Read Mists of Destiny (A Collection) Page 1


  Mists of Destiny - A Collection:

  - Rydia, Daughter of Mist

  - Kain, A Hero's Destiny

  By Nona Mae King

  Inspired by the characters Kain, Edge, Rydia

  and other characters from

  Final Fantasy IV © SquareEnix

  Cover images by Ambrozjo & Ravenwood

  Published by Nona Mae King and Mintfield Books


  To Save A Soul


  My Fair Princess

  Searching for Sara


  The Terra Saga (FF6, Terra/Edgar)

  A Rose By Any Other Name (FF7, Vincent)

  Bookworms and Booya! (FF8, Zell)

  The Reluctant Knight (FF8, Seifer)

  Few Words (FF8, Fujin)


  Rydia, Daughter of Mist

  Rydia stared off into the distance.

  She watched the sun sink beneath its ocean bed as she sat with legs outstretched upon the lush grass of the hillside. Her hands, just behind her, tickled the lush greenery. Another day without her mother's gentle voice had come and gone. Rydia sighed and lowered her eyes. The time with the summon monsters had made the loneliness easier to bear. They also helped her realize just how special she was: the last Summoner. Rydia could help the world her mother loved. That knowledge helped her remember who her mother wanted her to become.

  Rydia closed her eyes, making believe the slight breeze tickling the hair at her temples was the whisper of her mother's voice. I'm okay, mama. I miss you, but I'm okay. I've got friends. Good ones. I've got a home with laughter and love. And I haven't forgotten what you taught me. Rydia brushed away a tear. I miss you, mama, but I'm okay.

  A familiar presence opened Rydia's eyes. A smile tickled her lips as she lowered her gaze. "Hello, Edge." She tilted her head to glance up at him. Edge stared down at her from the branch of the tree beside her. "I thought you were supposed to be in Baron with Rosa and Cecil."

  Edge, the handsome Prince of Eblan, dangled his leg as he nonchalantly examined the nails of his long fingers. "They didn't say it was important. I figured it could wait a day or two."

  Rydia smiled and shifted her gaze back to the sun as it disappeared behind the ocean into a sea of pinks and purples. She leaned back onto her elbows. "Oh. Last time I knew, a request from the king was pretty important. At least, that's what my mother always told me. You, being a prince, should know better, I guess."

  "Is that why you're here, Dee? Thinking about your mother again?"

  Rydia smiled. Edge was the only one allowed to use the nickname. "Yeah. What about you?" She peeked over at him again. The slight breeze teased his silver-blue hair as his crisp and clear eyes stared out at the sunset. "Lately, you're out here as much as I am."

  "I get to thinking about how it could have been different."

  Rydia nodded and moved her focus to the ocean and the quickly vanishing bash of colors. "I know the feeling. A lot of things could have been different, couldn't they? I'd have my friends and family. I'd have my home. I'd have a lot of things." She sighed. "Yeah. A lot of things could have been different. But . . . ." She met his gaze and smiled. "But then I wouldn't have met you, or Rosa, or Cecil, or anyone else. I wouldn't have found out what it meant to really be a part of something. That's what keeps me going. I don't want to give up my new friends for anything."

  Edge moved a fraction and dropped gracefully from the tree. He always walked with such languid grace. It was hard to imagine he used deadly force in combination with that quick fluidity. Just like it was hard to imagine he could kill her with a single move. Edge had always been . . . almost gentle.

  He sat beside her, stretching out his long form. "I know the feeling."

  Rydia cast him a sidelong glance. Edge was seldom quiet, and he usually always reserved a smile for her. She nudged his shoulder. "Edge, why the long face? Are you sick?"

  Edge shrugged, still staring down at the toes of his soft gray shoes. "Just feel like being quiet."

  Rydia examined his profile a moment longer before scooting closer to wrap her arm around him. She rested her head on his shoulder. "You can be as quiet as long you like."

  He took in a deep breath, holding it only a moment. The release tickled the hair on her head. "Dee, you ever thought of getting married?"

  Rydia chuckled. "Are you joking?"


  Edge's statement caught her by surprise. "Really?" He didn't meet her gaze. Rydia sat up and blinked at him. "Wow. I never thought I would hear you say that."

  Edge's eyes shifted to an intense examination of her face. "You think I should?"

  Rydia blinked out at the horizon. "Of course, if that's what you want to do. I'm sure she'll be more than willing to help out with rebuilding Eblan. Maybe that's just the help you need?"

  He looked away to the final colors of the sunset. A moment later, he stood. "Thanks. I'll talk to you later. I've got to go to Baron."

  Rydia watched him go, the smile fading before she turned away. She supposed she should have told him her feelings of friendship for him had long since blossomed to something else, but she wanted to wait. To learn more about the mysterious Prince of Eblan who became an orphan just like her. The rebel who fought the evil that stole his family. Their light-hearted banter had been fun. In fact, his flirting helped her feel better about herself. And their long talks about the past, present, and future forced her to notice a change in her feelings. She really and truly believed that--somehow--she had fallen in love with him.

  Edge's personality changed after the battle with Zeromus. He would fall into moods of seriousness, looking somber as he talked about his future plans for Eblan. He would tell her how he wanted to get the kingdom ready for future generations. Edge never mentioned anything about who he wanted to have involved, or about his plans for their friendship, and Rydia hadn't wanted to bring it up. To be honest, she hadn't known how. Now he's going to marry some girl I've never met?

  Rydia shifted her eyes to the light fabric of her green and yellow gown. She pressed her lips together and scrambled to her feet, picking up the front of her gown as she hurried after him. Since when have you giving up anything without a fight?

  Her heart fluttered between determination and nervousness. "Edge! Wait!"

  Edge turned to watch her approach, his expression guarded. "What?"

  Rydia stopped in front of him, looking up into the dark seriousness of his eyes with a smile. "Can I come?"

  "To Baron?"

  "Of course ‘to Baron'. I haven't seen Cecil and Rosa in a little while. It's not very far from here, and I'd love the walk."

  Edge scrubbed at the back of his neck. "It's at least three or four days, Dee."

  She wrinkled her nose. "Come on. That's nothing to a pair of war-hardened veterans like us." Rydia flexed her arm and gestured at her slight rise of bicep. "See? I've got big muscles."

  Edge shook his head, laughing as his well-balanced frame shifted from one foot to the other. "All right. You can come, but don't expect me to fall over myself to wrestle with you."

  "Why not? Afraid you'd lose?"

  "Afraid I'd enjoy it too much."

  Rydia laughed and gave him a push as they turned to walk down the path that led toward Baron. "So, any idea what the king wants?"

  Edge shook his head. "Not a clue. Probably wants to know how things are going with Eblan."

  Rydia clasped her hands behind her back as she stared down at the grass. It began to wet the tips of her soft-soled shoes. "How are things going?"

  "We have a lot of the materials gathered. Now we're waiting for more workers to show up. The few we've got have already st
arted doing what they can, but progress has been slow." His tone brightened, as did his expression.

  Rydia's smile tickled the corners of her lips. "At least you're making progress. Right?"

  Edge gave a brusque nod. "Right."

  "Maybe Cecil wants to give you some workers from Baron?"

  He nodded. "That would be nice, but I'm not going to ask."

  She peeked at him. "Why not?"

  "Because . . . ." Edge caught her gaze before looking away. "Because I want to do this myself. As much as possible, anyway."

  "I guess I can understand that, but if your friends want to help . . . you're not going to keep them from doing that, are you?"

  He glanced toward her again. "No, I guess not."

  "Good." Rydia worried her lower lip. "Edge, is there anything I could do? I've been afraid to ask because I thought you'd say I'd just get in the way."

  Edge halted, his eyes dark with an almost anxious expression. "I wouldn't say that," he protested.

  Rydia smiled. "Sure you would. Just to give me a hard time. Remember?"

  A slowly creeping smile relaxed his expression. "You did your fair share."

  "Of course. If you can't take it, don't dish it. I can take it, so I dished it with the best of them."

  "I still wouldn't say it."

  Rydia's smile softened, and she pulled at his arm to get him moving. "Fine, so you wouldn't say it. Now I'm asking for something to do."

  "Well, what do you want to do?"

  She laughed. "Get my hands dirty!"

  "Oh, there'll be plenty of that." Edge shot her a crooked smile. "But come on, Dee. You've got to give me a little more to go on than that."

  Rydia focused her gaze on the trail in front of them. "I just want to help. I don't care what it is. I could use my magic to break down walls or burn away rubble or something. I could cook food for the workers. I could watch the kids . . . ." She peeked at him, holding his gaze for a moment. "Just tell me what to do."

  Edge stayed quiet for a long time. Then, much to Rydia's surprise and secret pleasure, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders to give her a squeeze as his hand rubbed her upper arm. "We'll think of something."

  She smiled. "Thanks."

  "You know that's why I've been out here so much in the first place, don't you? I just hadn't figured out how to get you duped into volunteering."

  "Why do you think I was being so difficult? I liked having you around so much." She grinned up at him. "I'm crazy about you, dontcha know?"

  Edge's gaze retreated, and his lips quirked in an odd smile. "Likewise, Dee."

  Her eyes twinkled. Just wait, Edge. You'll find out. One way or the other.


  Edge watched Rydia as she slept. She's just as pretty now as when I first met her. How long has it been since Rubicant beat the crap out of me? Three years? Two? He shook his head. It doesn't matter. She's just as plucky. Just as smart. Just as perfect for me now as then.

  He stared down at his hands and released a deep breath. Am I going to have the nerve to propose when I'm done in Baron? Or am I going to put it off until after Eblan's finished? Or am I going to listen to Rosa and at least tell Rydia how I feel?

  Edge's focus shifted to the twinkling stars before he gave a shake of his head and stood, moving just out of sight of the campfire. If he didn't propose, he knew he had to at least tell her how he felt. He'd never been a patient kid, and he didn't want to wait any longer. They had fun together, just like they always did. She took his teasing in stride--like no other person ever had--and then shot it right back at him. No, I'm not going to wait.

  They were friends. Couldn't they be more than that?

  Edge scoffed, scrubbing his hands through his hair before returning to the log. When he looked over at Rydia, she watched him with a strange expression in those fabulous eyes.

  "You sick?" And he could have sworn her voice sounded . . . warm with concern.

  Edge's ears flamed, making him glad of the concealing darkness. "Just thinking about some stuff," he told her. She sat up, wrapped her arms around her legs, and then tilted her head at him--as she had a tendency of doing. He dropped his gaze to his hands. "Go back to sleep."

  "You sure you don't need to talk about something?"

  "Not right now." He heard her sigh as she lay back again, and he could tell she continued to watch him. He lifted his eyes and sent her a smile. "I'm fine, Dee. Really. Go to sleep."

  "I will. Eventually," she said, smirking. "All your moving around makes it hard."

  That's what he said. He chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind."

  "Good night, Edge," she told him, her voice soft. Then she closed her eyes and drifted off, the smile still tickling her lips as her breathing deepened.

  Edge watched her for a long while after that. Why does green have to look so damn good on her? He shook his head and stood, running his hands through his hair before cautiously approaching his bedding beside hers. He sat, unable to do much more than simply stare at her. Rydia's face did crazy things to him. You're pathetic, man. Just pathetic. He stared down at her for another moment before lying on his side and closing his eyes to sleep.


  Rydia rose first.

  She padded around the camp barefoot for a little while, her arms around herself as she desperately tried to plan what to say that day . . . and the next . . . and then the next until the duo arrived at Baron. I want everything to be perfect. And that was what drove her nuts. Edge had such a long history of flirting, she felt afraid that's all it was. So, how do I tell him I'm crazy about him? She had absolutely no idea.

  Rydia released a slow breath, sitting on the log across from the long-since-dead embers of the fire. Edge continued to sleep. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees and settling her chin on her hands as she watched him. He looked so much younger when he slept, and when his silver-blue hair got tousled like that it made him look as adorable as ever. It shimmered in the growing sunlight, beckoning Rydia to touch it and see how soft it was . . . . Just once. Come on. You know you want to.

  Rydia sighed again, covering her face with her hands at the swell of emotion battling against the hesitancy. It shouldn't be this hard. Should it? Shouldn't I just be able to tell him that I really care about him? That I'm nuts about everything he's involved in? That I love the way he's dedicated his life to rebuilding his family's legacy? She just didn't know if it was acceptable--to him. I should talk to Rosa. She and Cecil would know.

  Edge stirred and rolled onto his side, smacking his lips together with a funny frown. Rydia parted her fingers, peeking through the break to watch him with a small smile. Her eyes twinkled. He's such a kick. Such a true friend. Such a man of deep, heart-wrenching insight . . . . He was perfect for her, and she wanted to be perfect for him. We're friends. Can't that grow to be something more? Sometimes she felt as if they were already a couple. The way they stood by each other. The way they helped each other through decisions by being a venting board. The way they were true to each other at all times. I guess it's time to be true on a different level.

  Rydia dropped her hands from her face. She loved watching each emotion that flickered across his expression. Her heart stirred as her eyes crinkled with another smile. She would really love to feel Edge's lips touch hers, just once. To have him take her hand in his and give it a good old squeeze, while knowing that he did it as more than a friend. To have him touch her face like she'd seen Cecil touch Rosa's when he didn't know how to show her how much she meant to him. She wanted all that, and she couldn't see herself doing that with anyone but Edge.

  My reluctant knight . . . or ninja, rather.

  A chocobo cooed somewhere in the distance. Rydia stood, brushing some travel dust from her long green gown before slipping into her shoes. Leotards and leggings had been fine and dandy during their travels on moon and earth, but she wanted something a little more feminine after the war. Something a little warmer and sophisticated. Rosa mentioned that gowns made ladies loo
k slimmer, taller, and more delicate. Rydia gave it a shot and loved it. Besides, Edge says I looked pretty.

  Rydia sighed and reluctantly moved to Edge's side to wake him. They had a long way to go, and she was eager to get moving. She knelt down beside him, reaching out a hand to nudge him awake . . . and hesitated, tilting her head to examine his face. Tentatively, she stretched out toward Edge's tousled hair. Again, she hesitated scant inches from his curls. Rydia took in a deep breath and held it. Then, with a whisper of an exhaled sigh, she tenderly brushed the hairs from his forehead.

  As soft as silk . . . .

  Edge opened his eyes to meet her gaze. Rydia smiled and dropped her hand to her lap. Her cheeks flamed, but she kept her voice calm. "Good morning, sleepy head."

  Edge smiled briefly as he sat up. He cleared his throat and stretched, and then he rubbed his hands across his scalp. "Morning."

  "Did you sleep all right?"

  Edge nodded and moved to roll up his bedding, noticing that hers was already neatly rolled away. "Been up long?"

  "Not very."

  Edge cast her a glance, but she couldn't tell what he was thinking from the quick look. "Everything all right?"

  Tears jumped to the surface--she couldn't understand why--and she swallowed them back. "Yep." Her voice sounded a little watery, though.


  Rydia stood with a tight smile and moved to grab her bedroll. "No, but it's still early. I'm not a morning person."


  Rydia peeked at him. Her hands tightened on the strap of her bedroll. "Yeah?"

  "You need to talk about something?"

  "Yes and no."

  Like usual, Edge understood. "You just let me know when you're ready."

  Rydia nodded as she kicked some dirt over the much-dead coals of the fire. She also picked up her whip from where it rested on the log. "I will. Promise."

  Edge remained still a moment longer. Then he stood and slung his bedroll over his shoulder before checking his gear. That done, he stepped closer to rest his hand gently on her shoulder. She looked up in mild surprise, returning his smile after a slight hesitation.

  "Come on," Edge said softly. "Let's go."

  Rydia nodded and fell into step beside him. She could still feel the warmth of his touch through the fabric of her dress long after he dropped his hand to his side. Has he done that before? No, he hadn't. Does it mean anything? Sure. Why not? Edge wasn't one to do something like that without meaning anything by it . . . is he? Then again, what about all the flirtation between them on a regular basis? Maybe it all meant something then? Rydia took in a calming breath as she adjusted her grip on the coiled whip.