Read (Mis)Trust Page 18

  I loved my bedroom set. It was my first real grown up purchase and it took me 6 months of tips to pay for. I loved the set, bought it, and once we moved it in I wanted to spend the first week we had it always in bed. Tyler and I had picnics in bed, and we made love constantly in our beautiful new bedroom.

  Wiping a tear I feel falling down my cheek, I whisper, "The bedroom set stays. It doesn't matter anymore."

  "But you loved it," she says softly.

  "And I never will again," I counter until Selena stops.

  "Okay, let's just get all your shit out of there while the men move your living room furniture out."

  "Did Tyler pay for fucking anything?" Mike suddenly asks as I pause.

  "Um, not really. I made more money because of tips," I shrug.

  Feeling like an ass, I remember Selena's words from 2 nights ago and I'm embarrassed thinking maybe I was the caretaker. I was also clearly the only one to help financially in our little fake marriage.

  Opening the bedroom door, Selena says angrily, "What a bitch," before I know what she's talking about. "I guess those are your clothes," she points to the mound of my clothing on the floor beside my dresser.

  Honestly, can this woman be any tackier? I can't believe she emptied my drawers and tossed everything on the floor. And I really can't believe Tyler let her. What a dick!

  Ripping open the bag of garbage bags, both Selena and I are silently fuming. Handing one over, she heads for the closet and angrily rips hangers back and forth as she tugs my leftover clothing free. The noise is super loud and annoying, but I'm feeling pretty pissed myself as I slam shit around.

  Scooping up all my clothes from the floor, I stuff my underwear, bras, pajamas and socks in a bag. Opening the second drawer, I grab all my t-shirts and sweat pants and also cram them in the bag. Under the dresser I grab my scrapbook box and toss it on the bed to pack in a box later.

  Opening the top drawer I see all her sexy, lacy underwear and I want to scream until I see my own lingerie inside. Pulling out my green lace G-string panties and matching bra set I just lift them out when Selena says, "What a slut."

  "Actually, they're mine," I laugh as she bug-eyes the 2 pieces.

  "Really? I didn't think... huh. The green probably looks super-hot on you," she laughs at my blushing. "Was she keeping it?"

  "I guess," I add looking at the rest of the stuff that is clearly hers.

  "She was actually keeping your used underwear? As if it would fit her. What a dirty pig," she laughs again until I see Mike and Malcolm staring at the two of us grinning. Stuffing my underwear in the bag, I quickly take it back out again nearly gagging over the thought she might’ve actually worn them.

  "Here," Selena takes them from me. "Trash bag," she grins stuffing all Kaitlyn's other lingerie in a new garbage bag as I watch silently. Leaving not even one pair of underwear, Selena hands it over to Mike and says, "Dumpster," as he laughs taking it with him.

  "Do you want your wall unit?" Malcolm questions with crinkled eyes, almost laughing beside me at Selena's underwear theft.

  "No, thanks. I hated it."

  Once the men start moving out furniture again, I go through the side table drawers looking for anything I've forgotten.

  "Keep that. You may need it," Selena deadpans looking over my shoulder at the vibrator Tyler bought me. Pausing for just one second, my chest explodes with embarrassed laughter. "Then again, she may have used that as well," she shudders like she's totally grossed out. "Better leave it," she laughs with me.

  After searching my old room, pulling everything from under the bed, and in the closet, Selena and I are finally done. When she opens the hall closet, she starts cramming blankets, sheets and towels in a bag, choosing some and not others.

  "I left Tyler the scratchy towels," she spits as I pass her. Man, I hope I never piss Selena off because she can be vicious.

  Entering the bathroom, I see his and her tooth brushes- hers being not mine and for some reason this makes me want to cry.

  It's such a stupid thing, so insignificant in the big scheme of things, but it really hurts. Seeing their toothbrushes together makes me realize they're actually together, and I still can't believe Tyler did this.

  Fine he didn't want me, but to be with someone so soon when I'm still feeling like shit hurts me more than anything else. It feels so unfair to me that he still has a life, and I don't anymore.


  Joining Selena in the kitchen again, I drag my bags and grab a box for my bedroom and the bathroom. She's packing up bowls and pots and pans, and sadly leaving my favorite dish set I'll have to replace next week when I move into the bachelor apartment.

  After filling the box, I look around one last time. It's only 12:15 and I think I'm pretty much done. I have all my knickknacks and the photo albums and everything else that was mine before, or collected during our time together.

  I don't want any part of me left here for them, and besides the remaining furniture and under the sink it looks Saige-free all around. The living room looks a little funny with no furniture but the wall unit and coffee table, but that's not my problem anymore. Maybe Kaitlyn has a couch she can lend him, or maybe she'll just buy him a new one like I did.

  Stopping beside the guys, Mike turns and asks, "What about the TV?"

  "No, it's okay."

  "I remember when you bought it like 2 months ago, Saige," he points to the awesome flat screen I bought for Tyler's birthday.

  "It was a gift."

  "Everything was a fucking gift for Tyler," Mike surprises me with his anger. "Did he buy you any gifts?"

  "Of course..." I find myself defending Tyler again. Though usually of the lingerie or sex toy variety, he did buy me flowers and my favorite coffee once in a while.

  Shit... I'm starting to see just how uneven our relationship really was the longer I look at it.

  "If you don't take it, you're just going to have to buy yourself another one, and I doubt you have the money for that right now," Mike pushes embarrassing me a little when I watch Malcolm listening silently.

  "I don't need a TV- I never have time to watch it. And the bachelor is small anyway until September, so I'll be fine, Mike. Please leave it alone- it was a birthday gift."

  "Fine," he mumbles grabbing and stacking 2 boxes to leave the apartment again.

  "I have an extra TV if you need it. It's just sitting in my spare room untouched," Malcolm offers.

  "Really, I'm fine. But thank you."

  "When are you moving into the bachelor?"

  "Monday. We're taking my stuff to Selena's Mom's garage til then."

  "You have to move again on Monday?" He asks grinning as I huff.

  "Yeah... This move isn't the best. But I had to get my stuff out and away from Tyler. I should've done it weeks ago, but there was just so much other stuff going on."

  "Saige! Look what I found in the drawer!" Selena yells running for me. Practically assaulting me with a piece paper she flips it around to show me my transcripts dated a few days earlier.

  Grabbing it from her I just take in the number when I scream. Holy shit! Giggling and jumping on the spot I can't believe what I'm seeing. 97! Friggin' 97 percent!

  "97 percent!" Selena screams grabbing me in a huge hug. "You're a fucking genius," she yells and honestly I feel like one right now.

  "Holy shit..." I moan in shock. 97% in Handle's class is unheard of he's such a hardass.

  "Read the red," Selena pushes already reading it out loud anyway.

  'Well done, Miss Masters. I even deducted 1% for crying in the exam.??

  It was an absolute pleasure teaching you, and I wish you all the best in your future. I look forward to seeing you again some day.

  Professor Gregory D. Handle'

  P.S. I hope one day you silence those ghosts in your past.

  "What the hell? He even drew a smiley face. What an ass. And the ghosts comment? Ugh."

  "I don't know," I quickly cut her off when Mike leans in for a hug.
br />   "Wow, Saige. 97 percent. We're soooo getting you drunk tonight," Selena laughs hugging me again.

  "At least my conditional acceptance will be lifted now," I mumble into her side.

  "No kidding. To think you had 98%.”

  “Yeah, that’s because I forgot the IIRIRA,”I admit to silence as they all look at me. “You know, The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act,” I laugh when the 3 of them are still just looking at me like I’m speaking a different language.

  “Uh huh,” Selena laughs with Malcolm. “Anyway, this is just so awesome, and so weird. You seem pretty normal for being such a freak of nature," Selena grins as I laugh at her. "Where should we go?"

  "We all have to work tomorrow."

  "You and I start at 1:00 so plenty of time to recover and Mike works the 11-11. Malcolm?" She asks and I don't know who feels more on the spot- me or him.

  "I'm game. Congratulations, Saige," Malcolm says stepping toward me for what seems like a potential hug but stops at a touch on my arm. "That's pretty amazing as far as exam scores go. How do you feel?"

  "Relieved. Everything else should flow smoothly now, once I get out of here," I look around my decimated former apartment.

  "Let's hurry and finish," Selena claps her hand excited. "Saige has to buy us dinner for helping her move, then we have to buy her drinks for being freakishly smart!"


  Leaving my apartment a half hour later, I take one last, long look and close the door. I almost whisper 'Bye, Ty' like I had thousands of times in the last 3 years here, but he's not here anymore.

  So instead I say goodbye to my past and close the door behind me for good.


  3 hours later after unloading the U-Haul at Mrs. Culver's house, returning home quickly to shower and change Selena and I cab it to D'Vecseys for dinner. Walking in to congratulations on my grade from Aileen and Hailey, Selena and I walk to the lounge to Mike and Malcolm already seated across from each other.

  Joining in the conversation across from Malcolm and beside Mike everyone is complaining of various aches and pains from the move, but there's also a slight excitement in the air I haven't felt in weeks.

  We all seem to get along really well, and Malcolm has fit right in with the three of us like he's been around more than just a few times. Selena even teases Malcolm just as much as she does me and Mike, and Malcolm is always quick with his funny replies.

  He seems to be always relaxed with us, though there's still a funny kind of distance between the two of us like he's making sure to stay nonthreatening or something with me.

  Finally, after our delicious dinner Malcolm suggests we leave for a pub his friend owns. He explains it’s fun and not too crowded. So without much more prompting, I run and pay the bill to Malcolm's annoyance before we all pile into his SUV for the pub.


  Opening the wooden doors wide, Selena and I walk past Malcolm and stop. The pub is dark wood and burgundy bench seats everywhere. The feeling immediately welcomes you in and the music welcomes you home. Being assaulted by Mumford and Sons, there's definitely a Celtic feel all around and I'm in heaven.

  Following behind Malcolm we grab a booth near the back pool tables and settle in before he walks to the bar for our first drinks order.

  "He's amazing, Saige," Selena lifts her hand when I attempt to speak. "I know you're not ready, and I know too much has been going on these last few weeks. I'm just saying keep your options open. Settle into your new apartment on Monday, exhale finally, and just see what can happen with Malcolm."

  "I don't think it's like that. Malcolm is almost big brotherly or something with me. Plus he's thirty one."

  "So. I'm 29," Selena snaps.

  "But we're not dating," I giggle when she accepts my excuse with a pout.

  "I'll tell you this, if I didn't see him watching your every move I would've already made a play for him." A little shocked she would admit that, I definitely feel a little possessive of Malcolm suddenly as I stare at her. "Didn't like that, huh?" She smirks like she was playing me all along. "Good. Now get your scrawny ass drunk. You deserve a celebration, and a night without thinking or being afraid."

  When she's finished her speech, Mike nods and takes my hand across the table. "She's right. Just have fun tonight. And Malcolm really is into you Saige, I can tell."

  Blushing at the thought of Malcolm being into me, I just pull my hand away when Malcolm returns with our 4 drinks. Sitting in the booth, his face changes again to the attractive one when he smiles and tells me to drink up.

  "She has NO tolerance for liquor, so watch her," Selena grins to my shut the hell up. "For being Scottish, she's a pathetic drinker."

  "Sorry," I whine. "Not all Scottish people drink, ya know?" Waiting a fraction of a second, all three of them start laughing when I do. "Okay, almost all do," I concede.

  After a few minutes of easy banter between the 4 of us Malcolm looks to the side of the room and asks me to play pool with him. Shaking my head no Malcolm asks me to come anyway with an adorable pout until I eventually give in.

  Sliding out of the booth to the pool table I listen and watch and study his every move. I watch his arms and back and take in even the flick of his wrist when he shows me how to play.

  Leaning into me Malcolm says so seriously I pause at his intensity, "There's no test after this, Saige," and then he smirks like a smartass.

  "Damn. That's too bad, cuz I'm pretty good at tests," I grin.

  "So I've heard. You're really amazing, Saige. And as Selena said really pretty awesome for being such a freak," he adds breaking and sinking 2 striped balls before I can respond.

  "Show off," I grin trying to line up my first solid ball when it’s my turn, but missing it totally. Trying again when Malcolm insists I take another shot I fail again, even hitting one of his balls into the pocket instead to his gracious nod.

  After a few minutes of playing poorly a man I recognize stands beside us suddenly and I find myself actually moving closer to Malcolm. Unaware I was even moving, I'm very aware when I'm against Malcolm’s side.

  "Saige, this is Terry. You met him at the restaurant the night we all came in," Malcolm says softly then waits a moment as I stare at Terry.

  "Hi, Saige. It's nice to see you again," he smiles extending his hand. Looking at Terry, I remember he was one of the four in the street, and he was the one who insisted with Malcolm that I take the tips. I remember him, and thankfully I don't seem to fear him.

  After what seems like a very long pause with his hand still extended, I finally reach for it tentatively. Just touching, Terry is very gentle, not even squeezing my hand and then he quickly releases me.

  Looking for anything to say, I whisper, "It's nice to officially meet you." With Malcolm standing right beside me, I feel safe and brave and normal actually, which suggests Terry wasn't the one who hurt me.

  "I hear a celebration is in order, so all your drinks are on the house tonight," he winks at me before clapping his hand on Malcolm's shoulder. "Oh, and be careful of this one- he's a pool shark," he laughs with Malcolm before leaving us.

  "You okay?" Malcolm asks leaning down to me as I watch Terry walk away.

  Staring at Terry behind the bar I finally breathe a nearly silent, "Yes," before drinking the rest of my vodka and orange. "It wasn't him," I whisper to myself but I hear Malcolm say good beside me anyway.

  Pulling me out of my head, Malcolm tells me it's my turn again. "Can I show you something? I'm going to lean against you but not touch you, okay?"

  Nodding, I find myself nervous, but when he tells me to line up my shot, he does exactly as he said he would. He leans right against my side, and other than touching my hand and fingers while fake sliding the cue through them, his other hand doesn't touch me at all.

  "There now," he says softly against my side. "Take the shot, Saige. Look at the solid green and use your arm, not your body to hit it with the white ball."

  Slowing down
everything, I imagine the ball and inhale the warmth of Malcolm before I hit it... and miss the green again. "I was wayyyy closer that time," I laugh as he straightens up from my side.

  "Aye," he grins taking a sip of his beer.

  Joining Selena and Mike back at the table, I'm already slightly buzzed. I finished 2 drinks while playing with Malcolm, and I see there's a shot and another drink waiting for me at my spot. Lifting my shot, Selena and Mike join me with their own as I gag it back.

  "Why aren't you having any more?" Selena asks a laughing Malcolm watching my face contort after the shot.

  "2 drink max. I never drink more than 2, especially when driving," he says as I look over.

  I'm not sure if that was for my benefit, or if he was just being honest. Either way, I think of Alec instantly with a drunken sadness straight through my heart.

  "I have to use the washroom then I want to play you," Selena head tilts to the pool table. "She may be a pool virgin, but I'm not."

  "You're on," Malcolm says darkly, leaning toward Selena over the table. Actually growling, Selena holds his stare in challenge forever.

  "Let's go, Kiddo," she pushes at me glaring at Malcolm as she rises. Standing, I watch the two of them until Malcolm eyes crinkle a smile.

  Leaving the washroom, Selena is drunk and I'm pretty much. Turning to see who's at the pool table I walk smack into a man gabbing my arm and before I know what's happened, I freeze.

  Feeling him against my front, his hand is on my ass and he's speaking in my ear, breathing all over me, but I hear nothing.

  I'm frozen by his big body and my mind has totally blanked in fear.

  And then it's over.

  So fast I scream, the man is on the floor with Malcolm's hand on his throat with his knee on the guy’s chest. They're on the floor and I'm just stunned by the violence and speed by which it occurred.

  Jolting out of my head I pull at Malcolm's arm and say all I can. "That was my fault. I walked into him."