Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 20

  Stopping at the shopping trolleys, Hope gives me a confused look.

  "What you doing?" Her voice sounded concerned.

  I don't answer her; instead I pulled one out, somehow while still managing to keep hold of Hope in one of my arms.

  "Nate?" She questioned again.

  I put my second hand back on her and lifted her up and placed her inside the trolley.

  "Perfect." I smirk.

  "It's a good thing you are pocket size." She stares at me with a look that said 'what the hell?’

  I start to walk with her and the trolley back towards the store, receiving a few funny looks along the way, but I just smiled and kept walking.

  "Why am I in here?" Hope's voice had a slight harshness to it.

  "Because my Sweet pea you insist on being mischievous all day, so to stop you running away again and keep an eye on you I decide to keep my little pocket size angel somewhere I could watch her." I kiss her nose again.

  Yes I do that a lot, but that is because I love the way her face scrunches up every time I do.

  Ignoring the glares she was sending me I continue along my way.

  "So what you want?"

  I kept asking her what she wanted and she continued to ignore me for a while.

  Until that is I lend down and began to lick her cheek.

  "Uuurrr stop yuk." She pushed me away.

  "I love you." I said innocently.

  She rolled her eyes and wiped her face on her top, trying to hide a smile.

  I continued to look at her and she broke. "I love you too you strange man." She flicked my nose and laid back.

  We walked around the store buying a lot more stuff that we need.

  The store we a lot busier than you would have thought considering that it was in the middle of nowhere.

  We even got a few compliments about 'what a cute couple you are' and 'I wish my husband was as sweet and caring as you' the last one made us both and thanked the person.

  Once we were finished we made our way to the checkouts.

  By this point I had let Hope out of the trolley so not to be buried in the masses of junk we had got.

  Not looking up from the shopping, Hope and I both began to put the stuff on the conveyor belt.

  The woman on the till was a lot more professional and older than the woman yesterday, which I was very grateful for.

  We packed the stuff into bags and I paid the bill.

  "Thank you, have a good day." The woman says as we began to leave.

  "Bye." Hope and I both said back to her.

  "She was..." I was cut off by a whiny voice.

  "Oh Nathan baby back for more." I looked over to the second checkout and saw both the annoying women from before.

  I rolled my eyes and looked at Hope.

  "Who's that?" She whispered.

  "Them sluts I was telling you about last night and before you ask no I didn't tell either my name, they got it from my bankcard." She nods and smiles.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat got both of our attentions and we turned back to pair (Hallie and Texas) looking at me and glaring at Hope whilst one of them I'm not sure which is which tapped her fingers.

  "So?" The one behind the till asked.

  "What, did you say something?" I asked not knowing the question.

  Hope placed the bags she was carrying down on the ground, as did I.

  Neither one of us wanting to speak to the women, but knowing them we probably would.

  "Yes we did." The same woman said.

  "Texas was just asking what time you would pick us up tonight?" The other woman who I now guess is Hallie asked whilst standing on the other side of the till.

  I honestly think she has no life, because I am pretty sure she doesn't work here by the lack of uniform and badge.

  "I won't be. I have Hope." I motioned to the beautiful girl stand beside me and I kissed her nose, making her blush.

  "It's ok. We both have younger brothers about her age. What is she fifteen? Well anyway our brothers are both only seventeen and I'm sure they would love to take care of your little sister whilst we take care of you." Hallie said looking at Texas in a knowing way.

  "Desperate much." Hope whispered into my ear.

  I smirk and look at Hope "So what do you think Lill' sis do you want to hang out with their brother?" I say loud enough for the pair behind us to hear, as I try my best to sound as genuine as possible and send her a discreet wink to tell her to play along.

  She smirks, but then quickly covers it with a pout.

  "But big brother..." She tried to sound whiny, but to me it was sexy. "I thought you were going to hang out with me." She said in a sad tone.

  With my arm still wrapped around her waist and pulls her closer to me, fully aware that the two were still watching, listening and waiting for my answer.

  I hold her cheek with my second hand and look lovingly into her eyes, losing myself for a second but then remembered where I was and went back to my plan.

  "I'm sorry my darling sister, please forgive me." I press my lips to hers and closed my eyes as own lips moved in sync.

  We here a gasp, followed by silence.

  The kiss was perfect but only lasted a few seconds, before we both pulled away smiling.

  "I love you sis." I say.

  "I love you too bro." Hope says back.

  We turned back to the pair to see them both looking at us slack jawed.

  "Think we did it." I whisper into Hope's hair and place a kiss in the same place.

  But I guess I spoke to soon, because when I looked at the women again they both had replaced their shocked expressions with a smirk.

  Hallie winked at Texas and started towards me.

  "Well baby if you are into that kind of stuff we can role play." She stopped in front of me and tried to touch my chest, but I stepped back out of her reach.

  "No thanks I'm quite happy with Hope." I smile.

  Hallie wasn't looking so happy anymore.

  "What the hell?" She sneered.

  "We are both much hotter than her." She states.

  Texas quickly adds, "You will be begging for us when you realize what a mistake you made"

  "Oh my god." Hope bursts out laughing earning a glare from both girls.

  I look to her amused and happy at her lack of jealousy, not that she has anything to worry about.

  "And what’s so funny?" I hear Texas sneer.

  "You really think you have a chance?" She said between laughs.

  "Why wouldn't we? We are much hotter than you." Hallie says in the same tone as her friend.

  I was about to cut in and answer her but Hope beat me to it.

  With a now totally calm and straight face she says. "For one no you are not, wearing almost none existent clothes doesn't make you a hottie, only desperate and two" Hope paused and looked the pair up and down.

  "I'm pretty sure that my boyfriend" I smile loving hearing her call me that "Isn't into 'Umpa Lumpas' with bleached yellow hair." She smiles innocently, picking up the shopping bags she was carrying and I did the same with the bags I had and then she grabbed my hand before pulling me out of the store, leaving the pair standing in the same spot with their mouths hanging open.

  We heard the woman at the checkout who served us laugh as we exited the store.

  "That was so freaking funny." I laugh out loud when we finally get outside.

  "I know right." Hope laughs again.

  "You know the worst thing?" I say.

  "No, what?" she asks with an unsure expression.

  "I didn't even notice any of that when I first saw them yesterday." I admit.


  "Really. I mean I must be blind or something they are so" I laugh more.

  "Not to mention the fact that they were wearing so much perfume I could taste it." Hope nods in agreement.

  Placing the shopping into the trunk of the car Hope smirked "Come on big brother. Let’s get back to the motel so you can teach
me to be a good girl." She said with a wink as she got into the car.

  "Don't tempt me." I growl lustfully as I quickly got into the driver's side.

  She continued to smirk "Maybe I want to tempt you." She teases.

  I look at her once more before starting the car.

  'I swear she is going to kill me before we get home tomorrow'.


  The Motel


  We arrived at the motel and headed straight to our room, bags in hand.

  "I'm starving. Find a number for a Chinese and order us some food." I asked Nate as soon as he closed the door to our room.

  A couple of hours later we were both sat on the floor in front of the TV watching re-runs of Charmed and finishing the last of our delicious Chinese take away.

  "That was so good." Nate said, lying back on the ground.

  "Umhum" I hummed back laying next to him and rubbing my stomach.

  We lay like this for a while, until we both started to ache from the hard ground.

  "Ah I feel like the first day I moved in with Kara." I groan.

  Nate gives me an unsure look.

  "She jumped on me and knocked us both over and couldn't get back up again. Well not until Robbie helped her anyway." I clarify making Nate laugh.

  "Kara is pretty big" I nod in agreement.

  "I know. My back felt like a baby hippo had sat on me for the next twenty four hours." I sighed.

  "Seriously though, it would have been funny if I wasn't under her. She was like a turtle on its back, except she was on her stomach." I said, making him laugh more and I joined him this time.

  "When's she due?" He asked.

  "In about four weeks I think" I say, looking up and trying to remember.

  We spoke about that for a while until we finally got on the subject of my birthday.

  "It's your birthday soon isn't it?" He half asked.

  "Yeah, next week." I nod getting up from the ground and sit on the edge of the bed.

  "Your still coming to my party aren't you?" I ask him sounding worried thinking he wouldn't come, but I have no idea why.

  Nate follows me and sits next to me "What kind of stupid question is that?" He pokes my cheek lightly "Of course I am. There is no way in hell I would miss my beautiful girl’s eighteenth" He grins as if thinking of something he shouldn't.

  "Yes?" I ask him getting his attention.

  He looks at me and smirks. "I was just thinking you..." he pauses and seems to take forever to continue, "You will be legal soon. Soooo..." he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and winks at me.

  I roll my eyes and punch the top of his arm "Perv"

  "Ouch." He laughs rubbing his arm.

  "You know for a midget you sure are strong." He stated in a teasing tone.

  "I'm not a midget." I whine like a child probably not helping myself much.

  "Sure you’re not." Nate laughs.

  I shimmy up the bed and turn away from him and pout.

  Not really mad but want him to think I am.

  "Don't be mad Sweet pea. You know I was only playing. Well somewhat."

  My jaw tensed "Somewhat?"

  I felt Nate move higher up the bed until he stopped behind my lying down form.

  "Hopey." He coos.

  I raise my eyes in amusement and a small smile makes its way to my face, but I quickly hide it.

  Thankfully he is laid behind me so didn't see my slight slip up.

  "Hopey baby." He sounds like he is pouting.

  'So cute' I think, listening to how sweet he sounds.

  I felt breathing on the back of my neck making me shiver. "Please speak to me." He whispered into my neck and began to nuzzle my neck.

  I tried my best not to react but it was really hard when his every touch felt like electric.

  His begging lasted for another minute as her begin to place kisses up and down my neck.

  "Ah." I groaned in defeat.

  In a second I had turned around and was sat on top and straddling a slightly shocked looking Nate, who was laying flat on his back.

  "You are such a tease!" I groan giving him a dark look.

  "Tease? Me? Why?" He asked, whilst trying to hide his happiness at getting me to speak to him.

  I get an idea and began to trail my fingers over his chest slowly taking in the lines of his defined chest and stomach muscles with my fingertips.

  I watch his reaction with a smirk on my face as I slowly begin to his shirt up and over his head, which he helped me with by sitting up for a second, but then laying back down again.

  "Stop teasing Hope. We both know nothing is going to happen. I want to wait until you are legal and we have been together longer." He tells me as if clocking onto my plan.

  "I know. But it doesn't mean I can't massage your muscles." I say, knowing he’s right.

  "Sweet Pea, go into the bathroom and change into these shorts and vest and I'll give you a massage." He said getting up and passing me the clothes. "After all you are the one aching my love."

  I thought for a second, "Actually I could probably do with a quick shower first."

  Thirty minutes later each of us had a shower and were now lying on the bed and Nate was giving me a massage as we listened to music.

  "I've never had a massage before. It feels really good, but I think I'm going to fall asleep."

  "Do you want me to stop then?" he asked chuckling slightly.

  "No. You can continue." I mumble tiredly.

  "Fine. But if you do, I am calling the creep to come and wake you."

  I know he was joking, but I couldn't help it. I sat up knocking him on the way.

  Instead of cursing or scolding me though, he just burst out laughing.

  "You are too easy. As if I would let that creep anywhere near my Hopey." He said pushing himself off the ground and back on the bed beside me.

  "You are mean Nathan." I pout.

  "Please don't call me that." He groaned.

  "Only if you promise to always tell me if you have any worries." I say seriously. "I don't want what happened the other day to happen again."

  "I promise."


  We lay chatting about old times before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

  That night I had the best sleep of my life.

  "Mwa mwa mwa"

  "What the..." I mumbled in a sleepy voice as I am woken up by...

  I open my eyes to see Hope grinning at me.

  "What were you doing?" I asked raising my eyebrow at her seemly innocent expression.

  "Nothing, I was just kissing your face." She said almost nervously.

  I couldn't help but "Aww" at her cuteness.

  I kissed her back.

  The kiss only last about fifteen seconds but it was still perfect.

  "At least that explains the funny noises you were making." I say, pulling her closer to me.

  She sighs contently as she buries her body in closer to mine.

  "So no regrets coming away with me?" I asked her out of the blue.

  "Why? Do you?" She sounded worried but didn't pull away from me, I think it was so I couldn't see her expression.

  "No. No Sweet pea. Not at all. It was the best trip of my life." I proclaim kissing the top of her top.

  "Really?" She asked unsure if it was the truth.

  "Yes my love."

  "It was my best time too. I loved going on this trip. Can we maybe go on another road trip in the next school and college holidays?" She hugged me tighter.

  "Yes. Maybe we could go to the mountains or something?" I suggest. "We could rent a cabin, either go alone or maybe with Dean and Heather?"

  Hope smiles and pecks my cheek. "That sounds great. I am sure Dean could do with some treat after everything and I know if his big brother offered to take him fishing or something you two could do alone on the trip, he would love it."