Read Meeting Mr. Mogul: A CEO Billionaire Contemporary Romance Page 31

  “Thank you, Maggie. I’ll be right down,” he replied to her, but he kept his eye on me. “Don’t go anywhere. We aren’t finish yet.”

  “Yes, we are,” I countered in annoyance and kept my eyes on him.

  He walked backwards towards the elevator as he continued to keep me under his gaze. I didn’t let those deep, tantalizing blue eyes affect me. So I continued to stare back. I didn’t know how long I was going to hold it until Alexandra’s office opened. He looked startled at the sudden sound of her door closing.

  “Are you going? I had Kevin do an errand. I have to ride with you to the meeting,” Alexandra said as she walked passed William towards the elevator. “Come on, Mark is downstairs waiting,” she called when William didn’t follow her.

  I didn’t glanced in their direction. In my peripheral vision, I felt his eyes on me. I didn’t bother checking when I heard the elevator door closing. I let out a huge sigh of relief like a thick cloud had finally vanished around me.

  “Are you okay?” Maggie’s voice me jump on my seat.

  I looked up and felt my face flush in embarrassment. “I’m okay.”

  “When did you and William… I’m sorry for asking. It’s not my place to ask,” she started but paused out of shame.

  “Oh no, it’s okay. We are not really in that kind of relationship. I mean we aren’t intimate. We aren’t in any relationship whatsoever.”

  “But you two are seeing each other?” she probed shyly

  “We were… We had a few dinners and stuff.” I admitted and looked away from her amused expression.

  “Right,” she snickered in understanding. “A word of advice. Let him fall for you first before you fall for him,” she whispered in enthusiasm as a smile plastered on her face.

  I turned towards her in wonder and smiled in reply. I didn’t know what to say to her after that, so I kept my mouth shut and turned back to my work.

  We were both silent until we talked about preparations for the event this weekend. It would be my last formal job before quitting. I had at least done a great job. Since Maggie had taken the desk job, I was left to do the errands. Maggie had given a few meetings to attend today.

  The first on the list was something I didn’t expect. My face broke into a smile when I realize who I would be meeting. I was to discuss with the owner of the bar Blackjack about the drinks to be served at the venue.

  It was noon when I reached the bar. I was hesitant when I stood outside the entrance. All of a sudden, a wave of nostalgia hit me. It had held some fun memories, especially when I had bartended for a few days.

  “Andy? Why are you standing there? Come on in,” Jack suddenly appeared behind me, making me jump in surprise.

  “Jack! Hey! I didn’t see you there…” I gave him an apologetic smile when I regained my composure. “I just got here, actually…”

  “Right, I watched you stand here for at least five minutes now,” he snorted but his face didn’t have a hint of humor.

  My silence confirmed his words. I didn’t know how to approach him again when I hadn’t seen him for weeks. I avoided Terry’s offer for weeks. I thought an apology would clear that tension.

  “If you’re going to apologize about not coming here often, don’t. Terry told me everything,” he stated in conviction. I looked at his back, eying him in shock. I can’t believe he read me without looking at my face.

  “That silence only justifies that my thoughts were right,” he added after a short silence on my part.

  “Sorry,” I whispered shyly in reply.

  He led me to the back room to his office. The last time I was in this room was when Alexandra had offered me a job. It was the day when all the decisions I’ve made backfired. I grimaced from the memory as I sat down on the same chair that I sat on when Alexandra talked to me. The sense of nostalgia was slowly giving me a headache.

  Jack was very professional the whole time we were inside his office. We talked about the event and every detail that Alexandra had instructed me to tell him. The whole time his face held no expression other than to crunch his eyebrow together.

  “Well, I think that’s about it,” Jack said in finality.

  “Yup, that would be all,” I nodded in reply. I glanced at my watch and slowly stood up, ready to say goodbye. “I think I should be going. I have another meeting.”

  “Okay, I’ll walk you out,” He nodded and gestured towards the door.

  It was slightly awkward as we walked out of his office and walked the short distance towards the main door. We didn’t say anything to each other. Before steeping out, I turned around to say goodbye, but Jack spoke up before I could.

  “Andy, I’m sorry if this sound so intruding, but is it true that William and you are a couple?” he asked seriously, curiosity thick in his voice.

  I looked at him with wide eyes. Though I may have expected it, I wasn’t sure if he would actually do it.

  “No. My god. No, we aren’t a thing,” I denied as my voice rose at a higher octave.

  “Oh, right. I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable by asking,” He gave me a small apologetic smile and a slight nod.

  “It’s alright. This isn’t my first, anyway. I’m not saying I’m used to it now.”

  “Well, then, have a good day. Please visit anytime. It doesn’t have to be within store hours,” he changed the subject, relieving me from my misery.

  “Sure. I’ll try,” I replied with sincerity and slowly back away from the door.

  With one last wave of goodbye, we separated ways as he got back inside. I couldn’t help but smile as I remembered how awkward Jack looked when he asked me about my relationship with William. It was like watching my own father’s reaction when we talked about dating.

  As I reached the bus stop, I was in luck when the bus arrived at the same moment. I sat on one of the chairs in front, which was mostly empty. I reviewed a few things for my next meeting. I was going to a pastry shop to order specialized cupcakes for the event. And on the ride there, I wasn’t aware of the black car that was beside the bus. When we reached a red light, the bus stopped beside the black car. I was preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn’t realize the window of the car beside me rolling down.

  “Hey! Andy!” I faintly heard a voice calling my name.

  At first, I didn’t bother looking around and assumed that it wasn’t me. But when the voice continued to call my name, I was starting to get alarmed and glanced around until I found the source sound.

  “Hey! Can you hear me?” William asked. The clear glass window between us muffled his voice.

  I stared him for a second before opening my mouth for a reply. Yet as I do so, no words had come out.

  “Where are you headed? You can get out. We’ll drive you there,” he shouted in command.

  Behind me, I noticed the people who were inside the bus looked in his direction. I regarded them shyly before looking back at William with an annoyed look.

  “Go away. I’m alright here,” I mouthed in reply.

  “What? I can’t hear you!” he shouted even louder as his voice becoming clearer.

  “Stop shouting,” I mouthed wide and slow, with my eyebrow scrunched together to make my intent clear.

  “I really can’t hear you!”

  “Would you shut up?” This time I didn’t hold in my voice and shouted aloud.

  William looked at me with his lips pursed, like he was hiding his amusement. Though from his eyes, I knew he was enjoying the moment. “We aren’t finished talking!” he shouted. He didn’t care who heard our conversation.

  My eyes wide grew wide at his words. Did he plan on talking about this in public? I signaled him to shut up, acting out like I was zipping my mouth.

  “If you don’t get out of the bus at the count of ten, I will scream to these people here about what I really think about you!” he warned at the top of his lungs as he gestured towards the other passengers in the bus, who were still looking at him.

  I give the people behin
d me a quick glance before giving him an annoyed look. “Are you kidding me?” I mouthed in outrage.

  He smirked at my expression, unaffected by my anger. I couldn’t believe he found the situation funny. And now I’m thinking why the bus hadn’t moved an inch. I looked away from him and studied the obstruction in front of us that stopped the flow of traffic. I watched people in an orange vest stood in the middle of the street.

  “You know I have time to convince you…” He warned. His face was smug when he knew he was going to win.

  With a frustrated sigh, I quickly stood up from my seat and told the bus driver that I was getting off. He looked at me weirdly but didn’t question my request. He opened the doors without a second thought. I jumped down from the bus and walked around towards the black car beside it. The back passenger door was already opened before I got there.

  “Good choice. But I would have loved that you stayed stubborn and allowed me to shout my confession and apology with sincerity. It would have been a great revenge for you,” William said as I got in the car.

  “Yeah, that would have been a good plan except I would also be embarrassed in the process,” I countered in clenched teeth as I try to distance myself from him.

  “So, you still won’t forgive me for the betting thing?” he asked after a short pause when I remain distant to him.

  “I’m thinking about it…” I whispered in reply and looked out the window.

  “Uhm…” he said in understanding, as he remained silent.

  After the obstruction in the road cleared, I told Mark, who was driving as always, the location of my next appointment. The drive was short and very suffocating. I thought it was my fault the dark atmosphere. William had tried to start a friendly conversation but I just had to ruin it. I couldn’t look at him straight in the eyes without feeling hurt and sad.

  The car slowed down as we finally reached my next meeting. When Mark parked the car in front of the pastry shop. I was about to say goodbye but he had his back to me as he opened the door on his side of the car. I studied his actions for a second before it settled in.

  “Where are you going? You’re not going in there with me,” I asked in frustration, as I remain rigid in my seat.

  “I’m the employer. You can’t say whether I can or cannot meet the people who I’m going to hire for this event,” he stated in a professional manner.

  I snorted at his arrogance and felt familiar towards his actions. It was a side of William that I knew well enough, which wasn’t voluntary. I opened the door on my side and quickly got out. I didn’t even bother to give William another look.

  I marched towards the pastry shop without waiting for him. As I entered, I notice his long strides to catch up to me. I went straight to business and asked the attending staff about my appointment. She was very welcoming as she asked me to wait while she called her boss. By this time, William had entered the shop and quickly made his way beside me.

  “So, why are we here again?” he whispered to me in question as he leaned slightly to my ear.

  I glanced up and moved away from his close proximity. “I’m here to make an order for cupcakes and maybe a cake for this Saturday,” I replied swiftly, emphasizing on the ‘I’m’.

  “Okay, you only have to place an order and be done with it,” He nodded in understanding and stated to himself.

  “Ms. Maxwell wanted to have the cupcake and the cake customized for the event,” I explained in context, feeling a little heated up. The annoyed feeling hadn’t evaporated one bit since he showed up.

  “Oh! Mr. Maxwell! I don’t know you were coming here personally!” Suddenly, a young-looking, blonde haired girl interrupted our short staring contest. She jumped out of nowhere and made her way towards William and looped her arms around him.

  Startled at her sense of familiarity, I watched her with wide eyes, as she talked to William with a seductive tone. Was it my own imagination to hear a flirtatious tone in her voice?

  “Miriam, how have you been?” William asked softly as he stood his ground, looking unaffected by her sudden greeting.

  “I’m doing well, thank you,” she beamed in reply. “So, why are you here?” she continued, getting straight to the point.

  “Andy and I are here to order some cupcakes,” he replied with a small smile as he glanced at me for a second before looking back at the girl.

  “Oh! Hi! I didn’t see you there…” she silently apologized and offered her free hand to me, leaving her looped arms in William’s. “I’m Miriam Dowell, co-owner and manager of Just Sweets.”

  “Andy Peterson, I’m Ms. Maxwell’s secretary,” I started softly as I accepted her hand and shook it lightly.

  “…And, she’s my girlfriend,” William interjected confidently, making me turned towards him in surprise.

  What the…?


  What the…?

  “What are you talking…?” I started but was cut off when William bumped his hips to mine as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  He took a step back from the girl’s hold and leaned on me. “So, where shall we do this?” he asked her in his business tone and tightened his arm on my waist.

  At that moment, I couldn’t grasp the anger that slowly consumed me. Who the hell did he think he is? And what was he trying to pull?

  When Miriam stepped away from William and gestured towards the way to her office, I took this time to act out. I elbowed him right on the stomach and walked ahead. Behind me, I heard him grunt in pain.

  “Don’t think I’ll go along with this,” I mumbled in annoyance when I left him.

  “Wait… this is not what you think it is… But, if you think that the idea is…” he whispered in plea, but trailed off as words failed him.

  “Just get straight to your point,” I stopped walking and turned towards him with a death glare.

  “Can you just go along with this for a while? Miriam and I have some…” he pleaded softly and trailed off when I raised my eyebrow.

  “You are not seriously asking me to play along with this so that this girl, who I know you’ve slept with, won’t cling to you like a leech,” I grumbled in conviction. “This is not my problem. So if you are uncomfortable with the damn situation, why not get out and go back to work?”

  “I’m not going to leave you with her after what I just said…” he countered in disbelief, but I cut him off.

  “And, whose fault was that?”

  “I had only acted out because…”

  “I’m not taking any excuses! I’m going in the office. And if you aren’t ready to tell her the damn truth, just leave. I can handle this myself,” I stated in clenched teeth.

  When he didn’t reply, I turned around and continued walking towards the end of the hallway, where Miriam stood and stared us in curiosity. She gave me a small, tight-lipped smile when I looked at her. I couldn’t believe I’m going to take the heat on his stupidity.

  “This way please,” Miriam opened the door and gestured for me to get inside.

  My first impression of the place was cute and girlish. The dominant color of the room was pink and white. The table was painted in white and gold. The chairs looked like it was designed for a garden party.

  “This is a really nice office,” I remarked as I sat down on a chair opposite to where she sat down.

  “Thank you,” she replied enthusiastically, finally giving me a genuine smile for the first time.

  “Where do I sit?” William asked, halting me from asking a question. I turned towards the sound of his voice. He wasn’t seriously going to go along with it. But when Miriam gestured towards the seat beside me, it finally dawned on me that he was serious.

  “I’ll let you taste some of our different flavors of cake before you decide,” she started after William sat down. “I’ll be right back with it,” she added and stood up and quickly exited the room.

  “What are you doing? If you’re going to stay, you should clear up that misunderstanding a few minutes ago. I
don’t want this to be awkward than it already is,” I hissed at him before he could say anything.

  “Okay. But, hear me out,” he pleaded guiltily. “Can we go along with it for a while? Miriam and I used to have… And, I don’t want her getting any ideas about my visit here.”

  “Are you seriously making me reason to avoid your ex?” I was astonished at what he suggested.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I just don’t want her to get any ideas that I’m available whatsoever,” he snorted and stated in the same tone.

  “Oh, please! Don’t give me that excuse. We both know you are as available as you ever was,” I stated in conviction and rolled my eyes at his words.

  “And you still don’t believe me that I’m serious about you,” he sighed and mumbled softly to himself but it was loud enough for me to hear.

  Not sure how to respond to his words, I stayed silent for a moment and prayed someone would interrupt us soon. After a few minutes, my prayer was answered as Miriam arrived with a tray of small cupcakes in hand.

  As I expected, the rest of the meeting was very uncomfortable. The flirtatious comments she gave to William had made it unbearable on my part. I wasn’t slightly jealous though it still annoyed me. The girl couldn’t take a hint at all. She kept on making advances even though she knew–though, not true–that William and I were dating. At some point, I wanted to show her something just to piss her off. But I didn’t want William to have more reason to pursue me. So I continued to watch her flirt for the rest of the meeting.

  I thought I had finished digging a hole and reached the other end of the world when it was over. It was half past five in the afternoon and my stomach was full of nothing but sweets. It would be impossible to eat dinner. As I was about to part ways with William by the main door of the pastry shop, he suddenly grabbed hold of my wrist.

  “We aren’t done with our conversation from this morning,” he said as he lightly tugged me towards his waiting car.

  “What are you doing?” I asked angrily as I tried to pull myself free from his hold.

  “If I don’t act on it, you would ignore me,” he started but trailed off when I finally broke free from him.