Read More than a Promise: The Separation Page 8

  “Cris I’m going to get Seth, we’ll be back by two,” Lia yelled to him.

  “Ok we’ll keep trying to figure out where to go with all this food,” he yelled back laughing.

  “Good luck,” she yelled. This is going to be the best party ever and she was so glad it was for Seth.


  She pulled into the parking lot of Auto Parts and was ready to get out when Seth jumped in the passenger seat. “You drive to my house.”


  “So I can see how you beat my car,” he joked.

  “I don’t beat your car.”

  “Yeah, I know. So how’s the party stuff going?” he asked.

  “Great, I think you’re going to be surprised. There’s a lot more stuff there then I thought. It seems that the whole town is gonna be there,” she said and then laughed when she saw his face.

  “Yeah right.”

  “No I’m serious. You’ll see. Let’s get you home to shower and change,” she said.

  “You gonna take one with me?” he inquired.

  “No, I have to get back and if we start that we’ll be late,” she responded.

  They pulled into the driveway of his house and his Mom was loading it up with stuff for the party. “Mom what are you doing?”

  “Taking these tables and chairs over to Paul’s, Cris called and asked if we had any. You go get ready we’ll see you there,” Mrs. Rosetti said.

  Dread shot through him, “Ugh, yeah right. We’ll be there sometime,” Seth grumbled.

  “Seth Ryan Rosetti, you will go take a shower and be there by two o’clock,” Mrs. Rosetti ordered.

  “Yes, Mom,” Seth replied grumpily.

  “I’ll have him there on time, Mrs. Rosetti,” Lia said laughing.

  Glaring at Lia, “You think this is funny, don’t you?” Seth asked.

  “Yeah I do,” Lia laughed louder.

  “I’m glad you think so,” he grumbled. “I’m going to take a shower be down soon.”

  Shaking her head in disbelief, “He can be so ungrateful sometimes. I didn’t raise him to be like that,” Mrs. Rosetti complained.

  “I don’t think it’s that. I think he doesn’t want to be the reason for the party. He doesn’t realize how big this party is going to be. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole town shows up,” Lia said.


  “Wait till you get there. Some of us have been talking about doing this since last week, but I never thought it would be as big as it is. He’s going to be surprised,” Lia said.

  “Good it makes me proud that the whole town is going to be there for him. Especially after everything that has happened in the past,” Mrs. Rosetti said.

  “Mrs. Rosetti, your husband has changed his life around for the better and people respect that. What Seth has done was over a year ago, all they see now is a great football player that will be missed,” Lia said.

  “I hope your right,” Mrs. Rosetti said.

  Chapter 11

  Banging on the bathroom door Lia yelled, “Seth come on. You’ve been in there forever! We have to get to the party!”

  He ignored her. He didn’t want to go. He was afraid he’d breakdown, and he didn’t want to do that in front of everyone.

  “Seth hurry up!”Lia called again.

  Knowing she won’t let him alone he shut off the water, “I’m coming.” he yelled through the door.

  Ten minutes later he came down the steps. Looking at Lia he didn’t realize she changed while he took a shower. She was wearing jeans and top that criss-crossed at the chest and flowed down with the sides longer than the front and back “You look beautiful,” he said.

  “Seth,” she said walking up to him and wrapping her arms around him. “Thank you, but I’m just wearing old jeans and a shirt.”

  “A new one I never saw it on you before.”

  “Yeah I bought it today I liked the coral color and the way it flows. How come you always notice stuff other guys don’t?”

  “I notice everything about you. And I wasn’t talking about your clothes, I was talking about you. You are so beautiful,” he said.

  “Thank you again, and if your done stalling we have to go,” Lia replied.

  “I’m not stalling.’

  “Yeah you are. Let’s go, I’m driving,” she said.

  “Why? Don’t trust me to take you there?”

  “No you’ll think of something to make us even later.”


  Lia pulled up to Paul’s house. “God how many people did you invite?” Seth asked.

  “None, we just posted it on Facebook last night. Everyone helped with the food and decorations. We went with the school colors because it was easiest,” she said.

  “Yeah I see that. Did you get enough balloons there?” Seth teased. There were black and orange balloons everywhere.

  “When I left there weren’t that many here. People must have brought more. Mr. Kissler gave me some extra, but not that many. Come on let’s get over there it’s already 2:15. I’m surprised we’re this early.”

  “Well no one saw us yet we can leave,” Seth encouraged.

  “Get out of the car, Seth. You’ll have a great time,” Lia said. She knew something was bugging him, but he wouldn’t talk to her.

  They reached the first group of kids there, most were the football players and they pulled him away from her the minute they got there. They started throwing the football around and before she knew it they had a game going on in the empty field next to Paul’s house.

  She was glad for the game since it took a lot of pressure off Seth. She could tell by the way he was standing over there he was more relaxed. When she walked over to him he smiled at her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. “Who’s winning?”

  “My team, of course, who else would be?”

  “My mistake, I’m glad you’re having a great time,” she laughed.

  “Cheer me on?” Seth asked.

  “Sure, the others are coming,” Lia said.

  “Others?” he asked in confusion.

  “The cheerleaders.”

  “Who are they gonna cheer for since the team is on both sides?”

  “Both sides then. It’s only for fun.”

  After the game, which took the majority of the day, Lia and Seth walked over to get something to eat. On the way there he was stopped by a lot of people telling him how sorry they were to hear he was moving away and how much they’ll miss him.

  They finally reached the tables with all the food on them, “Do you think there’s enough here?” Seth asked. “Too bad I’m not hungry now.”

  “Seth what’s up? Why are you having such a hard time? You didn’t want to come, and now as people are telling you how sorry they are, you don’t want to eat.”

  “Lia, I didn’t want any of this. I’m gonna lose it and I don’t want to do that. Not in front of everyone,” Seth whispered. “It’s hard enough letting you down, but the whole town.”

  “Seth you’re not letting me down, nor the whole town. You’re moving away because your Dad has a great opportunity to work for a good company, it just happens to be in a different state. No one can help that, especially you. Now let’s get something to eat now, before the band starts.”

  “What band? Please tell me not the marching band.”

  Laughing Lia said, “No Zak’s band.”

  “They’re gonna play here? Cool they’re great, how did you get them to play.” Seth said.

  “Yeah they are, I didn’t. They contacted me last night and I said sure if it was ok with Paul’s parents. I guess they said yes since they’ll be playing in about two hours at seven.”

  “How much is that gonna cost?”

  “Nothing we didn’t ask them they asked us. Heck it’s free advertising for them.”

  “Yeah I guess,” he said as they filled their plates full of food. “Let’s sit over by the fire pit so when they light it we??
?ll already have our seats.”

  “Good thinking. Uh oh,” Lia said. “My Mom and Dad are over there.”

  “Really, I’m surprised your Dad would show up here. Where are they?”

  “Sitting with your parents on the other side of the fire pit,” Lia said.

  Looking over at them he saw they were having a pretty good time. “Surprising, they’re actually having a good time over there it seems.”

  “Should we sit with them?”

  “Nope I want you to myself for a few minutes. If we can get that much time without someone coming over to us,” Seth said. “Here’s a good place, it’s by the fire, but a little secluded.” He picked chairs that were by a bunch of bushes so they would only be seen coming from one way.

  “This is good, I think the band is setting up right over here anyway,” Lia said pointing to her right, down at the end of the yard.

  “Babe, I can’t believe you got this together so fast, all these people, the decorations, a band, all this food, everything just for me,” Seth said quietly.

  “As much as I’d like to take credit for it all I can’t. It was everyone, all the cheerleaders, the football players; everyone brought food and a lot of it. We can probably party all night and tomorrow too. It’ll suck when we have to clean it all up tonight.”

  “Cris, did a lot today for this party, too” Lia said.

  “I figured that much. You rope anyone into helping you and Cris is the first to help you, no matter what. Remember that when I’m gone, let him help you get through it all,” Seth said gently.

  “I will. Are you done eating? I think we should go over to the parents and make an appearance,” Lia suggested.

  “Do we have to?”



  They walked hand in hand over to their parents. Seth moving at a slower pace than she was so it looked like she was pulling him. “Seth, stop walking so slow. We don’t have to spend the whole night with them just a few moments.”

  “Hi Mom did you get off work early?” Lia asked.

  “Yes, just a little, my boss said I could leave early to come here,” Mrs. Lombardi said.

  “That was nice of him. Great turn out for this party don’t you think?” Lia asked.

  “Sure is, we just got here about ten minutes before the game ended over there. Looks like it was a lot fun,” Mrs. Lombardi said.

  “Yeah we had a blast cheering for both sides.”

  “I saw Courtney was here. She’s not giving you any problems?”

  “No I didn’t even know she was here. Did you Seth?”

  “No, didn’t see her and don’t want to either. Hi Mrs. Lombardi,” Seth said and turning toward Lia’s Dad. “Hi Mr. Lombardi.”

  “Seth.” Mr. Lombardi returned the greeting. “You and Cris were looking good out there the little I saw.”

  “Thanks it was just for fun. A little strange with us being on different teams though,” Seth said.

  “Mom, Dad did you have anything to eat yet? There’s plenty of food, but I think all the bar b que is gone,” Lia asked.

  “Yes dear we ate. Why don’t the two of you go ahead and have fun,” Mrs. Lombardi encouraged.

  “We will I just wanted to say hi to you guys,” Lia said. “I don’t know what time I’ll be home tonight. I have to help clean up after everyone leaves and if Cris doesn’t sneak out on me he’s helping to.”

  “Ok, if it’s real late be careful driving home.”

  “We will.”


  “See it wasn’t that bad. My Dad even talked to you. It wasn’t a lot, but he talked to you,” Lia said. “Maybe he’ll come around, yet.”

  “I don’t think a miracle will happen, Babe,” Seth said.


  The next two hours they didn’t have a moment to themselves as everyone kept coming up to Seth to wish him good luck and tell him that they’ll miss him. At times it looked like Seth wasn’t going to be able to control his emotions, depended who came up or what someone said. Every time that happened Lia either changed the subject or moved him on to give him time to compose himself.

  At one of those time when she pulled him away from a customer of Seth’s, old Mr. Grayson, who was always in Auto Parts. He was a grouchy old man most of the time, but Seth always helped him in the store so he wasn’t grouchy toward Seth.

  “I’m going to miss you, young man. Now who’s going to help me fix my car when it breaks down for the hundredth time? You’re the only one there who wants to help me. When they see me coming they run,” Mr. Grayson said.

  “They don’t run, Mr. Grayson,” Seth said laughing.

  “They do so. You’re the only one who helps me and I’m forever grateful to you. Here’s a little something for all your time you spend with a grouchy old man like me,” Mr. Grayson said handing Seth an envelope.

  Seth looked at him in amazement. He didn’t know what to do or say to the old man. “Thank you, Mr. Grayson. Y-you didn’t have to give me anything,” he finally stammered.

  “I wanted to do that for you. You take that and put it away for whatever you need in the future,” Mr. Grayson said

  Lia knew Seth wasn’t going to be able to keep it together much longer and she interjected, “That’s real nice of you Mr. Grayson, maybe later this week before Seth leaves we’ll stop by your house so he can say goodbye.”

  “Yeah we will. You do know I’ll be back here next year for college,” Seth said. “So it won’t be like I’m going forever.”

  “I know that boy. You’ve told me you’re waiting for this young lady to get out of high school and you both will be going away to college together. If you need anything you just let me know,” Mr. Grayson said patting Seth’s arm.

  “I will and thanks again,” Seth forced out as Mr. Grayson walked away.

  “Come on, Babe, let’s go in the house a minute,” she pushed him into the house and to Paul’s room. “Are you ok?”

  Seth opened the envelope and in it was a stack of bills. He just stood there looking at it. He couldn’t say anything he just looked at Lia with wide eyes.

  “Babe, are you alright?” Lia said stepping toward him. She looked at the envelope he pulled wide apart. “Wow, that’s a lot of money in there. How much is it?”

  “I don’t know,” he said not moving.

  “Well count it,” Lia said. “Seth sit down you look like you might fall down.”

  “Lia I never thought he would do anything like this. I can’t accept this,” Seth said plopping down on the bed.

  “Just count it, it might look like more that it is,” Lia encouraged him.

  Pulling the money out of the envelope they were all fifty dollar bills. He counted it and said, “A thousand. Why would he give me a thousand dollars? I have to give it back to him,” Seth said moving toward the door. Lia stopped him.

  “Think about this, Seth. The old man has one kid who doesn’t speak to him, so, it was just him and his wife and she died, so it made him feel good to be able to give you something. Wait a few days before you try to give it back. You can talk to him when we go over to say goodbye. I think you’ll end up hurting his feelings by trying to give it back,” Lia said.

  “But,” Seth started.

  “But nothing, put that money in your pocket, tell no one about it for now, and decide later what to do with it. Just don’t hurt his feeling tonight, okay?” Lia said.

  He nodded his in agreement.

  “Hey I hear the band tuning up. I want to be there when they start,” Lia said jumping up.

  “Wait one second,” Seth reached out for her hand he pulled her toward him. Crushing her mouth with his, he gave her the most mind blowing kiss ever. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,”

  Chapter 12

  They walked out of the house as Zak’s band started playing. They joined everyone, wandering over to where the band was playing. The girls started dancing whil
e the guys stood and watched. Lia stood with Seth afraid to leave his side. “Go dance, Babe. I know you want too.”

  “No I don’t want to right now,” she replied.

  “Yes you do, you don’t have to babysit me, I’m fine,” he said.

  “I’ll dance when I want to. Actually I want you to dance with me,” she joked.

  “I ain’t dancing,” he replied.

  “Yes you are,” she said trying to pull him out to dance.

  “No I’m not, you know I don’t like dancing,” he replied standing ridged so she couldn’t budge him.

  Laughing and knowing full well she could never get him to dance. She conceded to a slow dance. “I know, I’m only joking, but you’ll dance a slow one with me later right?”

  “Yeah a slow one. Now go dance with your friends,” he said pushing her to the dance floor.


  About half an hour later the band stopped playing and Mr. Jenkins, the football coach, walked up to the mike and said, “Seth, when you first tried out for the team in your sophomore year I didn’t think you would really stick it out. You didn’t seem to me the type to play really good ball. You didn’t have the discipline for the game, but as the years went on I saw your determination, your willingness to take charge and that’s why I made you one of the captains this year. You have been such an asset it’s really going to hurt us once you leave. We want to wish you good luck at your new school and I for one am glad you won’t be playing against us.”

  Everyone laughed except for Seth. He just stood there not knowing what to do or say. Everyone was staring at him and he was very uncomfortable with it.

  Mr. Jenkins continued his speech as the whole football team gathered behind him, “Seth can you come up here, the whole team has something they want to give you so you’ll always remember us.”