Read Meeting Mr. Mogul: A CEO Billionaire Contemporary Romance Page 30

  I grunted as I slowly stood. I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings while I was doing it, but since I just woke up, I would have at least five percent conscious of my surroundings.

  “What’s with the grandma sounds?” Terry asked in amusement as he leaned by the wall near the television, making me jump up in surprise.

  “What th— Why are you awake at this hour?” I asked dumbfounded as I eyed him in shock.

  “I have a breakfast date with Andrew today. And what is your excuse for waking up at ten in the morning?” He countered, raising his eyebrow at me in question.

  “What do you mean it’s ten?” I asked, trailing off as my eyes zoned in at the wall clock across me. I gasped in realization and animatedly jumped out of the couch towards the bathroom.

  Terry just stood as he watched and laughed at me the whole time. He patiently waited for me to finished dressing up as he offered me a ride to work. I was in the middle of brushing both my hair and teeth when I replied a thank you. He laughed some more at how I was able to concentrate on what he just said.

  In less than fifteen minutes, we were both out of the door and on the road to work. On the way there, I hadn’t really thought about how things would play out. Work consisted of seeing my boss, who I still had mixed feelings whether I hate or be grateful towards her. Plus, there was my other concern in work: William Maxwell. I don’t know what to say to him at all. At least towards Alexandra, I would be saying things that are related to work, but to him, I have nothing but personal stuff to talk about. And I have no one but myself to blame.

  When Terry parked in front of the company building, things had finally dawned on me. I sat there, still holding on to him, like a statue. For a second, Terry teased me, but when I continued to remain stagnant, he finally realized something was wrong with me.

  “Andy, is everything alright? Do you want to take the day off?” he asked when he was able to take my hand off of him and turned to look at me. “You look pale right now.”

  “I’m fine…” I replied breathlessly as I got a grip on myself. “I’m a little dazed on what I’m going to do today,” I added with more volume.

  “What are you doing anyway? You haven’t really told me everything yet,” he asked sounding slightly annoyed.

  I looked at him dead in the eyes. “I’ll tell you when I have finally done it. For now, you should go and have a beautiful breakfast date with Andrew… or, a lunch date anyway since it’s almost noon.”

  “It’s called brunch Andy,” he stated with a chuckle. “Well, you have to tell me when you get back, and no more shortcuts. I want details this time,” he commanded seriously, but the teasing glint in his eyes stayed. “Run along now. You are late.”

  “Yes, sir!” I saluted and turned around military style towards the building, which made Terry burst into a roll of laughter.

  In the lobby, Danny was busy with something since her head was down while a phone was stuck on her ear. I wanted to approach her and ask something, but decided against it. So I quickly made my way towards the elevator, hoping she didn’t see me gawking her.

  The ride up was suffocating as my heart started to beat a little faster than normal. My nerves had gotten the better of me. I didn’t know if I could keep a straight face on. From my father’s reaction yesterday, I didn’t know if I could do it now.

  The elevator opened up to my floor without any stops. I felt the tightening on the pit of my stomach, making it turn in pain. I didn’t know if it was my nerves or just hunger, but either way, I felt nauseous.

  “Andy!” Maggie looked at me in shock as I walked towards my desk.

  “Hey, Is Ms. Maxwell in her office?” I asked, unaffected by her surprise.

  “Oh! Yes, she has been there since this morning…” she replied, trailing off as she continued to look at me in surprise. “Are you okay?”

  I replied with a timid smile before I placed my things on my desk and turned towards Alexandra’s office to tell her I had arrived. Maggie didn’t say anything, which meant Alexandra had been expecting me.

  I knocked on the door twice before I entered. For a second, I wondered where I got my confidence since the butterflies in my stomach hadn’t disappeared at all.

  “Ms. Maxwell. Can I have a few seconds of your time?” I asked as I entered her office.

  I watched her as she typed something on her computer before she glanced up towards me. She looked surprised, but she was able to compose herself. “Andy, you’re late,” she pointed out casually.

  “I’m sorry for my tardiness, Ms. Maxwell. I woke up late this morning. Can I give you the letter this afternoon instead?” I asked shyly.

  “Sure. Take your time. There is no need to rush. I’m here all day today,” she replied.

  “Thank you,” I nodded briefly as I turned to exit the room.

  “Oh! Andy… Can you tell William that we’ll have a meeting later at two pm?” She called, making me stop mid-stride as I got half way out of the door.

  I looked back and nodded in reply, ambushed by her words. I stared at her for a second before getting out of the room. I quickly made my way towards my desk and slumped down on my chair as I let out a frustrated breath. Maggie looked at me with a curious look when I exited Alexandra’s office.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asked worriedly.

  “It’s nothing. Is William in his office?” I asked wearily and stood up from my chair.

  “He’s inside. Just knock and go in,” she replied and gestured towards his office.

  I nodded briefly before I slowly walked towards his office door, giving it a soft knock. I couldn’t believe I was going to see him willingly today for the first time, but it was not really willing since it was for work.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Maxwell,” I called as I entered his office. “Ms. Maxwell told me to tell you about the meeting at two p.m,” I continued after a short pause. I tried to keep my tone professional.

  “Andy, you’re here,” he stated breathlessly as he looked up towards me, finally giving me his full attention.

  “Uhm… That’s all, Mr. Maxwell,” I stated sternly after a few seconds of awkward silence when he stayed there, staring at me, from his seat.

  “No! Wait! Can I talk to you for a second?” he called aloud and jumped up from his chair when I slowly turned around towards the door.

  “I’m busy at the moment, Mr. Maxwell,” I lied, not bothering to turn around.

  “Where were you last night? And, why were you late this morning?” his loud voice muffled my soft reply.

  “That really isn’t your business…” I replied with more volume but my voice still sounded breathless.

  “If it isn’t, then tell me this, who are you avoiding right now?” his voice had a hint of vexation in it.

  I felt myself stiffen yet again from his question. I didn’t realize my hands balled into fists on my side. “What do you want? You already made your point. Why can’t you just leave it?” I countered in the same tone.

  “How can I leave it as it is when you are like this?” he replied louder, like he was almost standing behind me.

  Then, I felt a hand touch my shoulders and down to the fists on my side. This is when I finally realized the inner anger I held within. However, like a breath of fresh air, that anger was slightly abated by his touch.

  “I’m sorry, okay. I’m really sorry for being what I am and for what I did. I don’t know how to make it up to you. You can’t believe how guilty I feel for what I did. What I told you in the car was all true. Please believe me…” he whispered softly, his warm breath caressed of my hair.

  I felt a shiver run through my body at his proximity and the sincerity of his words. But I didn’t let it show. I remained rigid as I stood there like a statue. Slowly, I took a necessary step away from him to give myself some room to breathe.

  “Even if I don’t want to, I do believe you. But the damage has been done,” I answered softly.

  “What can I do to change that?” he aske
d desperately.

  “I don’t know.”

  I stared at him for a moment, seeing a situation from a past I’ve almost forgotten. Someone I used to love once played me. He groveled as he asked for another chance. I was weak then, and I did give in. I thought he would change as he had promised. But the second time around, he did it again like the first time never happened. And I don’t want a repeat.

  I quickly turned the knob on the door and walked out of the room. I thought that William would stop me again, but he didn’t. I sighed in relief as I sat back down on my desk. I felt Maggie’s eyes trail me, but I tried to stay indifferent under her watchful gaze.

  For the rest of the hour, I remained on my desk, thinking on how to type my resignation letter. Also, I was thinking whether to even make it. Even though I’ve already made the choice, I felt hesitant to proceed. But I had some pride left in me.

  When lunch break came, I accepted Maggie’s offer to dine together. I didn’t want to be alone. I was afraid to be closed off with my thoughts. Maggie was better choice of company if I wanted anyone to distract myself while not being interrogated about my personal life. Though at some point, she may want to ask me about my situation, but she is a woman who knows when to give someone his or her personal space.

  Our lunch was uneventful yet comfortable. We talked about the event for this weekend’s charity gala, but somewhere around the end of the meal, I think her curiosity got the better of her.

  “Andy, I don’t want to pry, but is there something wrong? You’ve been sighing a lot today,” she asked worriedly.

  “Maggie. Can you keep a secret for me?” I countered shyly, feeling the urge to seek comfort.

  “Sure, you look like you are about to tell me something bad…” She nodded and stated pointedly while she studied my expression.

  “Do you know about the real job offer that Ms. Maxwell had offered me?” I asked with a little more volume, my voice slightly quivering.

  “I think I heard about that… She did mention about a new art curator that would be her temporary secretary,” She nodded and gestured for me to continue.

  “Yes. That’s me… Well, was me… I was going to be the art curator, but I’m refusing the job and quitting my current one altogether. And now that I’m saying this out loud, it seems like a bad idea,” I trailed off, disgruntled by my realization.

  “You’re quitting? Why all of a sudden?” Maggie asked in shock.

  “My father is being discharged next week. I thought he wanted to go back, but I was wrong,” I replied with refined disappointment.

  “So, since you aren’t moving back, you’re not going to quit?” she asked with a little hope in her voice.

  “No. I’ve already told Ms. Maxwell. I can’t take it back without sounding desperate,” I replied sadly.

  “But what are you going to do? You need to find another job again.”

  “I have sent my résumé to a few companies. I’ll just wait for those, I think…” I sighed heavily in defeat.

  “Do you need any help?” she offered with sincerity.

  “Well… I need some help with the letter,” I lightly chuckled in embarrassment. I don’t even know how to properly write a resignation letter, since the job I had in the past weren’t as formal as this job. Plus the most recent one I had, it ended with me quitting in front of my boss. I couldn’t help but chuckle at that memory.

  “What’s so funny?” Maggie asked curiously as she lightly laughed with me.

  “I just had a little flashback on how I landed this job in the first place. If I didn’t do any of those, I wouldn’t be here with you at all. I wouldn’t be here…” I laughed but trailed off when my thoughts led to William.

  Maggie looked at me in wonder as my mood changed yet again. This time she didn’t ask what it was about since I already gave her a clue. She gave me a small sad smile before calling the waiter’s attention to ask for our bill.

  When we got back to work, and on our respective desk, I was about to stand up again to ask Maggie’s help with my resignation letter, but then William’s door suddenly opened with him by the door while his back is facing us.

  “Do you expect me to just let it go? You were the one who messed it all up!” he yelled in anger, his voice ringing on the whole floor.

  I flinched as I heard him and turned towards Maggie, watching her do the same. She turned towards me and looked uncertain about the situation. She wouldn’t know what this was about since we’ve been together for the past hour.

  “Stop being a child, William and grow up! Just because you can’t have things the way you wanted them to be, you’re going to blame me!” Alexandra’s voice suddenly surfaced from inside William’s office, making both Maggie and I looked back.

  I saw William’s body stiffen as his hand balled into a fist. From the way he was standing and holding the doorknob, I think he was about to slam that door shut and break it at the same time, but he didn’t. He left the door opened and turned toward Maggie before his eyes landed on mine.

  “Can we talk?” he asked. The tone of his was more commanding than usual.

  “If we are going to talk about—” I started but trailed of when he interrupted.

  “Yes, we are going to talk about that again if that is the reason you are going to quit,” he pointed out. His eyes hardened as he continued to stare me down.


  “She has made her decision, William. Leave her alone already.” Alexandra suddenly appeared beside him, tearing my gaze away from William.

  I watched her with almost hate on my eyes. I can’t believe she told him. I told her to keep it a secret, but she told him. Why did she do it? What does she want from this?

  I couldn’t help the sudden rage that consumed me. I abruptly stood up from my chair and walked towards them. I stopped a foot from the siblings and glared at them in rage.

  “I don’t know what you two want, but I have had it! I tried to be reasonable with you and not quit the job in front of your face as I did with him,” I paused and pointed at William as I turned towards him. “And I have had enough of your excuses already! It’s not like I wanted any of this!” I snorted in disbelief and glanced back at Alexandra, then slowly back at William. “You two have a meeting in an hour. I’ll call Mark and Kevin to ready the car,” I continued in clenched teeth before I slowly turned back around to my desk like I hadn’t just blown up in front of two Maxwells.

  “Thank you, Andy,” Alexandra replied softly. Her voice had an amusing tone to it.

  “I’ll have my resignation paper when you get back from your meeting, Ms. Maxwell,” I stated before I picked up the phone on my desk to call Kevin.

  “I’ll sign it when I get back,” She nodded and slowly walked towards her office. “Call me when the car is here,” she added before going inside.

  I nodded in reply as the phone line got through. “Kevin, Ms. Maxwell has a meeting at two,” I stated softly.

  “Got it,” Kevin replied abruptly before ending the phone call.

  “Are you going to sit there and pretend like this didn’t happen?” William asked in disbelief as he suddenly slammed his hand on my desk.

  I jumped in surprise at his outburst. “Yes, didn’t you see me just now?” I asked him in the same tone and looked at him like he just asked an insane question.

  He stared me down as he gritted his teeth together. “Just tell me the truth, please,” he commanded angrily.

  “Why are you so desperate about the truth? Why do you really want to know?” I asked and gestured at his unprofessional manner.

  He only continued to stare at me when I didn’t go straight to the point. “Okay! Fine! You want the truth,” I started in defeat, almost yelling the words aloud. “I quit this freaking job because of you! I don’t want you in my life anymore or anyone that can be linked to you. I have had enough! I don’t want to see that stinking, dead blue eyes, and your slick dirty blonde hair. Plus, how you wear that weird suit every day, and that inhuman,
earthy cologne, what is with that?” I paused to snort and catch my breath. “And then, there are those awkward greetings, and your shitty smile. And then, you have this weird way of staring at me like I’m some— See! You’re doing it now!” I continued breathlessly and paused to gesture towards him in emphasis.

  He kept his eyes on me. It was hard, yet soft at the same time. Then his face suddenly softened. And like time had stood still, he slowly reached his hands out to cup my face, catching me off guard. I didn’t have time to react or gasp as his face closed in. The next thing I felt was his warm lip on mine.

  “Please don’t leave,” he whispered in desperation as he let go of my lips and pressed his forehead on mine. His warm breath fondled my face.

  Then, I knew he had me. This is not how I wanted things to play out.


  When I regained my consciousness, I quickly pushed away from him. I was glad that there is a table between us. “What are you doing?” I whispered in shock.

  “I’m asking you not to leave,” he replied without shame.

  “You’re not asking me to…” I started but trailed of when he cupped my face again for another kiss. But this time I was prepared.

  I ducked my head down, making the kiss land on my forehead rather than my lips. I dodged his next assault. The situation wasn’t anything better. My skin tingled as my heart raced from the contact of his lips on my skin. When he let go of me, I quickly pushed myself away from him.

  “Would you stop doing that?” I grumbled breathlessly.

  “Are you sure you want me to stop?” he asked smugly as he stared me in challenge.

  I pursed my lips and glared at him. He continued to stare at me with that smug look when I didn’t give him a reply. From my lack of words, he found leverage in the situation. I watched his eyes glint in hope. He was about to say something when Maggie interrupted us. If she hadn’t spoken, I wouldn’t know she was present.

  “Mr. Maxwell, your car is ready downstairs,” she said calmly, like she hadn’t witnessed what happened a few seconds ago.