Read (Mis)Trust Page 28

  Saved by my buzzer I jump up just as they start fighting in hushed voices. Not that I can't hear them in my apartment which is about the size of Malcolm's whole bedroom, but I appreciate the effort.

  Opening my door to Malcolm stepping off the elevator, we both stop moving. Taking him in, I find myself staring, while Malcolm seems quite happy to stare. Blushing furiously, Malcolm grins and finally walks to me.

  Taking my hand, he kisses my knuckles before kissing my cheek. "Do I have t’tell ye wha a Bonnie wee lass ye are?" He rolls his r again as I unexpectedly shiver.

  "Yes..." I whisper. "Oh. I mean no. Thank you," I giggle.

  "Saige, you look absolutely stunning," Malcolm says all breathy. Shivering again, I actually flush as well.

  "Um, thank you. You look very handsome and tall Malcolm. I think it's all the dark. It makes you seem even bigger or something," I ramble moving back a step to really take him in. "You wore green."

  "I couldn't stop thinking of your beautiful eyes today so I wore green. And now look at us, we're color-coordinated which will cause endless teasing all night from Tatum," he grins. “Think you can handle it?”

  "Absolutely. We're just finishing one drink before we go. Would you like to have one?"

  "No, I'll save my 2 drink max for the pub. Something tells me I'm going to need it tonight."

  Walking in, Malcolm places his hand on my back and before I can even enter fully Selena’s already yelling, "You look so cute together! Oh my god, you match!"

  "Were you drinking before you got here?" I ask.

  "Maybe," she replies as Dave says, "Definitely."

  "Hey Dave," Malcolm and Dave shake, and even against Dave, Malcolm is striking. Between his size and demeanor, his black suit-jacket and dark jeans he looks growly, gruff, and sexy as hell tonight.

  "Are you ready?" He leans in close enough for me to catch his warm scent.

  "As ready as I'll ever be. Ah, is there anything I should know?"

  Leaning against the door, Malcolm confesses, "Andy flew in from South Africa with his wife Gretcha as a surprise, and my parents will be there as well. You've already met Moira, so other than my younger brother and the spouses everyone else should be mostly friends. But be warned," Malcolm looks at all 3 of us seriously. "Tonight will probably turn into a kind of mayhem I'm not sure you're used to."

  "Perfect!" Selena claps.


  Pulling up just past Tatum's we already see it’s very crowded out front, it's covered in balloons, and the doors have a flag across them.

  Turning as we pass, I ask, "Was that the Lion Rampant?"

  "Of course," Malcolm nods.

  Walking toward the pub, people are smoking outside calling immediately for Malcolm. Chanting and even cheering, he's called Mallie and Malcolm m'boy before we even enter.

  "Mallie?" I laugh at his grimace.

  "I hate it. Only my dad and family members who dare, call me Mallie."

  Leaning close to him, I'm a little nervous of all the noise and chaos, though beside me Malcolm calms me as usual.

  Taking my hand, Malcolm looks down at me with intense eyes. "You'll be safe tonight, Saige. And I won't leave you for a second."

  "I know," I squeeze his hand tighter leaning into his everything amazing.

  As we enter, the cheers and shutouts start all over again. Everywhere I look there are people coming for us, clapping hands and shoulders and even kissing Malcolm. We're surrounded, and even though I have heels on I'm fairly overwhelmed quickly though no one actually touches me and Malcolm never let's go of my hand like he promised.

  Yelling over the music, Malcolm nods toward the only empty tables in the front center of the pub so I assume they're designated for Tatum's family.

  Walking up to an older couple standing nearby talking to people passing, Malcolm smiles down at me frequently as we make our way through the crowd.

  "This place is packed!" Dave yells over my head to Malcolm.

  "That's what happens when the owner of the pub turns 40. Everyone who’s ever been here shows up for the party."

  "Mallie," an older man says grabbing Malcolm in a huge hug that pulls me with them against Malcolm's side. "Ah, well if this isna the wee lass. Saige, isnit?"

  "Hi, yes. It's a pleasure to meet you," I offer my left hand because Malcolm is still holding my right one tightly.

  "An what the bloody hell kinda name is Saige, any'way?"

  "Um, my mum’s Scottish. And weird," I grin as Malcolm senior bursts out laughing.

  "Carrie!" Mr. MacNeil calls loudly to a heavier set woman with a beautiful face.

  Smiling at me Mrs. MacNeil greets me with an actual hug before speaking. "Saige, it's wonderful to meet you."

  "Lok at those witchy greens," Mr. MacNeil says. "Now thas the Bonnie lok I miss."

  "The Bonnie look you left behind in the old country, Malcolm. And don't you forget it," Mrs. MacNeil gently slaps his cheek in teasing.

  "There’s no one like ye Carrie in the old or new count'ry. So you dunna worry aboot it none."

  "Aye," she grins back at him before they actually kiss on the lips.

  "Mom and Dad, these are Saige's friends Selena and Dave. Carrie and Malcolm MacNeil," Malcolm introduces over the loud music.

  "Are ye Scottish, dear?" Malcolm Senior asks Selena.

  "Sadly, no," she grins.

  "Aw well, you canna be perfect, can ye? Did ye meet me oldest?"

  "Not yet, sir. We were just settling in," Dave replies.

  Shaking Dave's hand, Malcolm Senior growls, "Well, you canna miss the wee bastard. He's the bugger hittin' his noggin off the bloody ceilin'."

  Laughing at the way Scottish people look angry every time they speak, I remember my aunts from Scotland. Whenever we'd visit they'd tell the most boring stories but with such inflection and drama you'd think they murdered a person, instead of the pastry they ate for breakfast. Actually, my mum is quite the same.

  "Want to go meet Tatum and grab a drink?"

  "Sure," I agree with Selena and Dave already walking towards the bar.

  "It was lovely meeting you, Mrs. MacNeil."

  "Carrie, dear. And the pleasure was all ours. This is our reserved table, so seat yourselves as you wish."

  "Thank you," I smile again as she squeezes my arm.

  "Your parents’ are-"

  "A trip?" Malcolm laughs down low so I can hear him.

  "Lovely. I can't believe they still kiss each other. It's very sweet."

  "Why wouldn't they kiss each other? Kissing isn't the problem, it's finding them groping each other in the kitchen that's gross," he winces making me laugh.

  "They don't."

  "Oh, they do. Ask Moira what she walked in on once as a teenager. She says she still gets night terrors remembering it 20 years later."

  "There she is!" Tatum yells behind me and before I know it I'm actually lifted from behind in a bear hug until Malcolm yells at him and everyone freezes around us. Yanked out of Tatum's arms by Malcolm, I'm dropped to the ground so quickly I actually twist my ankle on Malcolm's boot.

  Gasping at both the sudden movement and the pain, there's no time for me to freak out because Malcolm is covering me totally hunched over my body right in my face. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, baby. Are you scared?"

  "No. No, I'm fine. Actually I hurt my ankle on your gigantic boot, but I'm okay," I exhale across his face.

  "I'm sorry, Saige. I didn't tell anyone anything so he didn't know not to grab you like that."

  "It's okay. I heard his voice first so I wasn't scared. I'm embarrassed though. Is everyone looking at us?"

  "No, just Melissa and Tatum. Selena's on her way over though."

  "Okay. I'm fine. Let's just be normal," I whisper as Malcolm kisses my forehead.

  Turning to a very concerned looking Tatum, I fake scowl and threaten him to ease the tension. "Remember I told you I know how to use these witchy greens? Well, it's not a good idea to scare the shit out of me, Tatum. OR to pick me up
," I growl as he grins.

  "Understood. I was just looking to help you make some cash on the bar tonight," he adds as a woman elbows him in the side.

  "I'm Mel, this idiot's wife. It's nice to meet you," she also yells over the music. Shaking hands, Melissa is actually fairly tall for a woman, though next to Tatum she looks freakishly short of course.

  "Martin! Yo! Marty! These 2- on the house," Tatum yells pointing at me and Malcolm as the bartender nods. "I'm sorry if I frightened you, Saige. I'm a wee bit tipsy."

  "He's drunk off his ass he means," Mel adds as Tatum roars with laughter. "Enjoy yourselves. We have to make the rounds again," she pulls at Tatum.

  Leaning against the bar with Malcolm crowding my back, he asks again if I'm okay. He actually looks so worried, I lean over and quickly kiss his cheek to let him know I'm fine. Dancing against the bar to Of Monsters and Men’s ‘Little Talks’, we wait for Selena and Dave to order.

  "A vodka and orange, vodka and cranberry," he motions for Dave, "and a rum and coke. And these 2 are on the house as well," Malcolm adds pointing to Selena and Dave.

  "I love you, Malcolm," Selena teases. "Have I mentioned that before?"

  Grinning at Dave, Malcolm plays along. "Yes, you have. Though not in front of your husband before."

  "EX husband," both Selena and Dave say at the same time before kissing each other again.

  "She's drunk," I mouth.

  "No shit," Malcolm counters.

  Waiting for our drinks, the music changes to ‘Ho Hey’ by the Lumineers and the entire pub instantly transforms into a Males Only karaoke bar.

  Laughing, Malcolm and Dave sing along with every other man in the whole pub with heads back, yell-singing as all the woman watch laughing and clapping, myself included.

  Leaning against each other, belting out the song, the men singing is so entertaining I need a picture. Watching Malcolm sing, 'You're my sweet-heart' to me is making me all warm and fuzzy inside and I haven't even had my drink yet.

  Digging in my purse, I pull out my phone before hearing a high pitched noise that shocks me. What the hell is that? Still laughing at Malcolm singing I look at my phone lit up vibrating and ringing loudly. Pulling it from my purse, Malcolm glances down and freezes in shock like I am.

  Tearing it out of my shaking hand, Malcolm looks at my phone and grabs me right off the barstool. Tugging me, we pass his friend Dan and a brunette against his side. Stopped for only a second Malcolm says something to Dan and before I know what's happening Dan is turning back toward the bar while Malcolm and I are pushing through people to the back of the pub to an employee’s only door.

  Holy shit!

  "Saige, call the police. Now," Malcolm demands pointing to the office phone as he shuts out most of the noise of the pub. "Tell the police someone’s broken into your place and they need to send someone over immediately."

  "What the hell’s happening?" Selena yells as she rushes into the room with Dave followed by Dan and the woman.

  "Someone's in her apartment," Malcolm yells lifting my phone into the air even though he turned the sound down as soon as we entered the room. With the noise still heard from outside the doors, the muffled siren is muted by there's no hiding the flashing light or Selena's bug-eyed reaction to it.

  "What do we do?" She panics.

  "Make the call, Saige. Now." Dialing, Malcolm turns to his own phone while I wait 2 rings for the 911 operator.

  "Um, Police. Someone’s in my apartment."

  "A break and enter," Malcolm tells me.

  "They broke in and the alarm is going off. No, no I'm not there. I was alerted to the alarm. Yes, I'll stay on the line. 226 Hesler Ave, Apartment 3-E. What?" I ask Malcolm talking to Dave and Dan.

  Turning to me, Malcolm barks, "The alarm company notified you over 5 minutes ago!"

  "I didn't hear it over the music," I flinch.

  "I know. Sorry," he adds just as quickly. "Look, I need you to stay here with Dave and Selena. I'm going to run over to your place with Dan and talk to the police."

  "What? No, you're not! Are you crazy?"

  Walking to the door, Malcolm barely acknowledges me. "I'll be fine, Saige. I just want to see if they catch him."

  "Malcolm, please..." I actually reach to grab his sleeve. "I'm nervous and scared and I really want you to stay here with me. Please?"


  "Please? Yes, I'm here. Okay, how long? Yes, I'll stay connected." Placing my phone against my chest, I try to keep him here. "Malcolm the police are pulling up to our building in 3 minutes. Please stay here? I can't have you hurt or doing anything stupid. Please?" I beg desperately knowing everyone is watching our exchange.

  Malcolm doesn't look happy, but he does eventually nod. Giving Dan a weird look even Selena catches I can't ask before the operator speaks to me again to tell me they've arrived and are going in the building.

  "Hi, I'm Saige," I extend my hand to Dan's wife I assume.

  "Karen," she smiles. "I've heard a lot about you."

  "Yeah, I can imagine," I huff as we laugh a little. "You are the most amazing Interior Designer I've ever seen. Malcolm's house is stunning."

  "Thank you," she beams leaning into Dan's side.

  Waiting out the silence, I see Selena lift her drink to her lips so I motion to hand it over which she does. Gulping back her gross vodka cranberry I just swallow when the operator requests my presence at the scene.

  "Right now? Um, is he still there?" God, I'm scared suddenly. "Okay. Malcolm, can you turn the alarm off now?" I ask watching him mess with my phone after the operator asks me to shut it off. When she tells me my apartment is empty but for the 2 responding officers, I'm told they want me back home to make a report.

  "It's off," Malcolm growls.

  "Um, do I hang up now? Okay. Thank you," I end the call. "I have to go home to make a report, and no one’s there anymore."

  "Okay, let’s go," Malcolm starts for the door immediately. "Dan'll drive you guys home if you want to stay," he offers Selena and Dave who instantly say no. "Dan, just tell my parents Saige was feeling sick or something, okay? And you look gorgeous, Karen," Malcolm smiles sweetly kissing her on the cheek as we pass.

  "Get going, Malcolm," she swats at him. "I'm sure we'll meet again soon, Saige."

  "I hope so," I just speak before Malcolm is tugging me through the door again by my hand with Selena and Dave following closely behind.

  Pushing through the crowd, Malcolm gets us to Tatum in the far corner near the doors. Whispering something to him, I wait nervously until Tatum smiles down at me. "Thanks for you coming, Saige," he slurs pretty noticeably. "Welcome back any time. Sorry you don't feel well cuz this is just getting started."

  "Happy Birthday, Tatum." Reaching up to him, he lowers enough to hug me and once again lifts me right up off the floor. Hearing Malcolm swear behind me I giggle for a second as Tatum says something about a wee leprechaun before I'm placed back on the floor against Malcolm.

  "Have fun big guy. Do everyone a favor though- lie down when you feel like you might pass out. Or at the very least yell tim-berrrr, okay?"

  "Will do, Mallie," Tatum hugs Malcolm before we're moving again.

  Outside the pub, walking past the crowd of smokers and endless people trying to talk to him, Malcolm is polite but quick to get us out of here. Still holding my hand tightly, he walks us to his truck and once inside starts driving before we even have seat belts on.

  "I'm really sorry for all this. I know you were excited about the party, and about seeing your brother and his wife from South Africa."

  "I'll see them all tomorrow at my parents’ house for dinner. And don't be sorry, honey, you didn't do this."

  Looking behind us, Selena is snuggled up against Dave. "It’s okay, Saige. We'll fix this," she whispers choking me up a little.

  Turning back around, I look at Malcolm's profile as he drives. He looks so strong and determined, but very attractive in his growly, intense way.

  Glancing at
me, Malcolm’s blue eyes soften when we look at each other though his jaw is set like he's still ready to fight.

  "I really wanted to dance with you once," I whisper sadly hoping Selena and Dave can't hear me.

  "We'll dance together, Saige. Whenever you want, I promise." Gently squeezing my knee, I hold Malcolm’s hand in both of mine, and silence my growing sadness.


  With the 3 of them in tow, I feel almost brave when the elevators open until I see a cop leaning against the outside wall of my apartment.

  Immediately going into panic mode, I start rambling in the hallway. "I live here. I'm Saige Masters. Ah, this is my apartment and I called the police when I realized my alarm was going off."

  "Good evening. I'm Officer Hendricks and my partner is inside taking photographs. You can step inside but please don't touch anything yet."

  "Saige was viciously attacked almost 2 months ago and no one has been apprehended yet. Can you call Detective Mathers? He has all the details and would probably like to know about this," Selena speaks for me once again.

  Absently, or maybe because I'm scared shitless I think quite randomly I had better start raising my voice and speaking quicker and more effectively than I have been lately if I plan on ever becoming a successful friggin' lawyer.

  "Saige?" Malcolm says softly like I’m losing it, which I am on the inside, though I thought I looked okay on the outside considering.

  Wow, I'm stressed out.

  "You're going to have to look around without touching anything and try to catalogue your belongings and what's missing for the final report. I will warn you your apartment has been ransacked, Miss Masters."


  Ransacked sounds pretty bad, but stepping over the threshold as I gasp a quick breath, I realize it's much worse than I thought ransacked meant. My place hasn’t been ransacked, it’s been slaughtered.

  "Oh my god..." Selena cries exactly what I'm thinking.

  "Mother fucker," Dave adds making me burst out laughing I'm so shocked.