the effect that – “Why couldn’t I have found a man like that?” or similar remarks. It had in fact alerted the women to the fact that men like him did exist. Maureen and Gwen could empathize with them; they had been there themselves – and not too long ago either. They would endorse that view in the coming weeks to let the women know that Dave was not unique, rare perhaps, but not impossible to find. You just had to look in the right places. That gave them the opportunity to relate their own personal experiences to the women and let them see that things could change for them as it had for Maureen and Gwen. Strangely enough they did not denounce the internet and warn people to stay away from such dating sites. They most certainly did warn them as to the dangers that lurked out there and exactly how to avoid them. They pointed out that for some people it was the only way to communicate with or to meet with new people. Many had indeed found the love of their life that way – but it could be a minefield and going through it wearing skis was not recommended. Always meet in public and take you time getting to know the person. The right one will always wait if he considers you to be worth it – if not then he isn’t worth having and so you should then walk away. It was sound advice – whether it would be listened to was another matter. Some people are so desperate to be loved that common sense can be the first casualty in this battle of the sexes. That is why so many of the women were residents of the Shelter right now.


  Christmas in the Man Cave was one big game fest. The pool table was never idle and neither was the card table. Matches had been set up and some visitors were allowed, Ken’s wife being one of them. She brought a friend with her and that effectively balanced the numbers for playing Euchre later in the evening. Needless to say it was a booze free event. Alcohol was not allowed on the premises for obvious reasons. That could well be the reason for some men being there and so that rule made sound common sense. One doesn’t need drink to have a good time and that was proven that night. The men received gifts from under the tree just like the women did – it just wasn’t delivered by Santa. It was all dignified and above board, but very much appreciated. Young Jacob knew what Christmas was all about from the religious aspect – but presents were a concept he was unfamiliar with. People doing something for other people, and Heathens at that, he just didn’t understand. They were nice and friendly to him, they treated him as they did everyone else and they didn’t want to lock him away in a dark room somewhere. In addition they let him join in their games as not all of them were pool or cards related. In effect he was happy, and that was something he hadn’t been for a long time. He had mental issues true enough, but he was still a human being with feelings and, given help, he would be able to improve. He may never become a brain surgeon or rocket scientist – but he would be able to lead a normal life in the future if they took good care of him now. This they were all hell bent on doing. This poor kid had suffered enough and that was something these people could all empathize with. Each and every one of them had experienced their own particular brand of Hell at one time or another.

  Ken’s wife Pat and his daughter Julie were frequent visitors to the Man Cave and they were well known to everyone. Julie gravitated to Jacob slowly as he was the only one anywhere near her age. As time wore on they became quite close and Julie started to bring him comics and books to read. His reading needed a little help and once Julie realized that she jumped right in and started to help him understand the comics she was giving to him. Paul and Andre soon noticed that Jacob was starting to relax a little more now. Julie was having an effect on him.

  “How are you doing buddy?” asked Andre one morning.

  “I’m doing very well thank you” replied Jacob. Is Julie coming to visi
t today, Mr. Andre?”

  “Well I’m not really sure Jacob.”

  “She said she would be coming today when she left yesterday.”

  “I see, then in that case, Jacob, I am sure that she will come by a little later. Do you like Julie?”

  “Yes, Mr. Andre, Julie is very nice – she is teaching me to read.”

  “Oh is she, that’s very nice of her, do you like her to tech you to read?”

  “Yes I do, she doesn’t shout at me like Brother Luke.”

  “Did Brother Luke shout at you sometimes?”

  “He shouted at me all the time – he said I was stupid and useless – that’s why I was put in the store room.”

  “Well let me tell you something, Jacob, you are not stupid at all and you are certainly not useless – don’t you ever think that. Nobody here thinks that about you and especially Julie. We all like you here and we want to help you to learn new things. It will take a little time – but I know you will learn them if you want to.”

  “I do want to learn new things Mr. Andre; I want to be smart like Julie. I don’t want to be stupid and have nobody like me.”

  That last statement stung Andre; this poor kid had nobody in his corner. That was why he was so close to Julie, she was the only person he knew who gave a damn about him. Right then and there Andre swore that he would move heaven and earth to change that for this kid. He didn’t deserve to be treated like that and from now on he would be made aware of how much he was loved and appreciated.

  Pat would also bring Ralph’s daughter Heather to visit with him at the same time as Julie. She needed to see her Dad and he very much needed to see her. They just clung to each other now. They were only too well aware of how fleeting life can be. She really missed her Mom, and her Dad was in the Man Cave for now. Pat was doing her best for Heather – but there really is no substitute for a Mom. They were a very close knit family and these were very difficult times.