Read More than a Promise: The Separation Page 2

  “He did not. You’re just saying that so I feel better,” she whispered.

  “Look, when do I ever say stuff to make you feel better?”

  “That’s true you never spare my feelings,” she laughed.

  “I’m telling you the truth. But let’s get some sleep before dad yells at us. We’ll figure something out tomorrow.”

  “Okay, but I don’t think I’ll get much sleep tonight,” she said depressed.

  “Just don’t cry all night since I can hear you through the walls, and I need my beauty sleep.”

  “That’s so true. Too bad you don’t have the good looks Mom and I have,” she said with a ghost of a smile. She knew her brother didn’t need any help in the looks department. He was one of most gorgeous guys in school. He had dark brown hair just to his shoulders, dark brown eyes; his once straight nose was a little crooked from it being broken when he was twelve when he fell out of the tree they always climbed. Of course he was second only to Seth in her eyes.

  “Get some sleep,” Cris said as he closed her door.


  “Mom, since its Saturday I’m gonna hang out with Seth after he gets off work, ok?” Lia asked when she came downstairs early the next morning.

  “Sure, I have to work today so I don’t see a problem with that. Just get the wash started for me before you go. Fold it and put in the baskets I’ll get Cristofer to take them upstairs then.”

  “Ugh, wash,” she started to complain.

  “You do as your Mother tells you and don’t give her a hard time about it. You know your attitude around here better change, young lady. I, for one, will be glad when Seth and his family move out of this town, then maybe we can get you to do things around here without the attitude,” Mr. Lombardi said.

  “I do everything you ask me to do! I’m almost seventeen and if I want to spend time with Seth before he leaves then I will. I’ll do my chores around his schedule until he leaves in two weeks!” she stormed.

  “Don’t you dare give me a big mouth or you’re going to be grounded until he leaves! Do you hear me?” Mr. Lombardi yelled stomping to the back door, slamming it as he left.

  Lia looked at her Mom through the cloud of tears. “Mom, why does he hate me so much? Why does he hate Seth so much? Is it because I picked Seth over him?”

  “He doesn’t hate you, dear. He thinks you are wasting your time with Seth. He thinks he won’t amount to much. Your Dad wants so much more for you. Better than he did for me,” Mrs. Lombardi answered.

  “Dad doesn’t know anything about what Seth or I want out of life. He refuses to talk to him since last summer. If he really cared, he would talk to us and find out what our plans are. What we want out of life. He only cares about Cristofer and his football scholarships!”

  “That’s not true! If it wasn’t for your father, Seth would have wound up in jail,” Mrs. Lombardi blurted.

  Confusion and shock showed on her face. “What are you talking about? Seth was going to go to jail? How did Dad stop that?”

  “Forget I said anything. Your Dad didn’t want you to know. You both would have been in a lot of trouble and he didn’t want to see either of you in trouble for a stupid mistake Seth made.”

  “Mom you don’t know what really happened that night, but it’s true I didn’t know that Seth took that car without permission. He picked me up after he did it.”

  “Yes, of course, we know you weren’t with him when he did it.”

  “What did Dad do?”

  “He talked to Seth’s neighbor and talked him out of pressing charges against you both. Seth’s dad tried, but old Mr. Simons was too furious at Seth’s whole family and wouldn’t listen. So Dad went to talk to him and calmed him down enough to realize that it was a stupid mistake on Seth’s part,” Cris answered for his Mom.

  “You knew all about this and you didn’t tell me,” Lia turned on her brother.

  “Not at the time, but Seth told me later. He also told me that Dad said he was so disappointed in him and he didn’t want him around you,” Cris said. “But you wouldn’t have it any other way and I guess Dad just let it go.”

  “Why was I kept in the dark about it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’ll go get the wash Mom and then once Seth gets off work I’ll be with him,” Lia said as she walked out of the room.


  Lia was lying on her bed later that day wondering why they kept all of it a secret from her. What was the big deal? She knew at the time they were both in big trouble. Seth more than her, but why did her dad help Seth and now won’t even talk to him? It was a conversation she was going to have with Seth when he got off work.

  She must have drifted off to sleep waiting. She was woken up to him laying on her bed snuggling up to her. She slowly awoke, when she realized what he was doing she tried to jump off the bed, but he held on to her. “We can’t be seen here in this room together. I’ll be killed by my dad!”

  “He’s gone. It’s Saturday, remember he has his dart league, he left early. Your Mom’s working late and Cris is with Steph. We are all alone,” he said as he kissed her neck.

  Visibly relaxing she asked, “How long have you been here?”

  “Around an hour, I was watching you sleep. You looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “You let me sleep for an hour while you were here. Why would you do that? I don’t want to miss a minute with you.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t get much sleep last night so I figured you needed it. I know I didn’t sleep much, I kept thinking about you and last night. I didn’t want the first time for you to be in car. I’m sorry it happened the way it did, Babe. I wanted it to be perfect for you.”

  “It was perfect for me, being with you anywhere is perfect for me,” she said sliding her body up to his and giving him a kiss. They were kissing for a while when Seth pulled away.

  “If we don’t stop it now, we are going to do more than we should in your bedroom. I don’t have any self control around you, especially after last night,” he moaned.

  “Why do we have to stop? You said it yourself we are all alone here tonight.”

  “Don’t push me, Babe. If we get caught here, it’s my neck on the line not yours.”

  Lia kissed him and that was all it took.


  Later as they were driving away from her house to go get something to eat she asked, “Seth, why was I kept in the dark about what my Dad did for you?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Why didn’t anyone tell me how much trouble you really were in and that my Dad got your neighbor to drop the charges?”

  “I don’t know. It was a crazy time. My Dad was ready to kill me, your Dad told me I wasn’t allowed to see you anymore, and the cops were all over me. I just didn’t want you to know it was so bad. I couldn’t face you rejecting me if you knew the truth of it all.”

  “Babe, I would never reject you, ever. What do you mean, if I knew the truth? I thought we didn’t keep secrets.”

  “Babe, it’s not really a secret. You were there; it was stupid to drag you into it. I almost lost you! Your Dad told me I could never see you again. I resigned myself to it. I respected your Dad and what he said. You didn’t. You fought for us, you fought with me to see you again, your fought your parents, friends, everyone. And I just sat there, not doing a freaking thing. If you want the truth, the only way your Dad would talk to Mr. Simons to get him to drop the charges was if I agreed to stop seeing you. I agreed to save my ass and yours. I didn’t want to go to jail. I didn’t want everyone to know your part in it. I told your Dad not to say anything,” he stopped speaking and looked over at her. She was sitting there so quiet, not moving a muscle, too shocked to react.

  He pulled over to the side of the road and turned toward her and asked, “Babe, are you ok? Look, I’m not proud of what I did, but I didn’t know what else
to do. I couldn’t let you get in trouble.”

  A rage so fierce ran though her, “Your sorry!! You agreed to stop seeing me?! You didn’t love me enough to fight for me?”

  She reached for the door handle, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, “Don’t leave like this. We have to talk it out.”

  “I can’t be with you right now! I have to get out of here!” she screamed as she pulled free of him, opening the door and running from the car.

  It seemed Seth was out of the car quicker than she was. He vaulted across the hood of the car catching her before she even got ten feet. He pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her, she still tried to get away, but he wouldn’t release her.

  As soon as she stopped fighting him he said again, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what more you want me to say. I was wrong and I know that more now than I did then. I wish I would have told your Dad to shove it, but I didn’t. Don’t think I’m proud of what I did that night because I’m not. I regret it more and more each day, now more than ever. I have to move in two weeks, were fighting over this because I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  “Yeah you should have told me right away! Not over a year later!”

  “You wouldn’t have stayed with me!”

  “Why should I? You didn’t want me!” she screamed.

  “I did and still do. I just didn’t want either of us to go to jail!” he screamed at her.

  He stood there for a second, walked to the car and got in. He sat there for a few minutes waiting for her. Lia stood there not knowing what to do. Should she get in or walk home?

  She heard the roar of the engine, and instantly knew what she was going to do. She turned on the spot and ran down the street. She turned left onto a one way street so Seth couldn’t follow her or so she thought.

  He backed up the car and went up the one way street the wrong way.

  “Lia get in the car!” he yelled as he drove up next to her.


  “This is the last time I’m asking you to please get in the car.”

  “No!!” she yelled again.

  “Fine! You know where to find me. I’m leaving in two weeks, so if you want us to be together you better let me know before then,” he said.

  He sped off down the street and turned down the alley and left her there.

  Chapter 3

  After Seth sped off, she walked around town trying to calm down, but every time Seth called her, she got angry all over again. Deep down she knew she was over reacting. She didn’t want him to go to jail, but it hurt that he quickly discarded her without a second thought.

  She fought so hard to be with him. She no longer had the close relationship she once had with her Dad. Some of her friends didn’t talk to her much, and she almost lost her spot on the cheerleading squad. All because of Seth, but it didn’t matter to her at the time; all that mattered was that they were together. She knew that was all that mattered now, but she was just so hurt by it all.

  Her phone was ringing again and she thought it was Seth again. She looked at it and saw it was Steph. “Hello?” Lia answered.

  “God Lia, where are you?” Steph asked.

  “Walking around town. Why?” Confusion swept through her. Why would Steph care where she was, she thought.

  “Seth came into the Pizza Shack about an hour ago looking for you. He was in such a rage after your fight. Cris calmed him down, or so we thought.”

  “What happened, Steph?” Lia asked holding her breath.

  “Lia, he’s drunk out of his mind, driving around looking for you. He came back into the Pizza Shack stumbling and yelling for you. Thank God, Cris was right by the door and pushed him out before he caused too big of a scene. But a lot of people saw him drunk and you know what kind of problems that’s going to cause. You need to get here. You’re not afraid to be around him now, are you? He’s in a really bad mood.”

  “That’s because I’m pissed off at him, but no I’m not afraid of him. Seth never ever hurt me, no matter what his mood. I’m at the other end of town. Put him on the phone.”

  “They’re outside, but I’ll look for them. Hold on.”

  Steph walked outside and walked around the building looking for them, “Cris where are you guys?” She found them in the alley by Seth’s car and they were struggling for the keys, Cris got them. “Lia, Cris got his keys so at least he won’t be driving.”

  “Get him on the phone,” Lia requested again through clenched teeth.

  Steph handed him the phone, “Lia’s on the phone, she wants to talk to you.”


  “Babe” they both said at the same time.

  “Where are youuu?” he slurred into the phone. “I was… looking all over for youuu.”

  “Seth, are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, but they won’t let me look for you. Where arrre you?”

  “I’m over on 10th Street. Let Steph come get me. She can use your car to pick me up.”

  “No, I can pick you up if your brother givesss me back my damn keys,” he replied glaring at Cris.

  “Seth! Stop it! Stop fighting everyone. Tell Cris to give Steph your keys, now, while I’m on the phone.”

  “Cris give Steph my keys so she can pick up Lia,” Seth said.

  “Where is she? Why don’t I take my car?” Steph asked.

  “Just take Seth’s car,” Cris said. He whispered to her, “Seth will stop fighting to get into his car drunk.”

  She took the phone back and once she was in the car she asked, “Lia where are you exactly?”

  “I’ll walk to 10th and Woodlawn Street.”

  “Ok be there in a minute or two.”


  Lia reached the corner of 10th and Woodlawn before Steph did and she paced back and forth waiting for her to come. “Come on, what’s taking you so long!” she yelled to no one.

  Steph finally got there. She got out of the car; her blonde hair that hung to her waist was flying in the wind. She was five feet, two inches tall, and with Cris over six feet tall it was comical seeing the two together, but Steph was very pretty with petite facial features, a small nose and mouth, until she opened it. Her eyes were a brilliant green that looked like emeralds. She told Lia, “You drive, I can’t drive this car.”

  Lia got into the driver’s seat and sped off. She was glad she had Seth teach her how to drive stick shift in case of an emergency. His car was a four speed black ’69 Chevy Camaro with a 327 turbo fire V8 engine. His Dad and him have been restoring it for over two years and it was a powerful car if you were not used to driving it.

  “I can’t believe he’s drunk? He hasn’t touched any alcohol since last year. I don’t understand why he did now,” Lia said.

  “Yeah well he’s real drunk tonight. He’s real mean and angry, not making any sense. I guess it was a good idea for me to bring his car so he stops giving Cris a hard time about driving. I’m surprised he didn’t get into an accident.”

  “Hey, call my brother and tell him we’ll be there soon. I got to stop at home quickly, five minutes.”

  “Why you stopping at home?”

  “Supplies. He can’t go home and he can’t stay at my house. I’ll leave a note that I’m sleeping at your house tonight,” Lia explained.

  “Great. And what do I say when they call?”

  “They won’t, but tell them I’m sleeping or in the bathroom. Then call me and I’ll call them back.”

  Lia pulled up to the house, screeching the tires and she pulled the car to stop quickly. She ran in the house and was back in less than ten minutes. A duffle bag full of clothes for her and some of Cris’s clothes for Seth, a bag of food, and out of the garage she got sleeping bags and threw it all in the trunk.

  “Oh forgot pillows, be right back!” she exclaimed whipping around and running back to the house. When she got back outside her Mom pulled up.

  “Hi, Sweetie, what’s goin
g on?” Mrs. Lombardi asked.

  “Nothing I left you a note, I’m staying at Steph’s tonight. Cris and Seth are hanging with a bunch of the guys and we got bored so were going to her house.”

  “Ok fine, but be careful in that car. Why do you have it by the way? Seth never lets anyone drive it,” Mrs. Lombardi questioned.

  “He’s with Cris and they used his car and I asked to use it since I don’t have one,” Lia replied.

  “Yeah I know, when we get money together we’ll get you one.”

  “Forget it Mom. I’m saving up for one and I’m almost there anyway,” Lia said. “Bye Mom see ya tomorrow.”

  “Bye, girls.”

  “How the heck can you lie so good to your mom?” Steph asked.

  “They make me, by not letting me be with Seth. Even thought they know I’m with him they don’t like it. It’s not so much my Mom, but my Dad. If he would just let Seth in the house and hang around again like the old days I wouldn’t have to lie to be with him.”


  Lia drove up the alley to where Cris’s car was. She pulled up behind it and saw Seth lying on the hood of the car. “He looks like he’s passed out.”

  “Probably, he’s really smashed.”

  They got out of the car and walked up to the guys. Cris was sitting in the car. “Hey bro, how’s he doing?”

  “He calmed down a lot once you said you were coming. I don’t know what you did to him, but it messed him up bad. You know he stopped drinking like this. I don’t understand what would make him do it,” Cris yelled.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you should know the whole story before you yell at me for getting mad at him.”

  “He told me what happened. So what if he did that a year ago, Lia. He’s with you now. I just don’t get it.”

  “Of course you don’t, you’re a male. Get away from me right now. I’m still mad at you too for last night.”

  “Oh yeah, for what? Punching your boyfriend in the face? The boyfriend you broke up with tonight?”