Read Mobster's Girl Page 8

  I don’t get to talk much to Megan. Well, I do, but not in the way I’d like to be talking to her. I want to learn every little thing about her Instead, we talk about labeling the diagram of a car. And we only have five minutes for that before Mr. DeRobbio starts lecturing.

  Sitting next to Megan is distracting. I have no fucking clue what the teacher is talking about. I want to reach out and stroke her hair then rub the pad of my thumb across her pink lips.

  DING DING! Thank God—the bell rings. I wait for Megan to pack up her stuff.

  “What do you have now?” I ask her.


  “Hey, is Louie in your class?” I wonder.

  “Yeah, history too. He seems to be in my classes every year,” Megan adds as I take her hand. I see a slight flush rise to her cheeks. I feel a stab of jealousy.

  The hallway is loud and bustling. More gawks follow us as we walk. I peer down at Megan. Her face is smooth, with a smattering of pinkish freckles. I have to keep myself from shoving her into an empty classroom and kissing every freckle on her face. The more I spend time with her the more breathtaking I find her. I’m in deep shit!

  I haven’t stopped thinking about the other night. I walk hand in hand with Megan and my hard-on-inducing thoughts when a young girl comes up to us. It’s Megan’s sister. The flaming red hair is a dead giveaway.

  “Hi!” She bounces on her toes.

  I see Megan roll her eyes.

  “How’s the start of freshman year going?” Megan asks her.

  “Great! So far my classes are a breeze.” Megan’s sister is stealing glances at me and grinning.

  “Hi,” I say to her because she’s just staring at me.

  “Hi.” she giggles.

  Out of what seems like nowhere, Vito pops up.

  “Hey, dude.” I turn to him. He doesn’t say anything; he just flanks my right side. I shrug off his non-reaction and my attention goes back to Megan and her sister.

  “Okay… see you later, Erin,” Megan says as we watch her sister walk away with lively steps. “Sorry. My sister is a little excited.”

  “About what?” I ask.

  “About you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  Megan flips her hand against her forehead in an exaggerated motion. “Antonio Delisi asked you out! Oh. My. God!”

  I chuckle at her imitation of her little sister. Vito snorts and walks away.

  Megan’s animated expression makes me laugh harder. She is so sweet and smart. This is the most relaxed I have seen her, except when she was with that chooch. My hand clenches into a fist at my side, remembering her carefree smiles in his arms.

  Alessandra calls out to me, “Tonio! Wait up.” Both Megan and I turn as San bounds over to us.

  “Hi, Megan,” she greets us with a big smile. Then she whispers to me. “Did you hear about Johnny Nero?”

  I don’t know what is going on, but from the way people are mentioning his name this morning, I doubt it is anything good. He still owes my dad five hundred in juice money. I give her a look and shake my head slightly giving her the message, not now.

  Alessandra is one of my smarter friends, and she catches on right away. Just like she caught on to how I feel about Megan.

  San eyes us curiously. Her appraising stance seems to flush out all our secrets.

  “Megan, some of my friends and I are going to the mall on Saturday. Do you want to come?”

  Megan’s face is shocked at the offer, but she says, “Antonio and I are going out that day.”

  “Wow, great! Have fun! Well, I have to get to History. Bye.”

  I roll my eyes at San’s trick and walk with Megan to her English class.


  The rest of the day flies by. I soon am standing by my car smoking, watching Megan and Erin walking down the sidewalk. Raven is sitting in her car nearby, probably waiting for them. Megan sees me and smiles, and her sister whispers something to her.

  “Can I give you a lift?” I ask as they approach.

  “Um, well…” Megan is unsure.

  “Oh please, Meg?” Erin begs. “I’ve never been in such a nice car, please?”

  “Let me go talk to Raven,” she says, looking torn.

  She’s back in a minute, and Raven’s car leaves the parking lot. Erin is jumping up and down and giggling. I’m not used to giggling little red-headed girls.

  I open the passenger door for Megan, and Erin is giddy. I shut her door for her, trying to ignore her sister squirming in the backseat. Ugh, kids!

  When I get in the car, Megan is scolding Erin to sit still.

  “How fast does this go, Tonio?” Erin asks.

  “Buckle up,” I tell her and rev the engine. She squeals. We pull out of the lot, passing Vito and his Caddy. I wave. He doesn’t wave back, but I see him staring into the backseat of my car. When we reach the main road, I gun it. Erin squeals even more in delight. Megan clutches the door handle and armrest.

  “This is so cool!” Erin shrieks.

  The drive to their house is shortened by my speeding. As I park, I regret not drawing out my time with Megan.

  “Thanks for the ride, Tonio. That was awesome!” Erin clambers out of the car.

  “You okay?” I ask Megan.

  “Oh, yeah, much better now that you aren’t risking my little sister’s life,” she admits sarcastically.

  “It wasn’t that bad,” I tell her.


  I reach out, slide her hand off the armrest, and bring it to my lips to kiss it. Her face is surprised and inviting. I lean in to kiss her sweet lips. I breathe in a scent of cherries. I wonder if it’s her lip gloss or something. Megan leans in closer to me to deepen the kiss. It takes an effort, but I restrain myself from reclining the seat and covering her with my body. Reluctantly, she finally pulls away.

  “My mother may be watching. I should go. Thanks for the ride, though.” She’s flushed pink. I jump out of the car, wanting to be a gentleman and open her door. After she gets out, we stand facing each other, and she lightly kisses my cheek.



  I only have a couple of hours before the meeting tonight. Thoughts of Megan swirl around in my head. I can’t wait to take her out on Saturday. It’s been a long time since I felt this kind of stirring anticipation.

  When I get back home, I swing my car into the driveway and see my dad and Donny talking by the side door. My father motions me over.

  “Eh, Tonio, good day today?”

  “Yeah, Pop.”

  “Donny and I wanted to tell you... don’t worry about Johnny anymore.” He clasps my shoulder. “We’re all set.”


  “You don’t need to think about it. Johnny’s been clipped.”

  “You take care of him, Donny?” I ask. I knew all the talk of Johnny today had to be that he was dead, but the initial words from my dad send a nasty jolt through me.

  “Nah, I don’t do that. Yous know that. Now, about those other chooches from last week. We gotta collect. We’re leaving after the meeting.”

  I turn to Pop, Johnny’s death already pushed to the back of my mind. “What about school?” I really don’t give a fuck about school. I’m more pissed about not seeing Megan in class.

  My pop pats my cheek. “You’re a smart boy. You’ll be fine.”


  I arrive at the meeting at Gino’s. Everyone is gathered around the table. I sit down next to my dad.

  I spot Dino down at the other end of the table. The skin around his eye is swollen with a blackish tint. He stares at me. I glare back at him. My blood boils just thinking about what an asshole he is. Pop starts speaking.

  “Sommersville is not playing by the rules. Their crews have been spotted around town. My Tonio and some of your own sons were jumped last week.”

  “Eh, what the fuck is their problem?” Mr. Maranzano asks. The room is quiet while everyone waits for an explanation.

not sure. Donny is looking into it.” Pop motions for Donny to speak as he reaches for his wine glass.

  “Sommersville is getting too close,” Donny starts. “They’re showing up all over. Shit was stolen out of the chemical warehouse by the docks.”

  Shit! Sommersville is getting ballsy. My friends and I getting jumped, a break-in… Fuck!

  Zing-thwack! Donny clasps his side and hits the table, sending papers soaring and wine flinging like droplets of blood. Pinging sounds ring out. Without thought, my body leaves my seat and connects with my dad’s, hurling him to the hard floor. Chaos erupts. I feel his gun against my side under his suit jacket. I reach for it. In a split second, I quickly crawl across the floor holding the piece in my hand, adrenaline surging.

  I move toward the window where the shots are coming from. On my way, I pass Donny.

  “You all right?” I ask under my breath.

  “I’m okay, Tonio,” Donny rasps. “Get those fuckers…” he winces out. I don’t think, I move.

  At the window, I crouch. Mr. Maranzano and Mr. Ferretti huddle on the carpet, already popping up in succession to exchange shots with the intruders. Others at the meeting are lying low. Red fills up my field of vision; it’s not blood I see, but rage.

  “I’m going outside,” I murmur to them. I check the clip and scurry across the floor to the back door. I find Dino lying flat on the floor of the kitchen as I make my way through. Fuckin’ pansy!

  From low down, I push the back door slowly, making sure no one is there. There’s no one in sight. I knew these assholes wouldn’t get out of their cars. Never lifting myself higher than a door knob, I sneak around the building, constantly searching and scanning for attackers. I see a black Escalade with bullet marks in the sides. Its windows are lowered only to slits—clearly bulletproof glass.

  The shots coming from the restaurant are doing nothing but making plinking noises and webbed cracks. The only way to puncture through is with a long succession of shots in one spot.

  I get up close to the edge of the rear bumper and peer through the darkened glass. They are so fuckin’ stupid. No one is watching behind them. Four people are smashed up to the windows facing the restaurant. I only have a few more seconds before these fuckers drive away.

  As low as I can get, I point my gun close to the glass and fire six shots firm and fast in the same spot. I don’t dwell on the fact that one of the bullets could ricochet and hit me. The fifth bullet penetrates and the sixth one flies. The car jerks forward as the driver stamps on the accelerator. Instead of gunshots, the noise of screeching tires fills the air. The smell of burnt rubber assails me.

  Chapter 13

  Fanabola (fa na bowl a): Shit!


  My instincts were right. My mother was watching me from the window of our living room. When I walk in, she goes surprisingly easy on me. She only asks about my day.

  While I’m getting ready for bed, my phone buzzes on my nightstand. I flutter a moment, hoping it’s Antonio. It’s only been since after school that I’ve seen and talked to him, but I sort of miss him. Is that possible? I mean, it’s only been a few days since we started seeing each other. Can someone really grow on you that much, that quickly? I look at the screen, and my heart falls a little. It’s not Antonio—it’s Troy, calling me again.

  “Hey, Troy!” I push some extra exuberance into my voice. After our last few conversations, our relationship has become very strained.

  “Hey, Meggie!” Troy laughs. “Meggie, Meggie.”

  This doesn’t sound like Troy at all. I’m immediately on alert.

  “Troy, you okay?” Concern fills my voice.

  “I am great. Fab-u-lous-es.” Fabulous is completely slurred. This is so not like Troy.

  “Have you been drinking? Are you okay?” I panic a little. “Troy?”

  He doesn’t speak. “Troy?” I try again.


  “What is going on?”

  “I’m missing my girl.” His voice drops. He sounds depressed.

  “What girl?”

  “Have you always been this stupid? Or is it just ’cause you’re hanging with Delisi?” He sounds mad.


  “Are you still my best friend?” he asks, sounding sobered.

  “Of course.”

  “Will you still be my best friend after I tell you this?” Troy asks quietly.

  “Tell me what?”

  “Answer me.” His tone is firm. Before I can say anything, he blurts out, “Do you have fun with me?”

  “That’s a question, Troy, and you know the answer. Come on, what’s wrong?”

  “I thought… I thought…” I lose him again to the alcohol. “I thought… I was gonna marry you,” he drives out of his mouth.

  My body stiffens from his declaration, and I’m forced into a surprised silence.


  I don’t know how to respond. Troy and I always had a gentle understanding. We are friends, best friends. Nothing more. His words shock me. Upsetting him while he’s drunk is the last thing I want to do. The silence between us lengthens. I can hear people laughing in the background over his cell phone. A girl screams and snickers in the din.

  “Troy?” He doesn’t answer right away.

  “I gotta go. There are people here,” he slurs, and the phone clicks off. Sitting on my bed, I stare at the wall. How did my life change so quickly? Troy’s words replay in my mind. I thought I was gonna marry you.

  I’m not sure how long I stared at the wall because, when I open my eyes, the first thing I see is my ceiling. I must have fallen asleep. My phone buzzes with a text. A lump forms in my throat. But it isn’t from Troy, it’s from Antonio.

  Antonio: Have to do some stuff for a few days, so won’t be at school. Can’t wait for Saturday! I will miss u.

  His words about missing me stir feelings I have never felt before. I miss him too. I’m giddy and sad at the same time. I’m happy he will miss me, but depressed that I won’t see him for a couple of days. Those four little words mean more to me than Troy’s confession and a part of me despises myself for it. I’m falling too hard and too fast. The butterfly is back in my stomach, flying in happy circles. I text him back.

  Me: Okay. I’ll miss u 2


  Raven picks me up for school, and Erin catches a ride with us. For this ride, Erin isn’t bouncing in her seat like she was in Antonio’s car. Thinking his name causes a pang in my chest.

  Walking down the hallways is odd. I have done it for the past three years, but now I feel differently about my normal routine. The time with Antonio walking with me and being in Auto Mechanics class with me changed something. Now, something feels like it’s missing.

  I comfort myself by realizing that I actually enjoy the anticipation of seeing him and just being with him. He has been a perfect gentleman.

  Heck, even Vito is starting to grow on me. Louie talks to me in all my classes now. He’s really a nice guy.

  There are other changes, too. People I don’t even know say hello as they pass me in the hall. Maria obviously is not happy about me spending time with Antonio. She’s constantly trying to get his attention. She stands in front of me to talk to Antonio. But then again, Maria always seems to interrupt conversations to put in her two cents. It’s annoying! Antonio always dismisses her forward advances, thank goodness. I can’t help but wonder if they had something going on before me.

  “Hey, Red!” Vito sits down next to me in Auto Mechanics class where Antonio usually sits.

  “Hi,” I say back. I see Maria coming down the aisle between the black-topped desks. A frown mars her features. If my mother saw that face, she would say that she better watch out or her face might freeze that way.

  There is something about Maria. I just don’t like her.

  Vito stiffens next to me.

  “Who am I gonna sit with?” Maria complains as she runs her fingers through her long, black hair.

regards her holding back something, and I’m guessing it wouldn’t be nice whatever words that were going to come out of his mouth. Maria sits at the vacant table on a stool with a huff. I roll my eyes at her grumbling.

  “How’s Tony, Vito?” Maria calls to him. “I heard last night was brutal.”

  Vito glances at Maria across the aisle, giving her a severe warning. Maria doesn’t take the hint and I don’t want her to. What happened last night? Worry and wonder creep into my chest, followed by sharp panic.

  “Is it true that they shot up the entire restaurant?”

  My panic shoots up to alarm.

  Vito’s eyes shine with feral anger. A low tone rumbles out of him. “Shut the fuck up, Maria.” Obviously, Vito was told not to mention whatever happened to me.

  Finally finding my voice, I ask, “What happened?”

  Vito’s expression softens. “Everything is fine.”

  Maria hmmphed. “That’s not what I heard.”

  I grab my phone and hold it under the table. I quickly text Antonio.

  Me: R U OK? I heard there was shooting last night!!!

  Antonio: Who told U?

  Antonio didn’t answer the question. He didn’t have to—just having a text from him told me he was okay.

  Megan: Maria

  Antonio: Don’t worry. And don’t listen to Maria. I still miss U.

  Megan: Me 2

  My scalp prickles as I read his words: Don’t worry. Everyone always worries when someone says that. I just don’t know how worried I need to be.



  I am rip shit mad. Maria is going to fuck this up with Megan. This guy I’m waiting for is going to find his day much more unlucky than he thought. Red clouds my vision as I sit in my car, waiting. I’m still pissed about last night. Donny getting shot. The whole freakin’ frittata at the restaurant. It irks me. Who knows how long I’ll have to fill in for Donny. My mind is off. I just want to spend time with Megan, and this loser asshole is keeping me from her.

  My phone buzzes. It’s Pop.

  “Yeah,” I say into the phone.

  “Tonio, forgetta abou’ this guy. The cleaner’s comin’. I changed my mind. His three large ain’t worth the jerk-off he’s been givin’ me. Get out of there.”

  “’Kay, Pop.” Part of me wishes I was the cleaner because I really feel like killing someone right now. I crush the gas pedal to the floor of my car and speed away.