Read Memories: Remember Me - Part 1 Page 1


  Remember Me - Part One


  Electra Rossello

  Copyright 2013 Electra Rossello

  Cover image sourced from, author: Morgan Riley



  Memories and feelings are two different things, but together they become the most powerful thing the human body and mind have to offer; they are magical in their own right. They make us who we are, our memories can remind us about the first time we subbed our toe on the footpath running down the street after the ice cream van on a hot summer’s day and the feeling connected to that as well. The first time you fell in love, the way he first touched and made you his, the way you never felt the same and how your heartbeat so fast every time he kissed you. The words he whispered to you as he held you tight after the first time he made love to you. How you felt that nothing in that moment was as beautiful as it was then. Feeling heartbreak of losing him and never forgetting what he gave you. That is how strong our memories and feelings are it is in those moments where feel like the luckiest people on the planet.

  But what would happen if you took those memories away, would you still feel the same way. If you fell in love again would it feel wrong, different or just normal like you never felt like this before? Memories are what make us, it makes us human but for me memories are something else, to me they are my life and they have been a part of my family for centuries. Wouldn’t guys wish that they could try every pick up line to a girl in a bar and not have a drink thrown in their face? What if I could tell you that there was a way and if one line didn’t work you could take it away from their memory like it never happened? It’s not like hepatizing them so they believe that it never happened I mean taking it away like that event never happened in their life and then give that memory to yourself?

  Chapter One

  “Hugh, as much as I love your family I don’t think I should come this year.” He looked at me with his big blue eyes giving me the puppy dog eyes that would work on everyone but me. As much as I love him and think of him as family, I just can’t get through another holiday with his family, there is always tension there.

  “Jules, please, my dad hasn’t seen you all year and your family. What are you going to do this year?” I looked down instead of looking at him because he was right what was I going to do, I didn’t have any other family to visit, and they were my family. I had been living with them since I was twelve and had known them all my life but I just couldn’t face them. It has been fifteen years since the death of my parents and to my knowledge there was no one else but Hugh’s family to take me in.

  “Jules, I didn’t…”

  “I know, it’s okay.” Cutting him off before he says something else that will make me cry this time. Both of us not looking at each other and trying to think of something to say, then his phone starts to break the silence with his ring tone of ‘Sexy Back’. Sometimes he thinks of himself way too much.

  “Hey dad. Yes I’m coming this weekend. Dad can I call you back. Yes I will let Jules know. Okay talk to you later.” He hangs up but I already know what he is going to say it is the same thing every time he brings up his family.

  “Jules, just think about it I have to get back to work.” He stands up and kisses me on the cheek.

  “If you want you can always bring Andy if you want, I’m sure dad won’t mind. By the way he says hi. Talk to you later.” And with that he was gone running after a taxi that was nearby. My past is not really something I want Andy to get involved with but he might want to come, he and Hugh have been talking about it for a while now. My best friend and my boyfriend have been planning this holiday behind my back they just think I don’t know about it, but you never could hide anything from me. Taking one last sip from my coffee that is now on the cold side and thinking back to the day I moved to the Webster house hold, and how it always felt weird every time I stepped foot in that house it wasn’t the family, they were great loving caring always there for me in my time of need, even when they were going through their own grief. No it was never them it was the houses itself, something about it always made me feel uneasy.

  Walking to the office of the law firm where Andy works to surprise him, his receptionist however never liked me. Smiling towards her I knew that she is about to ring my neck any day now.

  “Hi Claire, is Andy free?” I say never taking my eyes off her but all she gives me is attitude. Claire is just a bit short than me and has blonde hair that matches her brown eyes sometimes I do wonder what Andy sees in me and just dates his receptionist, I mean anyone that looks at her can tell that she is in love with him.

  “I’m sorry Julie, but he is very busy you really need to make time to see him.” She loves when she can rule his time; I try not think about what I know about her but the memory always comes to my mind when I see her. Three years ago at a Christmas party she made out with Andy and has been in love with him ever since. But he never showed interest after that night and then I came into the picture, so she never really liked me.

  “Claire, couldn’t you just let him know I’m here.” All I could ever be was nice to her; it’s not her fault that she fell in love with him, and she never would know that I knew about them because he never told me but I should have. A year ago I wanted to know why she hated me so much and I saw the memory of it. It wasn’t my finest moment but I needed to know why, I called it borrowing. Before Claire said another snarky comment the doors to Andy’s office opened.

  “It really was good to meet you.” Andy was saying to someone in the doorway but I couldn’t see anyone just yet. Andy walked out and saw me first and gave me the biggest smile, I could never get over how good looking he was and how lucky I saw to be with him he was just as tall as Hugh and had dark brown hair and the brown eyes that melted me every time he smiled at me and then the rest of his body was just as good looking as his face. I smile back because that is all I can do when he looks at me that way. But just then the person on the other side of the door came to stand next to Andy and my smile vanished and my world stopped my heart started to pound and as much as I was staring he was staring as well.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Andy said getting my head out of the fog and then I turned to him and smiled walking up to him. He placed his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. I smiled to the man standing next to Andy and extended my hand.

  “Hi.” We both said at the same time.

  “Hi Jules.” He said as he took my hand.

  “Hi Matt.” His hand lingers on mine for more than it should and it feels right I have missed his touch. But he takes it as soon as I look down to our hands. He hasn’t changed and then if he has he has gotten even more handsome, making my body go into over drive.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Hugh talked so much about you Andy, but I had no idea…” he corrects himself then starts again.

  “Andy, thank you for your help.” He nods to Andy and then looks back at me.

  “I hope to see you this weekend? I had no idea that you too were engaged.” I couldn’t tell, but for that moment I thought that he might be upset but then how could he be he was getting married this fall to his high school girlfriend.

  “Yeah, we might come up to see everyone. How is Sara, she excited about the wedding.” Her name left a sour tasted in my mouth I never liked her one bit.

  “The wedding is turning out great, she is a little stressed with things but that is how the bride to be is, right?” I was nothing like her and never would be from what I was hearing from Hugh she was mostly going to star in an episode of bridezella any time soon.

  All I could do was smile ever since I left for college at the end of high school.
Everything had been very tensed. Matt still looked great, time had done him good I never really saw him after I left ten years ago the only people I really saw where Hugh and his dad Shawn. The whole family were all good looking Matt would never like to admit how handsome he was with big blue eyes like his brother and that sandy golden hair that my fingers ached to touch. I always had a big crush on Hugh’s older brother Matt but I never told anyone but Hugh about my feelings, not even Andy knew much about my past.

  “We haven’t really set a date yet.” I felt Andy’s arm tighten around my waist, I wonder if you could feel the discomfort in the air.

  “We were thinking about spring weren’t we sweetheart.” All I can do is nod because spring and me haven’t really had good memories together I’m more an autumn girl.

  “Sounds nice.” Matt says but it doesn’t sound like he means it.

  “Mr Samuel, don’t forget about your two o’clock.” Claire says in the distance breaking the tension.

  “Right it was nice to see you Matt, Julie and I might see you some time this weekend.”

  “Sounds great I’m sure Sara can’t wait to hear that you will be coming.” Not really; Sara will kill us the moment we set foot into Shawn’s house. All I can do is put a smile on my face and hope that Matt leaves soon.

  “See you later Matt.” Is all I can say and with that Matt walks to the elevator and is gone from my sight. I finally let out my breath that I didn’t know I was holding in and look at Andy.

  “So what was that all about?” He guides me into his office.

  “Claire, hold my calls.” Looking around to Claire; before Andy shuts the door and seeing that evil glare in her eyes.

  Andrew Samuel Jr. has the biggest law firm in the city. Passed down from his granddad to his dad and now he is taking over the business; and his office sure shows how much money this man has. From the overpriced pieces of art work on the walls to the flat screen television in the corner that I have never seen turned on and then there is the most comfy couch in the whole planet in the other corner closest to the door.

  “Andy, what is going on?” I say again as I take I seat on the couch. Andy moves towards me and sits next to me.

  “Nothing baby, just business.”

  “Sure Andy.” But really I’m glad I don’t really know and if I really wanted to I would find out for myself but I trust him. Andy places his hand over mine and looks at the ring he put there three months ago. He was very romantic when he proposed everything from candles and flower petals to a beautiful night of food and wine. He was everything I could ask for but seeing Matt started something deep inside me again but I just have to push that down.

  “I love you Julie.”

  “I love you too.” As I say that he lends over and kisses me but not just a quick peek this one was one that said he wanted more. Moving his tongue and making the kiss deepen. I pull back and look into his eyes and see the love that he has for me. “What about your two o’clock?” I say. He gives me a wicked smile and moves me down on the couch and starts to place tiny kisses all over my neck, while his hand moves up my top moving up to my bra. I let Andy take away all the feelings that have started from seeing Matt and just try and forget. Andy stops and starts to move his mouth up to my lips again and consumes any thoughts that were still left in my head.

  “Mr Samuel, your two o’clock is here.” Andy lets out a low moan and looks down at me. I give him my most sexiest smile and I can see he doesn’t want to leave us like this and I can see his body was starting to react to us being together because I certainly was. Andy gets up and I fix up my hair and top as he goes over to the intercom on his desk.

  “He is early Claire.” He grunts out and I know how Andy is feeling.

  “Yes sir but…” Then the door opens thankfully Andy was behind his desk because if anyone saw what I was seeing it wouldn’t be good for business.

  “But I’m your father.” Andy’s dad Andrew Richard Samuel walks in with not a care in the world, then I saw Claire’s head stick in and take a look to see what she was missing out on, typical.


  “Son.” Then Richard as he calls himself, my future father in law looks over to where I’m sitting, I hope he doesn’t think we were doing anything in here because that would be so embarrassing.

  “Julie, how are you sweetheart.” Richard says walking over and giving me a big hug. He always liked me as much as Claire hated it.

  “I’m good Richard. Just came to say hello to Andy.” Looking up to Andy and seeing him take a seat behind his desk.

  “I should be going; I’ll see you at dinner?” I say to Andy.

  “Bye Sweetheart.” But it didn’t sound like him, grabbing my bag and start to make my way to the door as Richard takes a seat on the chair in front of the desk. Closing the door behind me and watching Claire watching me, sometimes she really creeps me out.

  “Bye Claire.” I say as the elevator doors close and like all the other times I get the same response, nothing.