Read Minecraft: Battle of Legends Book 1 (An Unofficial Minecraft Book) Page 2

  “Master Kung, how come you are here? What is happening here on earth? These people are just losing their consciousness and and…there shadows are missing. How can this happen? Steve asked.

  Master Kung looked grave. He said, “Both the Earth and Minecraft world are facing this problem, Master Steve. Normal people are getting affected because they don’t have the necessary mental strength and will power to resist Tasalm’s power.”

  “Tasalm? Who is he?” asked Steve.

  “Tasalm is the ruler of shadows. He rules over the world of shadows. He has been given the power to control shadows. Someone has overpowered him and he is being made to do this. You were also attacked but you resisted giving your shadow to Tasalm. Your mind fought back while you were still unconscious.”

  “How do you know this Master? Have you been keeping an eye on the happenings of earth? Steve asked.

  “About two days ago, some strange occurrences were reported in Minecraft world. People were getting unconscious for no apparent reason and their shadows were missing.

  I went to the priest of the village and asked him whether he knew anything about these strange occurrences. He told me about Tasalm and that possibly someone has overpowered him for his own selfish purposes. Priest also told me that the problem may extend to other worlds also. That is when I started to keep a watch on you. After you left Minecraft, I arranged for a special crystal from a mystic sage, which allows me to see other worlds. When I saw that you were attacked, I made arrangements to come here,” said Master Kung.

  “Hmmmm…Who do you think can overpower Tasalm?’ asked Steve.

  “I don’t know Master, but one thing is for sure, he is very powerful,” said Master Kung.

  “So now, what should we do? How to stop Tasalm and the one overpowering him?” asked Steve.

  “You would have to visit Minecraft world because source of the problem lies there. There is an area in the Minecraft world known as “Zelmorth”. It is hidden. Tasalm lives there. We need to find it and defeat Tasalm, otherwise both worlds will be destroyed,” said Master Kung.

  “That’s all right but how would we find him? Do you know someone who could help us in finding that place?” said Steve.

  “I know someone who can help,” said Master Kung.

  “So let’s go, we don’t have time,” said Steve.

  With that Master Kung took out two red looking stones from his pocket and rubbed them against each other. Immediately a portal opened. They both entered into the portal.

  Chapter 4

  Steve and Master Kung landed on Minecraft’s surface at ‘Abode of Ninjas’. It was exactly same as Steve remembered it but there was something weird about it today. It seemed very quiet, there was no hustle bustle. Then Steve saw it. Many people were lying on the ground lifeless. Their shadows were stolen.

  “We have got to hurry Master Kung, Tasalm is stealing shadows,” said Steve.

  “Yes, I know that. We are looking for a person called Umbrek. He lives in a village called Tenebris. This village is 25 miles to the north of our village. Let’s get there fast,” said Master Kung.

  “Hey, hang on for a second, Master Kung. Where is my sword? I feel incomplete without it?” said Steve.

  “Oh, yes. I was in such a hurry that I forgot about it,” he said. “Do you remember where you kept your sword last time before leaving Minecraft?”

  “Of course Master. I kept it in the ‘Lair of ninjas’, exactly where I found it,” said Steve.

  “Okay, so go and get it. No one else can lift that sword,” said Master Kung with a smile.

  Steve smiled. He remembered that day when he first lifted that sword. He was told that only a legendary warrior could lift that sword. He didn’t believe that at all.

  He ran in the lair of ninjas, it was empty.

  Probably, everyone is out there helping people, he thought.

  He quickly grabbed his sword. He instantly had a feeling of warrior. I missed that feeling, he thought.

  His sword felt light. He was accustomed to it now; afterall so much time had passed since he first held it. He had fought many battles with it. He then ran back towards Master Kung, who was waiting patiently for him.

  “Okay Master Steve, all set. Now, we have to find Umbrek, so let’s move,” said Master Kung.

  Master Kung and Steve started walking briskly. They expected to reach Tenebris village by the end of the day. Along the way they saw many people just lying on the ground. Even animals were lifeless. The atmosphere of Minecraft was turning grey and land was becoming barren. Even plant and trees seemed to be dying. It was as if the world of Minecraft was dying.

  “Hey Master Kung, where are others from Ninja gang? Where are Harry and Alex?” asked Steve.

  “They are with the priest. They are trying to save people by bringing them to priest. Priest knows some ancient spells and has some power crystals, which can stop Tasalm from snatching the shadows of people. This method, I am afraid is a temporary solution to this problem,” said Master Steve.

  “Hmmm…so, how are we going to stop this Tasalm?” asked Steve.

  ‘I don’t know yet, Master Steve. I think Umbrek will help us with this,” said Master Kung.

  Steve and Master Kung walked for 3 hours at a stretch and then took some rest. Master Kung had some food with him, which he gave to Steve. After that they started their journey once again. Steve had a constant feeling that something very bad was going to happen. He just had an intuition. He constantly calmed down himself by saying that everything is fine and it will get over soon but that feeling kept on returning.

  They reached Tenebris at sunset. It was quiet looking village. One small boy was walking down the street. Master Kung and Steve stopped him and asked him about Umbrek. He said that Umbrek is the local entertainer and he lives near a banyan tree, which is located, near a well. He conducts puppet shows in the evening.

  “You are a bit late for the show. It just got over,” little boy said. “Maybe if you hurry up, you could meet him.”

  Master Kung and Steve walked fast and they reached that place and saw an old looking hut.

  “I think, Umbrek lives here,” whispered Master Kung.

  Master Kung called out, “Umbrek, where are you? Please open the door.”

  After about 30 seconds, a voice came from inside, “The show is over. Come back tomorrow.”

  “We are not here for the show, Umbrek. We want to discuss some important matter. It is a question of life and death,” said Master Kung.

  There was silence for about 5 seconds and then someone opened the door. There was an old man standing at the door. He motioned Steve and Master Kung to step inside.

  The hut was clean and well organized. There were few puppets lying in one corner and there was a small table in the middle of the room. Walls were adorned with artistic decorations. There were some weird symbols inscribed on walls, which didn’t make much sense to Steve. Right now learning the meaning of those symbols was not important. They were here for some purpose.

  “Hello gentlemen. My name is Umbrek. What is it that bothers you? What’s the problem?” he said.

  “Umbrek, the Minecrat world is slowly being destroyed by Tasalm, the god of shadows. We need to find him. We need to stop him.”

  A scared look came over Umbrek’s face. “We do not speak ill of the shadow Master. What’s makes you say that he is destroying the Minecraft world.”

  “The people in Minecraft are dying and there shadows are missing. What is the explanation for this? Who else other than Tasalm has the power to do this?” said Master Kung.

  “Hmm…. this is very serious problem indeed. It needs to be stopped. The world of shadows or ‘Zelmorth’ exists between the world of living and the dead. It’s the place where the souls go immediately after dying. I can help you reach there but it can be dangerous. You may never ever return to this world!”

  “We are willing to take the risks,” Steve said.

  “Hmmm…Ok. I will perform the sacr
ed ritual that will help you reach Zelmorth but I caution you, please be careful!” said Umbrek.

  He then gave a ring to both Master Kung and Steve. He said that this ring is going to protect them in the shadow world. He also said that he will keep an eye on them and if anything wrong happens to them, he will call them back. After that he asked them to lie on ground and to keep their arms crossed on their chest. Umbrek, then started drawing circles in mid-air and whispered something in some strange language. Steve felt a tingling sensation in his body. He started to feel drowsy. He could still hear Umbrek speak. His voice seemed distant and faint.

  Umbrek said, “Now on the count of 3, you will go enter this shadow world. One..two…three…”

  Steve was already unconscious by the time he said three. He woke up and found himself on top of a cliff. Master Kung was standing and looking straight ahead. He seemed to be thinking something.

  Steve got up and came close to Master. For some time he said nothing. He was taking a close look at the surroundings. The atmosphere was dark. Everything looked black and white. The surface was rocky and at some places there were volcanoes. Live volcanoes! Lava was flowing out from some of these volcanoes.

  “So, here we are in Zelmorth. Where is Tasalm?” Steve asked.

  Master Kung pointed his finger straight ahead. At first, Steve didn’t notice anything. All he saw was a hill far away. Then suddenly he saw it. A flame burst out from one nearby volcano and something flickered on the top of that hill. There was a castle!

  It was not easily visible because of the darkness.

  “We have to get there as fast as possible,” said Master Kung.

  “Right Master,” said Steve.

  With that they began their journey to the castle.

  Chapter 5

  Steve thought that the journey to the castle would be easy but he was wrong. As soon as they took a step forward, a huge roar shook the shadow world. The roar came from a dragon. It was huge.

  “Beware Master Steve. It is not a normal dragon; it is a shadow dragon. It’s more powerful than a regular dragon,” said Master Kung.

  Master Kung was right. Whole ground was shaking because this dragon was huge. It was approximately 200 feet in height. The dragon swung his tail in our direction; we jumped and saved ourselves.

  Then that dragon emitted black fog from its mouth and something strange happened. Some shadow figures emerged from that fog and grabbed Master Kung and Steve. Steve didn’t expect that and was startled. He shrugged them off and pulled out his sword. He slashed his sword at the nearest shadow creature. It went right past it. Nothing happened to that creature.

  How can I beat these creatures? He thought. He looked around and saw that Master Kung was also having the same trouble.

  “Hey Master Kung, any ideas on how to beat these guys?” said Steve.

  “The only way to beat darkness is light. We either have to get some source of light or we have to become light,” said Master Kung.

  “How can we become light? I don’t understand,” said Steve.

  “Master Steve. You have to charge yourself at your max power. When you do that, a light aura will illuminate you, it will surround your body. You will emit light,” said Master Kung.

  Master Kung is absolutely right, Steve thought. I will become light.

  Steve took a deep breath and focused all his attention on himself. He then pulled out his sword and held it high above him. Suddenly, lightning struck the sword and Steve felt immense power flowing through him. He then flashed his sword towards shadow creatures. His flash blinded those creatures. They disappeared. Even shadow dragon vanished.

  “Finally someone has the courage to face shadows,” said a voice.

  Steve turned and saw a 7 feet tall, dark, hooded figure. He was Tasalm.

  “So you are Tasalm,” said Master Kung. “What are you doing? Why are you destroying the Minecraft world?”

  “I can do whatever I like. Right now, I want to kill both of you,” said Tasalm.

  He charged towards Steve but Steve was ready. Steve slashed his sword right in time. Tasalm groaned. His leg got injured with Steve’s attack.

  “I see, you have the power of light. But, you will still not be able to beat me because this is my world, shadow world,” said Tasalm.

  Tasalm raised his hands and murmured something. Immediately, shadows came out of his body. These shadows looked like Tasalm. It was hard to tell, who the real Tasalm was. Shadow Tasalms were closing in. Steve jumped but he was not able to attack. Some invisible force stopped him.

  What is holding me back? He thought.

  Steve looked around but didn’t understand. Then he heard Tasalm laugh.

  “You don’t get it kid, do you? This is shadow world, my world. I control shadows and I make the rules!” he said.

  Then Steve saw his shadow. He was surprised to see another shadow holding it. Steve looked around himself but there was nobody holding him. This was bizarre. Steve tried to think of a way to get out of this situation, but nothing came to his mind. He tried to remember his training in Minecraft world.

  Then something struck him. Intonjutsu! It was the disappearing technique that he learned while he was in the Minecraft world. He focused his thoughts and thought of appearing right behind Tasalm. He disappeared and appeared behind Tasalm.

  Tasalm stopped laughing. “Hmmm…..Kid you have some skills. I am impressed,” he said.

  “Well you should be. You will be more impressed on my next move,” Steve said.

  Before Tasalm could understand, Steve threw his fully illuminated sword with full force towards all the Tasalms. His sword went past each shadow Tasalm, destroying each one of them. Finally it hit the real Tasalmn. He shrieked out in pain and came down on his knees.

  “You were better than I thought,” Tasalm hissed.

  “I know, I am the best,” said Steve. “Now release the shadows of the people of Minecraft. If you don’t do this then this will be your last mistake.”

  Tasalm hung his head. It seemed as if he had accepted defeat. Then suddenly, he started to laugh. Steve didn’t get it.

  Why is he laughing? Has he gone mad? What’s the matter? he thought.

  Then to his surprise, he heard someone else laugh. He turned and was shocked to see Master Kung laughing. Steve was confused.

  “You kid, you are brave but you are ignorant and stupid,” Tasalm said. “All of this has been set up for you.”

  Set-up? What is he talking about? He thought.

  Then suddenly a volcano erupted and he saw Master Kung’s face. Steve was shocked to see that the he was not Master Kung. He was somebody else. He looked some wicked evil scientist.

  “How are you Master Steve? Didn’t we both give you a shock of your life? ,” he asked mockingly.

  “Who are you? Where is Master Kung?” Steve asked.

  “I am Zeldick and I work for the dark lord. I have been planning to release ‘Vertigo’, our most powerful warrior. He has the power to destroy galaxies. The problem was that he was sealed in some distant part of the universe, which was physically inaccessible to the dark lord or me. Then I thought of another plan. I could not release him physically but I managed to reach him mentally through my telepathic powers and I captured his soul through my dark magical powers in a ring. That ring now had all his powers. Now the problem was finding someone who could wear the ring. Someone so powerful that this ring would treat that person as its Master; only one name came to my mind,” he said and looked at me.

  “Me,” Steve said.

  “Yes, Steve, yes,’ he said. “You are extraordinarily powerful! Only you can handle the power of this ring. I knew that, but for the ring to accept you as its Master, it had to be shown your full power. That’s why I devised this plan. I overpowered Tasalm and asked him to start capturing everyone’s shadow. This worried you and you started seeking for answers. I knew that you trust Master Kung, so I transformed myself into Master Kung. I then led you to Umbrek. Umbrek works for me. I could
have given you the ring myself but then I thought that it might arouse suspicion in your mind. So I asked Umbrek to give you the ring. He gave you that ring by saying that it would protect you in the shadow world. It was a lie! I just wanted you to wear the ring so that ring could accept you as its Master when you reach your full power. You reached your full power when I told you that shadows can be defeated by light.”

  “Well, you know what! I do not accept this ring,” said Steve and started pulling out the ring from his finger. Almost immediately he felt a surge of pain in his head.

  “It won’t work Steve. This ring will not leave you easily,” said Zeldick.

  Steve was losing consciousness. He was fading into darkness.

  “Goodbye Steve. Vertigo has taken over your body. You can sit back now and watch him destroy Minecraft and other worlds through your hands,” said Zeldick.

  Steve remembered no more.

  Chapter 6

  Jack was sleeping in his bed. He had been home after a long time. He had been in the mystery world and he recently returned from there. They have been trying to figure out a way to end the Dark lord’s domination over the universe with the help of secret society of brotherhood. According to their estimates, Dark lord had gone into hibernation for some time and so there was no danger from him right now. So they decided to keep a watchful eye until his next move.

  Jack had a strange dream. In that dream he saw that he was on a deserted rocky place at night. There was no one there. It was dead quiet. Then he saw someone sitting on a stone with his back resting against a tree. He was partially visible because the tree blocked Jack’s view, so Jack could not identify who the person was. Jack inched closer to that guy sitting on stone. That person seemed to be unconscious because he was barely moving.

  He finally reached near that person. There was a pin drop silence. Jack extended his hand and turned that figure around. Jack was shocked to see the person’s face. He was Steve!! He was badly injured. Jack was speechless to see Steve like this. Jack shook Steve and called out his name. He could feel his pulse. This meant that Steve was still alive but he was just unconscious.