Read Maureen's Journey Home Page 9

  “Thunder Bay Police may I help you?”

  “Yes, this is Paul Machin returning Insp. Evans call.”

  “One moment please Mr. Machin, I’ll put you through.”

  “Inspector Evans” came back the response.

  “Inspector its Paul Machin, you left me a message.”

  “Thank you for calling back Paul, yes I most certainly did. I received a call today from a leading industrialist – Tony Braxton of Braxton Electronics. He had heard of the exploits of your group and he wants to get in touch with you. Their head office is in Markton just north of Toronto and he has an idea he wishes to bounce off you. Braxton’s charity division apparently runs a women’s shelter in the area, well several apparently and they wish to establish one for men. It is this idea that he wishes to discuss with you and Andre. He didn’t go into details, Paul, but this man is one who gets things done and he is very well connected. He gave me his private number for you to call him and asked that you treat it confidentially. I assured him that you would. I have no idea about your future plans Paul – but if I were you, I’d give Mr. Braxton a call. Having him as a friend can open a lot of doors. Anyway, I have delivered the message as promised, what you do about it is your business – good luck to you Paul - and also your friends.”

  “Thanks Inspector, I’ll call him tomorrow morning, and thanks again for everything, Bye.”


  “Mr. Braxton you don’t know me but Inspector Evans of the Thunder Bay police told me that you wanted to speak to me, my name is Paul Machin.”

  “Yes Mr. Machin I do, thank you for returning my call. I realize that this is coming right out of left field for you, but I need to talk to you with regard to your recent experiences. I wish to start up a facility to help victims of severe stress. PTSD and other related issues, but in this case it will be primarily for men. It is my belief that you will be ideally qualified to run such a facility. You do not need to say anything today; I just want to give you the broad strokes first so that you can think about it. That is of course if you are even prepared to think about it?”

  “Yes Sir, I will certainly think about it – but I must point out that I have my own issues that I am dealing with.”

  “I am aware of that Mr. Machin, but I appreciate you candor in pointing that out – that goes to your integrity and simply confirms my opinion that you are the man for the job.”

  “Well thank you for that, Sir, but I just wanted to make sure that you knew who I was and what flaws I may have.”

  “Oh trust me, Paul, may I call you Paul?”

  “Yes of course Sir.”

  “Then in that case please call me Tony. I am quite thorough in my research, Paul, and everybody I have talked to said the same things about you. Yes they pointed out that you have PTSD and that you are wrestling with it still. In my experience people who have actually been there are of far more help to others suffering from the same illness than those who have not. Book learning takes you only so far, Paul. Living it gives a whole new dimension to it all. Some things cannot be described, only felt – having been there you’ll fully understand that. I firmly believe that you will be able to be of significant help to others, just by being who you are. The facility I envisage will also have professionals to help out - people similar to those who have reached out to you in the past. You too could talk to them and confide in them as and when necessary. However, you can offer to these people something nobody else can – actual first-hand knowledge. Patients often cannot articulate just how they feel and thus become frustrated – you will just know. The feedback you will then impart to them will be priceless. This is what I have in mind, Paul. I know I have laid a lot on you with all of this, but I would like to meet you in person to discuss it in more detail. For now I just want you to consider what I have said and then, if you wish to learn a little more, then call me back. We can then make arrangements to meet, how does that sound to you?”

  “That sounds perfect Tony. It’s a lot to take in and I’d like to include Maureen in this decision.”

  “I’m glad that you brought that up Paul. If Maureen is interested I have a lady who would just love to meet her. She runs the Women’s Shelter and Maureen would be a tremendous asset, however, one thing at time. Think about it for a day or so and then call me back the let me know what you decide. Incidentally I would like to include Mr. La Chance and Mrs. Holt too if they might be interested. Perhaps you could mention it to them and then get back to me later with your feelings on the matter?”

  “Thanks Tony, I will do, I promise. Just give me a little time to ponder on all of this and to figure out if I can handle it, I wouldn’t want to let you down.”

  “That comment right there, tells me all I need to know, Paul. You won’t let me down or anyone else if you can help it – that’s why you are the man for the job. I have enjoyed talking to you Paul. I’ll look forward to hearing from you in a few days.”

  With that the phone call ended and Paul now had quite a lot to share with the others about what had been discussed. His head was spinning and he was rather excited about where this might lead. Having Tony Braxton seek you out for a position was something in itself considering just who he was. In addition he did enjoy working with people and if he could help them he would – so this new position would certainly appeal to him. The question being – was he up to it? Tony Braxton certainly believed so. Paul himself was a little less certain; at least he was until Maureen straightened him out. However, first things first, they had a trip to Niagara Falls to look forward to and that was job one for today. Meaningful discussions on future business opportunities would have to wait –today was all about fun and enjoyment and maybe a little romance could be fitted in too. There was no maybe about that as far as Paul was concerned and strangely enough Maureen and the others were also on the same page. All in all that would be a fun day all around.


  That morning they were up bright and early, inhaled their breakfasts and headed off to Niagara Falls. There was a lot to accomplish on this trip and time was of the essence here. On the drive down they were still discussing Tony’s offer and vacillating back and forth as to whether to accept it or not. They would certainly meet him to learn more – but could they do the job? When they arrived in Niagara on the Lake and headed to the Butterfly Conservatory they had still not reached a consensus - but they dropped the topic until they would meet with Tony to learn more.

  When they walked through the double doors the two women were totally enthralled. The first thing that hit you was the heat, but then you were surrounded by a multitude of colorful butterflies of various sizes, some of whom landed on you. It was truly beautiful in there and the lush greenery was so vibrant as were the exotic flowers – far different from the forest of a few days ago. Both women were oohing and aahing as different butterflies would land on them and then fly away again.

  “Oh Paul, aren’t they just gorgeous?” exclaimed Maureen.

  “Yes they are pretty cool” he replied.

  “I have never seen so many beautifully colored butterflies before,” said Gwen.

  “Neither have I” said Andre.

  They walked around taking all of this in with their arms around each other. It was like a tropical paradise, or what they imagined one would be like. The heat and humidity made them feel like they were in some tropical jungle somewhere in the orient. Each of them was living in their own dream with a Tarzan and Jane like theme to it. Such a setting was ideal for these new found lovers and they were totally enrapt by it all. It was relaxing, therapeutic and it most certainly took their minds off their other problems - allowing them to nestle in each other’s warmth and love.

  When they left the conservatory they went to the Falls itself which was only a few miles away. Once they parked the car they could walk to everywhere, well almost everywhere. Marineland was beyond their walking distance, but they may not be able to fit that in today depending on the time frames involved. They would if they could, bu
t time would determine that. Right now they were headed to the Maid of the Mist ticket booth. This was one ride they were all looking forward to. When they were in the lineup waiting to get on board they realized just how international this attraction was. They lost count of the number of languages being spoken around them. The people all had either cameras or cell phones and were using them to their fullest. Once they were on board the Maid of the Mist the spray would limit the quality of the pictures. As they would near the Falls and that cascading deluge it would turn into one giant cuddle fest for these two couples. The two men would hold their women tightly and the two women would snuggle closer to the men as the spray drenched them all. The roar of the water and its awesome power was totally awe inspiring as they leaned over the rails to take it all in. The little boats would get up quite close, stay for a while and then turn and be whisked back to the dock by the fast flowing current. It was an experience they all enjoyed. Although they were soaking wet, their faces dripping from the spray, they could still see the love in each other’s eyes as they snuggled closer together. There was a certain magic in this and the rainbow that the mist created. Romance was certainly in the air – even if it was a little on the damp side. Maureen and Gwen couldn’t care less how damp it was. This fairy tale was real, they had now captivated their men and been transported on this mystical ride with them surrounded by the majesty and the deafening roar of Niagara Falls. This to them was a dream come true as they sailed into that rainbow the mist had created – they were no longer looking for the pot of gold though –they had already found it.

  Having walked around the adjacent gardens and relaxed on a bench for a while, they decided to go and explore the Falls from even closer this time – by going through the caves right behind them. It didn’t quite have the same romantic pull as on the boat – but it was still an awesome experience and an amazing sight to see.

  They had then wandered around the top of the falls after exploring the caves, visited the gift shops and also walked up into the town and ridden on some of the amusements. They even played a round of mini-golf, which Maureen won by one stroke. It had been a rather action packed and fun filled day, but now they were getting tired and also hungry. It was around 7:00p m now and definitely time to eat. They headed back to one of the restaurants overlooking the falls and ordered dinner. There was a spectacular light display every night aimed at the falls and they would now all have a ringside seat to that as they ate their dinner and relaxed with a few drinks. In terms of romantic dates; today would be right up there with the best. Both women had enjoyed this date and they were really happy now and contented. They had found their real life Unicorns now and they were very attentive, considerate and gentle ones too – it just didn’t get any better than that. On the drive back home, both women fell asleep leaning on each other as Paul drove them back to their hotel. That would indeed be a day to remember – and that night wouldn’t be forgotten too quickly either – by any of them.

  Chapter Eight


  “Tony its Paul Machin. I have thought over what you said and discussed it with Andre and with Gwen and Maureen too and we are eager to learn more.”

  “Excellent Paul, I’m pleased to hear that. It is all in the early stages right now and your collective input will be invaluable. I’m rather tied up for the remainder of the week, but I could see you all on Monday morning at, say 9:00am, if that works for you guys?”

  “Oh that will be fine, Tony, we don’t’ have a hectic timetable these days.”

  Tony just laughed out loud at that.

  “No I can well imagine that, Paul. Perhaps after our meeting that might change a little, at least I am hoping so. I am all fired up about this project, it is most worthwhile and desperately needed and you guys will be the people who can really make a difference. Anyway we shall discuss all of that on Monday morning, Paul. I’ll look forward to seeing you all then, have a nice weekend.”

  “You too Tony, we’ll see you on Monday, Bye!

  Later that day they decided to take in a Baseball Game. The Toronto Blue Jays were hosting the New York Yankees. Neither of the women had attended a baseball game in the past so this would be a new experience for them. The Roger’s Center (formerly Skydome) housed about fifty thousand people or so and it also had a retractable roof. Games could be played in there come rain or shine. The atmosphere itself was electrifying and they had this huge Jumbotron screen that added to the attraction with all kinds of extra material and playbacks and biographies and stats of players. The only problem was the seats they had were in the so called “Nosebleed Section” as it was known. It was a sellout crowd that day and they were the only tickets that Andre could get. There was one advantage though – they would not be subjected to bird droppings from the seagulls. They were flying around the stadium at a lower altitude and they were now looking down on them this time.

  The following day was a Friday and they decided to take a jaunt out to St. Jacob’s, which was the home of the local Amish people. It was only an hour’s drive West of Toronto –but a worthwhile place to visit. The craftsmanship in their work was old school, something one seldom sees today. The items on sale reflected that and the quality was absolutely superb. The quilts that those women made were simply exquisite – and very reasonably priced considering the amount of work that went into them. When they had their lunch in a local café, the desserts were made by the local Amish women. They were simply out of this world in terms of taste. The fruits were fresh and the cream was too and the pastry just melted in your mouth. The farmers market across the road sold all of these items in their raw state – and they were selling like hot cakes too. Maureen and Gwen made a mental note to come back here one day if they were going to be staying around in the future. Nothing had yet been agreed upon and even their personal relationships had not been firmly established as yet, but they were still envisioning this in the future. That told both of them exactly where their hearts were at – not that they needed to be reminded. They too were looking forward to Monday morning and meeting with Mr. Braxton. He was a billionaire industrialist and they had never met one of them before – and he wanted to meet with them. This was huge and they were rather nervous about it all. It was the men that he really wanted to see, but he had said that they too might be valuable in the women’s shelter. They both knew that they would need to find a job if the two men were going to stay here – but they had limited credentials for big city life. Neither woman had a degree – but then neither did Andre and Paul. That cheered them up somewhat. If Mr. Braxton was keen on the two men and they didn’t have degrees, then maybe he might find something for us too they thought.


  The Braxton parking lot was full, but the visitors section still had several spots vacant and Paul drove into one of them. They then got out of the car and entered the main building. As they expected it was quite palatial, mahogany furniture and leather cushions to match. The coffee table in the seating area had the latest newspapers neatly folded on top together with a book on the history of Braxton Electronics.

  “Good morning Sir, said the receptionist, may I help you?”

  “Yes, we have a 9:00am appointment with Mr. Braxton.”

  “Just one moment please” she said as she picked up her phone and called upstairs. Mr. Braxton’s assistant will be right down, Sir, to take you up to his suite, please have a seat.”

  They had only just sat down when a very smartly dressed young woman came down the staircase and came straight towards them. Her clothes were obviously high end and so were her shoes, but her manner did in no way reflect that.

  “Good morning, my name is Rachelle and I am Mr. Braxton’s personal assistant.”

  She was very warm and personable and very genuine. She had a casual charm that came naturally to her, but one could tell instantly that she was as efficient as she was well dressed.

  “Could you please tell me your names so I may have name tags made up for you – security you know?”
  They were then escorted up to Tony’s office and Rachelle then introduced them all to him. He was far younger than they thought he would be. He was a billionaire industrialist and yet he was only in his thirties – or else he had some brilliant plastic surgeons on staff somewhere. His manner when addressing them was far friendlier than they had expected. There was no pomposity or airs of superiority about him at all. He was straight forward and very much down to earth.

  “I am delighted that you all could make it here today. Right from the start, let me say how sorry I was to learn about your unfortunate experience” he said addressing the two ladies. “I can’t begin to imagine how terrifying that must have been for you, I am so sorry. That said, it is because of that experience you are here ladies. As I mentioned to Paul on the phone I have been contemplating opening up a facility here in Markton similar to the one we have for the women, but this one will be for men. However, having said that; I would like to tap into your recent experience in the hope that you could be of help to other women. I certainly hope they will not have had to endure what you went through, but your experience could help them in coping with their particular difficulties. The Women’s Shelter deals primarily with battered women and who better to understand their plight than you two ladies. I took the liberty of inviting the lady who established that shelter and who now runs it to come over here this morning. If you are agreeable I would like to introduce her to you. She could then explain far better than I just what they do over there and how you could help them if you chose to do that. This is entirely your choice ladies and you are under no obligation to participate whatsoever. I am the one being selfish here – I am using you two ladies to assist in my programs at the shelter. You can politely decline and I assure you that there will be no hard feelings or pressure brought to bear in order to change you minds. I do however hope you will at least listen to Mrs. Malcolm before you make your decision. She was once a nurse serving in Somalia and she too knows all about pain and suffering, that’s why she founded this place. May I bring her in and introduce her to you both.”