Read More than a Promise: The Separation Page 1



  By Tess Gregory

  Copyright 2012 Tess Gregory

  Chapter 1

  “Babe… there’s something…I have to tell you,” Seth stammered as they walked through the school parking lot. They stopped at his car and he stood there looking at her. How was he supposed to tell her? He knew it was going to upset her like nothing else would.

  She stared at him wondering what could be so bad that he couldn’t tell her. “Seth, what’s wrong?” she questioned hesitantly.

  He walked around the car and took both her hands in his, deciding telling her straight out was the only way. Looking her in the eye, he mumbled, “My family’s moving to New York in a few weeks.”

  She just stared at him, not knowing what to say, as fear ran like ice through her veins. “You can’t mean that,” she whispered. She could barely get enough air in her lungs to breathe, let alone speak.

  “Yes I do and there’s nothing I can do about it! I can’t change it!” he stormed. Looking at her he thought she was the most beautiful girl in school. She had dark brown hair, down to the center of her back, dark brown eyes with the longest eyelashes he ever saw. Her long straight nose led to the softest lips he ever kissed. She had a rocking body and stood five feet six inches tall, which he swore was all leg.

  It was after the first football game of the season and the Northampton Konkrete Kids won their first game. They were alone in the parking lot. Everyone left for the traditional after game party. But neither of them could think about that now. They stood, rooted in the same spot for what seemed like hours, but really it was only a few minutes.

  As the shock wore off she stated, “This really blows! Why did you have to tell me tonight? We just won the first game of the season and now I don’t feel like going to the stupid party and acting like I’m having a great time.” Lia started crying.

  “Hey Babe, we don’t have to go. I feel the say way you do.”

  “How can we not go? How will it look, us not showing up? You’re one of the captains and I’m a cheerleader.”

  “I don’t care how it looks!” he roared. Then calming down he quietly said, “We don’t have that much time to spend together and I want to be with you, not with a bunch of obnoxious people.”

  Through her tears Lia glanced at him and knew he was really upset. She stared at him and thought, God he’s so gorgeous with his thick, wavy light brown hair down past his shoulders. His nose was broad, but fit his face perfectly. And his jaw was like it was carved out of stone. It was his eyes; those light, piercing, blue eyes that could make any girl do whatever he wanted them to. He stood six feet one inch tall, with the broad shoulders of a football player and slim waist. She didn’t want to make him mad as his temper was always close to the surface. So to avoid another blow up she said, “Ok if you don’t want to go, we won’t. What do you want to do?”

  “Let’s go to the lookout, no one will bother us there,” he suggested, as he put the car in gear.

  “I don’t want to go to the lookout, Seth. Let’s go to your house.”

  “No way, I want to talk to you without my parents being around. I’m not too happy with my dad right now. I can’t stand to be around him. I promise we’ll just talk,” he said looking at her with those eyes of his.

  Relenting she said “Ok.” Frozen in fear of losing him she didn’t know what to do or what to say, so they drove the rest of the way in utter silence.

  The lookout was at the top of a long winding dirt road, that of course if you parked by the edge you could look out over the town. Most kids went up there to make out and parked in the spots that were hidden back in the brush and trees. Seth found a place to park in one of the secluded spots. He turned toward her and motioned for her to move closer. Lia slid across the seat and he kissed her, holding her close. After a few moments he pulled away, he could taste her tears as they dropped from her closed eyes. He looked down at her and a renewed anger at his father surged through him.

  “Babe. Please stop crying, I can’t stand it,” he groaned. “I’m sorry I told you tonight, but I just found out after school and I had to tell you right away. I wish I didn’t have to tell you at all. You know how hard it’s been for my Dad to find a job and now that he has, he couldn’t refuse it.”

  “I know, really I do, but I don’t want you to move away. I was bad enough dealing with the thought of next year, when you go to college a year before me. And now I have to deal with you being away from me so much sooner. I can’t handle this! I can’t stand to be away from you!” she sobbed even harder. Her world was crumbling around her. She couldn’t Live without Seth. She just couldn’t do it.

  He held her while she cried on his shoulder. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what to do. He had to move with his family to New York. He didn’t have a choice. He was so torn by the anguish Lia was going through. His eyes started tearing up. He cursed his damn luck.

  “What are we gonna do, Seth?” Lia cried. “I can’t be without you.”

  “Honestly I don’t know. Maybe we should take a break until I’m out of high school. I can come back here and take classes at the community college until you’re out of high school,” Seth suggested lamely.

  Lia just looked at him; she couldn’t believe he just said that, anger surged to the top. “You want to break up with me?!” she screamed.

  Groaning, he knew instantly he had said the wrong thing. “I just want to do what’s easiest for you. Shhh, I didn’t mean to make you cry more. I don’t want you to have to wait for me. It’s not fair to you.”

  “So we’ll take a break from each other, but then, when you graduate I’m to be here for you. Is that it? Hell, Seth if you can’t be with me through it all, then I don’t want to be with you when you decide to come back!” she screamed.

  “Sorry Babe, I’m not thinking straight. I don’t want to move to New York in my senior year, I want to graduate with all my friends, and I definitely don’t want to leave you. You are the only one who has stood by me through all the trouble I got into last year.”

  Grasping at anything she could think of she said, “Maybe you can stay at our house. I’ll get Cristofer to talk my dad into it. My brother owes me big time.”

  “You know your dad won’t let me stay there. Not after last summer with all the drinking, stealing that car, and getting caught with you in it. He never looked at me the same way he used to. He doesn’t want us to be together now, there’s no way he’ll let me move into a house where you live.”

  “Then I’ll go live with my grandparents. Just as long as you’re here I’ll do anything,” Lia said.

  “It’s no use. I tried talking to my dad to let me stay. He told me flat out no and he’s adamant that the family stay together. I’ve been talking to him about it since he was called back for the second interview. I even asked if he could commute back and forth. He said no, we are so far in debt that there’s no money for him to do that,” he confessed.

  “How are you guys gonna make it in New York where everything’s so expensive?”

  “The apartment we’ll live in is being paid for by the company. For the first six months, anyways. Then we’ll take over or find a different place. I’m not really sure what’s gonna happen.”

  “I guess this is a good deal for your parents, six months no rent, in New York no less. I know it’s a great thing for your dad, but it sucks for us.” Fear continued to shoot through her. “I’m so afraid I’m going to lose you. You’ll find someone else up there and I’ll be left behind,” she sobbed.

  “That won’t happ

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I love you Babe, the way I feel about you there’s no way I could feel the same about anyone else.” he admitted.

  She sat there as her mouth popped open. When she could speak again she demanded, “When did this revelation hit you? You never tell me how you feel. Yeah, you talk about a future with me after high school, but you never tell me your true feelings, and you have never told me you love me.”

  “Last year.”

  “Last year?! What do you mean last year? Seth we have been going out for two years now. Granted the first year was not the greatest as you kept all your girlfriends around,” she started.

  “I did not. They kept following me around. I didn’t encourage them,” he interrupted.

  “And like I said back then, you didn’t discourage them either. Why couldn’t you tell me last year how you felt? Why now when you’re leaving me? Every time I tell you I love you, you never say it back. Why?”

  “I don’t know, guess I’m like my dad and don’t show my feelings.”

  “God after all the trouble you got us into, I stood by you, by us and fought my parents and everyone else for us. For us Seth! I have had a crush on you since I was little and I know my feelings for you. I think I was in love with you since third grade.”

  “Since third grade? Is that why Cristofer and I could never do anything alone all the way back then?” Seth laughed.

  “Don’t laugh at me,” Lia steamed. “You wanted to be around me just as much! And don’t even try to deny it!”

  “I’m not, really I’m not. You’re brother always made fun of me, because of you, I never realized you felt the same way,” he answered. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  “Why? What good would it have done? I was never going to tell you that stuff ever, and I don’t know why I did now,” she mumbled.

  “To make me feel…even worse.”

  “No, not to make you feel worse., to make you see that I truly love you. I have a real bad feeling about you leaving and I don’t know if we’ll survive this. I want to, really I do, but I don’t know if you do, or if you’ll get bored with having a girlfriend too far away to see. We’ll only have the computer and the phone to keep in touch,” she stated.

  “I have my car to come see you on the weekends.”

  “You’ll have football games on the weekends. I’m sure your dad already talked to the school to have you on the team. So there won’t be much time for you to see me,” Lia stated.

  “Ok so the first few months will be a little hard to see you, but we’ll work something out. I can’t talk about this anymore tonight,” he said turning to kiss her.

  As he kissed her his hands roamed all over her. She was powerless to stop it. She didn’t want him to stop. When she didn’t stop him, he went further; his hands went under her shirt. Still she didn’t stop him. He kept pushing it further and further waiting for her to stop him like she usually did, but tonight she wasn’t going to.

  As they laid there in his car in a mess of entwined arms and legs Seth asked, “Why, didn’t you stop me like you always do?”

  “Cause I wanted my first time to be with you, and I don’t know how much longer we’ll be together. I have loved you forever it seems and I need good memories to help me make it through this and what better memory can I have, than making love to you.”

  Seth held her tight, “This is the best memory I can have, too. I love you, Lia.”

  “Oh Seth, I love you, too. How am I gonna live without seeing you every day,” Lia cried as a new set of tears started.

  Holding her tighter as she cried, he whispered, “I promise you we’ll stay together, somehow, someway, we’ll always be together.”

  They laid together for a long time. Long after it was time for Lia to be home. “Babe, we have to get you home. You’re going to be in trouble getting home this late. Another reason for your dad to hate me,” Seth said.

  “What time is it?” she asked sleepily, as she began to fall asleep in his arms.

  “One o’clock in the morning,” he replied.

  “Oh shit, my dad IS going to kill me!” she cried jumping up to get dressed.

  After getting dressed, he kissed her again, “Where’s my cell phone? I just had it.” he asked.

  “I think it fell on the floor.”

  He found his phone and dialed, “Cris where are you? Are you home yet?”

  “No, I’m looking for you two. Where the hell are you two?” Cris answered.

  “Look, meet us outside the party. We’ll be there in five minutes. You have to take Lia home. If I show up there with her she’ll be in so much trouble.”

  “Fine, what the hell is going on? You were so moody at the game and then you took off with Lia right away,” Cris demanded.

  “I can’t go into it right now. Lia will explain everything to you. Got to go, just meet us there, ok?”

  “Yeah,” Cris replied.

  They got there before Cris did and got out of the car. Seth was lounging on the car holding Lia in his arms when Cris showed up. He was standing with them when their dad showed up looking for Lia.

  Pulling up next to Seth’s car her dad demanded “Where have you been?”

  “Here at the party, Dad. We were waiting for Cris to take me home,” Lia lied and looked at her brother to see if he would give her away.

  He didn’t. “Sorry, Dad I took Steph home and I lost track of time.”

  “Ok, well get home it’s late,” he said and drove away.

  Looking at both of them, “You both owe me and I want to know what the hell is going on? Why have you been crying Lia? What the hell did you do to my sister?” he started advancing on Seth, “If you hurt her I’ll kill you!”

  “Calm down, Cris. I’ll tell you everything after we get home. And I don’t owe you anything just call it even for getting you out of trouble with Mom, when she almost caught you and Steph in your bedroom.”

  Seth was laughing at the bickering between the two of them. That’s one of the things he’ll miss the most. Lia and Cris always fought with each other ever since he knew them. But don’t let anyone hurt the other they would be out for blood and that he was sure of.

  Lia smiled at Seth and walked over to him giving him a good night kiss.

  “I love you. See you tomorrow,” Seth said giving her another kiss and holding her tight.

  “What’s going on?” Cris demanded again. “Seth you have never told her you love her. So what’s up now? What were you two doing tonight? You didn’t take her up to the lookout did you?”

  When neither one answered Cris knew he did and he knew what happened up there. He turned and punched Seth in the mouth.

  Running to step in between them to stop the fight Lia screamed, “Cristofer, how could you?”

  “It’s alright, Babe. He always told me he would kill me if I took you up there. It’s no big deal. I’ll see both of you tomorrow and we’ll explain everything, Cris,” Seth said giving Lia one last kiss before getting in his car and driving off.

  Chapter 2

  Lia turned to her brother and punched him in the chest with all her fury. “Don’t you ever punch him in the face again or you’ll deal with me. You understand!” she said through clenched teeth.

  Cris grunted from the force of her punch. “Ugh! What did you do that for? Man that hurt, Lia. Now I wish Seth and I never taught you how to fight.”

  Lia stomped to his car, got inside, and slammed the door. She didn’t talk to him all the way home even though he tried repeatedly to talk to her. “Come on, Sis, talk to me. Tell me what’s going on. Why where you crying? I swear, if he did anything to hurt you, I’ll kill him. I don’t care if he’s my best friend.”

  She got out of the car and ran into the house and went straight to her room. Slamming the door, she flopped on top of the bed and cried.

  After about ten minutes of her cr
ying he could take no more and knocked on her door. “Lia let me in.” When she didn’t answer, he turned the door knob and went in. He saw her lying on the bed. Walking over to her, he sat down on the bed and rubbed her back. “Lia you have to tell me what’s going on. I know you two didn’t have a fight, but it’s something to do with Seth, doesn’t it?”

  Sniffling she nodded her head and said, “Seth and his parents are moving to New York in two weeks. His dad got a job up there and I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I don’t know how to live without seeing him every day.” Tears fell like rivers down her cheeks. She cried so hard she couldn’t catch her breath.

  “So that’s why he was so moody at the game tonight. This sucks. Why doesn’t he just stay here?” Cris suggested.

  “I told him that, but his dad wants the whole family together. And he didn’t think our dad will let him in the same house with me. Oh Cris, what am I gonna do?” she cried harder.

  He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her, “Shh, don’t cry. I don’t know what we’re gonna do, but we have to think of something. This sucks, his dad’s making him move in the last year of high school.”

  “That’s the last thing I care about, but I guess that’s another reason for him not to move. I’m just thinking about us right now.” Despair filled her, “Oh Cris, I don’t know if we’ll survive this separation. I love him with all my heart, but…”

  He cut her off. “Don’t even for a second think that he doesn’t love you. I know he does. All he ever talked about was you, for years it was always Lia this, and Lia that. Why do you think you started hanging out with us all those years ago? It wasn’t because I wanted you to. It was because of Seth.”

  “I started hanging out with you guys because I wanted to be around him. He didn’t even act like he liked me back then. And as we got older, there was always a bunch of girls hanging around him all the time, he had a million girlfriends.”

  “I don’t know why he went out with all those girls, but you did notice, he never stayed with them long. Look, he told me when we were around eleven or twelve he was going to marry you. I laughed at him at the time, but you know I think he really meant it.”