Read Minecraft: Battle of Legends Book 1 (An Unofficial Minecraft Book) Page 1


  Battle of Legends

  Book 1

  (An Unofficial Minecraft Book)

  by Alex Anderson


  Copyright © 2015 by Alex Anderson. All rights reserved.

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  Please check out my ‘Minecraft Ninja’ & ‘Minecraft Agent’ series, I recommend that you should read these books too. It will help. :)

  Books by Alex Anderson



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  One Word


  This is one untold story of an extremely rare adventure that happened in the world of Minecraft. It is well documented in the “Top secret archived records of Minecraft”, also known as “X-Files”. They are not accessible to anyone. This adventure is known as “The Battle of Legends”. It’s one of the greatest adventures in the world of Minecraft.

  The world of Minecraft exists in a multi-verse. That means that many universes co-exist at the same point of time and at same place without disturbing each other. In other words, there are alternative timelines or parallel worlds existing simultaneously. A person can exist in many different universes at the same point of time. In some universes he may be a king or hero, whereas in some he may be a villain.

  This story relates to two alternative timelines existing simultaneously in the World of Minecraft. One timeline was of “Gang of Ninjas” and other was of “Minecraft Agent”. Many centuries ago, Dark Lord who is the supreme Master of dark energy, lost its most powerful warrior “Vertigo”.

  That creature was so powerful that it had power to destroy 10 galaxies. He was blowing up galaxy after galaxy, clearing the way for dark lord to take over the universe and become its unrivalled Master. “The secret society of brotherhood”, who were the guardians of the universe were afraid as to what might this monster do if he is not tamed or captured. They used to remain tensed and think about how to get rid of this monster. No plan seemed to work on that monster. He was just so powerful. Finally, one day, he was lured into a trap by the white knight, one of the members of secret society. He was captured in some distant part of the universe, where there was no life, no energy. A part of universe called “Abyss”.

  This was a major setback to the plan of Dark lord. For many years, he went into darkness. He was preparing his sinister plans for a comeback. He tried many tactics, some did not work and some worked but had minimal impact because of the secret society. Dark lord thought about many of his trusted servants and then one name struck him, Zeldick.

  Zeldick was a wicked wizard. He was highly intelligent and cunning. He worked for Dark lord and he made all evil plans about conquering different civilizations and creating disturbances everywhere.

  Zeldick thought of a plan to release “Vertigo”. This is how the story begins….

  Chapter 1

  Steve was sitting on his study table and doing his homework. His summer vacations had begun and there was nothing else to do. He thought about completing a bit of his homework and then go out and play with his friends.

  He completed his homework in half an hour and then went out to the park near his house. He was disappointed to see no one playing. He came back in his house. Ever since he came back from the “Minecraft world”, life had become really boring. His time at Minecraft was dangerous but exciting. He sometimes wished to go there. He missed that place because when he was there, he was always up to something. Here, back on earth, there was nothing else to do except for studies. His daily routine was fixed. Get up at 7 A.M in the morning, do some light exercises and eat some breakfast. After that studies and only studies. He couldn’t go out and play because all the other children were also doing the same thing. He thought about playing computer games and he did play them for some time, but then he gave up on them because after certain point of time, even computer games also get boring. Moreover, he felt that he was more of an outdoor guy .To cut off the boredom from his life; he decided to join summer camp. His summer camp was starting in one day and he was looking forward to it.

  For now, he had nothing else to do. He did some more homework and then played a little bit of video game after getting his mom’s permission. He liked to play action games on his “play station” like Mortal kombat, Warrior Ninja etc. These games were fun but real life adventure was better.

  While playing these games, he often remembered his fights with Herobrine, Enderbrine and other dangerous creatures. The world of Minecraft had changed him and change was for good. He had become more aware of himself and he felt limitless. After he had finished playing with his games, he got up and stretched himself. He then looked at his computer. He remembered the day he was teleported to Minecraft world when he was working on his computer. He looked longingly at his computer screen and sighed, “I wish Master Kung would call me someday.”

  The next day, Steve got up early. He was feeling restless. Finally after so many days, he was about to do something exciting. He had signed up for many activities in summer camp like playing football, learning guitar, archery and mountain climbing. He was really feeling excited to show his new skills to everyone.

  The first class was of Archery. There were around 10 students who had signed up for this class. Of these 10, four were school level champions and 1 was a national level champion. Before he went to Minecraft world, Steve was quite normal in sports but now he was different. His focus, attention and everything was top notch. He had barely tried Archery in Minecraft world. For the most part, he had learned fighting with sword and so he wanted to Master this skill set.

  Soon, after some time, Stan, their coach, came along. “Well, I see some new faces here,” he said looking at Steve. “It’s good to see new and new people trying archery.” Jordin sniggered on hearing that. Jordin was the School level champion and he thought that he was a born champion and all others were below him. Stan heard that and glared at him. Jordin looked away.

  After that Stan gave each one of them a bow and an arrow. They were made to stand 40 feet away from our target. Their target was a typical board with many circles drawn in it. They had to strike in the middle of the circle to gain full points. It was a typical archery lesson. Steve was standing with his best friend paul
. Paul and Steve were friends from 1st grade. He was a little late today and he had to listen to some lecture from Stan. So he was a bit upset. Steve cheered him up and said that after the class gets over they both are going to eat some ice-cream. That put a smile on Paul’s face. Steve and Paul had a special bond with ice-creams.

  Stan then explained that if they hit outer circle then they would get 100 points, i.e. white colored area, and if they hit somewhere in between the inner circle and outer circle, i.e. black and blue colored area, they would get 150 points. Also that if they managed to hit somewhere in the inner circle, i.e. orange area, they would get 200 points. If they managed to hit the bullseye, i.e. the centre in yellow, they would get 300 points.

  First turn was that of Jordin. Stan asked him to shoot three arrows. Jordin took a careful aim and bang! Bullseye! He was good, very good. Other two shots were close to bullseye. Jordin managed to get 700 points. That was an impressive score. Next was the turn of state champions. Both of them managed to get 500 points. Other people also tried their luck and got points in the range of 100-200. Now, it was the turn of Paul. He looked slightly nervous. His hands were shaking a little. Steve whispered, “Hey Paul, its nothing serious pal. You just have to take an aim and shoot. Don’t worry, nobody is going to scold you.” Paul took a deep breath and took aim. He did well. He was able to score 350, which was better than others.

  Now, it was Steve’s turn. He focused all his thoughts and remembered all his training in Minecraft world. Mater Kung used to say, focus depends on breathing. “Breathe in” while taking aim and “breathe out” while releasing. He did that and took an aim. Bang! Bullseye!

  Paul and Stan cheered on this. Jordin didn’t look impressed. Steve took another aim and bang! Second arrow hit the first arrow and tore it apart. It hit the target in exact same spot as the first one. Everyone was speechless. Then Steve took his third and final arrow and again BANG! Same result. Everyone looked at Steve as if he was something of an alien. He had suddenly turned into a superstar. Stan and Paul were cheering and applauding him whereas Jordin was standing dumbstruck. He had got shock of his life. Steve was the clear winner with 900 points. Stan gave Steve extra 100 points for dead-on accuracy.

  Chapter 2

  “Man. Are you okay? Where did you learn archery?” Paul asked Steve. He was happy for Steve but a bit confused. Other children were also impressed. Everyone wanted to know the secret. “He was just lucky”, snarled Jordin. Paul looked at him and said, “Well someone is getting jealous.”

  “I am not getting jealous. It’s just that he was very lucky today, nothing else. I can prove it,” said Jordin.

  “Doesn’t anyone here feel that something is burning?” Paul said.

  Paul then looked at Steve to see that whether he was ready for the challenge. Steve nodded his head with a smile.

  “Go ahead you pampered boy, let’s see what you have got,” said Paul.

  “Okay,” said Jordin, “Let’s see if you can do this.” He pulled out 3 balls from his pockets and said, “Show me that you can hit these balls while they are in the air. If you can do this, I’ll believe that you are good archer.”

  “Hey, that’s difficult. You are just trying to embarrass….” Paul began but Steve cut him short.

  “Bring it on,” Steve said with a smile.

  “Um-huh,” Jordin sniggered.

  Jordin threw up a ball as fast as he could. Steve saw the ball and took aim. He hit the ball in mid air. Dead on!

  Jordin looked furious. “Lucky once again; let’s see, if you can do it for the second time.”

  This time, Jordin threw the ball straight up as fast as he could. Again, Steve took aim and BANG! That was a perfect shot. While everyone was looking up, Jordin threw a ball with full force towards Steve. Steve saw that at the last moment and caught it.

  “You should try something better than that, pal,” said Steve.

  Jordin looked furious, his face had turned crimson red and it seemed as if he was about to launch himself on Steve.

  “This is not over yet. I will…” Jordin began but Stan cut him short.

  “Enough is enough, Jordin. I saw what you did and I am not at all pleased with your actions. You will be having a detention with me this weekend. You got that,” said Stan.

  Jordin was still very furious but he could see Stan glaring at him so he calmed down himself.

  “Yes sir,” he managed to say that somehow.

  “And Mr. Steve, I must say that you have tremendously improved. I have never seen this level of Archery and reflexes in recent years. Keep up the good work,” said Stan with a smile.

  Steve saw Jordin, his face looked humiliated. Then suddenly something strange happened. Steve saw a shadow pass over Jordin’s face.

  He smiled as if something wicked had taken over him. It lasted for about 5 seconds but those 5 seconds were enough to tell Steve that things are not as they seem. Something else was going on.

  Paul shook him to reality. “Hey bro, are you seriously alright? You look wired. You got to tell me where you learned archery. I mean, all that you did today was simply amazing. I want to become like you pal.”

  Steve managed a smile. He was shocked to see a shadow cross over Jordin’s face. He wasn’t sure of what he saw; maybe all of it was just his imagination. Steve then decided to move on for the time being.

  Their next class was that of guitar. Steve wanted to learn guitar for a long period of time. He thoroughly enjoyed that session.

  He learned to play some popular folk tunes and some melodious songs. He didn’t play the guitar extremely well but he enjoyed playing it. After all, you just cannot be good at everything.

  In evening they had their football class. About 14 people assembled in the football field. Two teams were made consisting of 7 members each. At first, everyone was made to do normal exercises. Their coach told them that it was important for them to warm up before they begin playing game. Steve remembered his training days in Minecraft world. His mentor Master Kung always used to tell him about the importance of warm up. He used to say, “Steve, if you don’t warm up, your body will become rigid and you will become slow. Never miss out on your warm-ups.”

  Jeffery was their football coach. He asked them to make a kick inside the goalpost. He himself became the goalkeeper. Everyone started trying to make a goal but did not succeed. Jeffery was very good goalkeeper. After a while, it was Paul’s turn. Paul was a good soccer player. He was better than Steve. He was in their school football team. Paul tried to hit as fast as he could, but Jeffery deflected the ball, just in time. It was a close call, but Jefferry, somehow managed to save the goal. Now, it was Steve’s turn.

  Steve walked towards the ball and thought for a second. He figured out that if he had to beat Jeffery, he had to confuse him. His training in the Minecraft world had taught him to confuse his opponent.

  He made it look like he was hitting in the right but he hit it left. On top of that he hit the ball with such a speed that Jefferry was caught off guard. Jeffery got up and smiled, “That was a good move, Steve. You confused me. Good tactics.” Steve was happy that Jefferry liked it and he smiled back. Suddenly something happened. He saw a black shadow cross over Jefferry’s face.

  It lasted only for a split second. No one saw it except Steve. Then something unexpected happened, a surging pain started in Steve’s head. It was so severe that it made him unconscious. He remembered no more.

  Somewhere in some dark corner of the universe, a figure was keeping an eye on the happenings of earth.

  So far so good, he thought. It is time to implement the next phase of the plan.

  Chapter 3

  Steve woke up in the hospital. Paul was sitting next to him and he looked really nervous.

  He said, “Hey Steve, are you alright? What happened?”

  Steve got up instantly. “Where am I? He asked.

  “Bro, you are in school’s hospital. I and Jefferry carried you here. You were completely knocked off from your sense

  Steve thought about it. He remembered watching shadow pass over Jefferey’s face and surging pain that he felt in his head. Apart from that he remembered no more.

  “Ohhhh….I think it was just a heat stroke. I was also feeling hungry. I have not eaten anything since morning.” Steve said. He couldn’t tell Paul. There was something sinister going on and he wanted to find out. He had a nagging suspicion that whatever weird things were happening here on earth had some connection with Minecraft world.

  “Errr…I got to go, Paul. I just remembered that I have to accompany my mom to the super market. We will eat ice cream tomorrow. I promise.”

  “Oh don’t worry pal. Get well soon and after that we will eat many ice creams,” Paul smiled.

  Steve nodded his head and winked at Paul. He then left for his home. He didn’t want to lie to Paul but he had to find out what was happening. That was more important right now.

  While he was walking down the road, Steve noticed something very strange. He saw people looking extremely tired and worn out. They were dragging their feet and some even fell on the ground, completely knocked off from their senses. He looked at their faces. They looked lifeless. It looked as if someone has snatched their souls and made them lifeless. He then discovered another strange and horrifying thing. It was broad daylight and these people didn’t have any shadow.

  How is this possible? Steve thought. How can shadows of these people suddenly disappear?

  He tried to ask one of the people about what was happening to him but that person could not reply. He had no energy to speak. Steve looked here and there in desperation. Nearly everyone was down on his or her knees. Steve felt helpless. He couldn’t locate the source of this nuisance.

  What should I do now? He thought. How to solve this problem?

  “I know the source of this problem Master Steve,” said a familiar voice.

  Steve turned and saw Master Kung. He looked exactly as Steve remembered him.