Read Mists of Destiny (A Collection) Page 3

  "I don't think it's called a tail."

  "Close enough." She rolled over and swam toward him, hovering just far enough out that her feet couldn't touch the floor of the pond. "I thought you wanted to swim?"

  "I do, but you . . ." Edge cleared his throat, "you said it was cold."

  Rydia giggled. "Oh brother. You knew it was going to be cold. That's the whole point!" She splashed some water toward him. "Come on. It feels great!"

  Edge cleared his throat again as he stood, slowly pulling his shirt over the top of his head to place it on top of her dress and shoes. "Fine. If you insist."

  Rydia's eyes widened and she took in a quick breath, diving under water when he began untying the belt at his waist. She'd never seen him out of his clothes before . . . . Well, you wanted him to go swimming. How did you expect him to do it? Didn't you strip down to your almost-nothings? Didn't you know he was going to do the same thing? She supposed she hadn't really thought about it. Now that she knew, what was she going to do? I have to relax, that's what I have to do. I know he feels uncomfortable as it is. Why else would he try and talk himself out of it?

  She pushed toward the surface, careful to keep her gaze averted from shore, and floated onto her back. Edge was her friend, so she could trust him. She was his friend, so he could trust her. To do what? You're not making sense! And she knew it. She just felt so strange all of a sudden. And she knew why.

  "Criminy! It is cold," Edge yelped.

  Rydia couldn't help but laugh. "Just swim around a bit. You'll get used to it."

  She heard the splash as he dove beneath the surface and took in a slow breath as she guided herself around the small pond. This could be fun if I can just calm down and let myself enjoy it. What happens, happens. She closed her eyes and smiled. Yeah. I can do that. I've done it so far. Right--

  Hands grabbed her ankles. Rydia squealed, taking in a quick breath before being pulled under. She kicked and tried to pull herself back to the surface, but the hands wouldn't release her. Instead, they drew her deeper down. She finally gave up the fight, turning toward Edge with a playful frown as he grinned up at her. Rydia doubled over and pulled at his hair. Bubbles escaped his mouth and his hands released her ankles. She immediately pushed away to pull toward the surface and get a quick breath of air.

  Edge cleared the surface of the water with a gasp. Then he sounded a maniacal chuckle, hands enclosing her waist and pushing her downward. Rydia gripped them and tried to focus enough to cast a Fire spell, but all she could feel was the firm pressure and growing warmth of his hands through her slip. Rydia wriggled, but his grip was too secure. He dove deeper, closer and closer to the floor of the pond as he held her tight against him.

  Rydia clenched her jaw, forcing her mind to focus. A moment later, his hands left her waist and she once again swam toward the surface. This time she aimed more for the shore. She bobbed to the surface and, a moment later, she heard Edge pulling at the water just behind her.

  "I'm gonna get you," he called with a mock evil laugh.

  "Not if I can help it!"

  Her feet touched the pond floor and she lunged forward, fighting against the resistance of the water as she hurried for shore. Almost there. Almost there. Rydia's feet touched the shoreline, but before she could hit full speed, she felt an arm encircle her waist and pull her off balance.

  "Edge!" Rydia squealed, and the next thing she knew, she lay on top of him and he blinked up at her.

  He cleared his throat and sent her a slight, quirky smile. "Gotcha."

  "Yes, you do," she whispered.

  She stared down at him, watching the droplets of water twinkle lazy trails down the sides of his face, strangely enraptured by his wet hair and eyelashes. Captivated by the crisp expression in his eyes. Rydia swallowed hard and found herself brushing the wet hair from his forehead.

  "I guess I should give you a reward."

  Edge's gaze focused on Rydia's lips before slowly making the trip back to her eyes. "I guess so."

  The world seemed to slow and then stop as she lowered her head. Edge stopped breathing. Rydia stopped doubting what she felt or what she wanted. She belonged there. Close to him. Her lips brushed against his for the briefest moment, so warm. . . . She closed her eyes at the softness and touched them again. It felt wonderful.

  When Rydia's lips left his, she didn't want to open her eyes for fear the dream would fade. She loved the warmth of his arms around her, protecting her. The nearness of him, accepting her. The tickle of his breath in her face--Rydia's thoughts scattered when Edge's lips caressed against hers a third time, so gentle. Then they were gone and only a memory remained.

  "Dee, I need to get up." Edge cleared his throat. "Dinner . . . ."

  Rydia met his gaze, the luscious shade of an evening shadow. "Edge," she whispered. "I . . . ." But she didn't know how to say what she wanted to say. She finally nodded. "You're right," she said, quiet. "I'm sorry."

  The smile returned to Edge's lips, and he caressed her cheek. "Nothing to be sorry for."

  Cheeks flushed and heart pounding, she carefully stood.

  "You better go check the fire," Edge said in a quiet voice. "Go get yourself dried and wrapped up in a blanket. I'll bring your stuff."

  Rydia slightly nodded, her eyes occasionally glancing his direction. She fiddled with her slip a moment before moving toward camp. That wasn't a flirting kiss, she told herself. And she wasn't going to wait much longer to tell him that neither was hers. I just need to say it. No beating around the bush. I know I love him, and I think I deserve to know exactly what he feels for me.

  She gave a firm nod.


  Edge released a deep breath as he lay there on the cold ground, staring up at the evening sky. He lightly pounded the ground with the backs of his fist. Damn, she felt good. He closed his eyes, releasing yet another breath. Now what? You don't really think you should wait until you get to Baron to tell her how you feel, do you? Not after that, man.

  He brought a hand up to his face. That kiss was a step he hadn't been ready for. A step he hadn't planned on until he knew for sure how she felt. Maybe not even then. Now he didn't know what to do. She probably didn't either. Why did I have to take her swimming? But Edge knew the adventure would make her happy. Why he didn't realize she'd have to strip down to her under-things was beyond him. Maybe I wanted her to. Maybe I wanted to see if she'd actually do something like that in front of me.

  Edge pressed his lips together and sat up. Then he released a quick breath, stood, and made his way to the pond's rim to take up his clothes and get dressed. Once he gathered up her dress and shoes, he strode for camp. I have to tell her how I feel. Maybe tomorrow morning? Edge rubbed at his scalp, cursing his stupid idea of taking her swimming.

  When he got to camp, Rydia had set herself up in front of the fire, wrapped in a blanket as requested, and had rescued the blackened--but not burnt--dinner from the fire's edge. Edge's chest tightened at the slight frown on her face. Then she heard him approaching and looked up to give him a smile. He smiled back, nearly floating with relief.

  "All dry?" he asked.

  Rydia nodded and accepted her dress and shoes from him. "Nice and cozy."

  Edge was a little surprised when Rydia gestured for him to sit close beside her, but he did. Then they talked about how good it was going to be to see Cecil and Rosa again as they prepared their meal. They ate it in content silence while occasionally catching the other's gaze and offering a smile. Then Edge cleaned up as Rydia dressed. After that, she helped him bury the garbage so it wouldn't attract scavengers and they both set up their bedrolls.

  Rydia set hers up first, and then she let him know she was going to gather more wood for the fire. He stared down at her unrolled bedding. Well, do I set up mine beside hers like I did before? He hadn't thought about it the night before. After all, he'd been used to having everyone gathered around the fire and sleeping next to whoever had a space free. Was it such a good idea now? Edge frowned suddenly
and set up his bedroll. You're thinking too much. Chill, man.

  Edge laid down, putting his arms behind his head as he stared up at the stars. They shimmered down at him just as intently as he stared at them. It was as if they were waiting for his next decision. He closed his eyes and put an arm over them with a deep breath.

  "You all right?" Rydia's voice sounded mildly concerned as she stacked the wood at the foot of Edge's bedroll.

  "Just tired, I guess. It's been a long couple of days."

  "But it's been fun," she said as she stretched out on the mat beside him. She covered herself with her blanket. "I don't mind the long days."

  Edge smiled. At that particular moment he didn't want to meet her gaze. It was bad enough he could smell her and feel the warmth of her right there--"Tell me if you get too cold. I'll let you use my blanket."

  "Thanks, Edge. I'm sure I'll be fine."

  After a while Rydia's breathing deepened. Edge lowered his arm from his face and turned to watch her. She rolled onto her side, wrinkling her nose as she slept, and a slight frown knitting her eyebrows. Edge smiled. Her hand rested scant inches from him, and he shifted his gaze to stare at her delicate fingers. How in the world do such dainty things manifest the power I've seen her use? It was her natural gift. A gift she knew how to use wisely.

  Edge cleared his throat and then, much to his surprise, followed an urge that welled up within him. He reached out and tenderly caressed her palm with a single finger. Rydia's fingers twitched and closed moments before pulling her hand back toward her. His eyes twinkled as he rested his temple against his fist.

  Her lips had slightly parted and a lock of hair rested on her lower lip. He stretched out a hand and tucked it behind her ear as he'd so often seen her do. His touch didn't wake her. Did I want it to? Edge pressed his lips together and lay back to stare up at the stars. They blinked back at him. What would I have done had she opened her eyes? Do I believe we're ready for that step? He released a deep breath. No. She doesn't know how I feel. When she knows that . . . maybe. Probably?

  Edge closed his eyes for a moment, and then he turned onto his side once more to watch her. He liked watching her. Always have. Always will. There was something dramatic about her. Something innocent yet sophisticated. Rydia was fragile, yet she had a tough spirit that didn't shirk responsibility. She was gorgeous, yet seemingly oblivious to the fact. Rydia was intriguing inside and out. That was what he'd always felt about her. Probably always will.

  She adjusted her position, again stretching her hand out in front of her. Edge's gaze drifted to it and he hesitantly reached out to enfold it in a gentle grasp. Her fingers tightened around his hand, but she didn't pull away. Neither did she open her eyes or give any hint she knew what happened. Her frown lessened and her lips tilted upward slightly, but her breathing remained deep and steady.

  Edge sighed and caressed the back of that hand with his thumb. He felt guilty stealing snatches of touches like this and kisses like before, especially when she didn't realize how he felt. It was just so hard to resist. It was hard enough not to wrap her up in his arms and hold her close. Now that he knew how it felt to hold her, Edge was proud of the fact all he held was her hand.

  Cecil had warned him about this, and he had believed him, too. Maybe that's why he wasn't shocked or terrified of what he did. Of what he planned to do. He'd spoken to Cecil about it almost a month before. Asked his advice. Asked for suggestions. Asked for things to say that wouldn't give her the wrong idea. Cecil, like usual, had been understanding and eager to help.

  Now, as he felt her beside him and could smell the fresh scent of innocence that seemed to follow her everywhere she went . . . he realized the next couple of days would be a challenge. A challenge to keep his distance while stepping closer when the time was right. It was happening. He could feel it. Their friendship was growing. Blossoming into something he wanted more than a rebirth of Eblan. He wanted her.

  Her grip on his hand tightened as she took in a quick breath before softly whispering "Edge."

  Edge's smile widened. "I'm right here, Dee."

  Rydia's lips smiled, her face aglow. Edge watched the transformation in quiet amazement. Then he released a slow breath and closed his eyes. Her hand in his calmed him to sleep.


  Rydia opened her eyes with a yawn and turned onto her back to stretch as long as she could.

  "Good morning, sleeping beauty. You awake enough for breakfast?"

  She rolled over to give Edge a sleepy smile. He finished up the duty of cooking breakfast. "Good morning."

  "Sleep well enough?" Edge asked.

  Rydia smiled as she stretched under the blanket again. "Yes. Thank you." Of course I slept well. I dreamt about you from the moment my eyes closed. "What about you?" She peeked at him and noticed a silly half-smile.

  "Oh yeah," he said.

  Rydia arched an eyebrow. "What's the silly smile for?"

  He chuckled as he tested their breakfast. "Silly smile? Me?"

  "Yes, you."

  Edge shook his head. "It wasn't a silly smile, Dee. It was a content one. I slept great."


  Edge laughed, and Rydia smiled. She liked his laugh. Always had. It was deep and genuine, bubbling up from inside him as if it came straight from his heart. It tickled her insides with affection and twinkled in her eyes. Yes. She liked his laugh. It was genuinely contagious. "I'm glad you slept good."

  Edge kept smiling. "Come on. You need to get up and eat your breakfast."

  "Give me another couple of minutes."

  He glanced at her. "Why? What are you going to do?"

  "Just lie here," she told him with another yawn.

  "Sorry. Not acceptable. You've got to get up and get the blood flowing." Edge stood and came to stand over her, offering her a hand to help her stand. "Come on. I'll help."

  Rydia put off the blanket before reaching up and taking his hand. He pulled her up without a problem and vigorously rubbed her upper arms. Giggling, she nearly passed out when Edge pulled her into a tight hug. Instead, she closed her eyes and adjusted her arms around him, pressing her cheek against his chest. The embrace felt glorious, comforting, peaceful and a million other things. To put it simply, she felt safe. Rydia had always felt that when with Cecil, and later also with Rosa and Yang. Edge had been a different kind of safe. One that she really liked.

  Edge rested his cheek on the crown of her head as his arms slightly loosened. She snuggled closer, hearing the responding content sigh from Edge. The sigh made Rydia do something she never thought she would. She opened her eyes, pulled from Edge enough to gaze up at him--those crisp eyes she loved so much--and then stood on tiptoes to kiss him.

  It wasn't a sisterly kiss, or a timid kiss, or a friendly kiss. Rydia kissed Edge so he wouldn't have a shadow of a doubt how she felt about him. The kiss showed how much she cared. She kissed him with all of her, so that he would ask the question that led to the confession she wanted to make.

  When Edge's mouth responded in kind, Rydia's heart soared.

  But then Edge sounded a heart-breaking groan and pulled away, pushing back to hold her at arm's length. Rydia watched his face with wide eyes, but he wouldn't look at her.

  "Dee." Edge cleared his throat, still staring at the ground as he gave a brief shake of his head. "No. We can't do this."

  Rydia examined his face, that handsome face that could be so expressive and serious and innocent and infuriating, and then brought her hands up to hold it. Edge closed his eyes.

  "Why not?" she whispered.

  "Dee, please."

  Rydia moved closer, caressing his face with her thumbs, watching his expression with wide eyes, trying to understand why he couldn't love her. "Edge," she whispered, "why not?"

  His hands on her arms tightened slightly as he opened his eyes to meet hers. "You're my best and closest friend--"

  Rydia caressed his lips with hers once again and, after a brief moment, Edge responded as before, encouraging her
hope that he didn't want to just be friends.

  Then he pushed away again. "Oh gods. I can't. I can't do this, Dee." And he released her arms to turn away.

  "Edge, wait!" Rydia stumbled forward to take hold of his arm when he tried to move further from her. He gazed down at her with a pained expression, his body tense and ready to run. "Please don't go."

  He backed away, his hand attempting to free his arm from her grasp. "I have to. It's not fair to you. I . . . ."

  Tears ran freely down Rydia's face. "You're the best thing that's happened to me, Edge. Do you think I'm going to give that up?"

  "I'm not asking you to give anything up," Edge pleaded. "Just let me walk away. I need to cool off." He gripped her arms suddenly, giving her a slight shake. Her eyes widened as she took in a quick breath. "Damn it, Rydia, if I don't back off, I'll do something I might regret! You deserve more than that."

  Rydia violently loosed herself from his grasp to take hold of his face. Edge's hands enfolded her wrists, but they didn't pull her touch away. "I don't care what you think I deserve."

  Edge closed his eyes. "Dee."

  She choked back a sob as she again shook her head. "Edge, I want you." She sniffed. "I love you."

  He blinked, staring down at her with wide eyes--his hands cupped her face and he kissed her, hard. Rydia moved closer, her arms tightening around him. "I can't believe this is happening," he mumbled against her lips. "You love me. You love me." He pulled Rydia so close that his warmth seemed to radiate clear through her. "I'm an idiot, Dee. I'm sorry." He kissed her trembling lips, and then he kissed her again and again.

  Rydia burst into tears against his mouth. "I love you so much, Edge. Don't marry anyone else but me! Please don't leave me alone! I don't want to lose my friend."

  He caressed her neck with his kisses. "You won't lose me, Dee. Ever. This is where I want to be," he whispered. "Baron can wait. Eblan will still be there in the morning. For right now, I want to be here. With you. Everything else just doesn't matter." Her sobs deepened, shaking her shoulders and wetting his shirt as she pressed her face against him. "Please don't cry." Edge tenderly stroked her back.

  Rydia's sobs softened to only the occasional sniff as she adjusted her arms around him.