Read Money Can't Buy Love Page 2

I was a little tipsy so when Jock offered to follow me home I didn't object. So what I was planning to fuck him, I already know how I am when I drink but I'm not a fucking whore. I was having a hard time parking this big ass truck in this little ass spot but I finally got it. I pulled down my front visor and opened the mirror and checked my face, even tipsy I still have to make sure all my shit in order.

  I checked the rear view and saw him approaching slowly behind me and I jumped out the truck, I was going to thank him for seeing me home safely. I strutted over to his car with my sexy ass and he rolled the window down then I leaned in to thank him properly. Before I got to place my lips on his and then stick my tongue down his throat I was grabbed by my fucking neck from behind and pulled backwards. I didn't know who the fuck had just grabbed me and never in a million years would have guessed Vic was the one holding me. I knew right then I was busted and I couldn't form any words to plead my defense. I was completely caught by surprise.

  I looked up in his eyes and I saw so much hurt and pain and felt completely like shit for doing this to him but it wasn't on purpose. He was yelling so loud and I was mortally afraid of him at that moment because it looked like his pupils turned solid black and I was staring at the devil himself. I thought he was going to beat me into another solar system but suddenly Jock said something that caught his attention and he threw me to the floor like a rag doll. By the time I could look up, he was beating Jock mercilessly with his gun and I screamed in horror, there was blood every fucking where. I got to my feet and without thinking I ran over there to stop Vic from killing him because he really didn't deserve it, it was my fault. Vic turned and grabbed me by my cheeks so hard it felt like he was about to break my jaw. The hate in his eyes was mixed with tears of pain and sadness as he spewed his disgust for me then threw me into the front seat where I landed on top of Jock and all that blood. I tried my best to apologize to Jock and tell him I'm sorry but all he could do was mumble threats at Vic. I tried to find something to wipe some of the blood, his face looked like he was beaten with the back of an iron skillet. I saw Vic going to his truck and I thought he was going to get a bigger gun than the one he had so I ran to the other side of the car and jumped in and told Jock to pull off. He hesitated but I told him Vic might be getting a gun and then he pulled off all crazy almost hitting parked cars as he turned the corner.

  I looked over at Jock and told him to drive straight to a hospital but this fool declined and just drove on like his face didn't look like it sprung a leak. He passed red lights and was driving reckless and I feared he wanted to turn his beautiful car into our casket. I held onto the door handle and said a silent prayer and after twenty minutes of out of control driving, we pulled into a driveway. I didn't know what part of Brooklyn we were in but it was nice, there was nothing but big houses that looked like mansions all around me. He pressed a button under the rearview mirror and a door opened and he drove through slowly. He pulled up behind a Range Rover then turned the engine off and exited the car. He didn't say one word to me and I figured he was mad with me. I didn't move when he got out and he rushed to the back door of the colorful brick mansion. Seconds later he reappeared and waved for me to come on and I hurriedly got out of the car. I entered through the back with him and was completely floored, this muhfucka was living like royalty. There were maids and butlers dressed in black and white uniforms parading all around the kitchen and when they saw him they stopped what they were doing and started speaking in a language I never heard. I thought I was in the movie 'Coming to America' and I was fucking with the Prince of Zamunda. I was ushered into a massive room filled with wooden and metal statues and told to sit down. I did as I was told because I didn't know what the fuck was going on. Jock disappeared with some of the servants and I was left there to wonder what was going to happen next.

  I pulled out my cell phone and called Gert to let her know what was going on.

  "Hey girl." I whispered. "You ain't gon' believe what the fuck just happened tonight."

  "I can tell you some of what I saw." Gert revealed. "Who the fuck is that guy Victor was beating up in that car?"

  "Oh my God, did you see that Gert?" I was surprised. "His name is Jock and I met him a few days ago when we were at Applebee's and I went out with him earlier today."

  "Why would you do that? You're done with Victor for real?"

  "I don't know, I'm confused Gert. I love Vic and I only went out with Jock after all that shit he accused me of. I wasn't planning on doing anything with him but he was so nice to me Gert and he treated me so good. He bought me a friendship ring and..."

  "Let me stop you before you make a fool outta yaself. You sound like you in high school 'bout he bought you a friendship ring. Stop it and get yourself together. You're pregnant with Victor's baby and you carrying on like you trying to get him to leave you alone. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

  "I want Vic to love me Gert, the way I want to be loved and this guy Jock, the way he loves his ex girl is the way..."

  "Stop it Charmaine! You sound like a love sick teenager. You're a grown woman that's supposed to be pregnant by the man she loves. What is wrong with you girl? You are really bugging out. Where are you?"

  "Oh shit." I almost forgot I was in Jock's house. "I'm at his house."

  "Who's house?" Gert asked.

  "Jock's house, well it's a mansion. I don't know what part of Brooklyn I'm in but this muhfucka got maids and butlers and shit...I gotta go." I disconnected the call because there was a man standing in the door way wearing a linen suit leaning against a custom carved wooden walking stick.

  "Who are you?" He asked flatly.

  "My name is Charmaine." I was about to stand but he motioned for me to remain seated. I didn't like that shit because I wasn't one of the maids prancing around this muhfucka.

  "What happened to Sibi?"

  "Who?" Oh, this muhfucka's real name is Sibi. "You mean Jock?"

  "No, I mean Sibi!" His voice got louder and I suddenly realized my attitude could make this a bad experience for me.

  "I'm sorry, I know him as Jock. Well we went out and he followed me home to make sure I got there safely then somebody started pistol whipping him."

  "Somebody?" The look he gave me told me he wanted to know a name and I wasn't sure if I should give Vic's name to him. He looked like he could have him killed tonight.

  "I don't know who it was."

  He walked over to me slowly and bent down and whispered.

  "Doesn't matter, I will find out soon enough." He stood up and looked at me and squinted his eyes.

  "Where is Jock, I mean Sibi?"

  "He's being taken care of by somebody." He said and walked out of the room.

  I had to get the fuck out of here, I was not comfortable and this fool was threatening me on the low. I got up and walked to the doorway and peeked out and tried to remember which door I came through. I opened the one I thought led to the kitchen and saw Jock laying on a gurney while a man and lady with gloves worked on his face. Did this muhfucka have doctors living in the house with him? This was getting too weird for me and I needed to find the exit so I could get the fuck out of there. I finally found the kitchen and I left out of that beautiful mansion and had no plans of ever going back there again, that's that rich I don't like. I laughed to myself.

  As I walked down the block I knew I would not be able to get a cab in such an affluent neighborhood so I walked until I hit Ocean Avenue and hailed a cab. I gave him the address and lay back in the seat and thought about what the fuck just happened tonight. I was in a world of shit and I caused it all because I wanted to get Vic mad. Such a dumb move on my part but I did develop some feelings for Jock in that short time and it wasn't planned it, just happened. I didn't mean to hurt Vic and I damn sure didn't mean for Jock to get his ass beat like that. He wasn't going to be all cute anymore with that smile I loved. Vic really fucked him up good. Damn, what a night.