Read Meeting Mr. Mogul: A CEO Billionaire Contemporary Romance Page 37

  “Does he know you’re here?” she asked in a whispered, leaning toward me.

  “No. And, don’t tell anyone I’m here.”

  She gave me a stiff nod but opened her mouth to say something. She was cut short when my crew entered the elevator, giving me the excuse to go. I gave her a brief wave as goodbye before entering the lift. On the way up, Nerissa asked me if I knew the receptionist. I only gave her a small smile in reply.

  When we reached William’s office floor, my heartbeat increased its pace. I allowed the crew to go ahead of me as I walked behind the group. I let Nerissa talk to Maggie, who was working on her desk.

  “Excuse me, we’re from Face Magazine. We are here for the photo shoot,” Nerissa said in greeting and grabbed Maggie attention.

  Maggie glanced around the group, making me look away from her and turned around on my back. “Mr. Maxwell will be with you. Please wait a moment.”

  I turned towards the group who were placing heavy kits beside my old desk that was empty. I moved with the group and hid behind them. I didn’t know how I’m going to greet Maggie since I’m adamant at being invisible now.

  “Mr. Maxwell is ready for you now.” Maggie suddenly announced, making my heart rate raised like I was a kid again, and the nurse had called me in to get my flu shot.

  I looked up towards Maggie’s table again as everyone got their stuff and entered William’s office. For a second, Maggie was distracted by the crew’s heavy equipment that was placed inside black bags. Then finally her eyes glazed in my direction. It took her another second to realize who I was.

  “Andy… You’re here…” she stated breathlessly as she stood up from her desk and walked towards me.

  “Hi, Maggie. I’m sorry. I don’t know how to say hi after not seeing you for a while,” I admitted shyly as I hugged her back.

  “Don’t be shy, dear. And please don’t be a stranger. It’s not like we aren’t friends,” she scolded me like a mother.

  “Sorry,” I felt bad at my actions and gave her another hug as an apology.

  “Does William know you are here?” Maggie asked after letting me go.

  “Partly… I’m here with them,” I reply with uncertainty and gestured at the crew, which had already entered the room.

  “So, he doesn’t know you are here.”

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  She gave me a small, secret smile and patted me one last time before telling me to go in. “Don’t give him a heart attack like me. He has been jumpy since you left,” she stated before she headed back to her desk with a grin.

  I looked her one last time for entering the office. Since I was the last to enter the room, I had the privilege on closing the door behind me. I didn’t know that the crew had already started setting up the area they are going to shoot, which was at William’s desk. William had to stand on the side to wait.

  And when I entered, everyone turned to see who it was. The first thing I saw was his shocked face before it turned into anger. What the hell?

  “You lied to me,” he stated after he regained his expression.

  “Nice seeing you, too.” I greeted, ignoring his tone.

  “You said you were going home. What are you doing here?”

  I made a quick scan on the room and watched as everyone’s eyes were on William and me. I couldn’t believe he was being dramatic about this reunion.

  “I am going back. I just didn’t tell you when,” I replied gravely, not allowing him to scare me with his tone.

  “Damn it, Andy. I flew to your hometown yesterday and only to find out you didn’t actually go back. And then, I had to ask around where you were. Terry wouldn’t even tell me. I tried looking for you but you just disappeared…” he trailed off with a raged breath, like he wasn’t breathing as he talked.

  “Well now you know how it felt when you toy with people’s feelings…” I mumbled and glared at him deadly.

  “Are you still angry about me on that? I already said that I’m sorry. How many times do I have to say sorry to you for you to forgive me? I’m sorry, okay. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry, too…” I said softly as I watched his defeated expression.

  Was this the assurance I wanted to hear from him? I didn’t know he would get affected and reacted by flying to my hometown to get me back. I wasn’t aware that he had been there in the first place.

  “What does it take for you to forgive me, Andy? Please tell me because I don’t know anymore,” he sighed in exhaustion.

  “You’ve done enough, William,” I said and studied his face. “For a guy who is so high and mighty, you can’t think that you can have everything. Sometimes you have to work to get what you want.”

  “I get it now… I get it…” he sighed in defeat. “Alexandra also told me the same thing,” he added in observation as he eyed me in suspicion. “Did you two plan this behind my back?”

  “No. But, she had given me the idea…”

  He slowly made his way towards me by the door. “Well, I think I’ll deal with her later. But for now, since you are here…”

  “Don’t you dare, I’m going to be working with those people starting now,” I warned, knowing what he would do next.

  “If you didn’t quit, you wouldn’t have that problem,” he countered in the same tone as he took another step closer to me.

  “I needed the space, William. It was hard for me since I really want that curator job.”

  “Then why not work for me?” he offered smugly, smirking.

  “No, thank you. I had worked for a Maxwell. Been there, done that,” I rolled my eyes.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Maxwell. Do you want us to give you some privacy?” Nerissa asked, her voice breaking the bubble that we were both in.

  I glanced over William’s shoulder at where she stood. William turned slightly around in annoyance and gave her a once over. “No, it will take a second,” he replied without interest, before turning around to look at me again. “Now, where were we?” he asked teasingly his lips turned up in amusement.

  I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed his face with both of my hand, catching him off guard. I leaned in and lightly touched my lips to his and then pushed him away after a second. “That’s the only thing you’re getting if you don’t behave. Follow whatever Nerissa tells you to do and maybe you’ll get more than just a peck next time.”

  William eyed me in shock. And as my words sunk in, he gave me a playful grin and shook his head in disbelief. “I will forever wonder what makes me love you more each day,” he mumbled before turning around towards Nerissa.

  “Oh, I almost forgot! You owe me a date,” he pointed aloud with his back to me.

  “Yeah, right,” I snorted as I walked on the opposite direction, towards the crew who tried and failed to look indifferent as they watched our short exchange.

  I also wondered how I let him in my heart every day.


  William Maxwell

  ‘Goodbye,’ those where her last words that kept on lingering at the back of my head. She was gone. She left. Was this it for us? Was I going to give up now that she was gone? But I already knew the answer to the questions in my head. There was no going back. I was already attached to her. She was all that mattered at the moment. And now, I needed to get her back.

  It has been two days since she left. I waited if she was bluffing about returning home, but I hadn’t heard any news from her. I wanted to give her the space she need, but I’m at my limit. As I headed towards my office one morning, I called Mark to my office. While I waited for him, I sat on my desk and stared at my laptop. I debated whether to contact my sister or not. I knew she had some information about Andy that I didn’t have in my grasp. It took a lot of my resources to gather those facts about her that I currently have on file.

  “Mr. Maxwell, you called for me?” I looked up in surprise as Mark entered my office.

  “Mark. I need you to do a job for me. This is personal, non-work related,” I started and paused as I w
aited for him to stand in front of my desk.

  “Is this about Ms. Peterson, sir?” he bluntly asked with a poker face.

  I raised my eyebrow at his frankness. He rarely talked to me this way. “Yes, It is about her,” I replied timidly, uncomfortable at his sudden change of attitude.

  “Okay, sir. What do you need me to do?” he nodded briefly and asked.

  “I wanted you to oversee as she moved back. But do it discreetly,” I replied and added the last thought in command. It would be disastrous if she knew I helped her out. Andy seemed to dislike whenever I gave her a hand. I knew I was intruding, but I had a gut feeling there was more to it than dislike. The way she looked at me and how she reacted, there is a story behind it. But I couldn’t contemplate on it now. I had to get her back first.

  “Are you sure you wanted her to go home, sir?” he asked in confusion, his serious faced faltering as he scrunched his eyebrow.

  “I don’t want her to see me as an eyesore. I will get her back, Mark. Just wait and see,” I stated confidently.

  He gave me a brief nod before exiting my office. When I was finally, I turned to my laptop and opened my email as I click the ‘compose message’ on the upper left corner of my screen. I typed Alexandra’s named on the receiver before formulating my message to her. But I came up with nothing. What was I going to say? That I needed her help and making Andy stay? I haven’t yet completely forgave the stunt she pulled that made put me back to step one with my relationship with Andy.

  I ruffled my hair and roughly closed my laptop in front of me. I need to get Andy back with my own power and resources. If I wanted her to see that I was sincere, she could give me that chance. I know that she would from the look on her eyes when she said ‘goodbye.’

  I pushed my chair back and stood up, grabbing my blazer that I hanged behind me. I walked out of my office, startling Maggie from her desk.

  “I will be taking a short vacation, Maggie. Just forward all-important business calls to my private number. I will accommodate any businesses when I get back,” I said as I walked pass her.

  “Okay, sir,” she replied absentmindedly as she watched me in surprise. When she snapped out of it, I got in the elevator. She jumped out of her desk and sprinted to the elevator before it closed. “Where are you going, Mr. Maxwell?” she asked worriedly.

  I gave her a confident smile before I replied, “I’m going to do something I might regret if I didn’t do it.”

  Before the metal door closed in front of me, I saw Maggie beamed at me proudly as she give me a thumbs up. “Good luck!”

  When I reached the lobby, I called in Jake who was the head of security in the building and have an available car ready by the entrance. Since I dispatched Mark, I drove myself back to my apartment with a company car. On the way, I put my phone on loudspeaker as I arranged a flight plan. When I was finished with my arrangements, a call came in that I never expect to hear so soon.

  “Mark, what is it?” I asked as I clicked the answer button.

  “Sir, I have news about Ms. Peterson.”

  “What is it?”

  “She had left her apartment. It seems that her move is going according to plan,” he replied stiffly like he dreaded telling me this information.

  He was right to sound hesitant, my hand clenched at the steering wheel as I tried to take in deep breaths. My heart was pounding in my ears. “When did she leave?” I asked as calmly as I could.

  “Just yesterday. I’m on my way to her friend’s apartment where she used to live. He might have information about her,” he replied without hesitation.

  I nodded my head at his words and sighed in relief. “Good, do that. I’m heading back to the apartment now. You don’t have to pick me up in the office. Call me if you found Terry. I already made plans to go south this afternoon,” I stated firmly as I made a turn towards the street of my apartment.

  “Okay, sir. I will keep you posted.” Mark briefly replied before ending the call.

  As I reached my apartment, I quickly glanced across the street to the building where Andy used to live. I didn’t see any signs of Mark or her in front of the apartment. I was frustrated for a moment before shaking it off and concentrate on what I’m going to do. I headed towards the garage and parked the company vehicle that I borrowed beside my private cars. In quick stride, I headed to the service elevator. I didn’t wasted time when I entered my place as I went directly to my room and pack.

  In thirty minutes, my leather duffle bag was packed with my clothes, which was enough for a two to three day’s overnight stay. I waited for Mark’s report as I placed the bag in the living room. After a few minutes, my phone rang.

  “Sir, I’m at her friends place at the moment. He told me that Andy just left with her father,” Mark said after I clicked the answer button and put it in loudspeaker.

  With no words to say, I ended the call and picked up my duffle bag as I headed out towards the garage. I didn’t think twice I pressed the unlock button on my black Audi that Andy once rode with me from my sister’s engagement party. I glanced at the empty seat beside me and turned away as I gritted my teeth.

  On my way to the airport, I briefly left a message for Mark to pick up my car in the parking lot. I knew he had the spare key to the Audi with him. He had picked up my cars before when I drive myself to the airport.

  After I check in for my flight, which I changed for an earlier one, I got an incoming call from Mark. “I’m at the airport. Do you have more news for me?” I asked after placing the phone in my ear.

  “Yes, sir. It’s about Andy’s father…” he replied and trailed off in a pause.

  “What about him?” I asked hurriedly, a little annoyed at the suspense.

  “I think this tidbit of information can help you bring her back here,” he started and paused for another moment again, “but, sir, I don’t think you should use it.”

  “Why? What is it?” I asked as my annoyance turned in to worry.

  “I prefer you read it, sir. I’ll have Maggie email you the result and files,” he replied.

  “Okay, tell her to do it right away,” I commanded before ending the call.

  Suddenly I felt a little hopeful, yet the worry kept on gnawing at the back of my head. I thought Andy’s father was already recovering. What was this information Mark is talking about?

  While I waited for the email to arrive on my phone, my flight had been called in. With a frustrated sigh, I headed to the first class line to check in. When I was finally seated, I check on my phone again for the email but there were no new messages. As the minute passed, the fasten seat belt sign flashed. I ruffled my hair in defeat before turning my phone off for the flight. I tried to assure myself that the flight was only three hours long.

  To distract myself, I took a nap so that I wouldn’t be annoyed at the worry in the pit of my stomach. I woke up a few times when they offered snacks and when I had to go to the bathroom. As the three-hour flight came to a close, I felt calm since I could check my phone in a few minutes.

  When the seat belt sign had gone off after touchdown, I quickly turned on my phone to check my email. With a sigh of relief, I had one email form Maggie. I waited for the airplane to settle before I hurriedly read through the message. Suddenly, I felt my heart jolt at the message. I tried to register the information I read as I have doubts about Mr. Peterson’s full recovery.

  I was pulled out of my trance as the pilot gave his last announcement. I didn’t think twice as I got my duffle bag and head out of the plane. Since I didn’t have much with me, it took me less time to find my way out and grab a taxi. I gave the taxi driver the address on Andy’s file as I got in. I knew they’ve sold their house, so the only person who she could possible stay with would be her father’s closest friend and co-army veteran, Billy Henderson.

  When the taxi slowly drove towards a small town, I’m having doubts that we are lost. And I was right when he told me that he was dropping me off to the town’s sheriff station to asked directi
ons. I didn’t know whether or not to be pissed at him but at least he took me to the right town.

  “Excuse me, sir. Can I ask for directions?” I asked as I entered the small sheriff station. The building was located right in the middle of the town, beside the city hall – from my guess at the white house like design of the building.

  “Sure. Are you here on a vacation, son?” a man in a uniform behind the front desk looked up at me.

  “No, I’m here to look for someone. Do you know a Billy Henderson here?” I asked briefly as I got straight to the point.

  “Ah, yes. Billy, I know him personally. What do need with him?” he asked in interest as the officer studied me from head to toe.

  “I wanted to ask him about Andy Peterson,” I replied firmly as I tried not to get intimidated with his stare.

  “Andy? George’s little girl?” he asked in surprise.

  “Ah, yes. I’m sort of dating her…” I replied as I lied timidly.

  “I didn’t know Andy was finally seeing somebody. George must like you to allow his daughter to date you. The last guy she was with was a prick, I tell you. I hope you aren’t one, are you?” he got up from his seat and fixed his pants as he try to stand dauntingly.

  “No, sir. I love Andy. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her intentionally. Though I haven’t heard about this guy who she dated before…” I admitted truthfully.

  “Oh, she hasn’t told you about Laurence?” he asked in disbelief. “Are you sure you are dating Andy Peterson?”

  “I am, sir. But we have a little bit of disagreement. She doesn’t seem to trust me.” I sighed heavily in defeat.

  “Don’t worry, son. I assure you it isn’t your fault. That ex-boyfriend of hers had damage the poor girl enough to not trust another man again,” he gave me an assuring smile.

  My eyebrow scrunched together at the new information. I know that something might have happened in her past that her closed off with romantic relationships. My curiosity had slowly grown.

  “Well, anyways, you seemed like a good guy. Do you want a lift to Billy’s place? I’m going to do an errand. I can drop you off on the way,” the officer offered.