Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 19

  Once I had finished and brushed my teeth (another useful thing Nate had remember to buy), I left the bathroom to see Nate sitting on the bed, waiting.

  "Ready Sweet pea?" he asked as though nothing happened with the sweet almost innocent smile, which always made me give in.

  I can't help but smile back as I nod.

  He jumped up and held me close.

  "See I knew you couldn't be mad at me." He grinned.

  I sent him a playful glare.

  "I love you." He countered with a toothy smile.

  I shake my head amused. "And I love you too. Even if you are a tease." I say the last part lowly hoping him wouldn't hear me.

  "Tease? I don't think I have ever been called that before." He said amused and tapping his chin as if thinking.

  "No, never a tease. A dick, a player, a waste of space and a lot of others but never that." He smirked.

  I hit his arm and he kissed the top of my head.

  "Come on Sweet pea. We need to head to a clothes store quickly first before heading to the place I am taking you." He said, cryptic.

  I didn't argue knowing it wasn't going to work, Nate was too stubborn.

  Leaving most of our things in the room, but grabbing one of the bottles of soda that was left from last night and a few snacks for the trip, we leave the room.

  I let him wrap his arm around me as we make our way down the steps towards the office.

  Once in the office a different man rather than the other from yesterday greets us, but he looked very similar.

  When he hears the door open his bored expression slips and he begins to smile.

  "Hello and how can I help you today?" His voice had the same European one as the other slightly older man.

  Nate doesn’t let go of me for a second as he speaks to the man.

  "Hi, We checked into 15B last night and we just wanted to book it for another night?"

  The man nods his head and begins the type on the computer and check something.

  After several seconds he looks back up and smiles "Ah, I see you were checked in by my brother. You are in the honeymoon suite?" He asks.

  Nate and I both nod.

  "Newly weds?" He asks curiously.

  Nate looks and me and smiles "Not yet, just practicing for when it is." He says looking back at the man, who laughs at the comment.

  My eyes widen at the comment, but Nate doesn't seem to notice.

  But the man does and grins at my reaction, but not in a creepy way.

  The pair speaks for another minute before confirming the stay.

  "Thanks for your business. Oh yeah and my name is Pawel by the way." The man says before we leave.

  "Nice to meet you. I'm Nate and this is Hope" Nate said acting a lot more relaxed than with Pawel's brother.

  "And you. Have a good day." He said as we finally left the room.

  We were in the car and driving when Nate finally spoke again, but the silence was as bad as before.

  I just had tons of things running through my head, including the whole honeymoon comment.

  "That guy was nice wasn't he?" He more stated than asked.

  I laugh quietly. "You are just saying that because he wasn't eyeing me up." I say, but then quickly add, "But I have to agree, he seems nice and doesn't give off the creep vibe unlike his older brother"

  Nate nods in agreement not looking away from the road.

  "Any idea where you’re going?" I ask.

  "Some what... I am sure there is a small clothes store around here somewhere..." he trails off.

  After only a few minutes of searching we find the store, park the car and go inside.

  Sometime later...

  We both come out a while later with enough clothes for a couple of days.

  Both of us changed in the store and decided to keep one of the outfits on, not really wanting to wear my day old clothes anymore.

  The clothes store was in a small town, on what looked like the main shopping square.

  Just a few doors up from the store was a cafe where we decided to get a quick breakfast before finally going to my 'surprise' place.

  "Not too much further now." Nate said after driving from only about an hour.

  "So..." I begin to say looking at Nate.

  "What was that whole honeymoon practicing thing about?" I asked trying to keep my voice and face emotion free.

  He looked between the road and me a few times before finally settling his eyes on the road.

  Rubbing the back of his neck with one hand and keeping the other on the steering wheel he looked once more at me sheepishly.

  "Err, you noticed that?" He asked nervously.

  I nod, but also said “yes” when I notice him not looking at me.

  He never said anything for a while so I asked him again "What did you mean back there?"

  "W... well, um I mean. I am not going to ask you to marry me now or anything, because it's way too soon for that. But I do see me and you doing that in the future and I want that too." He stuttered slightly.

  I couldn't help but "aw" at his confession, making his cheek go bright red.

  "That's so sweet." I coo.

  He tries to brush it off and act cool, but I can tell he is still embarrassed by his confession.

  "Don't be embarrassed Nate. I am glad you think that. I think it’s a great idea." I tell him.

  "Really?" He asks, unsure.

  "Truly really" I answer.

  His lips curve up into a large grin "Good, because we are here now."

  I look out of the window to see where we were and my eyes double in size.

  "Lake Lure?" I ask, double-checking if I was right.

  "Yep." He said, pleased with himself, pulling the car over and turning the engine off.

  Without another word I jump out of the car and impatiently wait for a slow moving Nate to get out.

  "Hurry up." I whined making him chuckle.

  "I'm coming, hang on." He said locking the car.

  As soon as he is finished I grab his hand and begin to drag him along behind me.

  "Happy?" He asked still chuckling.

  "Very. Now hurry up." I say impatiently.

  "What's the hurry?" he sounded amused.

  I stop and look at him with a look what said 'Isn't it obvious?'

  He just shook his head and I roll my eyes.

  "We need to go and play." I state.

  "Play?" his eyebrows raised in amusement.

  "Yes play."

  "Oh, if that's what you want." He leans forwards and tries to kiss my neck.

  So I hit his shoulder.

  "Not that, you know what I mean"

  By the look he was giving me he didn't.

  Yet again I roll my eyes and tap my foot. "Come on already." I whine. "I want to go play the scene in the water in Dirty dancing."

  His eyes widen in realization and nods with a huge grin. "Lead the way Sweet pea." He says as he holds out his hand.

  I quickly grab it and pull him towards the water.

  Today was going to be great,

  I can see it now...

  The lake...

  Then the motel...

  Best trip ever.


  Are you happy?


  I am somewhat surprised by the fact that I actually had a lot of fun messing about and 'playing' Dirty dancing as Hope calls it.

  When we arrived at the lake she literally dragged me into it, only stopping for a second to remove our shoes before dragging me the rest of the way.

  Getting all of my nice new clothes soaking wet.

  Thank god I decided to buy us a couple of outfits each or we would have to stay in these all day.

  I was also thankful for the fact that we actually left our phones and money in the car, so they are safe.

  I loved how excited and happy she was when found realized where we were.

  It was almost like a child at Christmas, so cute.

  Once we h
ad tired of the water...well I say we, it was more her tiring of my whining.

  Yes I whined, that lifting thing is very tiring. Especially after three dozen times.

  Out of the water I decided to let Hope lay on the glass at the edge of the water whilst I quickly ran to the car and grabbed the bag of drink and snacks I took from the motel room earlier.

  Sitting on the ground next to her, I placed the bag on the floor and looked over her.

  She had her eyes closed and was lying with her hands behind her head.

  "Tired?" I ask as her eyes flutter open.

  "A little." She admits, sitting up and stretch followed by a yawn.

  I smile and watch her lustfully as her soaked through clothes cling to her body.

  She must have noticed my starring because was soon looking at me with a frown, but obviously trying to hide a smirk.

  Clearing her throat, she gets my attention.

  I look up to her face and give her my best innocent smile.

  "Yes Sweet pea?"

  "Finished eye raping me?" she asked teasingly with the same expression.

  I think for a second about what she said.

  With the same expression I innocently stroll towards her closing the distance between us, until we were literally chest-to-chest or chest-to-stomach in our case.

  I smirk internally when I notice her gulp as I bend down, moving my face close to her ear to whisper.

  "But Angel I wouldn't need to rape you." I whisper into her neck making her shiver.

  "You were more than happy to do it willingly yourself this morning." I wrap my arms around her waist to stop her from moving and then place a single kiss on her neck near her ear.

  I don't give her a chance to say anything before I start to talk again.

  "But in all seriousness it is hard not to stare at you because you are so perfect, a fact which you seem oblivious too." I tell her honestly.

  "You are the one who is perfect." She answers back.

  "I wish I was, you deserve nothing more, but I am not. If I were, I wouldn't keep hurting you as I do.

  I know I should probably not be with you and let you find someone who you truly deserve, but I am sorry I can't do that.

  I love you and I never want to let you go." I confess.

  "I don't know what it is with me being so emotional all the time, I am starting to think I might be turning into a girl." I think out loud without realizing making Hope laugh.

  Hope pulls back slightly until she could see my face and smiles. "I am sure that isn't happening, but if it does I will still love you and as for the business of not being perfect that is in the past." She says and then pulls her hand back and slaps my arm.

  "Ouch, what was that for?" I ask shocked rubbing my arm.

  "That my love is to deter you from feeling sorry for yourself and every time you say anything about not being good enough I will slap you and if that doesn't work I will tell Ricky to do it." She grins.

  I pout with a hurt puppy dog look "You wouldn't do that really would you?" I ask in a lowly baby voice, but really would be crapping myself if I knew she really did mean it.

  Ricky may be all hearts and flowers around his little sister, but around everyone else, especially the guys, he’s as scary as hell.

  As if reading my thoughts she begins to coo. "Aww are you scared of poor little Ricky?"

  I give her a mock glare and she laughs.

  "You know I wouldn't do that. Plus if Ricky didn't think you were good enough for me do you really think he would let you date me or go away on our own for days for that matter?" she half asked, but more stated.

  I thought about it. "I guess you’re right, but that just means Ricky is either as crazy as you," then I quickly add in a rushed voice "Don't tell him I said that" and then continued with what I was saying before, "Or he is waiting until I am alone so he can beat me" Hope rolls her eyes and shakes her head whilst mumbling under her breath "men"

  I hold her close and notice she was beginning to shiver. "I'm sorry Hope." I say letting her go and picking up a blanket I found in the car.

  "It isn't the best thing, but I haven't got any towels." I say, passing her the blanket.

  She gives me a confused look.

  "Grab some spare clothes and head to the bathroom and get dried and changed" I explain to her.

  After several minutes she returns smiling and dry.

  Whilst she was away I did the same, then we proceeded to sit and eat the food I had gotten out earlier.

  The rest of the day was just as tiring as the lake, mostly consisting of her dragging me around the whole place 'exploring' the sights from the movie.

  Including the infamous steps which that Baby girl or whatever she is called dances down.

  It was late evening before we finally left the lake.

  We are currently driving back towards the motel, I am driving while Hope is sitting in the passenger seat listening and nodding her head along to the music on the radio.

  "So cute." I say watching her.

  "Shh." She blushes.

  "I'm hungry." She whines.

  "How about we go to the store I went to yesterday and grab some more munchies and snacks for later and the trip back tomorrow. Then when we get back to the motel we will look up a local pizza place and order some?" I ask and think at the same time.

  Hope bites her lip and looks far away as if thinking.

  'See what I said earlier innocent and doing things that she doesn't realize drives me crazy' I think to myself looking her whilst still glancing back to the road so we didn't crash.

  She breaks me out of my thought after a minute.


  I look back to her again and smile "Yes Sweet pea?"

  "Can we maybe get Chinese instead?" She continues to bite her lip as if nervous that I would say no.

  My heart beats ten to the dozen at how sweet and innocent she is. Even over such silly thing.

  "Yes sure why not... Sounds like a good idea." I say looking back to the road, but look back out of the corner of my eye can see Hope sat now with a huge grin.

  "I love how simple things make you so happy." I say as we pull up in front of the store.

  "Well it’s a good thing I'm with you then." She says back before bolting out of the now parked car laughing.

  "What?" I question myself not sure what she was talking about.

  'She was calling you simple, stupid' I sudden thought said in my head.

  My mouth drops open "That little..." I mumble.

  I jump out of the car, making sure it is locked and quickly follow my girl who was now hiding somewhere in the store.

  Walking through the door I instantly see her peeking around the corner of a drinks display, but as soon as she sees me enter the store she goes back into hiding.

  I grin knowingly and slowly walk forward. "Hope." I call but not too loud.

  "Where are you?" I try to throw her off, so she will think I don't know where she is.

  I slowly come up behind the display to see her with her back to me, covering her mouth trying to stifle her giggling.

  "Got ya." I wrap my arms around her waist making her yelp and laugh.

  She turns around in my arms still laughing.

  I smirk down at her. "Simple am I?" I asked, amused.

  She opens her mouth and closes it several times but nothing comes out.

  My smirk grows as I watch her try to think up an excuse.

  "Cat got your tongue Sweet pea?"

  She just grins back at me, like a naughty child.

  "You are so lucky you are cute" I kiss her nose.

  "Softly." She says lowly so I wouldn't hear her but I did.

  "Soft and simple?" I say in a mock hurt tone.

  She surprised me. "Yes." I stared opened mouthed.

  "You are very bad girl today, very cheeky." I pick her by her waist and carry her back out of the store.