Read More than a Promise: The Separation Page 7

  “Ok wake me up at six,” she replied.

  “Six? I’m not waking up at six, more like seven,” he replied.

  “I don’t get this beautiful with only an hour of prep time,” she replied.

  “Don’t bullshit me. I know you, remember, you sleep till the last second. I’ll call you when I get up at seven,” he said.

  “Okay,” she agreed laughing. “I love you, Babe.”

  “Love ya too. Go get some sleep.”

  “Sleep? I have too much to do to sleep.”

  “Get some sleep because if you don’t we’ll all pay for it,” he groaned.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, bye babe,” she gave him one last kiss that lasted longer than their conversation.

  “If you don’t get into that house now, your Dad will have a real fit when I jump your bones right here in the car, in front of your house.”

  Giggling Lia got out of the car and stuck her head back in and said, “I’d love to see that.”

  “What my funeral?”

  “Ha ha,” she said running toward the house.


  “What have you been up to tonight, Lia,” Mrs. Lombardi asked when she came into the house.

  “Same old, same old, went to the after game party and we all decided tomorrow we’re giving Seth a going away party. It’s from two till whenever at Paul’s house. His Mom said it was ok. Do you think you and Dad can come? I know Dad doesn’t like him much, but it would mean a lot to me.”

  “Oh Honey, I have to work tomorrow, but maybe after work I can come. I don’t know about your Dad, but I’ll ask him. Do you need anything for me to make, at the last minute as usual? I don’t know how I raised two kids who come to me at the last minute all the time to make stuff,” Mrs. Lombardi teased.

  “Oh love ya Mom. If you can make your bar-b-que, everyone loves it. I’ll pick up the hamburger and stuff in the morning. Can you could make it before work?”

  “How are you going to pick up the stuff tomorrow morning?”

  “I have to take Seth to work. I’m using his car and then I’ll pick him up after work.”

  “You can drive his car? I thought it was a stick shift?” Mrs. Lombardi questioned.

  “It is and he showed me last year. You saw me driving it the other night,”

  “Yeah the night you stayed at Steph’s supposedly,” Mrs. Lombardi said looking at Lia for her reaction and when Lia’s face showed the shock. She knew she was right. “Look I was young once too, but don’t do anything stupid ok. And the only reason I’m being lenient is because he’s moving. But I want no more of it, no more sneaking around behind my back and no more lying.”

  “Yes Mom. You didn’t tell Dad did you?” Lia asked as a cold hand grabbed her stomach, twisting it into knots of fear.

  “No, but next time I will,” Mrs. Lombardi replied.

  With that being said, Lia went up to her room, scared out of her mind. She thought she was in the clear, but evidently she wasn’t. Now she really had to watch what they did for the next few days until he left. She walked over to her computer and turned it on. While she was waiting for it to warm up she phoned Seth from her cell phone.

  “Hey Babe, I just left you what’s up?” Seth asked.

  “My Mom knows about last weekend!” she shrieked.

  Instant fear for Lia snaked through his heart, “What?!” he yelled.

  “Yeah she made some comment about being young once too and how she knew I didn’t stay at Steph’s house.”

  “Great does she know I was drunk?” he asked dreading her answer.

  “No I don’t think she knows that part.”

  “Does your Dad know?” Fear paralyzing him.

  “No she said she won’t tell him this time, but next time she will,” Lia said.

  “God, Lia I’m sorry. See I mess up your life all the time,” he groaned.

  “No you don’t and I don’t regret that night. Do you?”

  “That night yeah, but not the next day, I’d never regret that,” he replied.

  Sighing a sigh of relief she said, “Just checking. We’ll have to be careful the rest of the week I don’t want to get in trouble right before you go.”

  “Yeah you’re right. Should I still pick you up in the morning?”

  “Yeah, don’t worry she won’t say anything to you,” she replied as she got on facebook and started posting about the party tomorrow. “Oh my Mom’s making her bar-b-que for the party tomorrow. I have to pick up the stuff after I drop you off.”

  “You don’t have to tell me where you’re going. You’re the only one I totally trust with it.”

  “Really, wow that’s a surprise, you trusting me with your baby.” she said mockingly.

  “Why would it be a surprise? You know by now I trust you.”

  “Yeah I know, but not with the precious car,” she retorted sarcastically.

  “Knock it off. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed,” he replied.

  “Ooh, need any help?”

  “Funny, real funny, Lia when you’re there and I’m here. Don’t torture me like that,” he groaned with the want of her.

  “Love ya, see you in the morning,” she said laughing.

  “Guess I have to take a cold one now since you got me thinking of last weekend,” he replied.

  “Sorry, Babe,” she said and hung up. For a few minutes she wondered how she was going to face living so far apart from him. She started to cry, but when she heard her brother clod hopping up the steps she tried to stop and wiped the tears from her face as Cris barged into her room.

  “Hey don’t you knock anymore?” she yelled.

  “Um sorry. What’s wrong with you? You and Seth have another fight?” Cris asked.

  “No, we went to the after game party and actually had a good time,” she said through the sniffles.

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  “Just thinking how I’m going to live through the next couple of months without him. Oh by the way, we’re having a party for him tomorrow at Paul’s house. He doesn’t really want us to have it, but he has no choice. He told me I’m not allowed to cry tomorrow so I figured I get it out tonight.” she replied sadly.

  “This freakin’ blows,” Cris said as he plopped down on the bed next to her. “You’re losing your boyfriend and I’m losing my best friend, even though lately we haven’t be able to spend much time together other than school and practices, he’s still my best friend.”

  An idea popped into her head, lightening up her eyes with excitement, “Hey on Friday night, why don’t the four of us go out to eat and a movie or something?”

  “The four of us? I thought you want to spend it with him alone.”

  “Yeah I do, but you’re his best friend, too. I think it would be good for all of us to hang out like we used to. Maybe I can talk Mom into let us stay home Friday and we can hang out all day,” Lia suggested.

  “You don’t mind Steph being there? She didn’t hang out with us when we were little,” he asked.

  “Well she won’t be able to hang out with us during the day so that’ll be our time, just the three of us and if Seth has to pack, we can help him with that,” she suggested.

  “Sounds good to me, and I’ll be the one to ask Mom and Dad if we can stay home Friday,” Cris suggested, knowing he would probably be the one to get his parents’ approval before Lai could.

  “Ok, now you’re gonna help me with the party stuff?”

  “Ugh Lia that’s your domain not mine.”

  “You’re helping me. Everyone is bringing food and drinks, non-alcoholic of course, but do you think if we decorated it would be lame?”

  “What do you mean decorate? With what?” an appalled expression crossed his face fleetingly.

  “Just some balloons and stuff, nothing fancy. I don’t have a lot of money to spare on it. I do want to get one or two of those posters so everyone can sign them. Or should I get something smaller, like a book or

  “I don’t know. What about a football or two?” he suggested.

  “Yeah that’s good, you can get all the football players to sign one and I’ll get the cheerleaders to sign the other one. See you think of good things to do. I’ll just get a few balloons and tablecloths. We’ll need ice,” she said thinking out loud. “I can pick that up when I get the stuff for Mom to make her bar b que. Want to get up with me in the morning to take Seth to work?”

  “What time?”

  “Seven, he has to be there at eight,” she said.

  “No way that’s too early. Why are you taking him to work?”

  “So I can use his car to get some stuff. He offered and I’m taking him up on it. You know he doesn’t let anyone drive his car,” she said smugly knowing Cris never drove it.

  “Yeah and I don’t understand why he’s letting you?” he grumbled.

  “Because he trusts me,” she said.

  “He’s a fool,” Cris laughed.

  “Shut up, Cris, you’re just jealous” she said punching him in the chest. “Be gone from my room so I can finish on facebook who’s doing what and I need some sleep.”

  Chapter 10

  A constant ringing woke her up, groggily Lia reached over to pick up her phone. Looking at her alarm clock she saw it was 6:45am. Picking up her phone she said grumpily, “Hello.”

  “Good morning, Babe you wanted me to wake you up,” Seth said.

  “Mmm,” Lia replied.

  “Don’t go back to sleep on me. If you don’t want the car it’s fine with me, I’ll just go to work and leave you sleep,” he replied.

  “No, I’m awake,” she sat up quickly. “What time are you coming over?”

  “In about half an hour,” he said.

  “Ok I’ll be ready,” she mumbled. She stumbled out of bed and down the hallway to the bathroom. She took a quick shower to wake up and went downstairs to wait for Seth.

  Her Dad walked into the kitchen where she was eating breakfast. “What are you doing up so early on a Saturday morning?” Mr. Lombardi asked.

  “Waiting for Seth, I’m driving him to work then going to get the stuff for his going away party at Paul’s.”

  “Driving his car, do you think that’s a good idea? It’s a pretty powerful car you think you can handle it?” he asked.

  “Yeah Dad I can handle it. Seth has been letting me drive his car since I got my license I can drive it almost as well as he can.”

  “Well if you’re sure. I was thinking that maybe next month we can go looking at cars for you,” he suggested.

  “That’s alright Dad, I’ll save up the money for a car. No big deal. If you want to do me a favor, come to Seth’s party today with Mom and be nice to him. I love him Dad and we’ll work this out. He’s the one I’m going to marry so get use to it. He’s not his Dad!”

  “How do you know? When we were kids in this town his Dad was just like him, fast cars, fast girls, and the drinking all the time. I don’t want you to live the life they have. I want better for you. Damn it!” he stormed.

  “Dad if you would just look at him. He’s a captain of the football team, he’s held a job at the same place for two years now, he’s going to college. Yeah he made a mistake. He drank too much and got in trouble. Has he been in trouble since? NO! Give him a break, Dad! Stop putting a riff between us. You liked him when he was a kid, before he started going out with me. He did nothing that God awful for you to act like this toward him,” she screamed pushing her food away since she suddenly lost her appetite.

  “I can’t. He got you drunk that night. God only knows what he would have done if the two of you didn’t get pulled over.”

  “Is that what you think?! That he got me drunk? Did you ever bother to question where the alcohol came from, Dad?”

  “No, I assume he got it,” Mr. Lombardi admitted.

  “Well Dad you know what they say about assuming. You make an ass out of…”

  “Lia, stop it,” Seth said walking into the kitchen.

  “No Seth he needs to know the truth,” Lia said a little too calmly, which usually meant with her a big explosion at the end.

  “Lia, don’t,” Cris said behind Seth.

  “Let her finish!” Mr. Lombardi roared.

  “Dad it wasn’t Seth who got me drunk. He didn’t have the alcohol. I got it! I took it from here. I was the one who took the alcohol every time we drank! I took it from here every time!” Lia screamed.

  Seth walked over to her and held her close as she cried. “You shouldn’t have told him.” he whispered.

  Mr. Lombardi just looked at her with disbelief, “How could you! Why would you?!”

  “We all wanted to experiment, Dad. All kids do, but we learned our lesson. Didn’t we? Seth almost went to jail along with me for taking that car. While I wasn’t with him when he took it, I knew it wasn’t his when I got in it.”

  “If you weren’t with him when he took it how did he get drunk?” Mr. Lombardi challenged.

  “We were together first drinking in the woods. She went home to get something and so did I. I didn’t plan to take the car; it was a last second decision. It was just dumb,” Seth said.

  “I’m so disappointed in you Lia. I don’t really know what to say to you anymore,” Mr. Lombardi said walking out of the kitchen deflated.

  Lia turned in Seth’s arms and put her head on his shoulder and cried. Seth looked over at Cris who just stood there. No one said anything for a few minutes until Lia pulled herself together. “Well at least now he knows the truth about that night,” Lia said.

  “You shouldn’t have done it. I was ok with him blame me for the whole thing.” Seth said.

  “No, Lia was right to tell him the truth. Now it’s all out in the open. He knows we’re all at fault here. He’s just mad because he didn’t want to think his kid would be the bad one in all this. We all drank that night. We’re all to blame for what happened. Me for not stopping my little sis from drinking in the first place and for not stopping her from taking the shit from the house,” Cris said.

  “Look, its over. I’ll take any repercussions there is for it, but I can’t take him blaming you for this anymore Seth. I have to take responsibility for my part in it. I should have done in the first place,” Lia said. “Oh God it’s almost eight. You have to get to work it’s your last weekend there.”

  “Don’t worry about work, Lia. You’re more important. Are you okay?” Seth said.

  “Yeah I’ll be fine. Come on I have a lot of stuff to do today for the party,” Lia said walking out the back door before Seth.

  “You better do right by her once you leave, Seth. She loves you more than herself,” Cris said.

  “Yeah I know. I’m not doing anything to screw it up. I don’t even know if I’m doing football there, I’d rather come back here and be with her on the weekends,” Seth admitted.

  “Don’t be stupid boy, you need that scholarship if you’re gonna make it to college,” Mr. Lombardi yelled from the dining room.

  Seth and Cris just looked at each other, “Yes sir,” Seth answered and went out the backdoor after Lia.


  Lia was doing the last of her shopping when her phone rang she looked at who it was before picking it up. Her phone had rung nonstop all morning and she didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. She saw it was Seth and answered, “Hi Babe.”

  “Are you alright?” Seth asked.

  “Yeah I’m fine, shopping therapy works all the time,” she laughed.

  “You’re still shopping?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but I helped my Mom make the bar b que before I went back out. What are you doing?”

  “I’m on break and wanted to make sure you’re alright,” he said.

  “You’re car’s fine, Seth,” she teased.

  “I don’t care about the car. I’m worried about you,” he replied.

  “I’ll be fine.
I’m still picking you up at twelve?” she asked.

  “Yeah, they said I could go early, but I’m staying. I need this last check to pay the last of my fine and them I’m done with it,” Seth said.

  “Ok, I’ll pick you up then. I’m glad you’re getting that paid off.”

  “So what kind of stuff are you buying?” he asked.

  “Just some tablecloths and stuff like that. Everyone keeps calling me to tell me what they’re bringing so my list went down a lot, which is good because with the football season here I can’t babysit as much as I should. I’m gonna have to get a real job though,” she said thoughtfully. “It’ll keep me busy when you’re not here, too. It was nice making that steady income from watching the Kissler’s kids this summer.”

  “That’ll be good for you. It’ll help for you to keep saving for your car,” he said.

  “Oh I forgot to tell you. My Dad said something about going next month to look for a car, but I turned him down. I told him I’ll save up myself, besides now with what he knows he probably won’t do it anyway,” she said.

  “When did he say that?” Seth asked.

  “Right before I told him everything this morning,” Lia replied.

  “Not a good move, Lia. If he would have gotten you the car you could have saved for something else,” he reminded her.

  “Oh well if he couldn’t get me one when I first started to drive I don’t want one now from him.”

  “Stop being stubborn. Take the damn car from him,” he said.

  “We’ll see, I think that offer is off the table now anyway.”

  “I got to go, see ya after work.”

  “Okay, bye,” she said hanging up.


  She finished her shopping and drove over to Paul’s house. She was bringing out all the bags of stuff she bought. Cris was there already putting all the tables out with Paul. They walked over to her to help her bring all the stuff from the car.

  “Well I see it’s still in one piece,” Cris teased.

  Rolling her eyes, she said, “Oh shut up, Cris. Just take these bags over so I can start setting the stuff up. Take the balloons and tie them somewhere till I figure out where I’m putting them.”

  Once they got the balloons out of the car she set about getting everything in order. She put the tablecloths on the tables and then tied the balloons to the tables, the mail box and everywhere else she could. People kept bring food over. The stuff that needed to be kept cold was set in trays of ice, and the food that had to be kept hot were in crockpots and in sterno trays. The drinks where kept in tubs filled with ice, and put in different spots around the yard so no one had to walk far to get a soda or water. Once she was done it was time for her to go get Seth.