Read Money Can't Buy Love Page 3

It's almost been a week and I haven't heard from Char, I thought she would have least called to see about her truck. I guess she really doesn't want to fuck with me anymore because of that muhfucka she met. He probably bought her the new Range if he driving a Maybach and shit.

  I'm more hurt than I should be because if she wanted to fuck with somebody all she had to do was say that and I would have fell back and let her do her (I'm lying). But there's no way I'm going to let her fuck with another dude and hold me on the side until she figures out if shit between them is good then slide my ass to the curb. Not going to happen.

  My cell phone rang and I picked up anxiously like Char might be calling me. My mind still played stupid tricks on me like that, guess it's part of getting over someone you love.


  "Yea, Vic?" My mechanic Hector answered.

  "What's good?"

  "Your truck is ready. You can pick it up this afternoon."

  "Aiight. Thanks Hec." I disconnected the call.

  The night I pistol whipped Char's little boyfriend my truck had gotten shot up before Les got there. I'm glad it happened like that too because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if my boy got hurt behind some beef over a bitch. I'm mad so I'm going to call her out of her name. What the shooters didn't know is that my truck is fitted out in armor plates and bullet proof glass so they did minimal damage to my whip. A few dents and dings is all they did and it cost me less than that muhfucka's doctor bill, I'm sure of it.

  I got up off the couch and walked into my room and grabbed a jacket out of the closet and shoved Stacy lightly trying to wake her. She rolled over and sat up quickly.

  "Easy ma." I laughed. "Ain't nothing happen, you just had one drink too many last night. I couldn't send you home sloppy like that. Get dressed and I'll drop you off to your crib but before you do that, go kill that fire breathing dragon in your mouth."

  "Awww fuck you." Stacy said as she jumped out the bed, fully clothed and went to the bathroom.

  "There's some new toothbrushes in the third drawer on the right and some clean wash cloths in the closet next to the shower." I yelled as she closed the door.

  Stacy had called me because she was having second thoughts about her gun purchase and wanted to return it. The talk my moms had with her had an effect on her she didn't know was possible. She said she had seen her ex the night before when she was coming from work and he rushed up behind her and before she turned around he hit her in the back of her head and she fell face first on the ground. He stomped and kicked her and she managed to get the gun she had in her pocket and pulled it out. She said when he saw it, he stopped his assault and stood frozen like he was scared to move. She got to her feet slowly and he backed up and she said she closed her eyes and pulled the trigger repeatedly. She opened her eyes because she didn't hear a boom from the gun and her ex was running up the block. She realized the safety was on then clicked it off and ran behind him. He was running for his life because she started squeezing the trigger and heard the boom from the gun but the first bullet missed. She said he screamed out like a bitch as he ran and ducked but she walked him down squeezing the trigger along the way. He turned a corner and when she got to it she stopped because he had gotten too far away. There were some young girls outside when she returned to the building and they asked her, "Did you kill him. I hope you killed his faggot ass for beating on you like that!" She called me crying and I couldn't understand shit she was saying so I rode over to her crib and picked her up. When she saw me pull up in Char's truck she pulled the gun out again and aimed at it. I had to jump out and wave my hands in the air and identify myself. Char's truck wasn't outfitted like mine so she would have swiss cheesed it. I took her back to my crib and she called my moms and they talked for hours, I have no clue about what but afterwards she was calm and wanted a drink. She helped herself to the bar and we talked some more and I told her a little about my relationship with Char and she filled me in on the relationship with her ex. She cried a little and drank a lot and in the process she got slumped. I carried her to the my bedroom and put her under the covers and I slept on the couch.

  Most muhfuckas would have taken advantage of Stacy in her state of drunkenness but I'm not built like that. If I'm gon' fuck a broad I need her sober and willing not passed out. Stacy came out my bathroom with fresh smelling breath and a smile that showed she was in a better place than the night before.

  "You ready?" I asked her.

  "Yea but can we stop and get some breakfast?"

  "No problem, I thought you might have to work today that's why I didn't offer."

  "I'm off for three days." She smiled. "And that's really a lame excuse Vee."

  I had to laugh because she was right, I didn't plan on feeding her breakfast that was usually reserved for broads I dicked down and knew they worked up an appetite and since we didn't smash it wasn't automatic for me.

  "Do you have a driver's license?" I asked.

  "Yea why?" She was following me to the door.

  "Since you don't have to work today you can do me a favor."

  "A favor? I remember how you acted when I asked you to do me a favor." She smirked.

  "Right, right but I'm buying you breakfast."

  "Oh boy please. What you want me to do for you?" She asked as she waited for the elevator with me.

  "I need you to drive my truck back from the mechanic for me then we'll go to breakfast and then I'll drop you home." I said pressing the button for the lobby.

  "Ok, I can do that for you." She smiled walking out the elevator behind me.

  I was about to push the door open when I noticed a black Chrysler 300 with tinted windows idling by Char's truck. I didn't park in the garage because after my truck was shot up I figured whoever did it would find out where I lived, via Char. Leaving her truck parked on the street gave me the opportunity to notice any potential threats because I would quickly scan the area for any suspicious looking vehicles or people in the immediate area.

  "I forgot the keys to my truck upstairs." I turned to Stacy and dug my hand in my pocket pulling out my house keys. "Can you go up there and get them for me. It should be in my room in the drawer close to the closet. Thanks." I dropped the keys into her hand and turned around and looked out the door at the black tinted out car.

  Stacy got back in the elevator and as soon as the doors closed I ran to the exit and jumped down the stairs, two by two and pushed open the door to the garage. I ran to the garage entrance and went through the door next to the automatic door. I couldn't see how many people were in the car because the tint was too dark. A young lady was walking by and I quickly peeled off two hundred dollar bills and called her over to me. I instructed her to go knock on the car window and ask them for directions and once they rolled the window down to let me know how many people were in the car by a show of fingers. She gladly took the money and I watched her walk up to car and do exactly what I asked. When I saw the window come down I noticed the driver then she smiled and walked away. She displayed two fingers as her arm went down to her waist and I smiled because that was the best $200 I ever spent so quickly. I took off my jacket and pulled out 'Nina' then bent down and tiptoed to the back of the car. I stayed in the middle and crouched low so they wouldn't be able to see me in the side view or rear view mirrors. I turned and leaned my back on the back of the trunk and took a deep breath. It was early in the morning so there wasn't anyone on the street. I peeked around by the passenger side and quickly crept to the front passenger door. I stood up and shot through the passenger window, shattering it on impact and continued pulling the trigger until both occupants were motionless. I unraveled my jacked that covered the muzzle and concealed 'Nina' as I checked the pockets of the passenger and pulled out his wallet then quickly walked across the street to the garage. I stuffed the wallet in my front pocket and then my cell phone rang. Again, I was hoping it was Char calling and I answered quickly.


  "I can't find y
our car keys. You sure they in that drawer?" Stacy asked.

  "Oh don't worry about it, I forgot I got an extra key in my truck. Come back down. Make sure you lock both locks on the door."

  "Ok. I'm coming now." She said and disconnected the call.

  I hurried back to the lobby and stood by the front door and looked out at the still idling car. The driver's side window wasn't shattered but there were holes in it but the tint held it together. It would only be a minute before someone walked by and noticed the passenger slumped over dead in the seat. The elevator arrived and Stacy stepped off and gave me a funny look.

  "Why you wanted me to go back upstairs? You already knew you had a spare key in your truck. What you didn't want me to see?" She asked as she followed me to Char's truck. I didn't say anything I just hit the remote to unlock the doors.

  "Come on Vic, what was it you didn't want me to see?" She asked as she sat in the passenger seat.

  Suddenly there was a loud scream and Stacy turned her head and looked out the back of the truck.

  "That's what I didn't want you to see." I said as I pulled off.


  This is some real bullshit I just got myself into. I'm in so much trouble right now and I'm fucking terrified. I don't know what's going to happen to me or Vic all because of me trying to play fast and loose. It wasn't even worth it to me now that I'm in this damn shit hole. It's probably been a week and I don't even know if Vic is alive. I didn't have a choice, I had to tell or they were going to kill me. Oh God what have I done! I'm praying his street smarts kicked in and he was on point so he could see the ambush. He should know they would want revenge after what he did to Jock. What I wouldn't give to be able to talk to him right now and tell him what a fool I was, how much I love him and how I made the biggest mistake of my life fucking with Jock. I know this is coning a little too late because when Jock was acting like he loved me I was all in my feelings and slipped. I think I've cried the whole time I been here and where the fuck is HERE anyway?

  The night after I escaped from that mansion I went straight back to Gert's house and as soon as I got there I noticed my truck was missing and at first I thought it was stolen then I saw all my shit on the ground. I had to laugh because that was real petty of Vic, taking my fucking truck so I got mad at him all over again. It doesn't matter that I was in some dude's face, it ain't like he caught me fucking. Guys always go commando when they think they're pussy is being stroked by another muhfucka but fail to understand how we feel when laying pipe in every dirty bathroom bitch they find. I'll never understand it. Anyway I went upstairs to Gert and was bombarded with questions like I was in an interrogation room.

  "Where the fuck you been? Why you hang up on me like that? What the fuck happened out there with you and Victor?"

  I didn't have a chance to put all my stuff on the bed, she was sounding off like a break beat.

  "Pump your breaks Here's the short, I went out with this guy I met named Jock, had a nice time. I drank a little too much and he followed me here to make sure I got home safely and Vic musta been laying for me. When he saw me go to the guys car to thank him, he blew his stack and beat the shit out of ol' boy. I thought he was going to get me next so I left with Jock and made sure he was good then I left and here I am."

  My phone rang and I picked it up without looking at the caller id.

  "Hello." I answered.

  "Yes, is this Charmaine?" The voice asked.

  "Why? Who is this?" I had a strong feeling it was Jocks' people.

  "Sibi has told me to contact you because he wants to see you. You are the woman who came to the house and just left right?"

  "Yes. Is he ok?"

  "He's hurt really bad. Broken jaw and cheekbone as far as I know now. He wrote down your number and said to contact you because he wants to see you. Are you available?"

  "Now?" I wasn't hardly about to go back over there to where that creepy man was. "Well I can't come tonight a lot has happened and I need to get myself together."

  "No problem. He is being treated now anyway. I will give you a call tomorrow and see if it's a better time."

  "Ok, no problem."

  "I hope he feels better." I said sincerely then disconnected the call.

  "Who was that?" Gert asked as soon as I looked up.

  "Jock's people."

  "What they want?"

  "They said he wanted me to come back over there."


  "I don't know, maybe be by his side but I ain't goin' back over there."

  "I know I wouldn't. You don't really know who they are do you?"

  "No but I know that Jock got plenty fucking money."

  We both jumped suddenly as we heard thunderous gunshots. Gert dropped to the ground and I ran towards the window.

  "NO! Don't go by the window she screamed."

  I ignored her and rushed to the window and peeked out and saw two men standing in front of a truck shooting at it. When I was over the initial shock of what was happening, I realized it was Vic's Benz truck and I screamed in my throat as I ran for the door.

  "Where the fuck you going!" Gert screamed as she got up from the floor.

  "Somebody's shooting at Vic in his truck! I have to see if he's ok!" I yelled as I grabbed the door knob and snatched the door open.

  "NO! Victor's not in the truck Char, I saw him take yours and leave. I'm going to call 911."

  I was relieved when she told me that and I suddenly calmed down.

  "You sure Gert?"

  "Yes. After you were gone, I saw him pull off with your truck. This shit is serious Char, guns are involved."

  "I know. I didn't expect any of this to happen. I just wanted to go out and have a good time and try to get Vic off my mind and all this shit backfired on me." I felt worse than a dude that finds out his jump off is pregnant.

  I walked back over to the window after Gert called 911 and stared at Vic's truck wondering how I was going to get out of the predicament I put myself in. I was sure it was Jock's people who shot up his truck and they came hours after all that shit happened. I knew then I wasn't going to go see that muhfucka again, no way. I wasn't going to end up on anyone's missing person's report. I saw a white Lexus truck pull up right behind Vic's truck and two guys jumped out with guns and they were looking up and down the street. Then I saw Les emerge from the passenger side and walk to his truck. He looked like he was inspecting the bullet holes in it, then he looked up at the building and I stepped back so he couldn't see me. I peeked back out the window and saw him whisper talking to the two guys with the guns then he got inside the driver's side of Vic's truck and pulled off followed by the Lexus jeep.

  I decided right then that I was going to get the fuck out of town, yea, run. I know how it sounds but I was fucking petrified. I was out of my league with all this gun play and shit. When I was with Vic, I saw his guns and heard his stories but I he never put me in harm's way. This right here was up close and personal and I didn't want to be a part of it. I'm a girl, I'm not supposed to be shooting guns, ducking bullets or wearing vests, that shit is for the boys. Fuck that I'm running, call me what you want.

  "Char, what are you thinking?"

  I looked at her and although it was a cowardly move on my part, I was thinking about myself at the moment.

  "I'm getting the fuck outta dodge!"

  "You're leaving? Where you going?"

  "ATL or Florida where my cousins at." I said as I went to the room to pack.

  "How can you leave like that. What about you and Victor's baby? You still haven't told him you're pregnant. Your actions are reckless and you're not thinking, you're reacting. You need time to sit down and think. Ever since you left Vic you've been on an emotional rollercoaster."

  She was right, all this shit started from me looking for some shit that was probably never missing. I was in a dark place with Vic but it wasn't really his fault, I mean when I look back at it, he was good to me. I knew abou
t what he did before we even started fucking around, he took care of me financially and he did love me, I guess I was just being a bitch as usual, complaining when there's really nothing to complain about.

  "I don't really have a choice right now Gert. I just have to get away for a little while that's all." That's all I could say, anything else and I would have burst out in tears because I know what I was doing jeopardized Vic safety.

  There was a knock at the door and Gert went to get it, I figured it was the police and I grabbed my clothes that were on the bed and started to throw them inside my bag, I wasn't going to waste any time, I was going to catch a red eye to ATL or Miami. I pulled out my phone and was about to dial Vic, I wanted to let him know I was sorry and warn him about Jock's people then tell him I was going away for a little while. I wasn't going to tell him I was pregnant, too much was going on and he didn't need that on his head. I heard Gert scream and I immediately thought Gert was wrong and Vic was in his truck when those guys shot it up. I slowly walked to the living room and was shocked when I saw two guys in standing in the living room and one was pointing a gun to Gert's head. When they saw me, the other one pulled his gun and waved for me to come over. I was stuck and couldn't move so he walked to where I was standing and grabbed me by the root of my hair and pulled me to the living room with Gert.

  "Which one of you is Charmaine?" He asked.

  Gert didn't say anything, I don't if she was too scared to talk or what but I know I was. A slap across the face with the gun got my attention and I spilled.

  "I'm Charmaine. What you want?" I was terrified.

  "You're coming with us." He turned to Gert. "You keep your mouth closed about this to the authorities, you understand? Unless you don't want to see your friend again!"

  They grabbed me and pulled me out the door and down the stairs to a black car with tinted windows. I was thrown in the back seat, my hands tied behind my back and a handkerchief stuffed in my mouth. They kept me face down in the backseat and told me not to move. I had no intentions. The drive might have been twenty minutes or so I figured I was still in Brooklyn . They pulled me out the car and we were between two buildings, it was dark and the only thing I remember is the fire escapes and green dumpsters. They ushered me into a gray metal door then pushed me up some steps then into a room with a single bed with a mattress that had the metal springs showing, a battered wooden table with a splintered wooden chair with a broken leg and a green pickle bucket that was filled halfway with water. Next to it was a bunch of brown napkins that looked like they were made from a paper bag. I was shoved inside so hard I almost went out the open window in front of me. If I didn't shift to the left then I would have but I fell onto the bed and the coils were so sharp I jumped back off the bed.

  The guy came over to me and snatched the handkerchief out of my mouth and I coughed and gagged for some seconds then screamed.

  "What do you want with me. Where is Jock?" I was hoping this wasn't going to be my last stop.

  "We're not here to answer any questions." He said to me smoothly then pulled out a big hunting knife then turned me around. He cut the ties then pushed me on the bed.

  I heard the door close and then I heard it click. The tears wouldn't stop and I didn't know what to do. They took my cell phone so I couldn't make a phone call. I got onto the dirty floor and sat in a corner with my feet to my chest crying like an scared abused four year old.

  I fell asleep in that corner on the floor and was awakened by the door opening and those same guys coming in with a bag and some milk. They placed everything on the table then walked over to me and motioned for me to stand up. I got to my feet slowly and I was trembling as the guy looked me in my eyes.

  "Tell me where your boyfriend lives?"

  "I don't have a boyfriend." I said quickly.

  The slap knocked me to the floor and stung like hell.

  "You misunderstand me, I am not asking you a question. I don't have time for that. You tell me or I will hurt you until you do. It's your choice."

  I was rubbing my cheek while I listened to him talk in his broken English. I couldn't jeopardize Vic like this, I knew they were going to kill him. Fear didn't make me stupid, I gave them the address to his stash house. I figured Vic would peep them if they tried to ambush him there, that's what I hoped. They put the address into their phone and turned to leave.

  "Wait. Can you please tell me why you have me here?" I was scared of any answer they would give but I had to know.

  He turned to me then said, "Jock wants you here." He burst out laughing when he said it but I guess I missed the fucking joke.

  "When can I leave?"

  All they did was laugh at me and walked out the door and locked it. The tears started again and I was beside myself with so much grief and worry.

  When I finally got around to looking in the bag, it was filled with about five Oreo cookies and the milk was warm. Once I ate it after trying not to eat anything, I had the runs. I banged on the door screaming for someone to let me go to the bathroom but no one came. That's why the green bucket was there. If you've never taken a shit in a bucket, don't ever do it unless you're forced to. There's no flushing that shit. Oh my God I want to throw up just thinking about it.

  I've only used it three times in the week I've been here. What I can tell you is if I were given the chance to change how all this started, I would. I mean from the very beginning when I left my baby Victor. Looking back now, going through all of this, it wasn't that bad. I'm here to tell you that if you have a half decent muhfucka that loves you, helps you out financially - he doesn't have to sponsor you - treats you well, takes you out in public occasionally and makes love to you when you ask for it, keep him...period. If you go out and start looking for something else and get lucky and find you that muhfucka that look like new money, talk all that good shit you want to hear, driving something you've never seen in the hood before, and willing to spend armor truck money on you, run the fuck away can't buy love. Simple and plain. Jock fooled the shit outta me with all that slick ass talking, that beautiful smile and that vault of money he told me about because look where the fuck I'm at. I'm a prisoner or being held for ransom and if that muhfucka cared one iota about my chunky black ass, I wouldn't be here. I'm scared but I'm no fool, I know what I did wrong and I know my attitude was fucked up but that's just how I am but best believe if I get outta here Ms. Charmaine is going to make a change honey and you can bank on that.

  I heard the door locks unlocking again and I moved over to corner. I was hoping they would at least take that shitty and pissy bucket the fuck from outta here. It was so unsanitary and I could get sick from inhaling all that shit and piss. The door opened and guess who walked the fuck in?

  Jock walked into the room wearing some beige linen pants, Gucci loafers and an A/X wife beater. He skinned up his nose at the smell and immediately called someone to take that shit bucket out of the room. They came in two seconds, removed the bucket then sprayed some fruity fragrance that had the room smelling like apple cinnamon shit. I didn't want to smile when I saw him but I have to keep it real, I was happy to see him because I just knew he was going to let me go. When he was started to talk I noticed he didn't open his mouth and he breathed heavily like Darth Vader. His whole jaw was wired shut and his face was still swollen and he wasn't looking as scrumptious as he did before Vic laid that ass whipping on him.

  "I'm sorry you have to go through this Charmaine."

  That's the first thing that muhfucka said to me and my eyebrows lowered because I didn't understand why he was sorry, he didn't have to be, all he had to do was fix this shit so I could get the fuck outta there.

  "What do you mean you're sorry Jock? There's no reason for these people to keep me here. I'm not the one that did that to you."

  "Now technically..." I stopped him.

  "What! I told you about my man Jock. You knew I had somebody from day uno." He was acting like a bitch now, wanting to point fi
ngers and blame me because his shit wired for talking reckless to Vic.

  "Never mind. What I need from you is his address. The one you gave them is where he hustles. I need the one where he rests his head."

  "Are you serious Jock. You want me to give you his address so you can send some muhfucka's over there to kill him?"

  "Yea." He pointed to his mouth. "He gon' get worst than this."

  "What happened to all that 'you want to be with me' crap you was feeding me? All that changed because of what happened to you? You're acting like I really had something to do with it like I told him to do that to you."

  "Charmaine that don't mean shit right now. That muhfucka wired my shit. You bugging if you think I'm gon' let that shit slide. Give up the info on him 'cause you're the only one that knows where he lives so just tell me and then you can leave."

  "That's why I'm being held here against my will like a prisoner, 'cause you want his address?"

  "Yea, pretty much." He said nonchalantly.

  "That's not really true Jock because I gave them an address when I first got here and I'm still here."

  "That's because you lied, you knew the address you gave them was where he hustled. They got to be sure they get him then you'll be let go. So it's better for you if you just tell me and get this shit over with." He breathed.

  "What's going to happen if I don't tell you Jock, you're going to kill me too?" I know I was pushing but I wanted to know how serious he was about getting the information on Vic.

  He looked at me and shook his head slowly. His nosed skinned up and he turned and went to the door and pulled it open. The two black men came in and he nodded his head and they both walked over to me and aimed their guns at my legs.

  "I won't kill you but I will make sure you won't ever be able to walk again. Look Charmaine, you making this more difficult than you have to."

  My heart sped up and the men pointing the guns at my legs didn't blink once, the guns they held on me were steady with their fingers curled around the trigger. Jock wasn't playing and I knew I didn't have a choice in telling him what he wanted. I could only hope Vic would forgive me, whatever the outcome.

  I recited the address to Jock and the guns were lowered and the men disappeared out the door. My face was wet with perspiration and tears and Jock stood in front of me smiling with his swollen ass face. I hated him more than anything and wished Vic would have pulled the trigger of that gun instead of beating his face in with it.

  "Why you looking mad for?" He looked like he was smirking.

  "I wish I never said shit to you that day, I swear!" I was seething because I felt like so stupid for even fucking with him.

  "I feel the same fucking way. If I knew that coward muhfucka was going act like a bitch behind you, I woulda handled him before hand instead of sitting here babysitting your black ass!!"

  "Black? Look who's talking Shaka Zulu!"

  Jock slapped the shit out of me and I reeled back and fell onto the floor.

  "Watch your mouth bitch! I don't play when it comes to shit like that! You keep talking reckless and I'm gonna make your mouth look worse than mine."

  I shut my mouth immediately and then I got to my feet and cried hard because I wanted to hurt him but I wasn't in the position to.

  Jock walked out the door and slammed it shut so hard it felt like the room rattled. I stood there crying like a newborn and wishing I didn't just get Vic killed.


  I pulled up and parked my truck in an open space, not too close to another car then I jumped out and headed around the corner. My eyes were scanning the area like a hawk and I gripped 'Nina' when I got close to the building. I can't front, my heart was beating fast as hell because I had muhfuckas checking for me trying to put me out of business and out of commission by cancelling my contract with life. I'm used to it, summertime is killing season for the clowns out here but this time it's a little different because I let my emotions get in the way and did something reckless and now I have beef with somebody I don't even know over Char. I knew I should have bodied duke but I gave him a pass because I felt like he didn't do anything wrong 'cause he didn't know Char's my lady but all that slick talking made me hot and I reacted off pure emotions. I don't usually move like that but I love that broad so much, even after all the shit she's done. You can't help who you love man.

  I walked up the stairs cautiously, creeping and turning the audio up in my ear trying to make sure I was on point, I wasn't trying to get caught slipping. When I got to the front door I pressed my ear against the door first, covered the peephole then knocked. I heard some rustling around then the door locks started clicking. I pulled 'Nina' up chest high and stepped to side and when the door swung open I grabbed Gert by her cheek and pressed the gun to her face and said, "Shhhhh." Her scream was muffled and she shook her head in a 'no' motion as I peeked over her to see if anyone else was in her house. I pushed her in and swept the perimeter, focusing on anything moving. She hit the floor hard and I heard an "Umph!" noise come from her mouth but I was concerned with making sure I wasn't being set up. I checked each room, the bathroom and the kitchen before coming back into the living room to her.

  She was getting up when I came back in the living room and before she could speak I started in.

  "What the fuck is going on Gert! Where the fuck is Char!"

  I received a frantic call from Gert telling me that Char was kidnapped by the dude she was fucking with but then her phone cut off. Now that I got a chance to look at her face, she was pretty banged up like somebody tap danced all over it with baseball spikes. She was shaking her head no again and crying uncontrollably so I stepped closer and shook her.

  "Tell me what the fuck is going on Gert!" My voice had raised and the cheap walls started to shake.

  "Behind you!"

  I didn't see shit all I heard was a loud fucking boom and I was thrown forward. All I remember is hitting a fucking wall.


  The door swung open and Jock came into the room and walked over to me and grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me up.

  "That bitch ass muhfucka is finished!"

  It sounded like he said finish but I wasn't too sure because everything in me went numb. I couldn't hold up my weight anymore and I dropped to the floor and passed out.