Read Mere Mortal Page 20


  Angie had been right. I did have nightmares. I kept waking up tangled in sheets, sweating. I couldn't remember all my dreams. All that stuck with me was the feeling of helplessness, of trying to run, but never getting away. It wasn't until the pink hues of dawn were visible through my window that my mind eased enough that I slept uninterrupted.

  By eight Sasha danced at the door. My whole body fought against the heavy grip of sleep, but my dog refused to let it hold me down any longer. I didn't feel rested at all. That didn't matter to Sasha. She jumped onto my bed, licked my face, and whined until I got up.

  I didn't bother to change out of my pajamas. I slunk through the flat trying not to disturb anyone. Though Chris's door was open, he was nowhere to be seen. There was a blanketed figure on the couch. Sean's feet dangled over the arm rest. I hadn't thought to pull out the couch bed for him. From the way he currently slept I didn't think that mattered.

  I hooked Sasha up to her leash, slipped into my sandals, and quietly exited. The couple who lived upstairs was enjoying one last smoke together before heading to work. Both glared at me. My adventure from the night before had kept them up past decent hours. I waved, putting my friendliest face on. They didn't return it.

  I walked Sasha around the block once. She wanted to run, but my shins burned with each step. I'd have to ice them later. “We'll run tomorrow.” I told her when we got back.

  Sean was up and dressed when we came back in. He looked bedraggled. The normal five o'clock shadow he tried to keep trimmed was almost a full on beard. He made a very sexy mountain man. Sasha greeted him with enthusiasm. Her tail whipped back and forth while she circled him for attention. Sean bent down to scratch her belly. Everyone was ruled by my dog. Spoiled, little queen.

  “Cute dog,” he said. He straightened himself.

  “Pushy dog.” I rubbed my arm awkwardly. What was I supposed to say? I'd never had a werewolf come to my rescue before. In fact, up until a few days ago, being surrounded by werewolves was a nightmare to me. He watched me, waiting for me to say something. Come on, say something, I chided myself. Say anything. “About last night-”

  He didn't let me get any further. In two steps he'd closed the distance between us. One arm wrapped around my waist while his other hand cupped my face. His lips were hot and sweet against mine. His beard tickled me, but I didn’t move away. Suddenly I felt rooted to the floor as electricity surged through my body. Common sense told me to break away. I no longer felt rooted. I felt like I was about to float away on this good feeling. I grabbed a handful of his shirt, looking for something of his to anchor myself to. The arm around my waist pulled me closer. I moved my own arms around him. The kiss deepened. He used his tongue to part my lips and I let him. My heart ka-thunked against my ribcage. I was moments away from melting from the heat when I heard the lock on the door catch.

  We flew apart like shrapnel as Chris entered. Sean stood where he had been. I backed myself up against the kitchen table. Blood rushed to my face. Sean's face remained impassive, but his eyes searched me. Chris looked at us both. He was no fool. I was grateful he said nothing.

  Instead he held up a paper bag bearing the insignia of the neighborhood bakery on it. “It looked like you guys had a bad night. And,” he turned to Sean. I breathed a little easier with his eyes off me. “Thanks for putting pants on, man.”

  “Yeah, sorry you saw my junk this morning. It's the downside of the full moon. Naked when you turn wolf, naked when you turn back. I suggest vacuuming everything. There's a lot of fur over by the couch.”

  “That's truly disgusting,” Chris said. He put the bag on the table. I had yet to move from my spot. He produced a cardboard box with raspberry coffee cake and a second box of assorted doughnuts. “Despite that, you're welcome to this bounty of sugar.”

  I suddenly kicked back into gear. Sean was still a guest. He didn't know his way around our cupboards. I circled around the counter island of our kitchen to retrieve some small, dessert plates and a knife to cut the coffee cake. I handed a plate to each of the guys. Or at least tried to.

  “If you don't mind, I'll just take a doughnut for the road,” Sean said selecting a chocolate frosted one with sprinkles. “I need to shower and sleep off the effects of the full moon. I'm pretty much useless the day after.”

  He smiled at me. The same kind smile he always gave me. But it was somehow different today. My heart pounded in my chest.

  “Do you need a ride anywhere?” I said. It had taken a while, but I finally found my voice again.

  “No. Angie parked my car around here.”

  “A pleasure meeting you.” Chris shook Sean's hand. We were going to end up having a very long talk once Sean was gone.

  It would be the polite thing to do to show Sean out. I wanted to. Another kiss would be nice, but that would be bad. He was my boss. I liked my job at the BSB; discounting the current drama I had a decent position. I had an office, a salary, a great insurance policy, and I was easily able to pay off my student loans. Most people who graduated with me couldn't say the same.

  Sean was attractive and nice and I had always swooned over him in private. However, unless he supported me after my inevitable firing from the BSB no good would come of this. I also couldn't be sure of his motives for the kiss to begin with. Working at the BSB I heard lots of stories about werewolves. Transformations messed with their minds. Sean never came into work the day after a full moon. Who's to say the kiss hadn't been some left over instinct? Some instinct to mate with the most available female that could be attracted. Spread the seed to ensure survival. Or what if he was only interested because he had some white knight complex. I needed saving. He rescued me. End of story.

  The thoughts bounced around for about ten seconds. This lasted an eternity to me. Chris cleared his throat. “I'm a car guy.” He wasn't. “Can I check out your ride?” He trailed Sean out, looking back long enough for me to mouth the words “thank you”.

  I sat at the table. There was an important decision left before me. Coffee cake or doughnuts? I made my decision and was cutting the cake when Chris came back in.

  “Well?” I asked, dropping a huge piece onto my plate.

  “He drives a green Range Rover. Four wheels and an engine, goes vroom vroom.” He didn't sit with me. He just stood with his hands on his hips next to the table. “Any trouble at the office you want to tell me about?”

  I cut an extra piece of coffee cake. By the time I finished talking I had plowed through both pieces and two doughnuts. My stomach churned and my head ached from all the sugar. I didn't want to get sick again.

  “Please tell me you're calling in sick.”

  I shook my head. I had one more day and then a day off. I could survive. I would survive. The baseball bat from the park lay on my bed. I'd bring it everywhere as protection.

  “Do you at least want a ride to and from? I can see about getting my shift changed.”

  This was a sound idea. But I didn't want to put Chris out. “I'll take a taxi.” For a generous tip I could get the driver to wait until I was safely inside my house before driving away.

  Chris nodded. “Uh, one more thing. You and Sean...”

  “Are just friends...?” I offered.

  “You and I are just friends.”

  “There's nothing there. There can't be. I value my job too much.” I hoped his kiss wouldn't haunt me. It had felt so good. So right. Boss, I reminded myself firmly.

  “Just remember our friendship doesn't extend to me paying your rent for the rest of your life. So if something does come of it, don't get caught.”

  He laughed, but it was uneasy. He wasn't just worried about my job. He was worried about me. I got up from my seat and gave him a hug to reassure me. He patted my back gently, pushed me back, and held me by the shoulders.

  “Do you need anything at all?”

  Sasha was at my feet licking them to get my attention. I had almost lost her. She was just a dog. No one should harm her to get to me, but
Jessica came dangerously close. If she had hurt my baby I'd have attacked her with such reckless abandon I'd probably be dead in a ditch somewhere. For my safety and Sasha's she needed to be somewhere else until this blew over.

  “Can you take Sasha to my parents' house?” Naperville was far out of the way from us.

  “You betcha. Sasha!” He bent down, slapping his hands on his knees excitedly. “You and I are going on an adventure!” She wiggled around in a circle.

  I felt better about this arrangement. I couldn't protect myself entirely, but I could keep her safe. I'd miss her company though.

  Chris was right. I was bruised, aching, tired, and scared. Then there was the confusion I felt over having Sean's tongue in my mouth. On the other hand, it was Friday. I'd survived the week and could enjoy two days off in silence and contemplation, i.e. I'd be drunk. Sean wouldn't be in the office. It's easier to avoid people who you never have to see. I wouldn't have to partake in the awkward dance of “what happened between us” with him. Okay! Time to put on my big girl pants and go to work


  A lithe woman left my office in a huff. Her husband was one of my clients and she demanded to see who he used for blood. Her terror that he was cheating was natural, but rules were rules. When I refused to show her, she dumped her wild berry smoothie into my lap. Hooray. I should have stayed in bed. Her tantrum broke up the mind-numbingly boring task of entering in last month's reports. I could have done without the smoothie in my lap though. On the other hand the smoothie had ruined the memo on my desk stating we'd have a four hour meeting tomorrow at ten about the upcoming audits. Saturday meetings, joy. My longed for day off was ruined.

  I grabbed my turtleneck from out of my desk. I used it in an attempt to mop up the mess the woman had made. I loved wearing wet jeans. I loved wearing wet jeans that smelled like berries. My coral, blue striped blouse was untouched. Small blessings. It'd be a bitch trying to get a berry stain out of it.

  My phone rang once and then May's voice crackled over the speaker. “Angie Winter is coming up.” Fucking fabulous.

  I braced myself for her arrival. She waltzed in wearing a dark green maxi dress and flips flops. Her hair was now a dyed black and done up in a top knot. It was the most normal I had ever seen her. She sat on the corner of my desk. I didn't like her there.

  “You smell like berries.” She looked at my lap. “I've never had a smoothie, but shouldn't it go in your mouth?”

  “Can I help you?” My normal fear of Angie was replaced by a belligerent annoyance. She had let me fall into danger. I could have been killed and she hadn't told me, but she had told Sean. I should have been the party in the know! And I was in danger because she stole something.

  “Did wolfy share your bed last night?”

  “Excuse me? He's my boss.”

  She tapped her nails on my desk. They were perfectly manicured and painted with a forest green to match her dress. “I'm sure he wishes you weren't. In fact I'm surprised he's waited this long to attempt to hump your leg.”

  “Cute analogy. What do you want?” I ignored her comments about Sean. White knight complex, I told myself, repeating it in my brain as my new mantra.

  “You should be thrilled. Not only did a Were protect you, but he's a very influential one. You do know that, right?”

  “Yes, he's Vanessa Fornes and Craig Benson's oldest.”

  The Fornes pack ruled the northside. Benson was from a small, but powerful pack in Milwaukee. Vanessa was the alpha female in Evanston, having challenged her parents and taken over. Craig was a beta male in his pack. Taking off to make a prosperous marriage and gain alpha status elsewhere. Both families had serious investments spanning back to the 1860s.

  They lived in a mansion in Evanston, near the lake, ruling their pack of a hundred some werewolves. They were powerful before the Others came out, now they were royalty and very open activists. Sean coming into the BSB at a manager level was no accident. His parents and sister were the face of Others' advocacy in Chicago. He worked behind the scenes ensuring fair treatment through proper channels.

  His status was never an issue in our office. He was Sean. Buying us dinner from his own pocket, taking us out for drinks, being a friend when it was needed and being a boss when it was needed.

  “It's all very surprising he picked you. Don't you think it's surprising?”

  I sneered at Angie. How dare she call his background into this. As if I wasn't worth a sniff by a werewolf of his standing. I'm good enough for anyone, human or Other.

  I mentally smacked my forehead with my palm. Boss, I reminded myself. White knight complex. It doesn't matter who thinks I'm good enough or not.

  “What difference does any of that make?”

  She shrugged. “None. I’m just making a passing comment. I didn't come in here to discuss your sex life.”

  Good. I didn't have one at the moment. So it'd be a pretty short conversation. I let my anger at Angie flood my veins. “Angie, I dealt with a fear last night that I will never get over and I could have been spared if you had said something to me.”

  It was the first change of expression I'd ever seen from her. I couldn't tell if she was impressed, taken aback, or pissed. Her expression quickly changed back to her normal impassive look. “I didn't think you'd forget the fucking stake.” It was now safely in my purse and the baseball bat was under my desk.

  “And you told Sean I was in danger. Once again, I should have been told. Your almighty bitch routine is wearing me down. I’m sick of these secrets and little conferences with my boss about my safety without telling me. What the hell is wrong with you?” My brain said “shut up Samantha,” but my mouth decided that wasn't in the cards. “That creep has been harassing me all week and you have the nerve to walk in here and tell me I shouldn't have forgotten the stake.”

  Angie leaned close. She smelled of lilac. The pleasant smell didn't couple well with black, irisless eyes. I made her furious. Her voice was a whisper. “You want to be in real danger? I can make that happen.” She straightened again. “Now, Jessica didn't want to kill you, so you would have lived to see me rip her heart out.”

  I wheeled my chair back, up against the wall. “Get out of here.”

  “I could have let her have her way. Look, I wanted to help you. And I am willing to do any amount of favors if you do one for me. Just one.” Vampires couldn't exactly feel fear like me, but she was afraid. This Simon guy had her terrified. “I like you, at least for a BSB worker. I had a case worker in Boston and he was a dick. You at least want to believe I have humanity rather than deriding me as nothing more than a soulless leech. I let my last case worker get sucked dry and left dead in a dumpster. He decided to help Simon instead.”

  I felt all the color in my face drain away. If I tried hard enough perhaps I could melt into the wall. I was the one who put her name in the database. Most older vampires stopped changing their names when they revealed. She'd revealed once before and still changed her name. And her first case worker was dead.

  “I need your help. You can ask for anything from me in return.” My heart pounded against my ribcage. I didn't want to have to sign any consent forms or be helplessly bound to anyone. My hand went straight to my chest. I pressed against the bruise, letting the sting of the pressure bring me down to reality. “I need you to destroy my file.”


  “Take my file and burn it. I'll protect you until Jessica is killed by her creator.”

  She was desperate. I wasn't a conniving, vindictive little harpy, but I saw an opportunity here. I lowered my voice. Patrice's office was next door. Her little ears were probably all perked up. “Why? There's nothing in it but your consent forms.”

  Again she bent forward. “Exactly. Those people trusted me enough to not kill them. You don't destroy that file I'll let Jessica have you while I leash your little Were with a silver collar. You aren't a bad person, Samantha, and I don't want to make you suffer, but if any harm comes to those peo
ple I drank from, I'll see to it you're in a dumpster next.”

  “What is going on?”

  “I told you. I took something that didn't belong to an old friend.”

  That wasn't good enough. “What really happened?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. My door was still open. Balicki and Hill kept walking by to protect me. She moved off my desk, making to shut us inside. “Don't close it. Someone will think I'm in danger.”

  Angie rolled her eyes, but sat back where she was. He face got closer to mine. “Have you ever heard of the Tears of Christ?”

  “The what?”

  “They're an old vampiric legend. The story goes when the devil tempted Christ in the desert he collected His tears. The devil gifted the Tears to his cursed children, the vampires. Any vampire who drank of them would no longer have to be confined to darkness and wouldn't need permission to enter a victim's home. Supposedly Elizabeth Báthory and Gengis Khan both drank of the Tears. Lucky for the world both of them died. I don't know if the stories are true. I imagine if they were the Tears of Christ would have dried up long ago. It doesn't matter. If Simon drank the tears and new powers were granted his bloodlust would double. If the stories were wrong he'd go mad from disappointment. I stole the Tears and ran. Before I could go decades without seeing him, now he's found me twice in two years.”

  “Can't you just run away again?”

  “I don't want him to hurt anyone I've fed on. Those people who sign my consent forms are hangers-on. They want to feel a taste of the immortal, but are afraid to ask for the curse. They shouldn't be hurt by Simon for wanting the pleasure I give them.”

  I tapped my foot anxiously. It all made me very nervous. “Where are the Tears now?”

  “Hidden. Somewhere Simon would never, ever think was possible.”

  Silence settled between us. Angie asked a lot. I risked a lot in saying yes.

  “I'm not going to lose my job over this.”

  “You don't seem to understand the severity of this situation.”

  “I think I do. Seems to me I'm dead one way or the other.” It hurt to admit it, but I did understand. I let my voice drop even lower. “I destroy your file and your powerful enemy will kill me. I keep it and you kill me. I don't even have these precious Tears to barter with.”

  “I said you'd have protection.”

  “Not forever. You already fled Boston. Just by knowing you, I'm going to die. Thanks a lot.”

  Angie's brows furrowed. My sarcastic thanks pissed her off. Good. I was plenty mad already. I would be safe at my BSB desk, doing my paperwork and checking notaries if she'd stayed in Boston. I wouldn't be terrified every night of a psycho vampire. I wouldn't be having advances from a werewolf with a hero complex. And I wouldn't be worrying that my parents were going to be killed too. Or my roommate. Well nuts to this.

  I craned my neck out. “Bite it.” I put a finger on my jugular. “Right there.”

  “You've been a whimpy, turtleneck wearing, little girl since I met you. Now you grow some stones?”

  I was tired, physically and mentally. If Angie killed me I knew she wouldn't bind me too. I could go out with some dignity.

  “I'll give you a day to rethink this death wish. I can and will protect you. I'll be watching your every move until you agree.” She pulled a post-it from my stack. In a fluid motion she scribbled down a number for me. “You can reach me there.” On a second post-it she wrote down an address. “I advise going there after work and speaking with Bridget. She'll see you safely through the night.”

  After she left I released the tension in my body. I had hours left, but I just wanted to get good and drunk. My parents were in danger, my roommate was in danger. If I stayed at a hotel I was an easy target. If I stayed with friends they became a target. Well Samantha, you are royally screwed.