Read Monkey See, Monkey Do Page 6

  Okay, the way he was talking to her, she’d follow him to the ends of the earth on his say-so. She let out a soft mewling cry as Zed’s tongue started circling her clit, getting ready to send her to the moon again even as she was still coasting through the reverberating tingles of orgasm number one.

  “We know how to take care of a lady,” Uncle continued. “Tonight you’re going to be on your knees in our bed, cock at both ends, giving you as much as you can handle. And then we’ll fill you front and back, too, sandwich you between us with a cock up that nice, tight ass of yours while the other’s in your pussy. Bet you’ll like that, huh?”

  She closed her eyes as she mumbled her assent around his meat, orgasm number two closing in strong and fast at that hot mental image.

  Being DP’ed had been one of her favorite things with the twins. She’d never admitted it to Gary, why she’d loved it when he fucked her while she had a butt plug in.

  These two men would obviously be able to take it and her to a whole new and better level.

  Zed reached up and grabbed her breasts, finding and pinching her nipples. She was glad for Uncle’s cock in her mouth, muffling her scream of pleasure as the orgasm exploded out of her.

  Uncle simply slid his cock deeper into her throat, waiting her out with her nose pressed against his pubes as her world unhinged between her legs. Once he let her breathe again she realized overachiever Zed was already ahead of her and had started leading her clit and nervous system toward orgasm number three.


  “Look at me, Leta,” Uncle said.

  She forced her eyes open and stared up into his green gaze. “He’s going to get you off a third time, then he’s going to fuck you, I’m going to fuck you, and we’ll get out of here. Understood?”


  No way in fucking hell she’d let these guys walk out of her life after…this!

  Yes, it made her shallow and she’d allow that a lot of her judgment was currently impaired due to severe sleep deprivation, but dammit, for once in her goddamned life she wanted to do something that made no fucking sense and was completely unpredictable.

  “Good girl,” Uncle whispered.

  And that did it. Number three burst out of the gate and her eyes dropped closed as Uncle once again muffled her with his cock.

  Before she knew it, Zed was up, feeding his cock into her pussy, her ankles around his ears as he grabbed hold of the back of the loveseat and started pounding his cock into her. Every stroke hit her swollen, sensitive clit.

  Uncle had moved next to her, standing on the loveseat so he could slowly fuck her face with his cock. Good thing, too, because she wasn’t expecting climax number four to pop up and say hiya just from being fucked.

  That had never happened to her.


  Not even with the twins.

  “Heh,” Zed said. “Guess we just made your day. I felt that.”

  She gave up trying to hold on to anything except reaching behind her and grabbing the back of the loveseat with her hands. Zed moved his hands, covering hers, lacing fingers with her as he stared down at her with the most intense gaze she’d ever seen in her life.

  * * * *

  Zed was still going with the “hot afterlife” theory until proven otherwise. Leta’s tight pussy clamped down on his cock as he fucked her into her fourth orgasm. He wished they had all day there to take their time, because he’d bend her over the desk and fuck her from behind, get a crack at her gorgeous mouth, and even sixty-nine her while Uncle fucked her.

  They were no strangers to pleasuring a woman together, even though it’d been a while for them.

  But every man had his limits. Duty called, yes, but when a hot and horny woman said, “Fuck me,” and they weren’t getting their asses shot off or dying of Kite, Zed damn sure wasn’t going to say no to her without good fucking cause.

  He couldn’t hold it any longer and threw his head back as he came, burying his cock deep inside that sweet pussy as his balls said thank you and emptied into her.

  Only so much satisfaction a man could get from his own hand.

  Catching his breath, when he finally looked again his gaze met with hers. “Yeah, you are sooo coming with us, baby,” he hoarsely said.

  Uncle pulled out and Zed didn’t hesitate to crush her mouth with his. Just because he didn’t want to suck Uncle’s cock didn’t mean he’d be squicky about kissing her. In fact he grabbed her by the head and tongue-fucked her mouth, his cock already stirring inside her.

  “Move,” Uncle growled. He stood there, ready, slowly stroking his cock. “My turn.”

  Zed lifted his lips from hers. “Hope you aren’t planning on walking for a couple of days,” he told her. “Because any chance we get, you’re going to have our two cocks in you.”

  “How…how many of you are there?”

  He shook his head. “Don’t matter, because we don’t share with anyone else. You’re our package, and he’s right. You’re coming with us, now. Like it or not.”

  “Move your ass, Zed,” Uncle said.

  Zed did, swapping places with Uncle, letting her suck on his cock.

  No shocker it started getting hard again with her sweet, wet mouth licking and sucking on it.

  Uncle had immediately started fucking her, his hands pinning hers to the back of the loveseat like Zed had. Zed suspected she might have a little bit of a submissive streak in her, and that was fine with him in the bedroom as long as she wasn’t a doormat the rest of the time. He loved women who challenged him and kept him on his toes even while liking him throwing them onto the bed and fucking them into a happy sleep.

  He firmly gripped her head, taking charge, his cock once again aching. “This one goes down your throat, and you’ll swallow every drop. Got it?”

  She mumbled something that sounded like an assent to him, even as her eyes dropped closed and she let out a pleasured cry around his meat.

  “Oh, good girl,” he said. “You let Uncle fuck another one out of you, too.” He started slowly fucking her mouth, gauging her reaction, not wanting to gag her with his cock but she turned out to be a trouper. Pretty soon he was racing to put a load down her throat while Uncle was preparing to add another one to her pussy.

  By the sound of the other man’s groans, Zed guessed they finished about the same time.

  Uncle pulled out and they turned her around so she could suck on Uncle’s cock, which she eagerly did while Zed started fingering her pussy. Yep, her swollen, sensitive clit was easy to find and even easier to get one more out of her like that while Uncle fed her a second load.

  Then the two men collapsed to the floor next to the loveseat as she lay there, catching her breath.

  She finally spoke. “If we’re going to leave before Karen comes back, you’d better figure out how to get me vertical and dressed.”

  “Where are your car keys?” Uncle asked.

  “In my bag by the couch. Never made it to a locker today. Yesterday. Whenever it was I got here.” She reached out and drew Uncle to her, kissing him. “You realize you guys just set the bar pretty high, right?”

  Zed kissed her thigh. “We’re overachievers. That’s something you need to learn about us right now.”

  Her gaze met his. “How long we talking?” she asked.

  “As long as we can talk you into staying with us. We don’t play games,” he said. “And like I said, we don’t share. Long story short that won’t make a lick of sense right now, you aren’t the first woman to join our unit and pair up with a team of our guys.”

  “I–I’m not?”

  “No,” Zed said. “And once Kite’s taken care of, it won’t be too long after that before we’re eligible to cut ties with Uncle Sam for good and head to other parts.”

  She finally sat up. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that yeah, we might decide once we’re all not perpetually horny any longer that this won’t work out. But if it does work out, we’re interested in making it as p
ermanent as you want it to be.”

  “What he said,” Uncle said. Then he looked at his watch. “Okay, we’re already going to get our asses chewed out. Everyone get dressed.” He leaned in and kissed her before standing up and pulling her to her feet. “I suggest you use the bathroom before we leave, because we aren’t stopping until we get there.”

  “Get where?”

  “Our temporary home away from home,” Zed said.

  Chapter Eight

  Leta could barely walk, between the earth-shattering sex she’d just had—best of her life, no lie there—and her exhaustion. She used the bathroom and got dressed, leading the men into the research office lobby so she could grab her bag and now-cold cup of coffee.

  “Dammit,” she muttered, guzzling it and tossing the cup in a garbage can. Then she pulled her face mask up into position.

  She fished out her keys and shoved them at Uncle. “Here you go.” She reached for the door.

  Both men had already pulled their masks into place. “Where are you parked?” Uncle asked.

  “Employee lot. Duh.”

  “We should split up anyway,” he said to Zed. “You go back as planned. Warn them. Have Papa or Alpha meet me and her…” He looked at her. “Parking lot of that store close to the end of the road.”

  “Roger roger.” Zed headed out without a look back.

  “Where’s he going?” she asked.

  “Same place we’re going,” he assured her. “What about your family?”

  She snorted. “Don’t have any. I have a car full of my crap. That’s my family.”

  “You need to call anyone about you going missing?”

  She thought about it. “Yeah.” She pulled her phone out and dialed her supervisor, told her she’d ended up pulling an extra twelve hours on top of her previous shift, cited an unspecified family emergency on top of that, apologized for the short notice, and told her she was going home before she collapsed because she wasn’t fit for duty at that time. And that there was a good chance she’d need to take an immediate leave of absence due to this family emergency, but that she’d call back tomorrow and let her know how long it’d be for.

  Which didn’t make her supervisor happy, understandably, but considering Leta had over eight weeks of vacation time stored up that she hadn’t touched yet, and several weeks of unpaid family leave credits beyond that, it wasn’t like they could just fire her for it with no other cause to cite.

  When Leta ended the call she turned to Uncle. “Can we go now?”

  “What about tomorrow?”

  “Dude, you don’t even know if you’ll like me after I’ve had some sleep, coffee, food, and don’t smell like a brothel escapee. Can we please leave?”

  Uncle looked amused.

  She thought. She wasn’t really sure.

  She wasn’t even sure if she was vertical.

  He indicated for her to lead the way. “Ladies first.”

  Trudging down to the elevator, she didn’t even look back. “There better be decent coffee wherever you’re taking me.”

  “I thought you wanted sleep.”

  “I do. But I like my coffee and I’m a real bitch when I don’t have it.”

  “Because you’re being such a delightful little ray of sunshine now?”

  She punched the elevator button and turned to let him have it, but he’d pulled down his mask and he was smiling.

  And it was a damned cute smile.

  And she wanted to kiss his face, but if she did that it would definitely lead to tongue-sucking, and probably another vigorous round of fucking.

  Well, he could get vigorous, while she’d lay there and enjoy the hell out of it.

  Instead, the elevator door slid open, saving her a reply. She walked in and hit the button for the ground floor.

  * * * *

  Uncle knew from personal experience that under stress and exhaustion, some people got super-funny, some grew quiet. Some got hyper and others retreated, barely functional.

  Some, like Leta now, lost any type of filter they might have otherwise had, for actions or words.

  He wondered if she’d fallen completely in the last category, if she’d get some decent sleep in her and awaken to find she regretted their impromptu romp in the hay.

  He hoped not. Another doctor on the team? Hell yes, Papa would let her stay.

  Not like he could say no when eight other women had joined their ranks already.

  Also, it didn’t hurt that he thought she was cute, and she’d been damn good in the sack, even if she was exhausted.

  If that was her not at her best, he couldn’t wait to see what she was like once she’d had some sleep.

  He followed her out of the hospital and to the employee parking lot. Her SUV was a hybrid, not the newest model, but she kept it clean, other than it being piled to the roof inside with her stuff.

  After he punched the key fob button to unlock it, she pulled the passenger door open, belted herself in, and then laid the seat back as far as it’d go with the back full of stuff.

  “Wake me up when we get there.”

  Then she fell asleep. Before he’d even gotten the engine started.

  Full-on, deep, snoring sleep.

  Hell, even that was cute, and she didn’t snore nearly as loudly as Zed, so, bonus.

  Chuckling, he headed out of the parking lot. She only had half a tank of gas, so he’d top that off before they made it to their rendezvous point.

  Dammit, this is not how I expected today to play out. At all.

  But his balls and cock damn sure weren’t complaining.

  At least I won’t have to blindfold her.

  * * * *

  “Hey, we’re here.”

  Leta awoke with a start at the man’s voice, disoriented.

  I’m in my car.

  She shifted positions and pulled the lever on the side of her seat to sit it up. That’s when the pleasant aches hit her.

  Oh, yeah. Really good sex.

  She turned to stare at Uncle. “Where are we?” They appeared to be in a parking lot, and she wasn’t sure where.

  “We’re here to talk to a man about you getting to see our secret clubhouse.”

  He opened his door and that’s when she spotted a man standing in front of the closed store, leaning against the wall. She realized neither man wore a surgical mask.

  Uncle walked over to the guy and they started talking before she’d even gotten her seat belt unhooked and the door open. She didn’t bother with her face mask.

  It took her a moment to stretch and walk out some of the decidedly nice pains her body was complaining about before she headed over to join them.

  The man sized her up. “Dr. Gaebel, I presume?” He held out his hand.

  She shook with him. “Yep. I think that’s me. I’m so exhausted right now, I’m not sure.”

  He pointed at her name badge. “According to that, you are.”

  She looked down. “Heh. Hey, yay, me. I got something right.”

  “She’s really exhausted,” Uncle said.

  “That’s what Zed told me,” the man said. “And I’m Papa, by the way.”

  “Uncle and Papa?” she asked. “Seriously? Do you have a Mama and an Aunt?”

  The man didn’t seem fazed by her comment. “Mama, yes. No Aunt yet.”

  “Dude, I am sooo exhausted right now, I’d really like to go lay down somewhere and sleep for about a year, if that’s possible.”

  He smirked. “No family who will hold you down?”

  “No family at all,” she said. Then she hooked a thumb at her SUV. “And if Zed didn’t tell you, everything I own is in that thing. So I’m kind of a free agent right now. I’m assuming there is money to be paid at some point so I don’t leave this situation totally broke at the end?”

  “You will be taken care of, yes,” Papa assured her. “So you’re really a doctor, huh?”

  “Bend over and I’ll give you a prostate exam.”

  He laughed and shook his head. The
n he slapped Uncle on the shoulder. “Holy crap, Zed said she was a pistol. Congrats, you gentlemen now have a package.”

  “They sure do,” she quipped.

  Papa grinned. “Welcome to the team…Snarky.”


  “That’s your code name now.”

  Uncle let out a laugh but didn’t comment.

  She stared at Papa. “No. Seriously?”

  He shrugged. “I call ’em like I see ’em.”

  * * * *

  It was Thanksgiving Day, and General Joseph Arliss was dining alone, at home.

  He’d purchased a microwaveable turkey and stuffing TV dinner and was now eating it in front of the TV.

  He didn’t mind. He was used to it.

  Sure, he could have gone to one of the bases and eaten there with the enlisted men and officers on duty, and sometimes, he did.

  Just not today.

  Today he was going over information Bubba had sent him, the latest data dump pulled from the Church of the Rising Sunset’s computer systems, decrypted, and then passed on to him.

  Absolutely his latest move had pissed off Rev. Hannibal Silo to no end, because the church’s coffers had seen a drastic drop in income ever since the President’s speech and the naming of Rev. Karsu as Kite Czar.

  It was also suspicious that Rev. Silo had left his little toady, Jerald, behind in St. Louis while he himself traveled to the church’s Vermont stronghold for the holiday weekend.

  Even more suspicious that a particular person in the CIA that Bubba had warned Arliss to keep an eye on had suddenly been pinged on expressway toll systems as having driven to Vermont today, to a town just outside the church’s compound.

  Where Bubba and Stu had tapped into traffic camera systems to confirm that a Church of the Rising Sunset vehicle and the CIA operative’s vehicle were now parked at the same restaurant, even as Arliss sat here and ate his slightly chewy microwaved turkey.

  Goldfinch had never crossed Arliss’ radar in a serious way before now. Bubba hadn’t been able to definitively tie him to any of Silo’s previous activities. Then again, those kinds of “off-the-books” operations the church engaged in weren’t exactly listed in the ledgers.