Read Mere Mortal Page 19


  Balicki and Hill looked none too pleased with my story. “You hit Jessica Klein with a bat and ran?”

  I washed the actual bat and hid it. I felt safer having it near me. I didn't want them to take it as evidence. Instead the bat I hit Jessica with was still at the park for all they knew. Angie asked, though I wasn't sure why, for me to omit her presence. I did it for reasons unknown to myself.

  “She must have been low on blood. She didn't heal very fast otherwise she'd probably have caught me.”

  Balicki looked especially skeptical. Hill looked mostly amused. Balicki returned her notebook and pen to her messenger bag. “We got a report of a disturbance at the park. People in the area heard werewolves baying at the moon.” She waited for me to add details to my story. I didn't. “We'll scour the neighborhood for Jessica and Melvin.” I had, however, enlightened them to Melvin's visit and his mention of Simon.

  “Might I suggest staying inside after dark for a while?” Hill put in.

  I saw them out, hanging back in the door frame as they got into their car. When their taillights were out of sight I went back inside and bolted the door. Chris watched me carefully.

  “It's bedtime,” I said.

  “You and I are going to have a talk in the morning.” He disappeared into his room.

  I cleaned up, got into my pink pajama pants and a spaghetti strap, gray top. When I came out of my room Sasha was scratching at the door. I glanced out the window to see the pack leader sitting in my front yard. I swung the door open and ran out, throwing my arms around his neck.

  “Oh Sean.” His tail wagged upon hearing his name. His fur was the same shade of golden brown as his normal hair. He even had the same outdoorsy, fresh cut grass smell Sean always did. “I'm so sorry.”

  He tugged away from my grasp, giving me the same cocked head look Sasha liked to give me. “I have always been afraid of you around the full moon. You never gave me a reason to be terrified. In fact you were always a friend, kind and courteous with me. And I was terrified of you around this time of the month. Like I thought you would maul me just cause. And you rescued me tonight when I didn't have any faith in you.” His tail beat onto the grass. “Is it wrong to pet a werewolf?”

  He nuzzled my hand. I slowly petted his head. Happy to feel his silky coat under my fingers. I finally felt relaxed. At least for a moment, then the air suddenly became colder.

  Angie came up the street, carrying a duffel bag. “His clothes.” I just stared. “We chased the little prick away, but the cops didn't catch her, so she may swing back this way.”

  “How did you get his clothes?”

  “They were in the car he let me borrow to find you. I called him just after sunset. I figured Jessica might be up to something when she thought your werewolf boss wasn't around to help you.”

  I felt my face get hot. I got to my feet and stood in front of Angie, arms crossed, foot tapping. I wanted to look like a badass, but I felt like a spoiled brat. “You didn't think to tell me? Did you see her almost drain me?”

  “I saw you poke her eyes and run. She was aiming that bench at us. She wanted you alive.”

  “Because of Simon?”

  “Because of Simon.”

  “Who is he?”

  Angie shrugged. The street light and full moon combined provided me a decent view of her face. Scared wasn't the right word. At least not scared in the way I would be scared. Nervous was the more apt description. She kept blinking rapidly and looking past me into the dark. Her nervousness worried me in a way I'd never felt before. It made me apprehensive, with a feeling of dread settling on my mind. If someone existed in this world that could unnerve Angie I didn't want to be on his bad side.

  “I appreciate you not telling those agents about our involvement.” She motioned to Sean. He sat impassively, watching our exchange.

  “Would you care to enlighten me as to why Simon has Jessica coming after me?”

  “You're the only human he knows I've had contact with. And you are pretty valuable. You have access to BSB files. With one click of your mouse he can get my address, phone number, and everyone I take blood from. Once he has that information you're expendable. He has no use for scared little girls.”

  Sean growled. It was deep, chilling. I looked over my shoulder. His eyes focused on Angie, all his teeth were barred, hackles up. I didn't know who to be more afraid of. I stood between two Others that could break, beat, and drain me in seconds. I wrapped my arms around myself protectively. I never wanted that growl directed at me.

  “But why?” I said turning back to Angie.

  Angie smiled. Her teeth shined like pearls. The smile didn't reach her eyes. “I took something from him a long time ago, something he had no right to in the first place.” The smile evaporated. She shook her head, looking like she tried to shake some unpleasant thoughts away. “You look tired. Your friend here is staying the night. I'm going home. Get some sleep. I'll be in touch.” She dropped the duffel bag at my feet. And that was it. She was gone.

  “Want to sleep on a couch?” I hoisted the bag onto my shoulder. Sean's tail resumed its wagging. “Come on then. I'll...I'll...make all this up to you somehow.”