Read More than a Promise: The Separation Page 11

  “Coming from family your complement means so much to me, Lia,” Stefan said kissing her lightly on each cheek.

  “Thank you Uncle Stefan for everything tonight and I do mean everything,” Seth said knowing his uncle would understand what he meant.

  “Anything for you my nephew,” Stefan said. “Have a safe trip home.”

  “We will,” Seth answered as they walked out the door to the car.

  Seth helped her into the car and as he went around to the other side she stared at her engagement ring. It was so stunning. She never expected to get one tonight from him.

  He opened his door as saw her looking at her ring, “Do you really like it?”

  “I love it! I never expected it tonight; in fact I didn’t expect it for a few years. Now we have to tell our parents and that scares me,” Lia said.

  “Let’s not think about that now. We’ll deal with it a little later. I just want to get home to spend some time with you.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To my house.”


  They arrived at Seth’s house. It looked dark inside. “Seth where’s your mom and dad?”

  “They’re in New York. They left with a moving van full of stuff, so don’t be upset when you walk in there, a lot of the stuff is gone. We’ll go up to tomorrow with some stuff that Cris and I will pack up and meet them there.”

  They walked into the house and it was like the life went out of it. Most of the stuff in the living room and dining room were gone. Seth wouldn’t let her dwell in there; he pulled her up the steps to his room, which didn’t look any different than before.

  He pulled her to him and kissed her. Holding her close he started kissing down her neck to her shoulder, pulling the strap down as he went. “I’ve been thinking of doing this all night. You smell so good.”

  “Seth slow down a minute.”

  “I’m sorry Lia this has been on my mind since I saw you walk into your kitchen hours ago.”

  “I know that. I read it right across your face. Give me a minute to absorb everything from tonight from us getting engaged to seeing your home half empty I can’t comprehend it all.”

  “Sorry Babe, I wasn’t thinking about it all and how it would affect you. Sit on the bed and I’ll put something on TV and we can just sit back and watch it.”

  He put some movie on a typical guy flick with cars racing everywhere and someone chasing someone else. She really didn’t pay too much attention to it. She just rested back against him and kept looking at her ring.

  He noticed she kept looking at the ring he asked, “Do you really like it?”

  “I love it, it comes from you so no matter what, I would love it,” she said turning toward him and kissed him.

  The kiss deepened and soon they were breathless. His hands were rubbing down her back. He slipped one of the straps down her arm. He kissed down her neck. She gasped and started to get that feeling way down deep, the feeling only Seth could give her She lost control, grasping for breathe she screamed, “Seth!”

  They laid on his bed in each other arms for a while afterwards. Both too exhausted to speak. Seth was playing with her hair when she said, “God how I’m gonna miss you. I don’t know if I can make it through tomorrow.”

  “You will Babe, remember I feel the same way you do. I better get you home,” he said reluctantly.

  “It’s only ten o’clock,” Lia said.

  “Yeah I know, but we’ll have to deal with your parents once we tell them we’re engaged. I’m sure it’ll take awhile for the screaming to stop,” he said half jokingly.

  “Don’t joke; it’ll probably be like that and worse.”

  “Do you regret saying yes to me?”

  “No way. I love you and want to be your wife.”

  Chapter 15

  They were in the kitchen at Lia’s house sitting at the table eating some of the cake they brought home from his uncle’s restaurant when Cris walked in. “Hey guys, how was your night? Where’d he take you Lia?”

  “To a fabulous restaurant outside of Philly, it was Rossetti’s Italian Restaurant. His Uncle Stefan owns it, the food was excellent and so was the atmosphere,” Lia said.

  “Nice one, Seth. So? What else did you two do?” Cris probed.

  “He knew didn’t he?” Lia accused Seth.

  “Well I had to ask someone in your family first. And as I couldn’t ask your Dad I asked Cris,” Seth reasoned.

  “You did not ask my brother if you could marry me!” Lia stormed.

  “No he didn’t ask me he told me. Then asked if I minded,” Cris said. “What was I gonna say? I knew years ago you would end up married eventually. At least I broke some of the tension for you to tell the folks.”

  “What?” Lia and Seth said together. A shudder of fear raced through both of them. They stared at Cris in disbelief.

  “I told them I thought Seth was gonna ask you tonight. I didn’t say he was,” Cris replied.

  “What did they say?” Seth asked cautiously.

  “Well they weren’t too happy, but they said they knew it was going to happen. Believe it or not Dad didn’t have a coronary like I thought he would. He actually was kinda of quiet.”

  “Great now I have to wait for the blow up,” Lia replied quietly.

  “No I don’t think so. It wasn’t the quiet before the storm type of quiet, just kinda of resigned to the fact. Well I guess we get to find out now since they’re home,” Cris announced.

  Seth took Lia’s hand in his and kissed it reassuring her silently. He was smiling at her when her parents walked in the house. They both turned and looked at her parents. Her mom asked, “How was dinner? Where did you go?”

  “To Seth’s uncle’s restaurant outside of Philly it was real nice and great food. Mom you should have seen it, the place was amazing and the food great. There’s some leftovers in the frig,” Lia said.

  “Oh like we need more of those after all we got from the party,” Mrs. Lombardi laughed.

  “These are way better,” Lia said.

  Seth cleared his throat and said, “Mr. and Mrs. Lombardi I wanted to tell you that I asked Lia to marry me tonight. And before you get all mad at us we won’t be doing anything until after Lia graduates next year.”

  “Well it’s not like we didn’t expect it, but so soon. You are both so young,” Mrs. Lombardi questioned.

  “Mom we’ve been best friends for so many years, and have been dating the last two years. It’s not like we don’t know each other. Like Seth said we’re not going to do anything until after I graduate. We’re both still going to college no matter what. Whether were married or not,” Lia explained. Turning to her dad, “Dad please don’t give us a hard time about it. Please don’t spoil it for me. I’m so happy.”

  “I’m not pleased about this. Not now with him moving. Anything can happen when your two hours away,” Mr. Lombardi said looking directly at Seth.

  “I won’t be doing anything, Mr. Lombardi, but going to school, playing football and working to save as much money as I can. I don’t have a problem working hard for what I want, and working up in New York with a higher pay rate I should be able to save a lot more,” Seth said.

  “Everything costs more up there too,” Mr. Lombardi grumbled.

  “What do I need? Some gas to come see Lia, and finish working on my car, which is almost done. I’ll even buy the parts down here so it won’t cost as much. I’ll still be working at Auto Parts up in New York so I’ll still be able to use my discount down here.”

  “You think you have it all figured out, don’t you?” Mr. Lombardi sneered.

  “No I don’t, but I’m trying. I love Lia and there’s nothing I would do to hurt her,” Seth declared.

  “Dear let them be. It’s awhile before they plan on getting married. It’s not like they are eloping any time soon,” Mrs. Lombardi said. Then turned to the two of them and asked, “Right?”

/>   “Right, Mom I want the whole wedding with Dad walking me down the aisle, the bridesmaids and everything,” Lia confirmed.

  “Well let me see the ring then,” Mrs. Lombardi asked.

  Lia stuck out her hand and let them all see it. “Isn’t it beautiful Mom?”

  “Yes it is,” Mrs. Lombardi answered. “Very stunning, you have very good taste in jewelry Seth.”

  “Thank you, but it kinda just hit me when I was looking at the store. I thought Lia would love it,” Seth said.

  “I most definitely do,” she answered.

  “I should be going. Cris we have to be up early to pack up the other moving van and get up to New York. Thanks for letting both of them help us tomorrow, they should be back a little after supper if we get a good move on in the morning,” Seth said.

  “Why don’t you just stay here tonight in my room,” Cris said. “Since no one’s home at your place, you don’t have to stay there alone.”

  “Its fine, I don’t mind being there alone. In fact I really want to stay there tonight, the last night, before I go. You know we have lived there almost my whole life, it’s going to be strange living anywhere else,” Seth said.

  “You moved here when you were five. I remember meeting your mother at the supermarket. She was lost. She was trying to find the playground and pulled up outside the market when I was walking out. You were such a cute kid, sitting in the back screaming you wanted the playground. I took pity on her and told her to follow me. I think the three of you have been friends ever since,” Mrs. Lombardi reminisced.

  “And he still screams when he don’t get his way,” Lia laughed.

  “Ha ha funny,” Seth replied. “I really have to go. I’ll call you later Lia.”

  Lia walked him out to the car. “You really want to be alone tonight?”

  “Yeah need to get some things straight in my head, figure things out.”

  “Like what?” Lia asked.

  “Well one thing is how we’re gonna pack up all that’s left, but really how I’m gonna do all I have to do. My parents can’t pay for my college, that’s why I want to do two years at community college. But that’s gonna cost me more here since I’m moving out of state. It’s just a lot I have to figure out.”

  “Well try for the football scholarship,” Lia said.

  “I won’t be able to come back here, Lia if I do that.”

  “There are universities around here you could get a scholarship to,” Lia reminded him. “Just do your best and try for it. We’ll work everything out later.”

  “I don’t even think I want to play football in New York. It won’t be the same,” Seth said.

  “It’s your last year, Babe finish it out. Or at least try it. Who knows you might like it,” she said.

  “I’ll see,” he said. “Go back inside and get some sleep you have to be up early. I love you,” he said.

  “I love you too. I love my ring, you made me so happy tonight,” she gushed hugging him and giving him a kiss. “I’m so glad my parents didn’t freak out like I thought.”

  “Yeah me too. Now we have to tell my parents tomorrow.”


  “Lia are you done packing up Seth’s room yet?” Cris yelled up the stairs.

  “Almost, stop yelling at me. It’s not my fault nothing was packed up here.” When she walked into Seth room this morning nothing in it was packed. She packed the whole morning, while the guys loaded the rest of the truck. It made her angry that they were yelling at her to hurry up, one person can only do so much.

  “It’s almost eleven and we have the majority of the truck packed and we need to get Seth’s things on it.”

  “You can start taking what I have packed, it’ll give me more room to move in here,” she said. “Take the drawers out of the dresser and then put them back in on the truck.”

  An hour later they were ready to leave, the truck was packed to the top. All three of them were sitting in the cab of the truck. Seth took Lia’s hand in his and gave it a squeeze; he started the truck, pulled out of the driveway a somber look in his eye.

  Cris reach over Lia and turned on the radio, oblivious to the somber atmosphere in the truck. In a way it was a good thing, it pulled them out the gloomy mood they were both in.

  The trip was uneventful and sped by too quick for Lia. They reached New York and found the apartment building he was moving into. He had to park the moving truck in the parking deck, which was no easy feat considering how tight the parking deck was. She was glad Seth was driving and not her.

  His Dad met them in the parking deck and directed Seth into a parking space saved just for people moving in and out.

  “How was the trip here?” Mr. Rossetti asked.

  “Fine. The only thing left at the house is just small stuff that we can get tomorrow when we go back,” Seth replied.

  “Good, everything in here then. How did you manage it?” Mr. Rossetti said.

  “Be careful when you open the back,” Lia teased.

  “Oh kinda like his closet,” Mrs. Rossetti said coming up behind them.

  “Yeah and I had to pack that closet,” Lia laughed.

  “Oh you poor girl. Before we start unpacking let me show you the apartment,” Mrs. Rossetti suggested.

  “That would be great,” Lia said trying to keep her left hand hidden.

  “I have to talk to you,” Seth said. “But not down here. Let’s go show Lia and Cris the apartment.”

  “What wrong Seth?” Mrs. Rossetti said.

  “Nothing’s wrong in fact everything’s great,” Seth said.

  They rode the elevator up to the twenty first floor. The doors opened to a small lobby richly furnished with two long tables and two plush chairs in the color of spun gold. The enormous windows over looked the city, or as far as you could see with all the buildings around.

  “I bet that’s a wonderful view at night,” Lia said.

  “Oh yes it is. I was mesmerized by it last night,” Mrs. Rossetti said. Walking down the hallway to the right was their apartment 2120.

  “Right now it’s a mess, but I have so many ideas for it,” Mrs. Rossetti said before she opened the door.

  Lia stood in the doorway and saw the apartment. You walk into a small foyer; the living room was down a small hallway. It was big and roomy, bigger than the one they had in the house. It was painted a medium brown with a light tan rug that sunk a little when you walked on it.

  “This room is so big, I’m shocked. Every time I see pictures or movies the apartments are always so small,” Lia said.

  “I know there’s a nice size kitchen over here that leads off to the dining room. Come see,” Mrs. Rossetti said.

  The kitchen had all new appliances in sparkling white, the stove, dishwasher, and refrigerator. The cabinets where a light wood and had glass panes in each one. There was a rack to hold the plates and above hanging from the ceiling was a rack to hold the pots and pans.

  “This is real nice. Mrs. Rossetti, you’ll be able to have nice parties in here,” Lia said.

  “Yeah I’m sure we’ll have a few of those, from what I hear,” Mrs. Rossetti said.

  “Mom, can we go back into the living room? I need to talk to you and Dad,” Seth said.

  Seth waited for Lia to walk past him and he stopped her giving her a quick kiss and whispered, “It’s going to be ok.”

  The two of them walked into the living room and both his parents looked at them. “Mom, Dad, Lia and I have become engaged as of last night. Before you start yelling, we’re not getting married until after Lia graduates.”

  “High school or college?” Mrs. Rossetti asked.

  “Probably high school, not real sure yet, we haven’t set a date,” Seth said.

  “Are you mad, boy? No offense Lia. You both are too young to be engaged!” Mr. Rossetti exploded.

  “We are not!” Seth yelled back. “You know its funny how Lia’s parents took it so much better. Admitted
ly they aren’t thrilled by it, but they accept it, knowing we mean what we say when we aren’t getting married till after graduation.”

  “Yeah I’m sure Lia’s Dad took it real well,” Mr. Rossetti said.

  “He didn’t say too much, but he didn’t yell at us,” Lia said. “What difference does it make if we are engaged now or in a year? It makes me feel better knowing Seth is up here and I’m in PA. Knowing that Seth loves me enough to be engaged to me and not leaving me there to wonder if I’ll ever get to see him again! I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but this is what we want.”

  “Don’t get upset, dear,” Mrs. Rossetti said calmly. “We were just shocked. Not that you got engaged, but now. I really do understand the timing of it all. Seth loves you and would do anything to make you feel safe and secure.”

  “That’s a bad thing?” Lia demanded.

  “No it’s not. We just think it’s a little too much, too fast,” Mrs. Rossetti said.

  “Look Mom, Dad were engaged and nothing will change that. We love each other and that’s that. You don’t have to like it. It’s funny how Uncle Stefan was so happy for us, but my own parents aren’t,” Seth said. “Come on, Cris let’s go unpack and then we’ll go back to PA. You can come and finish the packing back home, Dad, I’m done with it and you,” Seth said storming out the door.

  Lia stood at the window tears streaming down her face. Mrs. Rossetti walked up behind her and put her hand on her shoulder, “Sorry, Lia I guess we didn’t handle that too well. Can I see the ring he got you?”

  Putting her left hand in the hand of Mrs. Rossetti’s she looked at the ring. “My, what a beautiful ring, my son sure does have good taste. It’s lovely, Lia and I’m so sorry if we ruined it for you.”

  “No you didn’t. I love your son and nothing will take that away from me,” Lia stated.

  Chapter 16

  Seth and Cris went down the elevator and Seth stormed out the door, slamming it against the wall. “I can’t believe him! Yelling at us like that! Making Lia feel like shit!” Seth yelled.

  “I think it was the shock. They weren’t expecting it; yeah they could have handled it better, but getting pissed at them isn’t gonna help,” Cris said.

  “Look I don’t want anything to do with them,” Seth said throwing the keys at the truck, hitting the back of it with a loud bang. Anger coursed through his body with no way for it to release.