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  Pat’s treatment was ongoing, but she was still agonizing over their loss. Her husband would need several skin grafting operations and possibly facial reconstruction – but none of that fazed Pat. How he looked was of little consequence – he was alive and still with her – nothing else mattered. Her brother-in-law had lost his wife, Pam, and his son Robert, and she had almost lost Ken. Pat now realized just how fortunate she was and that things could have turned out very differently. Whereas Ralph blamed himself for everything, Pat was actually grateful to him. Had he not been promoted and gone to that function they would all be dead now, not just Pam and Robert. It had been a cruel blow, and a totally unnecessary one – a stupid mistake by a gangbanger and now her family had been forever changed. They couldn’t even arrest who did it despite knowing who it was that had done it. The gang had all covered for him and gave him a cast iron alibi. They just didn’t care, life was cheap to them. The police knew it was total fiction, but knowing it and proving it are two very different things. Still they consoled themselves in the fact that the other gang now also knew what they did – having deliberately let it slip in the right quarters. It would only be a matter of time before retribution would be taken. Apparently it was, sooner rather than later, the police don’t know when or how, but that character was simply not around anymore. They were not losing any sleep over it or even looking into it – even thugs are entitled to vacations – especially permanent ones.


  The annex was coming along nicely now, but there was still a lot of work to do. Andre and Paul were now in the construction business, putting up drywall and installing the wiring. The electricians had told them what to do and given them the correct wire to do it. They would come and supervise the installation in some cases and definitely inspect the finished product prior to certification. Young Jacob had shown an interest in this work and Andre and Paul strongly encouraged him to do different things. The praise that they gave to him motivated Jacob to learn and also to excel at what he was doing. He seemed to have a natural flair for this type of work and Paul and Andre were hell bent on encouraging him in this field. They were thinking about the future. They were not saying that Jacob couldn’t make it in the business world due to his educational challenges – that may change over time. However, giving the boy a marketable skill like a trade could never go amiss. Carpenters, Plumbers and Electricians and the like would always be needed. Whereas going to college and learning Underwater Basket Weaving, or some other equally lame degree that had no practical use in the work place, would be futile. It would still leave him unemployable – well in that field anyway. A deck hand on a submarine would have more opportunities. No, both men felt that this was the way to go for Jacob. He would receive academic tuition in the Women’s Shelter, and skill training here in the Man Cave – well at least for the time being anyway. In actual fact Jacob was helping the two men in a multitude of different ways. Firstly he was taking their minds off their own headaches as they were spending time explaining things to him – but they were learning from him too. Things that they took for granted – Jacob had no idea about. This then made them more aware of the difficulties that some other community members may have, if not right now then perhaps in the future. They began to realize then just how much they did take for granted – but only when Jacob inadvertently pointed it out to them. Maureen and Gwen would be given chapter and verse on this subject each night as the two men related their day to them and they in turn did the same thing to them. They were the ones getting an education – even if it was “on the job training”. As Tony had pointed out previously – book learning can only teach you so much – practical experience of life itself was a far better teacher than any college professor. Having been subjected to the things that they had - they now appreciated the little things in life far more than most other people did. The shelter catered to battered wives and abused women in all shapes and sizes – but what exactly does that mean to most people? They feel sorry for those women. Being punched and kicked cannot be much fun – but then why do they not get out of that relationship and leave? Okay! so maybe in some cases they cannot leave for one reason or another. If they know their husband is an abusive drunk – then avoid him when he is in that state. Seems logical right? – but then most folks have never been faced with it – their husbands would never dream of doing that to them and so they themselves just can’t imagine it happening. As a result they feel sorry for these women in principle – but they generally dismiss them. After all, they all live in trailer parks, probably drink like fish all day and don’t feel it even when they are beaten – they’re too drunk, right? Not everyone thinks this way of course – but a significant number of women do – men too when it comes right down to it. That is a totally warped and incorrect picture. Your neighbors could very well be victims – not that you would know – they are too ashamed to tell you. This problem covers the whole social spectrum and they most certainly do not all reside in low rent districts. Andre and Paul would never lay a hand on a woman in anger – and until recently had never given the matter too much thought. Yes, they knew it did happen – but not in their world so it must be a rarity. Well they knew better now and also how to deal with it when they came across it. Maureen and Gwen having been recipients of this on a far grander scale than most – were also in a position to help others who were going through this trauma. No college course could give you this level of education – this was the school of hard knocks – and it certainly didn’t come any harder. The Women’s Shelter could deal with all manner of abusive situations where women were concerned – but what about abused men? Who has the time of day to deal with that?

  “It’s a joke right?” “Tell him to grow a pair and get on with life.” “He should just Man Up and not be a wimp.” Who has any sympathy for such a man? Most men will laugh right to your face at such a prospect. Paul and Andre would have too once – but not anymore. They were far more enlightened now.

  Chapter Twelve


  Maureen and Gwen had been putting in long hours at the Shelter and performing all kinds of duties there. In general, this would entail hand-holding and guiding the women through the various procedures and bureaucratic hoops that they had to jump through in order to secure their legal rights. Legal niceties like restraining orders, child custody orders, legal aid forms etc. were the most frequent problems. However, there were more pleasant duties too – like going shopping. In the basement of the Shelter there were racks of clothes that had been donated by many people and they were used to help out those who arrived with only the clothes on their back. When some of the women were attending interviews or had secured employment they needed to have suitable attire. Braxton Industries had endowed the Shelter with funds to supply such clothing as and when required. Maureen, Gwen and Debbie would then go on a shopping spree with the candidate to ensure she had the appropriate clothing for the position. The basement held only a minimum number of outfits and did not have an unlimited selection or a wide range that would cover all manner of positions. Factory workers do not need the same clothes as bankers or those in office positions. Then of course there was the problem of quantity. One simply cannot show up to work in the same outfit every day or every other day. Some women were indeed very well coordinated and knew instinctively what would go with what – others perhaps lacked that degree of perception and needed help in that area. So, based on that premise, one of the three women would accompany the woman and pick out mix and match items that would appear to amplify the woman’s wardrobe. Once they became established in their new jobs they could add to it once funds allowed. In certain cases first and last deposits were provided on a loan basis and the repayment schedule was very favourable – far better than any bank would offer. All of this being designed to assist the woman in getting back on track. There was a sewing machine in the basement of the Women’s Shelter and it was in pretty good shape too. It was a middle of the range machine, but it was ideal for making alterations, ge
neral repairs or even dressmaking if called upon to do so. Maureen was the expert in that department and she gave instruction to the women on how to use the machine and help them produce what they needed. Some of the “Off the Rack” outfits in the basement often required minor fitting adjustments to suit a particular woman and Maureen would do those alteration jobs. She was apparently very good at it too by all accounts. While beggars cannot be choosers, the women seemed to really appreciate her skills and craftsmanship and they were not merely doling out platitudes. Her work was highly regarded, and not just by the residents. Rachel, Gwen and Debbie had also had items altered by Maureen and they too were delighted with the results.

  Maureen herself now decided to extend her own wardrobe now that she was working and so she and Gwen decided to have a spree of their own. Few things inspire a woman more than a shopping trip to the mall, Maureen and Gwen were no different. Paul and Andre were going to be working at home so they were free to go and browse around their local mall. Their home towns did not have such shopping facilities, but Markton certainly did. They could spend hours in the mall browsing around the large department stores or checking out the specialty stores. Victoria’s Secret was quite a fair sized establishment in that mall – not that they needed to spice up their arsenal of bedroom attire. They considered that to be largely a waste of money when they considered how long they would actually be wearing it once Paul and Andre cast eyes upon it. Later on it might have possibilities once this initial passion they were currently enjoying had cooled down – and it would in time, but that was some way off they felt.

  They went in all the fashion boutiques and checked out all the outfits that were on display, but the price tags almost made them faint and so they did not purchase anything in those stores. The quality was certainly there – but you were paying fifty percent or more simply for the name. With a little diligence you could find very similar items of comparable quality for less than half the price. This was the route that Gwen and Maureen decided to take. They were not quite in the same league as Cathy Braxton and her friends so this would be just fine for them.

  When they came home exhausted that evening they were eager to show Paul and Andre what they had bought. Both men were apparently very impressed with their purchases, some of which they demanded to see immediately – to see how it looked on them of course. Oh Yes, the guys did indeed like those outfits – and they didn’t baulk at the prices either. It had been a long time since either woman had been admired by a man like that – but they were now. Both guys were very impressed by what they saw and how their women looked in those dresses and skirts. Paul was particularly delighted with the pleated kilt that Maureen had bought. It was the Royal Stuart Dress tartan, which is multi-colored and quite striking and when coupled with the ruffled blouse he was really taken with it. He then made his mind up on the spot what accessories would really enhance that outfit and make Maureen even more beautiful than she was already. He never said a word about his intentions – but the look on his face told Maureen exactly what he thought about how she looked in it. He did of course voice a complimentary statement conveying his approval – but his facial expression said far more than his words. He had made Maureen’s day expressing himself like that. She really had found a Unicorn and one that deeply appreciated her and how she looked. Paul just loved the way Maureen looked, even without the war paint and battle dress. She did look even more beautiful with it on, but he loved her just as she was without having to preen herself for him. Maureen knew that, but she still rewarded him later that night, for his appreciation – or was he rewarding her for her choices of attire? Either way they both had a very restful night’s sleep.


  The following morning when Maureen was at the Shelter a Pakistani Woman and a teenage girl came in. Maureen immediately had them down as mother and daughter – but she was wrong.

  “Good Morning Ladies, may I help you?” said Maureen.

  “I’m not at all sure” said the woman. It is not for me, but for Alya here, she is my niece.”

  “Hi Alya, I’m Maureen, how can I help you?”

  “Alya’s parents have arranged for her to marry a man in Pakistan. He is from a very good and noble family, but Alya does not want to marry that man. He is 58 years old and she has never met him and her parents have told her she must and then go and live in Pakistan with this man and his family. In addition, she has learned that he already has a wife and that she would be subservient to her in all matters. Her main duties would be to give the man more children, he now has ten. As you can imagine, Alya has grown up here, been to school here and is now westernized. Her parents cannot accept that. Her brothers can’t either. They are very traditional in their thinking and they have not accepted western ways. In our culture the men rule supreme and must be obeyed by their women. Family honour is sacred with our people and their word, once given cannot be taken back. Once her father told that man that he could have Alya she no longer had a say in it.”

  “Yes, I can see where a young woman brought up over here just might have a problem with that,” said Maureen.

  “Well if she does not go through with it, her father and brothers will kill her.”

  “Oh My God!” exclaimed Maureen, “Seriously?”

  “Yes seriously, that is why we come here seeking help. I am westernized too, but I cannot be seen to be a part of this or they will kill me too. We didn’t know where to turn, we cannot go to family, or the Mosque; we would be shunned if we did. This was the only place we could think of who might be able to help us.”

  “Does anyone know you are here, did you tell anyone you were coming here, anyone at all?”

  “No we tell no one. I was hoping to leave on my own and leave Alya here – can you help her?”

  “I am quite sure the Director will have something she can do in cases like this – let me go and talk to her. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Okay?”

  Maureen then went off to seek out Rachel and tell her the story. To her surprise Rachel was not at all surprised by it.

  “Maureen, I have come across situations like this many times unfortunately. They have to be handled very delicately. The politicians will not look too kindly on us getting involved in these religious matters. Lots of votes are at stake as far as they are concerned – they don’t like us poking sticks into the hornet’s nest of Islamic traditions and customs. It is controversial at the best of times – and they would rather not get involved and they certainly don’t want us to either. We have to tread carefully, we do get funding from them and if we stamp on their toes – well you get the drift.”

  “Oh Yeah, I certainly do – so where does that leave us then?”

  “Well like I said, we have to tread carefully. Initially Alya will stay with us, for a day or so anyway. Then we have to move her elsewhere. Her family will come looking for her. It will take them a day or so to check out all of their relatives, friends and other likely places – but one of their women will show up here eventually asking all manner of questions but none mentioning Alya.”

  “Wow, this is like being in a spy movie, Rachel.”

  “Yes it is, but the consequences are real and they can be deadly. Let me come back with you to have a chat with them.”

  Rachel then went back with Maureen and outlined what would be involved now. The aunt could in fact leave Alya with them – on the strict understand that they were never there. She certainly had no problem with that request. Alya could stay there for a few days only and then she would be moved, probably across the country and away from family influence.

  “How would you feel about that Alya, you may never see some of you family again.”

  “I know, she replied, “but I wouldn’t in Pakistan either and I would far worse off and far more miserable.”

  “Well as long as you know the true picture here and the sacrifices you will have to make.”

  “I will still be able to stay in contact with my aunty Myna, won’t I?”

hat is between you and your aunty Myna. You will both have to be very careful, but you know that already.”

  “Oh Yes”, replied Myna “that we do know. They will be watching me like a hawk for a long time to make sure I know nothing. Alya will not be contacting me directly – my friend will take my messages. Well I say my friend - she is a colleague at work whom I trust and she really is a good friend to me – she is from Mexico. My family will not know anything about her so we’ll be quite safe using Maria for e-mails etc.”

  “Excellent, Myna, I see that you have put a lot of thought into this venture. I will now look into doing my part and finding a place for Alya to go and rebuild her life. Now then, Myna, give me Maria’s e-mail address so that I can send you messages if I need to. You can telephone me here at any time to either speak to Alya or to find out where things stand at any time.”

  “Oh Thank you, Thank you so much, “May Allah Bless You” for what you are doing for us.” Myna said. The irony in that comment going right over her head. However, Rachel knew exactly what she meant and she acknowledged Myna’s gratitude by giving both women a hug.

  Myna then left the Women’s Shelter via the rear door and her visit there had gone undetected. She would now go home, mingle with everyone she could and establish the fact that she could not possibly be involved. Apparently she did an excellent job of it too as it would turn out. The family would fly off the handle and buzz around like angry hornets for weeks looking for the smallest of clues – but they would come up with nothing. This time, nobody turned up at the Women’s Shelter asking any questions as far as they knew – certainly no Pakistani women had.


  Rachel now went to work on seeing what she could arrange rather quickly to save this young girl from the clutches of her family. Arranged marriages were certainly not uncommon, and some of them worked out very well. Others perhaps were less than ideal, well from the bride’s perspective anyway. Then again, given the divorce rate in our own culture we could hardly claim our system to be ideal either. However we do have a choice, their young women apparently do not. Rachel was now in touch with what amounted to her personal “Underground Railroad.” This was a group of women who could offer temporary sanctuary for women who had to escape from tyranny of one form or another. The women or girls would be whisked away from their immediate area and out of harm’s way and then be established somewhere else. They would have a contact person rather than a full support network once they arrived at their final destination – but they would be given assistance should it be necessary.