Read Miraculous: Tales of the Unknown Page 6

The Chosen One

  By: Heather Kirchhoff

  © 2013 by Heather Kirchhoff

  A beam shoots across the darkened night sky with clouds light gray, blue, and black. The beam was white-golden, and extremely bright. It’s nothing like I’ve ever seen before. Naturally, I get up and slowly open the door, stepping out into the cool night breeze. Wonder prickles at my flesh as I make my way towards the spot where it disappears. My necklace starts to glow brilliantly, and I flinch away from it when my hand just barely brushes it. The metal’s extremely hot, almost as if it had been in flames a moment before.

  I scan the area, watching the stars twinkle far above. The moon washes down on me, casting an eerie glow. I smile as I lift my face towards it, closing my eyes for a few moments.

  “Ahh, there you are. The Chosen One. We’ve been waiting for you.” A voice spoke from the thickness of the fog which was now surrounding me. I feel my heart pick up as my eyes rest upon red ones. I gasp when there’s a cold caress against my warm flesh. My thoughts scatter as I find myself face-to-face with a monster. I freeze in my tracks, watching its every move. In the moonlight, I could just barely make out its face full of sparkling scales, hooves for feet, and its teeth are razor sharp as the creature smiles. I stifle a scream as it reaches for me with hands that’s claws. I begin to back away slowly, my eyes never leaving the monster. “Come, Chosen One. We’ve been waiting for you.”

  Chosen One? There’s no way.

  I couldn’t speak. When his claws grasp me, I flinch, trying my best to dance out of his way. Another beam darts across the sky with two more following. My eyes trail after them before they vanish with distance. Longing twists within me as realization sparks.

  Its grasp was firm as the creature pulls me along. His red bead eyes stare into mine as his free claw slowly trails along my waist. I try to pull away, but he’s too strong. Panic starts to bubble within me as the creature tightens his grasp on me, a hollow laugh escaping from him. His eyes flicker with joy, sensing my fear. I know my eyes are wide as I gaze at him, watching his red eyes peer around us.

  I flinch again as a fierce stab of pain shoots through my veins, scorching like fire. I close my eyes tightly shut, wishing for it to stop. Wishing I could just disappear. Except I can’t. My reality was becoming unrealistic the more I stand here, trying to pretend I was in my bed, cuddling with my dog. I imagine his whimper once he realizes I’m gone. Will I ever see him again? Will I even live?

  “What do you want with me?” I ask, my voice shaking. “Please just leave me alone. Let go!”

  I swallow as cool hands grasp me, flowing up my spine. I just want to be free.

  “You’re the one. You can save us.”

  His words didn’t make sense to me. I try protesting, but it wasn’t worth it. The monster won’t listen to me.

  “My family will come looking for me!” I exclaim in a final attempt to get free. “Then they’ll kill you. All of you!”

  The only answer I got was a bloodcurdling screech. Its claw sinks deep into my flesh, the creature’s eyes peering into mine.

  Then everything changes.

  The wind grows harsher, whipping against my flesh as if it was angry about something. Tears sting my eyes, but they never come. Thankfully.

  I feel a soft beam absorbing my body, carrying me upwards. I bask in its sense of calm. It’s as if I was floating, light absorbing into me, and piercing my soul. A small smile curls my lips upward for a split second, and I suddenly had the urge to fling my arms out. Except when I try to move them, I can’t. It’s as if they’re chained to my sides. When panic begins to take over, it’s quickly shut out by the light. For a second, I thought that was weird, but didn’t spend too much time on it.

  My body jolts the second we stop. I open my eyes as a few more of the creatures join us, flanking on either side. Where my captor still has a hold of me starts to sting even worse than it did before. I attempt to glance around, only to find I can’t. Everything’s way too bright in here. I can hear all kinds of machines beeping softly, feeling the tension boiling from others we pass as I’m forced to walk.

  We stop at a metal chair with cuffs, and all kinds of lights hooked up to it. I start to protest when two of them make me sit, beginning to strap me in the same minute.

  “What is this? What’s going on?” I demand, staring at the machine before me.

  “I’m sorry,” the one that brought me here said as it pushes a button. “But we need to be saved, we need to get rid of humanity once and for all. And you’re the only thing that can help us.” Then he taps the button, and I fall into a bizarre sleep as everything around me begins to beep, singling a changing human.

  A new life’s being born.

  The torment in my body’s too much, but I had a sense of peace, that everything is going to be okay. Screams echoes all around the longer the pain’s being inflected. My flesh feels like it’s being torn apart, like a million little teeth sinking into the soft tissue.



  A high, screeching noise jolts me awake. My eyes snap open-only to be blinded by the white light that swirls around me.

  “Ah-she’s awake! Sir, sir she’s woken!”

  There was movement not far from me-the sound of hooves racing. I blink against the hot light, trying to see through it. All I can make out were three dark figures standing above me.

  “So she is,” I heard one of them say, his voice deep and screechy.

  “Indeed, indeed!” another exclaims. “Finally, we can be saved!”

  “So it seems. Yes, yes, we will be saved!”

  “Speak no more, little ones.”

  I try focusing on them, but my vision was blurry. I blink a few times, squinting at the looming figure before me. “Where am I?” I ask slowly. My voice sounds different somehow. As if it’s deeper in a way.

  “There’s time for that later.”

  I peer through the brightness, taking note of the green scales and claws. “Why am I here? Where am I?” I repeat, my voice beginning to shake.

  “You will help us!" a voice squeals.

  “No,” I begin, only to be cut off by the leader.

  “You will save us. You’re the key to destroying humanity.”

  “What?” I exclaim. “No. I-I can’t!”

  “You can, and you will.”

  “But my family!”

  “You’re not one of them now, little one. You’re one of us. You’re the Chosen One.”

  “What does that even mean?” I demand. These creatures aren’t making any sense to me.

  “It means you can never go back. Your family will kill you once they see you-or you will kill them.”

  I can’t even speak. I would never hurt my family like that. I don’t care who they say I am. My family’s important to me. But you’re the Chosen One, a voice whispers to me, swirling around me like music. Your humanity will soon be gone-and you won’t even think about it. You will only act.

  No. I can’t do that. I can’t be anything but me.

  You’re still you, but in a different form, that same voice whispers again. You’re much stronger than them. You’re not human. Nor will you ever be again.

  A tingling sensation sweeps through me, but no tears come. Only emptiness. I sit up, noticing their reactions. The closest one takes a small step closer, his eyes never leaving me. I glance around the dim room, taking notes of the machines. Silence fills the space, up until I can’t take it anymore.

  Just when I’m about to speak, the one farthest from me says in a metallic voice, “When can we show her?” His red eyes looks eager. My stomach churns, I quickly look away.

  “What does he mean?”

  “It should be time, Master.”

  “Indeed, it is,” the Master agrees.

  “What are they talking about?” I repeat my burning question. My eyes dart between them, my mouth growing dry. “What happened to me?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? You’re one of us now.”

>   “I don’t understand.”

  The creature hisses, his red eyes glaring into mine. He takes a step closer to me. “Of course you don’t. You don’t understand our world.”

  “You will in time,” another chimes.

  “I don’t want to wait. I want-no, need-to know now. What’s going on?”

  “Sir, sir, you’re needed!” a girl’s voice suddenly speaks. It’s high pitched and jagged.

  “I’m busy dealing with the Chosen One,” the Master replies. “What is it?”

  “Humans have captured one of us!” she wails.

  All of my companions turn towards her, their eyes wide.




  “Silence!” the Master snaps. He fixes his gaze back on to the girl. “You must tell me everything,” he demands.

  Then she notices me for the first time. “Who’s that?” she asks. Curiosity creeps into her voice.

  “The one that will save us.”

  I sigh. I wish they’d just tell me what they’re talking about.

  “She looks so young.”

  “The younger, the better.” he says. “Now, who was taken?”

  “I don’t know. That’s all I know. I was told to come get you.”

  “Lead me to who sent you.” Before they leave, he turns to the others with us. “Make sure she’s comfortable. Get her ready for what’s to come, if you can. Don’t overdue it.”

  “Yes, sir,” they chime in unison.

  “Excellent,” he responds before following the little girl.

  “What am I?” I ask slowly. Dread twists within me, grasping me with cool hands.

  “What we are,” a blue creature says.

  “A monster?”

  “No, no. We’re nothing like that.”

  “Oh, really? You just kidnapped me.”

  “Because we need you.”

  “So that makes you a monster.”

  “No,” he insists. “Not at all.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “You don’t have to,” a light green one answers.

  I narrow my eyes. “Where are we?”

  “A spaceship.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I groan.

  “We don’t kid,” the blue one speaks up.

  I roll my eyes. How did this happen? How can I be connected to these creatures?

  “Why am I here?”

  None of them responds. I glanced at each of them, my eyes seeking for answers.

  “Well?” I prompt.

  “You have to help us rule the world,” the blue one says, stepping forward.

  “Rule the world?” I echo. “Why me?”

  “We don’t know. You were in a prophecy.”

  “A prophecy?” I repeat unbelievingly.

  “Yes, Chosen One.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “We don’t know.”

  “What do you know? How is this supposed to go?”

  “First, you must learn,” he replies, inclining his head towards the doorway.

  “Learn?” I ask, my heart beginning to race. “What if I don’t want this?”

  “There’s no going back once you’re one of us.”

  “But I didn’t choose this!”

  “Doesn’t matter. Come, we must show you the rest of the ship.”

  “Your new home,” the light green one adds.

  This can’t be happening. Except it is. I’m now a monster-and not of my choosing. I can never go back, no matter how much I want to. I have to go on. I have no choice.

  The spaceship has all kinds of green lights flickering, soft beeping noises as stations are worked at. It looks…amazing. I gasp as I take it all in. I look up only to see the dark night sky and twinkling stars.

  “Wow,” I whisper.

  A few of the creatures peer up at us as we pass. I advert my eyes quickly while my companions nod at them.

  “Prisoner?” I heard a female voice murmur to the blue one.

  “Far from it.”

  I then caught my reflection in a smooth glass surface. I gasp, my eyes widening. My blonde hair was much lighter, and a green hue covers my body. My eyes shone their unusual blue, but it was disappearing, leaving behind a glimmering red. This can’t be me.

  “No,” I say softly, horrified. “No way.”

  “Something wrong?”

  “What happened to me?” I can’t get my voice above a whisper. “Why am I like this?”

  My eyes stays glued to my appearance. My breathing goes shallow. I watch as my skin shimmers a ghastly green, and my eyes flares a harsh red. I touch my cheek; I notice my hand’s shaking and I clench it into a fist. I swallow, fear boiling within me.

  “You’re one of us now,” Blue answers my question, trailing his claw down my spine. I shiver, slightly pulling away.

  “W-why do I look like this?”

  “We don’t know. I’d say since you were a human-and the Chosen One-this is how you’re supposed to look.”

  “That doesn’t help.” I try to keep my voice calm, but I can feel my anger slipping. How could they do this to me? “I don’t want to look like this.”

  “We can’t help that.”

  “Damn it!” I exclaim. “Why me? Why do I have to be the one?” Why am I the one taken from my family? These questions ring in my ears, bouncing around my head. Why why why? I sigh, knowing there’s no answers. It is what it is, I suppose. I’ll just have to sadly except it. No.

  You know you can’t. No matter how much you try. Your family will always be on your mind. Be careful, you don’t know what you’re getting yourself in to. You make one mistake and your family could die.

  That voice penetrates the silence, saying the very things I hoped to never hear. I can’t let that happen. Not now, not ever. It doesn’t matter what I look like or who I am, my family isn’t going to be hurt because of me.

  Then be careful.

  “Chosen One, come. We still have a lot to show you.”

  I blink, focusing on Blue. “Please stop calling me that,” I request, my eyes piercing his. “My name’s Lily. If anything, call me that.”

  “Don’t you want to be the Chosen One?” a female asks, her scaly skin a shimmering red.

  No. I don’t want any of this. But I knew I couldn’t say that. I’d be risking everything. So I simply lied. “I don’t know.”

  “Whether you do or not, it’s out of your hands. You are the One. Live up to it.”

  “I’m sick of being called it,” I snap. “Please go by my real name or nothing.”

  A long moment passes before the blue creature replies. “As you wish.”

  “Thank you,” I mutter as I’m shuffled forward. “What next?”

  None of them answers. I’m herded through a doorway, and I suddenly stop. My eyes widen as I survey my surroundings. We were standing on a platform encircled with glass running on both sides, ensuring no one falls off. There was a spiral staircase, circling from top to bottom. I glance down, my stomach flipping as I realize how far up I am. My breathing slows as I step back, now standing in the center.

  “What is it?” the blue one asks me, turning his red eyes to what’s beyond the railing.

  “N-nothing,” I stammer, my body beginning to shake.

  “Come over here, then. It’s okay, you won’t fall off.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “It’s been like this for forever. No one has yet.”

  No one has yet. But that doesn’t mean someone won’t. I tell them as much, sinking down onto my knees.

  “It’ll be okay,” the green one speaks up. “We won’t let you fall.”

  I’m still unsure, but I slowly make my way over there. I stop before I can look over the railing. “What is this place?”

  “It’s almost like a lab,” the blue ones says, his crimson eyes sparkling.

  “I’m amazed you know anything about a lab.”

/>   “We’re not dumb,” a new voice says.

  I whirl around, my eyes finding a purple female. Her eyes were a pretty red, twirling from dark to light and back again. Her scales shines under the dim lighting. She almost looks like a diamond.

  “I never said you were.”

  “You implied it.”

  “I’m sorry if I offended you.”

  “You would never understand what it takes to be this,” she snaps.

  “What?” Her words leaves me confused. I try to make sense of them, but find I can’t.

  “She’ll learn,” the green one says, shooting her a glare. “She only just turned.”

  “She won’t know as much,” the blue adds.

  “I can tell.”

  “What do you mean? How was I turned?” I ask. Fear trembles within me, but I ignore it.

  “It’s complicated to explain,” the blue ones says to me.

  “Well, make it less complicated.”

  “We can’t,” the purple creature interjects.


  Silence fills the space around us. I bite my lip, waiting for them to object, to call me crazy or something. But they don’t. Instead, neither one of the creatures speaks, but just stares at me. I begin to grow uncomfortable, my stomach flipping with nerves.

  Finally the blue one says, “Okay. Well, I guess it freezes your nerves, killing and transferring them to the DNA we have. It takes a few days-sometimes more, depending on who it is.”

  “Who it is?” I cut in.

  “Yes, some people’s bodies don’t understand what’s happening and rejects it.”

  “Meaning?” I prompt.

  “They’ll die.”

  It bothers me how calmly he spoke those words. It’s as if he doesn’t care if they die or not. Like humans are just their pawns. It’s sickening.

  And, yet, I’m one of them.

  I involuntarily shiver, goose bumps rising on my flesh. How can I be one of these creatures? I’m nothing like them-I don’t want to be anything even remotely close to them. They’re monsters. I didn’t want to hear another word, but the blue creature goes on, unaware of the hatred that’s sparking inside me.

  “The subject is then turned into one of us, scales sometimes growing on their flesh immediately or developing slowly. Their bodies takes time to develop everything we can do and the same looks as us, but it’s done.”

  “Humans are just you’re subjects?”

  “Usually, yes.”

  “That’s not right!” I exclaim.

  “We need to live, little one.”

  “Can’t you live in a different way?”

  “No,” the purple one says, bringing the worst blow. “We can’t nor won’t.”

  “We have to survive,” the green one adds.

  “I got that part,” I mutter.

  “Come see our lab.”

  I start to object, but he grabs a hold of me, making me stumble forward. I gasp as I quickly grab the railing, afraid I’ll fall off. I close my eyes briefly, only opening them when I feel a small jab in my rib cage.

  “Watch it next time,” I warn the green monster. “You promised I won’t fall off. You better keep it.”

  “Just look.”

  I did as he said, but only because I know I don’t have a choice. Small beeping machines line the walls, flashing all kinds of colors. A much bigger machine looms in the middle of the lab, with several of the monsters swarming around it, pushing buttons before moving off to a smaller one. I let my gaze roam upwards, taking in what’s directly across from me. Metal doors line the walls; more of the monsters move around over there, coming in and out of the rooms.

  “Can we move on?” I ask faintly.

  “If we must.”

  “We must,” I confirm.

  “Fine,” the blue one says. He pulls away from the railing and steps backward onto a black strip. He waits until we’re all on before pushing a red button and the black strip moves us along, farther into the room. I got to see new parts of the lab like metal tubes, and cots full with patents. I sigh as I jerk my gaze away, gluing it on the black under my feet.

  “Why are you showing me this?”

  “Because you need to see everything,” Blue replies.

  “What if I don’t want to see it all?”

  “That’s too bad. You have to in order to be able to save us.”

  “And if I don’t want to save you?”

  “You have no choice.”

  “Oh, I don’t?” I snap, raising my eyebrows.

  “Not at all. You’re the only one who can do this.”

  “Do what?” I ask before answering my own question. “Oh, right. To destroy humanity.”

  I shiver as those words left my lips. The full realization hits me and I stagger a few steps back. They want me to destroy humanity. They want me to help them take over the world. But I can’t. That’d mean killing my family and friends. I was already shaking my head as my breathing goes ragged. No, I don’t think I could.

  “Don’t even go there,” the blue one says, as if reading my thoughts. “This is really important.”

  “So are those lives,” I retort.

  “So are we,” the purple creature flings at me.

  “Can’t you live on a different planet?” I demand, my heart racing.

  “No planet is safe anymore except the earth.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Silence rings loud and clear, no one wanting to speak up. I glance at each of the monsters as the moment drags out.

  “Well?” I say once the silence gets to me. “What do you mean no planet is safe?”


  “We can’t tell her,” Purple cuts the blue one off.

  “Why not?” I interject.

  “We just can’t,” she says, shooting me a glare. “At least, not until we know you’re on our side.”

  “What would that have to do with anything?” I respond, rolling my eyes. “What’s so bad that you can’t tell me? It’s not like I’m an outsider. I’m your only chance, right? So why not tell me?”

  “She has a point,” Green says. “She needs to know everything.”

  “I disagree.”

  “Our planet was destroyed,” Blue tells me solemnly.

  “Destroyed?” This was bizarre. How could that happen?

  “Yes. Some of our weapons went off and we had to flee.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.”


  “That’s no reason to take over this planet,” I inform them. “So what if yours is destroyed? Find a different planet then this one.”

  “Fires also broke out,” Green adds, fueling my anger. “We couldn’t stop it so we had to leave immediately.”

  I wait for them to go on, but when they don’t, I sigh. “You can’t be serious.”

  “We most certainly are,” Purple answers me.

  “You’d rather kill off everyone else then? You could destroy this world too, and then what? You’ll have nowhere to go, right? I don’t see the point.”

  “You’re the only one that can do this,” Blue replies.

  “I don’t get why me.”

  “I don’t know. All I know is that it’s true.”

  Wonderful. I’m expected to kill off everyone I know and love. Even those I don’t know, I have to just heartlessly end their lives. Me. This is truly stupid.

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  The blue creature gazes into my eyes, his own red ones glimmering with hope. Anticipation. They’re really counting on me.

  “She’s so stubborn.” The purple one shakes her scaly head, clenching her claws on her hips. “We can’t get nowhere like this. We have to make her.”

  “We can’t make her do anything she doesn’t want to,” Green snaps, a growl threatening to explode. “You’ll do nothing but make her want to even less and less.”

  “Oh please. That’s the only way we’ll get anything from her.”

??I never said I wouldn’t,” I suddenly interject.

  They jump in surprise, turning to stare at me. I shrug as if it’s no big deal, even though it is. What’s wrong with me?

  “You wouldn’t,” Purple says at last. “You keep saying you won’t.”

  “Yes, but I never ever said I wouldn’t. I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s right. But I guess if you’re not leaving my planet then I’ll help.”

  That’s too far.

  I bit the inside of my lip, forcing my hands to stay still. I make eye contact with each of them. My words rings in my ears, knowing full well they have some effect on the creatures. They had to have. But the monsters isn’t showing me anything-they’re as still as a statue, staring at me as if it was the first time they saw me. Their eyes are wide, mouths slightly open. It was comical, really, but I don’t say anything. I don’t move. If I do then the spell might break-this moment may be ruined.

  The moment stretches on, longer and longer. The quietness was beginning to get to me, driving me insane, but I wait for them to speak. I wait for them to do something. But when they don’t, I take a step back, my eyes never leaving them. Then the black belt jerks to a stop and I stumble, but the blue one reaches out to steady me. I nod at him slightly, shooting him a small smile.

  “Well then,” he says, his body language stiff. “That’s that. You’ll have to go to training right away.”

  “What?” I exclaim. “Right now?”

  “We can’t waste any more time, Chosen One.”

  “I haven’t seen everything though,” I protest.

  “You will later on, I promise. But for right now, we need to get you ready to go to battle.”

  “Battle? You never told me any of this.”

  “Didn’t we? Oh, my bad. Well, yes, of course. Though we’ve been working on a button that’ll destroy everything that’s connected to it in some way.”

  “What do you mean?” My throat begins to tighten and it gets hard for me to swallow or breathe.

  “Every house will be connected to it either through TV, computer, or anything else like that. It’ll be easy to wipe the world clean of them.”

  My mouth fell open at this. He has to be kidding me, right? Just one push of a button, and the entire world dies? At my expense? That’s cruel. Really cruel.

  “We don’t have time for any more questions. We have to get you trained.”

  “Yes, sir,” I whisper helplessly. All I could see were millions of people dying, screaming for each other, smoke choking them. Fire collapsing their houses, flames licking anything in its path. Everything ever known, gone. And all at a push of a button.

  This is crazy. What could I do to stop it?

  Nothing, a voice murmurs. There is nothing. The human race will be wiped off this planet, not to be seen again. And you’re the cause. Yet, that’s all you can do. You can’t stop yourself.

  Wasn’t there?

  Isn’t there always a way to stop something like this from happening? I don’t know how these creatures work, but I hope they can make a mistake. I hope I can reverse this.

  We go down several long hallways, deeper and deeper into the massive lab, moving stealthily. I’m ushered past several doors, through large rooms, until finally the blue one grabs me and stops.

  “Here we are,” he tells me. “Now, let’s make you unimaginable.”

  If all I’m going to do is push a button then I don’t really understand why I have to learn anything, but I do as they say. Soon, it feels like a dance, growing more and more complicated as we continue. I imagine I’m in my room, my music cranked, singing at the top of my lungs as I move about, swaying, jumping, twirling while a smile splits my face. I imagine I’m a famous dancer, doing a complicated dance to keep the audience guessing, to keep them engrossed. I find myself enjoying our training session, and it doesn’t matter when the minutes turn to hours. I’m still light on my feet, still able to keep going. I’m doing my dream.

  I always wanted to become a professional dancer, but now it seems that isn’t going to happen. Not with this latest development-or my change. I’m now a monster. My sickly green skin proves just that. I may not truly look like one, but I am.

  “Done!” Blue exclaims, his eyes shining.

  I stop what I was doing abruptly, the room spinning in circles and I close my eyes tightly shut. I’m breathless and dizzy from my training, but I don’t want it any other way. I honestly had a blast.

  “You did amazing!” Green calls to me, a smile turning his lips upwards.

  “You really were perfect,” Purple adds. “Now I see why you were picked.”

  Their praise makes pride swell up within me. I smile at them, my skin slick with sweat. It was a workout, but I don’t want it any other way. For once, I was living my dream-despite it being in my head. But I was dancing. And, as the creatures says, perfect. I have a feeling I was glowing from this workout.

  “I think you’re ready,” Blue says, coming over to me.

  “Really?” My emotions bubbles out then, and I’m unable to catch and hold any of them. They are slowly slipping out of my reach.

  “Yes,” he informs me. “Let’s get you to the spot. Follow me.”

  I do as he asks, hearing the other two follow us as well. I can’t decipher my emotions. I can’t grab on to one and keep it close to me. No matter how much I want to, I can’t. I sigh as we come to a huge machine. It has buttons of all kinds on it, beeping and flashing.

  “That red one,” Blue says, nodding at a button that’s separate from the others. “That should end it all.”

  “Great,” I mutter.

  “Indeed. Why don’t you go ahead and push it?”

  “Umm…can I do it by myself?” I ask hesitantly.

  “Of course.”

  He gestures to the other two, who doesn’t look too happy about this, and they leave without another word, which was shocking. Once I’m alone in the room, I begin to fiddle with the wires that hooks to the red button, removing and replacing, hoping I’m doing something good, that I’m not messing up big time. After several minutes, I stop and lean back, staring at my work. None of the cords are where they were before; they all have been moved to a new location. I smile to myself, glancing around, taking in the metal walls and floor.

  I bit my lip as I watch the red light flash on and off. I sit there for a few moments, unable to do anything but stare. I don’t know what I just did-or if it’ll help anything. Though, I do know I have to find out before they come back, wondering what’s taking me so long. So I shakily stand up and walk over to the machine. I then gently press a few of my fingers against the cool button, waiting for a split second before pressing it in.

  For a minute nothing happens, but then the machine explodes. A small scream tears out of me as I’m engulfed in a warm glow. It becomes harder to breathe, and I claw at my throat, but nothing is there. Sparks rains down all around, fire trapping me. I let my eyes slide close and, just like that, I feel my soul begin to lift from my body, soaring through the air, leaving me. I feel myself begin to fade into nothingness, slipping into darkness.

  The Tale of Brown Mist

  By: S.Cu ‘Anam Policar

  © 2013 by S.Cu ‘Anam Policar