Read Monkeying Around Page 7

  I’m gonna get laid!

  Yes, maybe it made her a shitty officer, but when you didn’t have to worry about dying, and had a little breathing room, it was natural to want to finally make use of any opportunity to harmlessly blow off some steam.

  Or blow…something.

  In this case, the fantasy of having two hunky guys she could blow at the same time was threatening to soak her panties clean through.

  She returned to the common room. “We’re good,” she said. “Full immunity, but I need to go back later and talk to them. Give them a complete report. And they want me on a conference call with their general, so it’ll probably take a while. They said they’d let me know when.”

  “Do you need us to go with you?” Malyern asked. Although it wasn’t difficult for Tank to hear the reluctance in her voice. She obviously made the offer more because she thought she should, not because she wanted to.

  “No, I’m good,” Tank assured her. “I’ll hammer out the deets as to what we do next. If we get Canadian citizenship, or will be allowed to go back eventually, or what.” She focused on Sylvan. “And they confirmed they’ll try to help us locate family.”

  The girl finally brightened a little. “Really?”

  “Really.” Tank hoped she wasn’t promising more than she could deliver. Yes, she knew they’d try to devote resources to it, but there was a really good chance all of their families were dead in Barstow or LA.

  “I’m going to go take a shower and chill for a while before dinner. Don’t know how late the meeting will run tonight. But I think we’ve all earned some rest. We’ll kick things into overdrive tomorrow.”

  They all looked a little unsure. Every spare second they’d had, when they weren’t sleeping or traveling, they’d spent working on exposing the events in LA and Barstow and the truth about the Kite threat.

  “Look, we’re here now,” Tank told them. “We’re safe. We need to regroup, reboot, and get a fresh start in the morning since we don’t have to look over our shoulders every second. There’s a lot more we can be doing now that we aren’t having to mask our location the usual half-assed ways we have been. Take tonight to brainstorm, to gather your thoughts. Let’s come out swinging in the morning.”

  “Connell was talking about taking another run at the servers at MacDill,” Malyern said. “He thought he’d found a backdoor he could use to jump into other bases on the same system. We could try that. We just never had time to try it before without compromising our location.”

  Tank pointed at her. “That’s what I’m talking about. I grabbed their stuff from the car. Their computers and notes made it up here.”

  Jeez, had that only been yesterday morning? It felt like forever and just a minute ago, all at the same time.

  And it chilled some of her happy energy.

  Orson spoke up. Only twenty-one, he was one of the most quiet members of the group, but also the most productive, whether it was hacking into something or scouting out a hideout location. “I know how to get into their computers. We’d all used each other’s computers before. We won’t have to hack them.”

  “Okay. Sounds like we have a plan, then.”

  Tank headed back to their quarters, grabbed her stuff, and went to take a shower. Her computer, unlike the others, had a special feature. Undetectable even by good hackers, it had a hidden system only accessible by a combination of keystrokes and a password. While she kept her laptop password protected, if anyone hacked in, they’d only find what she wanted them to find.

  Even better, she could switch between the two systems with a couple of keystrokes.

  That meant she didn’t need to sit on her computer every second of the day and worry about if someone got into it or not. She had a keystroke logger on it, too, and several times one or more people had tiptoed through her computer while she was either asleep or taking a bath or…indisposed behind a tree, if no bathroom was available.

  But they hadn’t done that in a long time, apparently accepting she was one of them.

  So today, she would enjoy the luxury of having a long, hot shower, all to herself.

  Ooh, better shave the kitty.

  Shaving anything hadn’t been much of a priority for her while on the run. She shaved legs, pits, between her legs—for the first time in a couple of years actually feeling like a woman instead of little more than a cog in the military machine.

  Hopefully Alpha would be interested in her, too. She wasn’t an idiot. The guys were a team. If Alpha didn’t warm up to her, she understood that Papa likely would call a halt to any potential extracurricular activities between them anyway.

  And that would really fucking suck.

  * * * *

  Papa sent Alpha down to the lab to discuss some logistics issues with the research team after evening chow. One of the best things about this base, in Alpha’s opinion, was their team had been given separate quarters, all ten pairs. The scientists had paired off into various quarters all their own. The base was sturdy, thick walls, meaning not much sound would get through.

  For the first time in…ever, they didn’t have to listen to anyone else snoring or scrumping or doing whatever outside the walls of their own room.

  When Alpha fell into his rack tonight, he would get one of the best night’s sleep of his life.

  And that was saying something. No disruptions, and no worries about watching his six.

  He also wouldn’t have to share a bed with Papa. The rooms were small, but in this section they all had two bunk beds in them. That meant they each got their own. And they only had to share a bathroom with one other room.

  Might rub one out in the shower tonight before I go to sleep.

  That would be nice. He’d gotten ten minutes to himself a month ago down in Florida, walking by himself one night along the beach.

  Holy shit.

  No wonder he felt like he could easily strangle someone.

  Maybe I’ll rub two out. Hell, it’s like a damn party, right?

  He’d reached their quarters and was standing there by his bunk, deciding what to do next. He had started to think about unpacking his gear when the door burst open and a woman just about flew through the door and into the room, as if propelled by someone else. She landed on Papa’s lower bunk, springing right back up, wildly swinging.

  Papa slammed the door shut behind him and locked it, grabbing her by the arm and spinning her around, punching her.

  “Yo, dude! What the fuck?” He tried to grab Papa’s arm but the man shoved him off.

  “Stay out of this,” he growled. She was sobbing now as Papa grabbed her jacket lapels and started shaking her, his back to Alpha as he took another swing at her, making her sharply cry out in pain.

  Alpha finally realized it was Tank Papa was going after. He tried again to pull the man off of the girl. “What the fuck are you doing? Let her go!”

  Papa shoved him, hard, making him trip and land on the other bunk. Now Papa had Tank on her back on his bunk and was choking her.

  “Bitch got her friends killed, you know that? And she’s trying to keep that other girl away from us? Fuck that shit.”

  Finally, Alpha’s brain overrode his shock of seeing this man, a man he considered a brother, losing his shit and going totally off the rails. He dove across the opening between the bunks and tried to pull Papa off Tank before he killed the girl.

  “Man, stop it! You can’t do this!”

  “Do what? This?” Papa leaned in and kissed her. That shocked Alpha again.

  Especially when she wrapped her arms around him and started kissing him back.

  His heart thudded in his chest. “Okay, what the hell?”

  Both of them started laughing as Papa gave her one last kiss and sat up. She rolled onto her side facing Alpha, propped up on one elbow.

  “That’s, ‘What the hell, ma’am, to you, captain,” she said in what definitely sounded like an officer’s command tone.

  He stared at her. “Huh?”

  She stood, ste
pped over to him, grabbed him, and kissed him, hard and deep, hooking a leg around his and grinding herself against him.

  “Gotcha,” she said, her sexy tone confusing the hell out of him at the same time it aroused him. “Does Scotland ring a bell?”

  He finally grabbed her arms and leaned back far enough he could look down into her eyes. Gorgeous eyes, now that she wasn’t shooting daggers at him through them.

  And Papa was now flopped over on the bunk and laughing his ass off. “Fuck, I should have set up a camera to film his expression. Priceless!”

  “Oookaay, what the hell is going on?”

  Papa didn’t sit up. In fact, he started unbuttoning his shirt. “Captain Kenner Chasco, I’d like to introduce you to Major Fiji Noel Tanakasawa. Military intel, deep cover.”

  She squirmed free of Alpha’s grasp and draped her arms around his neck. “Auditioning for the roll of rack-warmer for the immediate future, at the very least.”

  “What the fuck does Scotla—oh.” He glared at Papa. “You sonofabitch! I was seriously considering drawing my sidearm on you!”

  Papa sat up. “Frankly, I’m too horny and exhausted to play it out any longer than we did.”

  Alpha refocused on her. “Thought you hated me?”

  “I’m thirty-four and a major. You honestly think I’m going to let a college kid who can’t find her ass with both hands and a flashlight try to make moves on you before I get a chance to see if we might have something? Think again. Besides, she’s literally a dumbass.”

  “So…you don’t hate me?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “Deep cover, baby.”


  Papa sat up and pulled off his shirt. “So, you need to make a decision, buddy,” he said. “Either you get naked and we show the woman a good time tonight, or we send her away unfucked, highly disappointed, very horny, and you risk me killing you in your sleep after she leaves.”

  “How long have you known this?”

  “Not long. That’s why she pulled me aside during our meeting earlier.”

  “And you couldn’t tell me…why?”

  Papa stood up and got behind her, his hands on her hips. “Scotland, asshole. Fucking top this.”

  “I—” Alpha’s jaw dropped shut. “Dammit.” He started to yank his shirt off. “If you don’t hate me, then hell, yeah, I’m willing to see what might happen.”

  She smiled. “Good. Because as I told him, it’s been two years since I’ve been fucked, and I’m hoping for a damn good time.”

  “Then you came to the right men, sugar.” He threw his shirt onto the other bunk and grabbed her again, kissing her hard, roughly, enjoying the soft moans she made when he pressed his tongue against her lips and they parted immediately for him.

  Papa nuzzled the side of her neck. “You ever been with two guys at the same time before?”

  Alpha lifted his lips from hers so she could answer. “No, but it’s on my bucket list.”

  Alpha reached up and fisted her ponytail. “Permission to fuck your brains out, ma’am?”

  She grinned. “Permission granted.”

  Somehow, they got the two lower bunk mattresses dragged down onto the floor and got themselves naked on them. Papa knelt behind her and slid his cock home inside her pussy before pulling her up onto her knees, holding her against his chest.

  Along her abdomen lay a long, twisted scar which Alpha traced with his lips and tongue. “Who did this to you, baby?”

  “Fucker in Shanghai. Gutshot me. You should have seen what he looked like when I finished with him.”

  “I think you should quit talking and make her come, buddy,” Papa told Alpha.


  * * * *

  Tank moaned in disappointment when Papa filled her with his delicious cock but then didn’t proceed to fuck her. Instead, he pulled her up on her knees, her back pressed against his chest, his arms around her, hands on her breasts. As he started playing with her nipples, Alpha got in front of her and his lips closed around her exposed and throbbing clit.


  She tipped her face to the side, kissing Papa and letting him swallow her moans as she exploded around his cock. The orgasm was all the better for having his shaft deeply embedded inside her, the walls of her pussy clamping down on it as Alpha did things to her with his tongue that were probably illegal in several countries.

  Wave after wave of orgasms washed through her. She realized part of it was she’d been unsatisfied for so damn long, and part of it was the welcomed release of tension.

  But it didn’t hurt that they were just.



  Papa rolled and pinched her nipples between his fingers, almost but not quite to the point of pain, helping throw her over the edge again and again. Nothing had ever felt this good.


  Papa nuzzled the side of her neck again. “Gonna let him get a couple more out of you, then we’re going to spit-roast your beautiful self so we can release a little tension. Round two, my cock is going in that gorgeous ass of yours while he gets to fuck your pussy.”

  She whimpered, the scorching mental image helping draw yet another orgasm out of her with the help of Alpha’s tongue on her clit.

  “Round three,” Papa continued, “will be you on top of me sucking my cock while he gets to pound this sweet pussy and I’m sucking your clit. Then after a breather we’ll figure out what happens next. Deal?”


  He nipped her earlobe. “You like it a little rough, or want slow and sweet?”


  He chuckled. “A lady with a wide variety of tastes. I like that.” Another nip sent shivers through her while Alpha was working her up again. She’d lost count of how many times she’d already come. “Fair warning, you stay around any length of time, we’re going to consider you ours and work to keep you ours. Got it?”

  Hell, if this was what she could expect, that was damn skippy with her.


  “By ours we mean you don’t sleep with anyone but us, and we don’t sleep with anyone but you. We’re territorial about what’s ours. Sure you can handle that?”

  “Yeah!” Right now she’d agree to nearly anything just to keep the pleasure washing through her.

  He lightly raked his teeth across the flesh of her neck. “Might mean after we get through all this bullshit and can settle down to civvie life again that we tell you to get rid of the five-year and start working on getting you pregnant.”

  Her eyes dropped closed, an orgasm even harder than the others flooding her system at that mental image. She’d had to be independent for so long. The few relationships she’d had never lasted long because the guys couldn’t handle her. So not just one but two guys who could definitely take care of her?

  Hell yeah.

  Alpha lifted his head. “Wow. That made her come really hard, didn’t it?”

  “Yeah. I think we just discovered our lady’s kryptonite. Get one more out of her, and then let’s let her drain you dry because I’m about ready to explode.”

  Alpha went to work on her again while Papa whispered in her ear all the dirty dreams she’d had herself throughout the years.

  As if he could read her mind.

  One of his hands dropped down, flat against her tummy. “Just think what it would be like to have two guys spoiling you rotten for life, filling you with our babies, building a future together.”

  Once more into the breach. He gasped as her pussy squeezed his cock as she came again. “Hurry up,” he said to Alpha.

  Alpha sat up and back, grabbing her and pulling her down, her mouth already open and ready for his cock as Papa grabbed her by the hips and started pounding his cock into her.

  Fortunately, she had Alpha’s cock deep in her throat when Papa fucked one last smaller orgasm out of her, because she moaned around his cock, muffling the sound.

  Alpha’s hands cradled her head as he started thrusting
. “That’s it, sugar,” he gasped. “Filled with cock at both ends and a very happy girl. Just think about this right here, about two men who can keep you satisfied better than anyone else, whenever you get lonesome.”

  Her nipples, sensitive from Papa tormenting them, rubbed against the sheets and added to her pleasure. Then Alpha’s cock grew even harder against her tongue and he buried it in her throat as he moaned. She swallowed as fast as she could, while downstairs Papa’s fingers dug into her flesh as he let out a satisfied grunt of his own.

  With Alpha’s cock finally softening in her mouth, she took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief.

  Papa stretched out next to her, hooking an arm around her waist and pulling her against him. “And that’s how two men keep a woman happy,” he whispered against the nape of her neck.

  Chapter Nine

  Papa was glad Alpha had quickly grokked the situation and jumped on board with the plan. Was he crazy to think long-term when it came to Tank when they barely knew her?

  Sure, but the world was, last time he checked, an increasingly crazy place. If the nine triads before them could jump into bed together and make it so far, why couldn’t they approach it like that, too?

  He reached over to his trousers, where he’d stashed a small bottle of lube and condoms he’d acquired from Omega during his talk with the man while Alpha was handling the medical logistics.

  Letting Alpha see those would have been a huge tip-off and spoiled his plans.

  He held them up for her to see. “I am a man of my word,” he told her, his own cock already starting to inflate at the thought of having her sandwiched between them. “Get busy getting him hard and—”

  “Too late,” Alpha joked. He reached down and encircled the base of his already hard cock, shaking it at her. “Mount up, sugar. We’ve got some fucking to do.”

  She slung a leg over him, straddling him. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto his cock, pulling a gasp from her that completely finished hardening Papa’s cock.

  “Yeah,” Papa hoarsely said. “Like that.”