Read Monkey See, Monkey Do Page 5

  That must have been the beep in my dreams.

  The two men appeared shocked to see her standing there. Fair enough, because it sure as hell looked like she’d interrupted something hinky going on.

  “I asked what you’re—” Her jaw snapped shut on a terrified squeak as they both produced guns and swiftly moved forward, pulling her deeper into the research department offices and out of view of the windows in the lobby area.

  “Shh!” That man had gorgeous green eyes and short, straight brown hair with the barest traces of grey visible.

  “Where did you come from?” the other man asked. “I didn’t hear the door open.” He had curly brown hair a different shade than the first man’s, and brown eyes with flecks of amber in them.

  “Where’d—listen, what are you doing in here?”

  “I knew something would happen,” Green Eyes said. “Just knew it.”

  “Look, I was taking my first damn nap in too farking long on the couch in there and I heard you two rummaging around in here. Thanks for waking me up, assholes.” She got a better look at the backpacks. “Are you stealing?”

  Okay, maybe she should be waaay more scared than she was, but she was exhausted and had been rudely bumped out of her first halfway decent attempt at sleep in…days.

  “Let’s tie her up and go,” Brown Eyes said.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “If you’re going to tie me up, there damn well better be orgasms involved. I don’t put on handcuffs for just anyone, you know.”

  Fuck, she could not control her mouth right now. That was likely due to her sleep-deprived state. What little filter on her snark she usually had totally dissolved when she was completely focused on trying to stay vertical.

  Didn’t help that the two guys were pretty hunky. Damn sure hunkier than Gary, even without any beer in her.

  Then again, she was dangerously sleep-deprived.

  Wonder how they are with their tongues?

  The men stared at each other in shock before turning back to her. “Listen, lady,” Green Eyes said. “We don’t want to hurt you or anyone else. We just need—”

  “There aren’t any narcotics in this storeroom.” She wasn’t an expert on every employee in the hospital by any stretch, but she damn sure would have noticed if she’d seen either of these two guys before. They were hunks. “I know, because I did a couple of turns through here in first-year. What the hell are you taking from here?”

  Maybe if she could just keep them talking long enough to get her brain to slip out of neutral and into a better gear that would allow her to, oh, escape.

  Behind them, she heard the lobby door beep just before it opened.

  Karen. “Leta, I know I said—Leta? Where are you?”

  Not even thinking, she held up a warning finger to her lips to the two men and turned, racing out to the lobby to stop Karen before she could walk in any farther. “Sorry, was using their bathroom. What’s up?”

  The nurse wore an odd expression. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just startled out of a dream by having to pee.” She forced a laugh. “What’s wrong?”

  Karen held a tablet in one hand and still eyed her suspiciously. “509B just threw some unusual EKG readings I needed you to take a look at before I call for a cardiology consult.”

  * * * *

  Honestly? Uncle was still trying to process the shock of the sight of the woman standing there, followed by her handcuffs and orgasm comment, to even think about grabbing her when she turned and slipped away.

  “Dammit!” Zed whispered but Uncle reached out and snagged his backpack, hauling him back with a stern shake of his head.

  She’d given them a signal to stay quiet. Maybe she wasn’t thinking straight due to being startled out of sleep, but slipping out of there without tying up one, much less two people in the process, would be far preferable.

  If she was going to give them up to this other person, she would have let out a yell for them to run, or call security, or something.

  Unfortunately, the two women stood between them and the only viable exit out of that department. The fire exit door at the back of the research department was armed with a warning alarm that would go off if they used it.

  Not exactly the stealthiest of retreats.

  Uncle waved Zed behind him and eased forward, the gun still in his hand but now held down and against his thigh, out of sight. He took a deep breath and stepped into the doorway, because it was the only way he was going to hear what was going on.

  The other woman, likely a nurse from her scrubs, startled when she saw him. “Who are you?”

  The first woman, whom he now assumed to be a doctor, didn’t even look up from the tablet she was perusing. “He’s a friend. I’m afraid we were a little…busy when you showed up.”


  “Yeah. You know—”

  “Both of them?”

  Now the first woman glanced up at her, then at the doorway. Zed had stepped into view behind him.

  Her face didn’t even turn pink. But even more impressively, she didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah, my damn boyfriend dumped me last night, okay? That’s why I showed up way early last night. I’m moved out. All my shit’s in my car. I called them after you banished me to here, and they asked if I wanted a little…comfort. So sue me, I decided to get my Thanksgiving freak on. They had a few free minutes to come do it and me.”

  She returned the tablet to the nurse. “Go ahead and page a cardiac consult. I don’t like the looks of that. He might be heading for an ablation, but I’m not going to make that call today when I don’t know his full history.”

  The older woman still stared at him and Zed. Uncle opted for a friendly approach. He waved with his left hand. “Hi.”

  The nurse’s eyebrow arched. “Getting your freak on, huh?”

  “You should have seen me with the twins in med school. Now, you promised me”—she looked at her watch—“an hour and it’s only been twenty minutes.”

  “Yeah, and I told you to sleep.” The older nurse snorted and slowly shook her head. “I’ll try to give you an extra hour.” She jabbed a finger in the men’s direction. “Let her get a damn nap, okay? She’s walking dead right now, and we’ll need her vertical and braining this weekend.”

  Amazingly enough, the nurse left.

  And Uncle realized his cock was hard and tenting the front of his scrub pants.

  The doctor turned and approached them. She crossed her arms over her chest again. “All right. Answers. Now.”

  “Twins, huh?” Zed asked.

  “Fuck,” Uncle muttered.

  She smirked, and for a second an image of her sweet lips wrapped around his cock flashed through Uncle’s mind, making his now stiff cock ache despite the way this mission had suddenly taken a strange hard left turn into…well, hard territory.

  “Dude, as hunky as the two of you are, I’ll gladly let you take me up on what I just said to her if I can get some fucking sleep out of the deal, and some damn answers as to what the hell you’re doing here.”

  Uncle opted for the truth. “We’re in charge of protecting a team of scientists who are literally days away from nailing down a Kite vaccine and they need this”—he pointed over his shoulder with his left hand at the backpack he wore—“and our sources told us this research lab had it. The manufacturer is out and backlogged on orders. Our research team can’t wait that long.”

  Her eyes widened. “No shit?”

  “No shit.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “I don’t believe you. Show me what you took.”

  “You first. Your boyfriend really broke up with you?”

  Now her face reddened. “Yeah. Hadn’t been much of a relationship for the last month anyway. Everything I own’s in my car. I’m already supposed to work this weekend. I figured I’d crash and shower here and then try to find a new place to live on Monday.”

  “You a doctor?”

  “Third-year resident. Almost done with my latest turn. Show. M
e. Your. Fucking. Backpacks.”

  Uncle guessed her to be around five five, about eight inches shorter than his own six three. With, short black hair and light blue eyes, and her snarky attitude, she was really turning his crank.

  Damn, she’s feisty.

  Zed glared at him as Uncle holstered his gun and carefully unshouldered the backpack, unzipping it so she could look inside.

  She frowned as she looked back up at him with those amazing blue eyes of hers. “Those aren’t drugs. That’s accelerated culture media.”

  “Uh, yeah. Exactly.”

  She looked past him to Zed. “Show me.”

  Uncle turned and nodded to him.

  With an exasperated sigh, Zed holstered his gun, put down the messenger bag, and unshouldered his backpack. He unzipped it and showed her.

  She stared into it for a moment before looking up again. “Why should I believe you guys?”

  “Because,” Zed said, sounding more than a little irritated and impatient, “we’d be pretty damn stupid to go stealing something we don’t need that has about zero dollar value out on the street. ‘Hey, dude, come here. I have some pretty dope culture media to sell ya.’” He finished with a snort.

  Uncle was still trying to sort out the fact that his cock was hard and throbbing. “So…twins, huh?”

  * * * *

  I’m dreaming. That’s it, it’s just a really strange, weird dream.

  “I just saved your asses and you’re harping on that? Wow, can’t believe two hunks like you have a hard time getting laid.”

  “Kind of difficult in our line of work,” Green Eyes shot back.

  “What, you think you’re…” Her rapidly shutting down brain desperately searched for a comeback. “You think you’re those Drunk Monkeys or something?”

  Shockingly enough, both men grinned. “We are,” they said.


  Standing there, all she could do was blink at them.


  Brown Eyes spoke up, his voice low and rushed. “No offense, but I don’t think we have the time to Roscoe her up. We leaving, or what?”

  “What the hell’s that mean? Roscoe me up?”

  Green Eyes held out a staying hand to his partner. “It’s one of our guys who manages to insert his foot into his mouth when it comes to women. So you’re single and homeless on Thanksgiving?”

  The tears stinging her eyes caught her off-guard. “Yeah, thanks for noticing.” She angrily wiped them away with her hands. “How am I supposed to believe you? I catch you guys breaking in here—how’d you get in here, anyway?” While their badges had obviously worked, they didn’t look quite right.

  Then she realized what it was. The hospital had switched to new badges at the first of last month. They all had green lettering on them, while the men’s badges had blue lettering from two versions ago, at least a year earlier.

  Now it was sinking in about their admission. These two men were part of the Drunk Monkeys team.

  Stopping Kite.

  Green Eyes was about to answer when she interrupted as a thought punctured through her exhaustion and made contact with a couple of brain cells. “Wait—days away from a Kite vaccine?”

  Her heart tripped, pounded, did a weird little rumba in her chest as her eyes focused on the fact that Green Eyes seemed to be sporting considerable wood in his scrub pants before she wrenched her gaze back up again.

  “Yeah,” he said. “Before the end of next month, at the very latest. They’ve nailed down the mutation protein chains. Now they’re just trying to get far enough ahead of the mutations to perfect a vaccine that will stop it no matter how it mutates.”

  “They, who?”

  “The scientists from The List.”

  “Fuck,” Brown Eyes said. “Let’s just take her with us if you’re going to tell her every goddamned thing.”


  Green Eyes smiled at her, and something inside her chest broke free. The rumba turned into an adrenaline-fueled free-for-all tap dance. “Uncle,” he said, holding out a hand.

  “You surrendering to me?” she asked as she shook with him.

  “No, that’s my code name. He’s Zed.”

  “Dr. Leta Gaebel. Third-year med resident. No officially designated specialty yet, much less a code name.”

  “Well, Dr. Gaebel. How’d you like to have Thanksgiving dinner with us, and then help us save the world?”

  “Can I have a nap first, followed by some orgasms?” Fuck, obviously she’d dropped into a dream. A hella weird one, but a hella good one if it featured these two hunks.

  That’s it, I’m dreaming. Her sleep-deprived brain and underappreciated libido were obviously conspiring to drive her insane. She would wake up to Karen shaking her anytime now. She was absolutely convinced that this was a dream, so why not go with it?

  Zed turned and started bumping his forehead against the wall. “Fuck. Me,” he muttered.

  Uncle stepped so close that she had to look up into his eyes. “You think you can handle the two of us?”

  She reached out and grabbed his cock through the front of his scrubs.


  Not only was he hung, well-hung, she was beginning to suspect this wasn’t a dream after all.

  She swallowed hard. “I’m not dreaming, am I?”

  He reached down and covered her hand with his, squeezing.

  Through the thin fabric of his scrub pants and the boxers he was wearing, not only was he well-hung, he was thick, too. “Life’s short, Dr. Gaebel. Want to grab some of it by the balls with us?”

  Zed turned back to them and realized what was going on. “Are you…fuck! Dude, what the hell?”

  She dropped her gaze to the front of his scrub pants.

  Fuck it.

  She reached out and grabbed him, too.

  His cock immediately hardened and swelled under her palm, a soft, deep moan escaping him.

  He was, she was happy to notice, as equally well-hung as his partner.

  And both of them more than put the twins in med school to shame.

  “Okay,” Zed hoarsely said. “So she’s coming with us. You drive her vehicle. And I don’t care if you want to sleep through it, lady, I’m fucking your brains out first thing when we get back to our base. You don’t grab the cocks of two guys who haven’t been laid in about two years and not expect for them to end up inside you at some point.”

  She met his brown gaze and smiled sweetly. “I’m good with that, too. In fact, Karen’s not coming back for over an hour. Scratch my itch now, and then I’ll make the call about whether or not I’m going with you, or just covering for your asses so you can get out of here safely.”

  Fuck it, her personal life was non-existent, she was horny, these guys were definitely hunky as well as horny, and why the hell couldn’t she get her freak on if she wanted?

  Happy Thanksgiving to me.

  The men exchanged a glance before Uncle turned back to her. “Challenge accepted,” he muttered before grabbing her by the back of her neck with his free hand and kissing her, hard.

  Chapter Seven

  Zed was convinced someone had shot them, killed them, and now his soul was living out some weird sort of fantasy afterlife sex dream.

  Did that mean he’d reached a heavenly reward?

  He hoped to hell so.

  This wasn’t supposed to be the plan, but damned if he was going to argue. She wanted to get fucked?

  Hell, he’d be happy to oblige her.

  He led the way back into the research area to one of the offices, which was unlocked. Opening the door, he switched on a desk lamp and was happy to see a small loveseat against the far wall.

  “Hot damn,” he said. He carefully set the backpack and messenger bag on the desk and started shucking his clothes as Uncle led her into the office and closed the door behind them.

  Uncle had once again grabbed her, this time with both arms, one hand cupped around the nape of her neck and the other arm around her
waist. He was slowly grinding his hips against hers.

  “Tell us you got a five-year, lady,” Zed said, “because we ain’t packing.”

  She managed to hold up one hand and give him a thumbs-up, making him chuckle.

  She had a lot of spunk, that was for sure.

  When he was naked he got behind her and took her from Uncle, who put his backpack on the desk, too, before he started stripping.

  Zed turned her around and kissed her, not even caring how he moaned into her mouth. A little coffee breath, but he didn’t give a shit. She kissed like a dream and when her fingers wrapped around his throbbing cock he had to struggle not to start humping her hand.

  Once Uncle was naked, they got her stripped down to gorgeous bare flesh before they lifted and carried her over to the loveseat.

  Zed dropped to his knees in front of her, throwing her legs over his shoulders. “Glad to see you keep it trimmed short. I like to see what I’m eating.” He grabbed her by the hips and buried his face in her pussy.

  Her sudden moan was cut off by Uncle grabbing her head and pulling her mouth onto his cock. Actually, no pulling required, because her lips were open and she eagerly devoured the man’s cock down to the root.

  * * * *

  Leta honestly hadn’t expected them to take her up on her offer.

  She damn sure wasn’t going to turn them down, either.

  And when Zed’s mouth closed over her clit, it took him less than thirty seconds to send her into orbit with her first orgasm.

  Uncle’s hands cradled her head as she gobbled his meat, one of her hands twining through Zed’s hair, the other caressing Uncle’s sac.

  Fuck, yeah.

  Gary, who?

  Not that Gary wasn’t okay, because he was, but she never could get him to just grab her, throw her onto the bed, and fuck her brains out like this.

  This was…hell, this was like something out of bad porn or a really good book, and felt amazing.

  “You will be coming with us,” Uncle said, his voice sounding deep and needy and making her want to curl up in his arms forever. “We get done here, we’re all going downstairs together. You’ll come back with us, we’ll get you some lunch, and then you can fall asleep after we each bust a nut again. Because after two fucking years of our own hands, baby, trust me, we’re horny.”