Read Monkeying Around Page 8

  “Hurry up,” Alpha grumbled. “I’m already close again.” Alpha pulled her down, kissing her, one hand fisting her hair and the other arm draped around her.

  Papa worked plenty of lube into her tight ass, starting with one finger and taking his time working through a second, then third finger. By the time he felt confident she was ready and he wouldn’t hurt her, she was squirming on Alpha’s cock and trying to fuck him.

  He wiped off his hand and rolled a condom onto his aching shaft, slathering that with lube, too.

  “Hold still,” Papa told her, planting one hand in the middle of her back while he used the other to get his cock positioned.

  When she felt the head of his cock touching her rim, she fell still and softly moaned. Alpha reached down and grabbed her ass cheeks, holding her wide open for Papa.

  “We mean it,” Papa told her. “We consider you ours. You don’t want to be ours, you have to say so.”

  Although if right now she said she didn’t want them he’d be liable to burst into tears. Having her between them felt right, felt good, and not only because it’d been so damn long since they’d been with a woman.

  That’s not what she said. Instead, she wiggled her cute ass at him and threw him a glance over her shoulder. “Please shut up and fuck me!” Words that quickly transformed into moans as he eased forward, his cock breaching her rim and sliding into her tight channel.

  Going slow, so slow he thought his balls might explode from the tension, he gently started fucking her ass, making more progress with every stroke, until his thighs were pressed tightly against her.

  Breathing a sigh of relief that he’d gotten all the way inside her without exploding first, he leaned in and kissed the back of her neck. “Now it’s time to fuck you again, baby.”

  * * * *

  Tank hovered on the edge between pleasure and pain, the two sensations mixing and twisting and doing a frenetic tango back and forth across every last nerve ending in her body. When Papa leaned in and kissed the back of her neck, she realized she didn’t want this to end. Any of this. Ever.


  Yeah, she’d accomplished a lot in her life, in her career, but there was more to life than just working. Especially when in her line of work it was quite common to risk death, or have to kill.

  She wanted a life. To live. To love. To have passion and pleasure and the good kinds of pain like this.

  Alpha reached up and started playing with her nipples, while Papa worked a hand between her and Alpha and located her clit.

  Alpha looked up at her with those gorgeous blue eyes of his. “Start movin’, sugar. That pussy ain’t gonna fuck itself.” He grinned.

  In that moment, she knew she was in love. With both of them. Illogical? Yes, absolutely. Passionately crazy maybe in the bad ways? Sure, okay. But she didn’t give a shit.

  She wanted them. They saw her, the real her, and didn’t see a killer or a dangerous person. They saw a woman their bodies had responded to, and they weren’t scared or repelled or put off.

  Slowly, her bottom lip caught under her teeth, and she started moving, fucking them, enjoying the burning pinch of how both their cocks inside her at the same time had her stretched, fuller than ever before, an incredible sensation.

  “That’s it,” Papa said, his voice once again sounding strained. “You’re absolutely perfect, baby.”

  With her hands braced on Alpha’s firm pecs, she rocked back and forth, her body quickly growing accustomed to the feel of them inside her, pleasure taking over and filling her. Didn’t hurt that Papa had apparently figured out how to perfectly play with her clit and help her out there.

  “Look at me, sugar,” Alpha said.

  Forcing her eyes open, she stared down at him.

  “Give us one like this and we’ll go easy on you and come.” He grinned. “And even give you a few minutes to rest before round three.”

  His playful tone drop-kicked her over the edge and into the abyss of pleasure. Before long she was slamming her body against theirs, her orgasm spinning, stretching as the men worked to catch up to and come with her. Finally, she collapsed in a sweaty heap on top of Alpha, Papa bracing himself with his arms on either side of her, keeping his weight off her but his softening cock still embedded in her ass.

  “That’s round two,” he teased. “We’ll get cleaned up and start the warm-ups for round three.”

  She didn’t know where the giggles came from, but in a few seconds she was full-on belly laughing, helpless, draped over Alpha’s hard chest and flat-out giggle-snorting her way through the episode.

  It felt fucking good to laugh again. She hadn’t laughed in…

  A really long time.

  Forever, it felt.

  Definitely not since escaping LA.

  As she caught her breath, Papa stroked her back. “Mind letting us in on the joke?”

  “Of all the things I thought that might happen to me during this mission,” she said, “becoming the filling in a monkey sandwich wasn’t one of them.”

  Alpha played with her hair, twirling it around his fingers. “You complaining, sugar?”

  “Nope. Definitely not complaining.” She turned her head so she could look up at Papa. “So how do your oral talents compare to his?”

  “It’s not a competition,” Alpha said.

  “Spoken like a man who isn’t sure he can measure up,” she lightly snarked.

  “Hey, you weren’t complaining a little bit ago.”

  Papa grinned, widely, taking years off his features. “I think I’m better than him.”

  “Says who?” Alpha protested.

  Papa waggled his eyebrows at her. “Guess you’ll have to be the judge of that, won’t you?”

  Papa sat up so she could sit up. “Let’s get cleaned up and get to round three, then,” she said. “Only way to be sure.” Papa helped her to her feet, leaving Alpha lying there.

  “Hey, what about me?”

  “Better come clean up,” Papa told him as they headed for the bathroom door. “Unless you want me to win by default.”

  Alpha jumped up and followed them.

  Ten minutes later, they were all squeaky clean, and she was head to cock on top of Papa. He wasted no time grabbing her ass and holding on tight as he buried his face in her pussy.

  Sucking his cock deep into her mouth, she tried to focus on actually giving him a blow job, but what he was doing felt just too…damned…good.

  She heard Alpha crack his knuckles. “You just wait. You just wait until the next round. I’ll go down on that pussy and rock your world.”

  Barely able to hold back her giggle at his playful tone, that quickly turned into her moaning around Papa’s cock when Alpha speared her with his. The men were both amply endowed, over eight inches, at least, and thick.

  Even better, they knew how to use their equipment.

  The first orgasm of that round soon slammed into her, and when she tried to squirm away from Papa, he just held on more tightly and sucked on her clit harder, keeping her in place and barely able to move.

  Alpha held her down, too, with a hand in the small of her back. “Oh, yeah, sugar. Right there.” He sounded breathless, eager. “Gonna fuck this sweet pussy until you won’t even so much as look at another guy because you’ll know who you’ve got waiting for you.”

  That wasn’t going to be a problem. She’d had decent sex in her life with decently hung men who had decent technique.

  Before tonight, she would have thought them more than adequate.

  Until Papa and Alpha blew the bell curve.


  She couldn’t imagine being in bed with any other man, much less two of them, besides these two. Everything felt right, perfect, no awkward fumblings or missteps. The men knew what they wanted and how to make sure the woman between them was more than happy with the results. No selfish quickies for them, they’d overshot her expectations by a lunar landing’s worth.

  And then some.

  She li
terally couldn’t move by the time they took pity on her, she’d swallowed a load of Papa’s cum, and Alpha had emptied another load into her pussy. Lying there draped across both of them, she said, “Someone set an alarm to wake us up in an hour.”

  “Why?” the men asked.

  “Because I can’t spend all night here. They’ll notice I’m gone.”

  Alpha sat up, looking not quite angry, but perturbed, at the very least. “You’re ours, and you’ll sleep with us.”

  “She’s right, Ken,” Papa said. “She’s undercover. You can’t interfere with that.”

  Alpha looked like he wanted to argue, a cross between upset and heartbroken that nearly sent her into tears.

  She coaxed him back down for a kiss. “I’m yours, all right? Both of yours. No worries there.”

  “You’re not sharing a room with a guy, are you?” he asked.

  She smiled. “With five of them. And seven women. They’ve got us in one dorm room.”

  “Oh.” He looked a little less perturbed by that. “I guess that’s okay, then.” He found his watch and set an alarm. “One hour.” He kissed her after snuggling in beside her. “Then I’m going to give you one last round to remember us by.”

  “And another shower,” she said, her eyes already falling closed. “Because I can’t go back there smelling like I just had an orgy. We have to play this smart. And I have to pretend to give you stink-eye.” She opened her eyes again and poked him. “Next time Sylvan tries to make a move on you, you’d better not go looking at her like you were.”

  He grinned. “Ah, so she is jealous. Good.” He rubbed noses with her. “I like that. I want our woman to be as territorial about us as we are about her.”

  “Just try and stop me.”

  “Sleep,” Papa said. “Because I have a feeling I’m going to want a round four, too.”

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning was Wednesday. Tank lay in her bunk and at first had difficulty processing all the strange, unfamiliar aches and pains in her body.

  Then the previous night’s events slammed into her memory.

  Oh. Yeah.


  She stifled a soft giggle.

  Holy crap, the men had been true to their word and gave her a roll in the rack she would never forget. Although thinking about long-term plans was something she’d leave to the realm of bedroom talk for now.

  It was far too soon to be thinking in those terms. They didn’t even have the vaccine in production yet. She still had a mission to complete.

  The men still had a mission to complete.

  She heard some of the others moving around and checked the time. 0647 meant the base was up and moving and alive.



  She sat up and winced as she contemplated the soreness she wasn’t used to. The good kind of soreness, but it meant she’d be moving a little on the slow side.

  At least I don’t need a shower.

  No, the shower she’d taken with the men last night after round four and before returning to her dorm had cleaned them up and meant she could hit the floor running this morning.

  Well, maybe not running. A slow, ambling shuffle, for sure.

  As she started getting ready, Argen, who’d apparently showered that morning from the look of her damp brown hair, walked over. “So…are we good?”


  “The meeting last night. You got in really late. How’d it go?”

  “Oh.” That’s right, she still had a cover story to not blow. After suppressing the urge to grin and giggle, which she masked with a yawn, Tank said, “Yeah. Full immunity. The general said if worse came to worse, he’d get us set up with new identities once this is all over.”

  Prudhomme was now listening in. Standing there bare-chested and in jeans, he walked over. “Once what is all over? We don’t work for them.”

  “I’m not caffeinated yet, guys. Look, the same general in charge of SOTIF is the one helping us out. He wants us to expose what happened. There’s a lot of fuckery going on in government, and he’s against it. He’s pro-Constitution, and says that there’s too much big business involved in the government now. He wants us to expose Barstow and LA and Kite and everything else so we get the truth out there. He just can’t directly help us.”

  “Why not?” Argen asked.

  “Because he can’t expose himself. He’s taking a huge enough damn risk as it is helping us as much as he has. He’s focused on trying to make sure a Kite vaccine gets out and saves the damn world.”

  “What about us?” Prudhomme asked.

  “What about us?”

  “Kite. We get the vaccine, too?”

  “Yep. Just like everyone on this base.”

  “And our families?” Jerise asked from her bunk, where she was now sitting up and listening, Sylvan looking on from the bunk above her.

  “And our families.” Tank realized everyone was now awake and listening, so she reached over and hit the switch to turn on the overhead lights. “Look, I know we claimed we’re anarchists—”

  “We are anarchists,” King insisted. She wore a doubtful frown that Tank kept in mind to deal with later.

  “We can’t succeed in a vacuum,” Tank continued. “I’m no idiot. Remember, I grew up in the military, y’all didn’t. I heard my parents talk after work every day. Talking with their friends. We play ball by their rules and we’ll come out on top here.”

  Paxton nudged his glasses up his nose. “What are their rules?”

  “You’ve already heard them. Don’t jeopardize the base or their mission to get a Kite vaccine in production and distributed. Don’t expose ourselves or this base. Damn sure don’t want to expose the Drunk Monkeys or their CO. We go after the appropriate targets—the people who ordered LA and Barstow. The people who ordered euthanasias at the road blocks. Hell, the rumors about what happened in New York. Meaning President Kennedy and everyone whose names were on those orders. Her advisors.”

  “What about the VP?” Jerise asked.

  “He wasn’t involved. He’s one of the good guys.” Still desperately wanting coffee, yet knowing she needed to get this out of the way, Tank connected a few dots for them in such a way as not to jeopardize her cover and yet give them the bigger picture. Set up the data and evidence so that when the vaccine was ready to go out to the masses, they delivered the knockout punch that would take out the President, allow the VP to take over, and ensure people knew he was clean. Hopefully guarantee him the election that November, as well as anyone on the party ticket. The party that saved the world and cleaned their own house.

  Shuller frowned as she leaned into Boyd, who had his arm draped around her shoulders. “So, what, we’re now shills for the political machine? How is that good?”

  “Not for the political machine. How many of us have been raised by parents who could barely make ends meet, huh? Just because my parents are career military doesn’t mean they’re rich. I know some of you are from wealthy families.” She directed that statement to Sylvan, who had the decency to blush, at least.

  “The rest of us,” Tank continued, “know what it’s like to barely scrape by. Because there pretty much isn’t a middle class anymore. What we do here will help expose the corruption all the way up the food chain and get rid of it so we can start fresh as a country. Assuming the party wins in November, one of the first things they want to do is reform the tax codes and eliminate big money from elections. Make it part of the Constitution so future sessions of Congress can’t go and weasel it back in there and start this shit over.”

  She stared at them. They’d all fallen silent during her speech. “Paxton. Didn’t you say your dad almost died because he couldn’t afford his medicine?”

  He slowly nodded. “Yeah.”

  “They want to put human needs back to being a priority. Look at what’s already happened. Those executive orders about forgiving winter electric bills and natural gas bills? That was this general forcing the President to do it
to help people out.”

  “What is the downside to us doing this?” Torphin asked.

  Orson spoke up. “We end up worse off than before.”

  Tank smiled as she walked over to him. “Key difference, though.”


  “They’ll know that we know. People will be watching them, not just us.”

  “What if they kill us?” Sylvan asked. “You said they’re killers.”

  “Once the info’s out there, they won’t dare anyway. We plant fail-safes everywhere, just in case. I already told them we would be doing that. That we had done that.” That was a fib, but one she knew they’d swallow.

  Tank held up her hand. “I’m in. If anyone wants to leave, they’ll arrange for you to be taken back to the States and get a fake ID so you can get around. If you’re in, show me.”

  Holding her breath, she watched as, one by one, all their hands slowly headed skyward.

  “Good. We’re all in, then. Let’s do this.” She put her hand down. “After coffee.”

  Finally, a smattering of laughter.

  After getting dressed and grabbing her laptop, she headed to the chow hall, hoping she didn’t run into Papa and Alpha when she did.

  It’d be too hard to keep her mask in place. To pretend she wasn’t happy to see them.

  To try and not run Sylvan through with a butter knife if the girl tried to hit on Alpha or Papa.

  She was the first of her group there by a couple of minutes. Omega walked in before any of her group joined her. After glancing around, he handed a sat-phone off to her, giving her a wink and a nod of his head before quickly walking off.

  Slipping the sat-phone into her jacket pocket, she breathed a sigh of relief. Papa had obviously talked with him at some point. While the more people who knew about her true identity would amp the risk of the mission falling apart, it was helpful to have the unit’s QM on her side and in the know. It meant a far easier time getting whatever she needed for herself and the group without having to secretly slip messages to Bubba, or going through Papa and Alpha, to make sure it happened.

  Pulling her student persona fully into place, she staked out a corner of the chow hall for her group, keeping them together as they arrived and joined her to eat.