Read Minecraft: Battle of Legends Book 1 (An Unofficial Minecraft Book) Page 3

  Suddenly Steve opened his eyes and asked Jack, “Who are you?”

  “I am Jack, Steve. Don’t you remember?” Jack said. Steve looked lost.

  Perhaps he has a memory loss. He looks as if he has experienced some kind of torture, Jack thought.

  Suddenly there was a loud rumbling noise and it seemed to be getting louder and louder with each passing second. It was as if something was moving beneath the surface. Steve grabbed Jack’s hands and said, “Run, Jack. If you want to live, please run,” Steve managed to say.

  “What are you talking, Steve. I cannot leave you like this. I have to get you out somehow.” Jack said.

  With an ear shattering noise, a creature erupted from the ground. It was huge. It looked like a big worm. Jack looked stupefied on watching that. Suddenly that creature rose and came down on Jack. Steve pushed Jack and jumped towards the creature with his sword held high.

  “Steve!!!” Jack shouted and woke up with a start. Jack was sweating and his heart was racing. It seemed as if he has just come from a marathon. It took several minutes for Jack to believe that he was watching a dream.

  Jack massaged his eyes. He needed to relax. “Mystery world’ had given him many memories but it has also given him some nightmares. Many times, he used to wake up from his dreams. He got up from his bed and drank a glass of water.

  Jack was a student at local school and he was facing a lot of homework problems because he had been away to the ‘Mystery Land’ for many days. So he sat down on his study table and started doing his homework. It took him about 2 hours to complete a good portion of his homework. He then got up and stretched himself.

  “It’s time to go to school. I should get ready, otherwise I’ll be late,” thought Jack

  Jack called out his mom and asked her to prepare his breakfast. His mom said that it was already prepared. Jack heard that and got ready in 10 minutes and went down for his breakfast.

  After his breakfast, he went out and met his friend Fred. Fred lived near Jack’s house. They were very good friends since childhood. They reached school and went into their classes.

  It was a boring day at school. Actually after the adventure in ‘Mystery Land’, normal life seemed boring. Jack was just waiting or the school to get over. Finally at 3 p.m, the final period got over. Fred and Jack packed up their bags and came out of their classrooms. The weather outside was very bad. It was raining cats and dogs. Winds were blowing at a ferocious pace.

  “Isn’t it weird these days? We are in the mid of summer and we are getting such heavy rainfall,” said Fred.

  “Yeah,” said Jack. “No idea about weather these days.”

  Suddenly Jack saw someone levitating in the air. He couldn’t make out who that person was but that person seemed very powerful because he was charging up and electricity was flowing throughout his body.

  Jack thought about going ahead to get a better look at that person but that person mysteriously vanished.

  Where did he go? Jack thought

  “Hey Jack, let’s get home fast. According to weather forecasts, weather is going to be very bad today,” said Fred.

  “Um..hummm,’ said Jack.

  They both started running towards their homes. Their homes were not very far from their schools. It took them 5 minutes to reach their home. Jack bid farewell to his friend Fred and started walking towards his house.

  He was still thinking about the guy he saw levitating in the air.

  How did he suddenly disappear? He thought.

  He saw several people running to their respective homes. There was one particular guy that was moving against the crowd. He was wearing black cloak and was walking slowly. It seemed as if he had injured leg. Jack tried to call him but he was far away.

  Suddenly Jack saw his dog, Snowy running after that person. Snowy reached closer to that person and started barking at him and even started tugging at his legs. Jack ran after Snowy. He picked up Snowy and said, “Snowy, we should not disturb people like this.”

  That man had his back facing Jack. He was looking straight ahead. Jack placed a hand on that person’s shoulder and said, “Sir, please come with us. The weather is getting bad.”

  That person turned. He was Steve! He had a dead look on his face. He looked exactly like the Steve, which Jack saw in his dream. Jack was taken aback. He stood there speechless. He didn’t realize that a wooden plank was flying in his direction. It hit him hard on his head. Before he could understand what was happening, he was knocked off his senses. He remembered no more.

  Chapter 7

  Jack woke up and found Sam staring over him. He got up and said, “Sam! What are you doing here? Where am I?”

  “You are safe, Jack,” said Sam. “Notch has called us here because he wants to discuss something very important with us. Something has happened to Minecraft world.”

  “Where is Snowy? Where is Steve? I saw Steve in that thunderstorm. He had a dead look on his face. Is he okay? I have been having one weird dream repeatedly over a course of 3 days. In that dream, I see Steve on a lonely island fighting with a big worm. He looked weak and tired,” said Jack.

  “There was no one in the thunderstorm. You must have seen an illusion. Only you and Snowy; Snowy was trying to wake you up. I have left him home. So, don’t worry. As far as Steve is concerned, he is a bit ill right now. Actually he is having sudden blackouts since yesterday for unknown reasons. He even got himself checked with the local village doctor. Doctor said that he was in fine health. Dunno…what’s the problem.” said Sam.

  “Steve is facing a serious problem,” said a familiar voice. It was Notch’s voice. “No wonder the doctor couldn’t find out the reason for his problem. His problem is not so simple.”

  “What’s the problem, Notch,” asked Sam.

  “Steve’s problem is not simple to explain but I’ll try”, Notch sighed. He tilted his head as if thinking how to frame his thoughts and then started speaking, “We live in a multi-verse. That means that there are hundreds of worlds existing at the same point of time and at same place. It’s like a radio having different frequencies. That means that there are many worlds in which Minecraft exists and there are many worlds in which Steve exists.”

  We all were listening with pin drop silence. Whatever was being told to us was unbelievable.

  “Hey, if we all exist at the same place and at the same point of time then why don’t we see each other,” Jack asked.

  “That’s because the frequency is different. Every world has different frequency. That’s why we do not clash each other, but something has happened that has affected those frequencies. That’s why we are witnessing these illusions. There is something devilish going on in some Minecraft world and perhaps that has impacted Steve in that world. That’s why our Steve is feeling a bit sick. Normally activities of one world do not affect another world but something strange has happened that’s why there is some overlapping between two worlds. I do know for sure but I think both worlds are connected somehow and we are facing ripple effects from the destruction in other world,” said Notch.

  “So, how can we stop it?” asked Sam.

  “I think we will have to take help of Elderman.

  He is the eldest of all Enderman and he has knowledge of all the portals to other worlds. We should ask for his help. He lives in the ‘End’. We will begin our journey tomorrow. Does anyone have any problem?” said Notch.

  “Yes, I have a problem,” said a voice. Everyone turned. The voice was of Steve. He looked a bit pale but determined.

  “Why can’t we begin right away? Why should we wait?” Steve asked.

  “Steve, are you alright. I have asked for tomorrow because of you. Your health is not good,” said Notch.

  “My health is Ok. I get blackouts once in a while but other than that I am fine. I am ready to go. We can begin right now. If we wait too long, my health may worsen,” said Steve.

  “Alright, as you think appropriate. We will begin right away. Take all your necessary
belongings,” said Notch.

  Everyone took there fighting gear and some necessary potions. Steve seemed pale but he was focused. Sam and Notch looked alright.

  Soon, everyone was ready. According to Notch, it would take them at least two hours to reach that place where the portal to ‘END’ exists. Weather was still bad out there and winds were blowing at incredible pace. It was blowing so fast that trees were being uprooted and small huts were being blown away. Jack was glad because Sam was with them. Sam had used his magic to make a sort of protective covering around everyone. That magical covering was strong enough to withstand harsh weathers like this. However, due to extreme wind pressure, their progress was a bit slow.

  They saw some people running here and there in desperation. Some people were crying because they could not find their loved ones. Watching all that made them walk faster. This nuisance had to end fast or the people of Minecraft would continue to suffer.

  Suddenly a big black cloud appeared out of nowhere. It was huge. It was so huge that it almost covered the whole sky. Then a hole appeared in the middle of that black cloud and there was a blinding flash of golden light.

  A figure appeared from that hole. From far away, the figure appeared to be that of a warrior. Then without warning that figure charged towards them. He was fast, very fast. The next instant, he was standing in front of Steve. That person looked exactly like Steve! His eyes were glowing red and he didn’t look friendly. Steve was taken aback by the sudden appearance of another Steve. He didn’t even move.

  That Steve raised his hand and was about to attack Steve with his shining sword but he faded away. Everyone was stupefied on watching that. The thing that they witnessed was totally bizarre.

  What is happening to Minecraft world? Jack thought.

  After that bizarre disturbance they started moving briskly. They finally reached that place where the portal to ‘END’ existed. Sam knew how to open up a portal to ‘END’. He muttered some strange words, which instantly opened up the portal to the ‘END’. One by one, everyone entered the portal.

  The ‘End’ was a dark and gloomy place. The only source of light was the full moon shining in the sky. In the ‘END’, moon was always full.

  There were some shadows constantly roaming in the sky. They were ‘Dark guards’ who protected the ‘END’ from any intruders. As soon as Jack and his fellow team members stepped their foot on the ground, those ‘dark guards’ came down and stood in front of them.

  “Stop,” said one dark guard. His face was not visible but his eyes were shining. They were tall and strong. They radiated power.

  “State your purpose of visiting the ‘END’!” said other dark guard.

  “We have come here to meet Elderman. We need his help. It’s a serious issue and it needs to be addressed quickly or else our world will shatter to pieces,” said Notch.

  “We know about you Notch but who are these other people,” said one of the dark guards.

  “They are in my team. They are with me on the quest of saving the Minecraft world. That’s Jack, Sam and Steve,” said Notch.

  “Oh, is that legendary Steve!” exclaimed one of the guards. “We are really honored to meet you in person. Almost everyone knows about you.”

  He then looked at the other guard and nodded his head. That guard nodded in return. Then that guard said, “Pardon us gentleman, this is a routine check that we have to follow. We will take you to Elderman now.”

  Chapter 8

  Everyone followed ‘Dark guards’ as they led the way. According to those guards, Elderman lived in castle high atop on the mountain of ‘Narmon’. During the way, Notch told them that ‘Narmon’ existed right in the centre of the ‘END’. It was said that the center of ‘END’ was the center of entire universe and that different portals to different worlds existed at that place.

  The landscape of ‘END’ was barren and rocky. Most of the things were black and white. Occasionally, one could see one or two Endermen walking here and there but apart from that everything was dead quite in the ‘END’.

  Some of the Endermen were looking in their direction. Jack was trying to avoid the gaze of those Endermen. It was not a good idea to mess up with the Endermen in their own world.

  Steve was feeling normal right now. He was thinking about the incident that happened earlier and he couldn’t seem to forget the face of another Steve with red eyes.

  After walking for about an hour or so, they all reached ‘Narmon’. This place had some eerie feeling about it. There was a reddish hue in the sky and the land was also reddish. The terrain was rocky and rocks were suspended in the air. Gravity seemed to be a little weak at ‘Narmon’. There were black colored lizards like dragons roaming in the sky. As soon as they saw us, they scooped down. They were flaring their nostrils and looked dangerous.

  One of the guards stepped in between and raised his hand and said, “Lazvik!!” Those dragons stopped in mid-air. They were still roaring and flaring their nostrils. Then that guard spoke in clear tone, “Nor tzuk ente mehrna. Garnw derav!”. Nobody had the faintest idea about what that guard spoke but it had an immediate effect. Those dragons went back instantly.

  “Thanks for that,” said Notch.

  “It’s my pleasure,” said that guard. “Our job ends here. We need to go now. You will not face any problem now.”

  With that those guards departed. Everyone looked up. The mountain was huge. Jack said, “How are we ever going to climb this mountain?”

  “Don’t worry Jack. The gravity is weak here. We will jump our way to the top!” said Steve.

  Steve jumped and to everyone’s surprise he was able to jump 20 feet in the air. Everyone tried to jump and surprisingly everyone did a remarkable job. Everyone was able to jump at least 15 feet in the air. They all moved towards the hill and started climbing up the hill. After about 20 minutes or so, they were able to reach at the top of the hill. Now they were standing in front of the castle. Castle gates were about 50 feet tall and they were made with a material called ‘Zelde’, which was the strongest material in the entire Minecraft world. It was studded with emeralds.

  As soon as they reached the gates, they swung open. They all entered inside. The castle was magnificent. It was dimly lit by flames. Some Endermen appeared. It seemed like they were guards.

  One of the guards said, “Welcome Notch. We knew that you have arrived, it’s nice to meet you.” Then their eyes fell on Steve.

  “Is that Steve, legendary Steve?” One of the guards asked.

  “Yes, he is Steve,” said Notch.

  Both the Endermen guards stared at Steve in amazement. Then one of them said, “It’s an honor to meet you sir.”

  Steve looked a bit embarrassed. He was not used to that much attention. Then one of those Enderman said, “I will escort you all to the Elderman. He will be pleased to meet all of you. Follow me.”

  Guards led them to Elderman. Elderman was a very old Enderman. According to Notch, he was the first Enderman that appeared on ‘End’. He was sitting on his throne. He seemed to be asleep but as soon as they reached near him, he opened his eyes.

  “I was expecting you, Notch and I know why you have come here. If you wouldn’t have come to me, I would have contacted you,” said Elderman.

  “It’s an honor to meet you Elderman. As per my understanding, all the problems that are happening in the Minecraft world are because of some devilish force acting in some other parallel world. You are the only one in entire Minecraft world who can help us reach that place and stop this nuisance once and for all,” said Notch.

  “Yes, you are correct. Over the past few days, I have been receiving strange signals from one portal. There is some very powerful negative force working in that portal. I think that is the portal that we should be focusing on,” said Elderman.

  “So let’s go to that portal. We have to be quick,” said Steve.

  Elderman looked at Steve and said, “You are Steve, right! I know you are brave but I don’t know what kind o
f devil may exist in that portal. Are you sure you want to go? You may not return alive.”

  “I don’t know what kind of devil exists in that world and what will happen to me if I go there,” said Steve.

  He paused for a second and then said, “But if I don’t go there, our world will get destroyed and I cannot let that happen!”

  “Yes, we all will go,” said Sam.

  Elderman had a smile on his face after listening that. He said, “Very well then, I will make arrangements.”

  Elderman got up from his seat and asked all of them to come with him. They all followed Elderman as he led them outside the palace to an open space. He then opened his arms and said, “nepo latrop fo mehtnrae!”

  Suddenly, a huge portal appeared in mid-air. Energy blasts were happening on the other side and loud thundering noises were coming. Elderman turned to us and said, “There you go, this is the portal to that world. I don’t know what exists there and what will happen there but I am sure that if anyone can stop this, it is going to be you people.”

  “How will we get back?” asked Sam

  Elderman pulled out a red crystal from his pocket and said, “This stone is called ‘Evershine’.

  This stone will help you to communicate with me. Contact me whenever you get free.”

  Everyone bid farewell to Elderman and stepped inside that portal. The picture on the other side was very grim.

  Chapter 9

  It looked as if some massive thunder storm had destroyed everything that came in its way. Trees had been uprooted, small buildings were completely destroyed and some places looked as if they were hit by a meteorite. No living creature was visible.

  “What has happened here? Who could have possibly done this?” asked Sam.

  “It’s the work of devil,” said Notch. “I don’t know who did this but that person is very powerful, I sense his power.”

  They walked around observing everything along the way. After about 10 minutes or so, they saw a village.

  “There might be some people out there, who might help us,” said Notch.