Read Meeting Mr. Mogul: A CEO Billionaire Contemporary Romance Page 36

  It wasn’t a hassle as we finished signing my father’s proper release papers. I was shocked that the doctor had allowed him early release. I thought I would have at least a few days to settle in my new job and get a new place.

  As we walked out of the hospital, it was almost around noon. So, we ate at the nearest diner before heading back to Terry’s place. My father was doubtful when I lied to him about my new place being cleaned for pesticides, but he accepted it. And then after lunch, I allowed Terry to escort my father back to his place while I go to work.

  “I didn’t know you’re working today. You should have said something,” he stated in worry, as he stood at the bus stop, waiting for our designated rides.

  “It’s not that important, Dad. I’m just going to get a few things at work and then I’ll be back later in the afternoon,” I said in assurance as I try to hide my lie.

  “Oh. Okay. Then, I’ll see you later. Bus is here,” he said softly.

  “I’ll see you later,” I gave him a light peck in the cheeks before getting in.

  As I walked up the aisle and sat, I looked back at my father’s direction and gave him one last wave before the bus headed out. I was a little guilty as I felt the lie weighting down on me. As the bus drove out of the pavement, I quickly realized something. William didn’t say anything to my father about me quitting my job.

  When I reached my stop, I’m starting to waver my resolve on what I feel about William these past few days. Though I’ve found out about the bet he did with his sister. His annoying advances which I couldn’t help but be amazed at his persistence. He just doesn’t give up easily. The thought made me smile.

  My walk towards the lobby was a little emotional. For one, I wouldn’t get to see Danny anymore. I’m going to miss out little chat.

  Before heading to the elevator, I made a quick detour at the reception desk.

  “Hey, Danny! How’s your morning?” I greeted warmly when I got to her.

  She was on the phone, which made her jump in surprise.

  “Andy! Hey! You’re here!” she exclaimed in enthusiasm as she quickly ended a call. “So, this is your last day, huh?” she added.

  “Yes, I’m going to head up top to get my things,” I replied and gave her a defeated smile.

  “How about we get something to eat before you leave? I can ask someone to cover me for a while,” she offered softly, leaning in towards me in a whisper.

  I chuckled at her actions and gave her a swift nod. “I would love that.”

  After a few short exchanges of pleasantries, I excused myself to head on upstairs quickly so that I can get back fast. Danny nodded and gestured for me to move along so that she can have her break. I laughed at her expression before I headed towards the elevator, giving her a wave.

  The trip was short. There weren’t much people riding the elevator since there isn’t much employee working on a weekend. When I got there, for the last time, I took a deep breath.

  Maggie looked up when I came in, eyeing me longingly. I think I’m going to miss her more. “Andy! You’re here. Are you going to get your things?” she asked in a conversational manner, though her face had said differently.

  “Ah, yes. I am clearing out my desk, now,” I softly replied, giving her a small smile.

  “Oh, I’m going to miss you,” she cooed suddenly and got out of her table to give me a hug.

  “I’ll miss you, too.” I hugged back, giving her a light squeeze.

  We stayed that way for a second before the door suddenly opened, ruining the moment. I turned towards the sound and found myself staring at the direction of William’s office. There he stood still with his hands at the door, holding it open as he regarded me sternly. I looked at him squarely with a poker face.

  “You’re finally here,” his voice almost a whisper.

  “Yeah,” I replied, taking a small step back from Maggie’s hold.

  Maggie looked at William and me for a second before excusing herself to get back to work. I tore my eyes at William and gave Maggie one last smile before turning back at him.

  “Can we…?” he started but trailed off as I quickly walked towards his direction and stood a foot from him.

  “Let’s talk inside,” I suggested softly, hoping Maggie can’t hear this if we kept up with this speech volume.

  He didn’t give me a word of reply, but stepped away from the door. I walked passed him and didn’t look back as he closed the door behind me. I sat on one of the chairs across from his desk, not waiting for his invitation. If I’m going to do this, I’m not going to shy away.

  I waited for William to seat back on his chair, before starting a conversation. But, before I could voice out a word, he beat me to it.

  “So, you’re heading back south?” he asked lightly as he studied me.

  “Ah, yes. Maybe… That might be the plan,” I replied vaguely, keeping my voice from quivering.

  “Do you hate me so much that you have to move far away just so I can’t get to you?” he asked almost in pain, but he kept himself nonchalant.

  “I think I’ve said this to you once. I don’t hate you, William. But, it doesn’t mean I’ll tolerate seeing you almost every day,” I replied sternly, taking a sharp intake of breath.

  “So, you’ll be moving back home?” he asked again after a short pause.

  “Maybe… I don’t know…” I mumbled in reply. I don’t know how long I’m going to last lying to him. But, I’m not going to tell him the truth. I already made my decision.

  “So, is this goodbye?” he asked, more to himself rather than to me.

  “I think so,” I give him a stiff nod of reply and look away from him. I don’t want him to read anything on my face that would give me away.

  “Can I at least help you out with moving back?” he offered with a serious tone, making me look back at him.

  “Oh! No! We’re fine. Terry is helping us,” I abruptly replied, a little scared that he would know something was up.

  “Are you sure?” he asked again for confirmation.

  “Yes,” I nodded quickly and stood up from my chair. “I think I should head back now. I still have to pack up,” I added as I slowly made my way out of his office.

  William quickly stood up at my retreat, eying me almost longingly. “I’ll see you out,” he offered.

  I allowed him to walk beside me out of his office towards the elevator. I felt a shiver run down my spine as we entered lift. There weren’t many good memories with us alone in this lift. And most of them involved on a lot of physical actions.

  When the elevator door closed, I didn’t expect him to be direct. But, I think he’d been holding back for a while now, and both of us aren’t in the mood on talking.

  With quick hands, William wrapped one arms around my waist and the other at the back of my neck, tugging my hair so that I would look up towards him. He didn’t need to do much since I was already looking up at him in surprise. He didn’t waste time and leaned down, placing those luscious lips on mine.

  I couldn’t help my moan at the contact. It’s been days since he last kissed me. But, that kiss wasn’t as passionate as this one. The kiss was different. It made me feel how much he really wanted me.

  I was dazed a second after he ended it when the elevator door opened. I didn’t know how to react or respond. Then, my consciousness came back when he softly caressed my cheeks with the hand he placed on the back of my neck.

  “I’m not giving up yet. I’ll come for you,” he whispered sternly to me, his deep blue eyes liquefying the emotions swirling around us.

  Without words, I gave him a small nod of reply. This is bad. I know that look. He is not going to leave me. Even if I’m going to be on the other side of the world, this man has the power to look for me. And he will. No matter what the circumstances awaits him.

  “William…” I started softly, my resolve quivered by his words. “…Goodbye.” I whispered, my stubbornness got the better of me.

  I didn’t wait for his rep
ly, knowing that this is never a goodbye between us. I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here in this city. But I’m not going to give in to him. I knew how this would work, and I didn’t want a recap my last relationship. We were too different. Though in truth, I wanted the assurance of his words. I don’t want him to throw me away. I hope he wouldn’t forget. I hope he will come and find me.


  I felt another sense of déjà vu as I entered the building for my first day of work. I couldn’t hide my delight when I announced to my father that we don’t have to move back since I had a job. Though I already know that I have it before he was released, I kept quiet for a few days. After that short event with him knowing that I quit my previous job, his belief in me slightly went down. But now that I’m on my feet again, I think he had forgotten that already. It’s what I hoped for.

  “Are you excited to go to your new job today?” my father asked after eating his breakfast.

  “Yes. I’m pretty excited,” I replied with a beaming smile before taking one last sip on my juice.

  I jumped down on the stool in the island counter. After quitting my previous job, I moved out of my classy apartment. I left a note to Alexandra since I didn’t want to have another discussion about keeping that place. It was too grand for me anyway.

  So with Terry’s help, I was able to find a new place a few days after I moved out. We had to crash at Terry’s for a day or two before the place had to be cleared out and finalized the paper. My new apartment is a two bedrooms and one bathroom unit. It was perfect and had a homey feel of our old place. The apartment was located a few blocks from Terry’s place, which didn’t take long for me to find it.

  As I entered the building of my new job, I felt a little out of place. I studied each person that walked pass me. No girl or boy here was wearing anything less than a polo shirt, which looked like it has a high-class fabric. I quickly made my way to elevator and pressed the close button after pressing my floor number. I let out a sigh of relief that I was the only person inside the lift.

  I looked at my reflection on the elevator door and felt a little disappointed. Working for a high-end company, my fashion sense hasn’t change at all. I was still wearing my jeans and shirt but at least I wasn’t wearing any sneakers today. I took liberty on buying something new on my last paycheck.

  When I reach my designated floor, I felt shy as I walked in. A few people stared at me as I walked towards my new boss’s office. But I didn’t let it get to me. I was going to work here so might as well get used to it.

  As I reach the door of the department head, I looked at the name outside in shock. My eyebrow scrunched together in confusion. I knocked on the door twice, which the person on the other side directly answered. I entered with a calm façade and expected what came next.

  “Andy! Good morning!” Ally greeted as she glanced up from her computer screen.

  I gave her a small smile. “Ally. Hey! I didn’t know you work here.”

  “I did tell you that I work at a magazine company,” she replied shyly.

  “Can I except that the reason why I got hired because you knew me?”

  “Well, I was the one who reviewed the applicants for the last interview and I saw your name. I didn’t know you applied here. You could have told me, or something. But aren’t you working at Maxwell Enterprises?”

  “Ah, about that… Well, it wasn’t really for me… So, here I am,” I replied hesitantly. I didn’t want to discuss about William for now.

  “Oh, okay… I’m glad that you’re here now. And welcome to the art department. Do you want me to show you around?” she asked and stood up from her desk.

  “Well… thank you. But, you looked busy here…” I stated and trailed off as I looked her messy desk and computer.

  “This will only take a while, and I need a short break anyway. I’ve been here since five this morning,” she replied, showing her exhaustion as she hunched her shoulder.

  I chuckled at her actions and opened the door for her. “Well, lead the way.”

  The tour on the art department floor was short. But I can’t say that the floor was small either. The whole floor was able to accommodate a few studios, a huge boardroom, a break room, and at least twenty cubicles for the employee. I didn’t know you need this much manpower for just one department.

  When the tour ended, Ally ushered me to my new desk, which had a stellar view of the buildings surrounding us. I made a quick scan on the neighboring cubicle, studying the faces on the people that I would be working starting today, and then I looked at my desk. It was a fine cubicle with a high-end computer and a landline phone placed beside it. The computer was almost identical to Ally’s on her office.

  “This is where you’ll be working,” Ally announced, gesturing at my desk.

  “Wow,” I said at the top of my mind.

  “If you need anything, you can press number four on the telephone and it would connect to my phone office,” she explained as I slowly caressed my new leather chair before seating down.

  “Do you have any more questions?” Ally asked, reeling me back to reality when my mind wandered off when I turned on the computer.

  “Oh, no. I’m going to manage.”

  “Good. Well then, you’re first assignment would be on the file folder placed on the desktop on your computer. After that, your work will be sent to you via email, and some would be handed to you by Kate, my secretary,” she instructed.

  I gave her a stiff nod in reply taken aback by her tone. Since she was my boss now, she had the right to sound authoritative. But her façade didn’t last long as she gave me a warm smile and she headed back to her office.

  As the day dragged on, I felt comfortable on my new desk as I worked on a layout on one of the magazine’s page. I also took note the empty cubicle beside me, which rose my curiosity about my neighbor and why he or she isn’t present. Around noon, everyone got up from his or her desk to get something to eat. I quickly saved my work before heading out to get something for myself. But before I could get up on my chair, the phone on my desk rang. I didn’t think twice on answering and picked up.

  “Hello?” I asked and place it on my ear.

  “Andy, can you come to my office?” Ally’s voice asked on the end of the phone.

  “Sure,” I replied softly. I was about to ask her what she needed me for when the phone line ended. I put the phone away from my ears and eyed it in confusion before placing it back.

  Without knowing what to expect, I put my computer to sleep and stood up from my desk. I made my way to Ally’s office feeling a little nervous. When I got to the front door of her office, I heard someone else’s voice in the other side. I knocked on it out of courtesy before entering.

  My eyes first ran on the girl sitting across from Ally. And then her eyes met mine, a sense of disbelief plastered on her face.

  “This is Andy. Andy this is Nerissa, one of the company’s photographers,” Ally gestured at the girl across from her.

  “So, you used to work at Maxwell Enterprises…” Nerissa said causally in interest.

  “Ah… yes…” I replied with uncertainty and glanced toward Ally in question. Did she tell her something about William and me?

  “So, you know William Maxwell?” Nerissa asked, grabbing back my attention.

  “Ah… yeah…” I replied again in the same tone, not sure where this is going.

  Then to explain the situation, Ally spoke. “Nerissa needed someone to help her with a photo shoot. I read from your résumé that you had studied photography… plus you know the model well…”

  “I have a shoot for another spread with William Maxwell for next month’s issue, and my co-photographer is sick today. I wanted Ally to come with me but she said she is busy… And then, she told me about you,” Nerissa explain when I stayed quiet.

  “Right,” I mumbled with a nod. I couldn’t help but be furious for a second towards Ally. She did it because it is the truth. At least she told her that I used to work
for him and nothing more.

  “What do you need from me?” I asked more softly, though my voice sounded a little bit off.

  “So, you’ll do it?” Nerissa asked in enthusiasm and ignored my question.

  “Yeah, sure. It would be nice to see my old boss again,” I replied with sarcasm and rolled my eyes at the inescapable possibility.

  Ally looked at me with an apologetic smile and grinned from ear to ear. She didn’t know what had happened to William and me after my outburst in front of my apartment. I couldn’t get angry at her innocent yet obvious way of setting me up to meet him again.

  I thought I would at least get a few more weeks here before seeing him again. But maybe, fate already got tired at my stubbornness. After not seeing him for a few days, I’m starting to really think about what I felt about him. Sometimes distance was the only solution for someone to see the importance on something.

  When we reached the location for the shoot, I felt nostalgic to see the building in front of me. I started to get nervous after we parked the car.

  “Why are we at the Maxwell’s main office building? Would had it been better to do it somewhere, like a hotel or something?” I asked

  “Well, Mr. Maxwell is a busy man. It took as awhile to even get his approval to do this shoot,” Nerissa replied as we waited for some of the crew to get all the kit from the back of the car.

  When all things were set, we walked together towards the lobby. I felt shy as I entered the building. I glanced at the reception desk where Danny stood before we approached her. I stayed at the back of the group and let Nerissa do all the talking. As the group moved on towards the elevator, after pinning the visitor I.D. pass on their clothes, I walked up to Danny with a nervous smile.

  “Andy… Is that you? What are you doing here?” she asked in shock as her face slowly turned up in to a smile.

  “I’m here with those guys. I work at a magazine company now,” I replied gesturing at the crew who was standing outside, waiting for the elevator.