Read More than a Promise: The Separation Page 10

  She got dressed to go out with him in the new black dress she brought a few weeks ago, but never wore. It was a little on the low cut side, not too low, or her Dad would have a fit. It went to mid thigh and she looked like she was all leg with the black high heels she was wearing.

  Cris walked out of his room at the same time she did. He just stopped and stared at her.

  “What? Is something wrong?” she asked.

  “Uh no. You really think you two are gonna make it to the restaurant with you looking like that?”

  “Shut up! If they over hear you I won’t be able to go. I want him to remember what he’s leaving behind,” Lia said in a loud whisper.

  “He won’t ever forget you, Lia. Especially after he sees you in that dress,” Cris said. “Maybe Steph and I should go with you. Where are you going?” Cris suggested.

  “No you won’t, and I don’t know. He won’t tell me. All he said was to dress up it was somewhere nice.”

  Seth was in the kitchen when Lia walked in and his mouth drop open and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. “Babe you are gorgeous,” he said once his speech returned.

  “Thanks, you look gorgeous yourself,” she replied. Seth was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and black tie.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “It’s a surprise.” Turning back to Cris, “Don’t wait up for us Cris we’ll be back late,” Seth said. “Don’t worry your parents know where we’ll be.”

  Seth walked over to Lia, gave her a kiss and ushered her to the door. Walking to his car he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. “You know maybe we’ll skip dinner and just get a motel room. You look so hot tonight; I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you.” He kissed the back of her neck as she got into his car.

  “We’re going out to eat, Seth. I want to know where.”

  “A little Italian restaurant right outside of Philly they have excellent food and the waiting list to get a reservation is miles long.”

  “Then how did you get a reservation at this late date?”

  “That’s a secret,” he said jokingly.

  But Lia didn’t take it as a joke. “You told me no secrets between us.”

  “Don’t be so serious Lia. Remember my Uncle Stefan?”

  “Yeah. How can anyone forget him? He’s such a comedian, cracking those jokes all the time. Isn’t he the one that your Dad always was worried about not doing anything with his life?”

  “Yep, well he opened this restaurant a few years back and it is a real fancy place. No one in the family thought it would do as good as it is. He’s making a fortune and when I wanted to take you some place nice I knew this was the perfect place.”

  “Good for him. See your Dad didn’t have to worry about him after all,” Lia said.

  “Yeah if it weren’t for him I don’t think we would have been able to keep the house as long as we did. He really helped us out, but Dad hated his younger brother helping like that.”

  “How much younger is he?”

  “Nine or ten years. He’s the youngest and my Dad’s the oldest. He’s the biggest reason my Dad got sober, Uncle Stefan really layed into him, took him away to the rehab and told him not to come back until he was ready to be a husband and a father. I remember that fight between the two of them like it was yesterday.”

  “You never told me that.”

  “It was embarrassing for me. I didn’t want anyone to know. I was only like nine years old. I didn’t even tell Cris about that fight. Just that my Dad went to rehab. The same thing I told you,” he said.

  “I can understand you being embarrassed, but always remember neither Cris nor I thought any different about you, then or now. You’re my brother’s best friend and mine too. I’m glad your uncle loved your Dad enough to do it. It was a crazy time in your life back then not knowing when he was going to be drunk and he always took it out on you and your Mom. That happen right after your Mom went to the hospital that time didn’t it?” she asked gently.

  “Yeah, when she fell down the steps. They were fighting that night.”

  “Did he push her down them?”

  “No I was there the whole time, he was yelling and screaming and she was trying to get away from him and trip down the steps. So yeah in a way it’s my Dad’s fault, but he didn’t hit her or push her. Uncle Stefan came to the house the next day and flipped out on him. They started fighting. Stefan beat the crap out of him and screamed at him, he better go into rehab. Stefan took him and we didn’t see him for awhile. I guess Mom went for the counseling sessions with Stefan, but I refused to go.”

  “Yeah I remember that. Why didn’t you want to go?”

  “I couldn’t forgive him. Even though I know he didn’t push her, I blamed him for it and I didn’t want to forgive him at the time. As I got older I know he really didn’t mean for that to happen, and since then he has tried to make it up to her through the years. She forgave him, but she’ll never forget all he did. We both were scared when he lost his job thinking it would be a repeat of before. I think we held our breath every time he came home, but to his credit he didn’t get that bad. He went to his meetings more. It must have been a struggle for him. I respect him for it.”

  “So why are you giving him such a hard time now. Why won’t you talk to him?”

  “I do talk to him when I’m home. I don’t want to move. I don’t want to leave you. I could care less about everything and everyone else, but you, Lia. The only way for me to get through it is I just keep telling myself it’s only for a few months. Because once I’m done with school I’m coming back to you.”

  “Oh Seth, I love you and I’ll be here waiting for you.” she said as Seth grabbed her hand and kissed it. He wanted to kiss her, but that was impossible while he was driving.

  They drove in silence the rest of the way each in their own thoughts. When they reached the restaurant he pulled into the parking lot which was beginning to fill with cars for the night. The outside looked like a café from Italy. There was a green awning running the front of the building with potted plants hanging down. Green ivy crawled up the front of the stone building. Painted on the huge front window was the name of the place, Rossetti’s Italian Restaurant. It was a very classy place, one where you wouldn’t walk in with jeans on. Lia was glad she wore the dress she did, at home she thought it was a little over the top, but here she’d fit right in.

  Seth walked around the car and opened the door for her. When she stepped out into his arms he held her close and kissed her with so much passion she couldn’t think. He took her breath away. “I’ve been thinking of doing that all the way here. You are so beautiful.”

  “I think we better go in people are staring at us.”

  “No Babe, they’re staring at you,” he said and grabbed her hand as he walked to the front door.

  He walked right by a line of people waiting for their tables and up to the reception area. When he gave his name to the hostess she immediately picked up the phone to call to the back. “Your nephew is here.” She looked at Seth, “Your uncle will be right out,” she said. As soon as she spoke those words his uncle came out the back and gave him a big hug.

  “Seth it’s good to see you. How’s the family?” But before he could answer his uncle turned toward Lia. “My god, Lia you are looking exquisite tonight. My nephew is one lucky man.” He said giving her a kiss on each cheek.

  “Thank you, Uncle Stefan,” she replied.

  “You are most welcome, my dear.”

  He walked them to a secluded table in the furthest area of the restaurant. “This is my personal table here and I want you to enjoy. This is on the house as your money is not good here.”

  “No,” Seth started.

  “No buts. I am the law here and you will not pay for anything in my place,” Stefan insisted. “Now sit and enjoy. Would you like some wine?”

  “No just sodas,” Se
th replied.

  “Very good, I will have them brought over to you and no need to order I have everything planned for you,” he said and lit the candles on the table. The warm glow of the candles was the perfect thing to calm her down. She was starting to feel like she didn’t belong here.

  She looked around the place it was very upscale. Every table was secluded for intimate dining either by high walls with many potted plants on top, or by tall bushes or walls of ivy. “Thank you for bringing me here, Seth it’s amazing. I’ve never been to a restaurant like this before. I’m glad I got to experience this with you. I’ll remember it always,” she sighed.

  “Stefan really went all out on this place it is amazing. I’ll never forget tonight either especially the way you look,” he whispered, taking her hand across the table and holding it in his.

  Chapter 14

  While they were sitting there holding hands and discussing the restaurant, the waitress brought out salads to them. Placing one in front of Lia she exclaimed, “This is a whole meal in itself.”

  Smiling the waitress walked away, “You always have a big appetite and Uncle Stefan knows that.”

  “Ha ha, real funny,” Lia said taking a bite of the salad.

  Before they were done with their salads the main course came. Stefan brought it out himself. “I remembered you loved my chicken parmesan the last time I was over at Seth’s so I made it just for you Lia.”

  “Oh I love it. Thank you Stefan,” Lia exclaimed. “How did you know that the minute I walked in here that’s was I was craving?”

  “We chefs are psychic. They teach us to be in cooking school,” Stefan teased.

  Seth and Lia both laughed.

  “You both enjoy and if you need anything else just let the waitress know,” Stefan said walking back into the kitchen.

  Lia took a bite, “This is so good, but I don’t think I can eat all of it. I don’t want to offend him. It’s just too much.”

  “You won’t offend him Lia, stop worrying. Eat what you can and take the rest home,” Seth said.

  They ate in silence for a few moments when Lia looked at Seth he wasn’t eating he was staring at her, “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing is wrong, it seems so right being here with you. You look so incredibly beautiful tonight it blows my mind. I can’t seem to think straight right now. All I can think about is last weekend up at the cabin and how you felt next to me. I want to have that again right now,” he admitted.

  “Oh.” Was all she could say, she was choked up with emotion. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at him.

  He moved his chair over to hers “What’s the matter? Why are you crying?”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t want to do this tonight. I didn’t want to cry. I’m going to miss you so bad I don’t know what to do. I’m trying not to make you feel guilty or anything, but I don’t think I can stop them now that they started,” she said through the tears and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Last weekend was the best of my life and I’ll never forget it.”

  “Lia I made a promise to you that weekend and I’ll make it again, some way, somehow we’ll stay together and see each other as often as we can.”

  “I know you’ll try, but winter will be here and that’s going to stop us from seeing each other, then the holidays will be here and we won’t be together.”

  “I’m seeing you through the holidays I don’t care what my parents say, as for the winter we’ll see how bad it is.”

  “I know it’s just a waiting game with it all. I’m going to the bathroom to fix my makeup be right back,” she said getting up from the table.

  “Seth is everything alright? Why was Lia crying? I was coming over here to talk to you guys when I notice she was crying and I didn’t want to intrude,” Stefan asked.

  “She’s upset that I’m moving and I brought up last weekend which was special to us and it started her crying. I’m so mad right now I could kill my Dad for making me move with them. Don’t get me wrong, Uncle Stefan, I’m glad my Dad got a good job and everything, but I don’t want to move. I don’t want to leave her, nor graduate with a bunch of strangers,” Seth stormed.

  “I understand that and I tried talking to your dad about you moving, knowing how close you and Lia are, but he was not budging on leaving you behind. I tried for you, kid real hard.”

  “I didn’t know you did that. Thanks Stefan, we have been going round and round with it too and he won’t let me stay.”

  “Well to change the subject a little. Did Lizzy help you pick out what you needed?”

  “Yeah it’s beautiful. I just hope Lia likes it as much as I do,” Seth replied.

  “Didn’t you give it to her yet?”

  “No I messed everything up by bring up last weekend. I didn’t know she was going to be so upset by it all. I didn’t even get anywhere near what I wanted to ask her. I guess I’ll just wait till later sometime.”

  “When? You’re moving Saturday! You need to do it before you leave or you’re going to regret it,” Stefan said. “Here comes your beautiful lady now and I think you should do it here and now.”

  “We’ll see, I don’t want to upset her anymore.”

  “How could that upset her? It would make her feel wonderful,” Stefan said.

  “What would make who feel wonderful?” Lia asked hearing the last of their conversation.

  “I leave that up to Seth, my dear. How was the food?”

  “It was wonderful, but unfortunately I couldn’t eat it all,” Lia confessed.

  “Well you must take it home with you,” Stefan announced, picking up their plates.

  “I would love that,” Lia replied.

  “I’ll leave you two now to bring out desert, but I’ll give you a moment before I do,” Stefan said looking at his nephew pointedly.

  “Seth what’s going on? It seems like your uncle knows something I don’t,” she inquired.

  Seth didn’t answer her, he had to conquer his demons in his head quickly and decide if he was going to ask her what he must.


  “Lia, you know I have liked you forever, even told your brother many times over that you’re the girl for me. You have stuck by me through all the bad times and there were many, but there were some good ones too.” Seth said taking a deep breath. He got down on one knee next to her chair and took a small box out of his jacket pocket. He looked up into her eyes and asked, “Lia will you marry me?”

  When he went down on one knee she started crying all over again, but this time it was tears of joy. “Yes,” she whispered though the tears. He opened the box and in was a solitaire diamond with two braids intertwined wrapping around the ring. He took it out and put it on her finger. She wrapped her arms him and kissed him feverishly. She pulled away and looked at her engagement ring; it was the most beautiful ring she ever saw.

  “Seth you didn’t take that money you got from your party to pay for this did you?” she asked.

  “No I’ve been saving up for a long time. Right after we got back together last year I knew I wanted to ask you, but I was going to wait till after graduation to ask you. This seemed like a more fitting time to do it. I love you Lia and I want you to be sure of it.”

  “I love you too Seth,” Lia said. Suddenly a frown appeared on her face and she looked at him. “Our parents are going to freak out on us.”

  “I know. We just have to reassure them that were not getting married before you graduate. We can make this all work. I promise,” he said and kissed her again.

  They broke the kiss when his uncle cleared his throat behind them holding a small cake that looked like a wedding cake. “I see congratulation is in order here. You two will make a most beautiful bride and groom,” he said.

  “Thank you, Uncle Stefan,” Lia said grinning from ear to ear.

  “Now let me see that ring of yours,” Stefan said. “Nice solitaire, nice clarity. You did a fine job of pi
cking out a good ring for your bride, Seth.”

  “Thanks,” Seth said.

  “Well I’ll leave you two alone now,” Stefan said,

  “No I want to celebrate and since you’ll probably be the only one happy for us, stay and have some cake with us,” Lia said. He grinned as he pulled a chair over to the table. “So you knew he was going to ask me tonight?”

  “No I didn’t,” Stefan lied.

  “Don’t lie to me,” Lia said. “How would you know to have the cake ready to congratulate us?”

  “Lucky guess?” he said.

  “It’s alright, you can tell her I called and told you my plan for tonight. I can’t get anything by her,” Seth chuckled.

  “I knew he told you. So how mad do you think our parents are going to be?” Lia asked.

  “I can’t answer for your parents, Lia. As for Seth’s they expect it. Only, later not now. They might think you are a little too young right now, but if they’re smart they’ll accept it as it was inevitable with the circumstances. No matter what anyone says, be happy with yourselves. It’s all your ever gonna have in the long run anyway. I know you will be happy with each other and that’s all I can ask.”

  “Thank you for your blessing, Uncle, it means a lot to the both of us,” Seth said.

  They sat a talked about family and various thing for a half an hour when Seth said, “Uncle we need to be going it’s a long ride home and I want to spend some time with Lia. Make sure you come to see us soon.”

  “I will nephew. Lia I want to give you my number in case you need me for anything. I’ll always be there for you,” Stefan said.

  “Thank you, but I don’t want to be a pain for you,” Lia said.

  “How could my nephew’s fiancé be a pain to me,” he said standing up taking Lia’s hand in his she rose with him. Giving her a hug, he whispered, “Day or night you need me I’ll be there even if it’s just to talk.”

  She looked down at the card he gave her. It was his business card for the restaurant, but on the back he put his home number and his cell number. She tucked it into her purse for safe keeping. “Thank you for a wonderful meal. Your place is magnificent.”