Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 25


  Masks Ready


  Nate and I shared one last look before both taking the stage.

  As if on cue the room fell silent and all eyes turned to us.

  "Is it too late to change my mind?" I mumbled to Nate.

  "Oh my god." The familiar voice of Heather echoed throughout the room before Nate had a chance to answer.

  I looked in her direction to see her in the back stood with several people including Dean and her boyfriend Parker.

  The siblings both gave us a cheesy grin and a thumbs up.

  I was thankful that unlike the movie I didn't have to stand alone as the track 'I've Had The Time Of My Life' began to play in the background.

  I barely noticed everyone's eyes widen as Nate ran his hand down my arm and pecked my nose before grabbing my hand and spinning me.

  The crowd started to cheer, as we moved perfectly, not one wrong step.

  Despite what Nate had been saying before I could tell that he was really enjoying it.

  Before long we were both so involved in the dance that we no longer heard nor felt the dozens of people's eyes on us.

  People whistled and hooted as Nate and I did the slight grinding move.

  Moments later he kissed my hand and yes like the movie jumped off the stage to a small clearing. Not embarrassed in the slightest, he danced down the center looking at people as he moved. I could tell by the expressions on my girlfriends’ faces that a lot of them were totally crushing on my man. But I didn't mind, I knew he would never do that.

  The whistles and cheers continued and before long he turned now with two very hunky looking men I had told him about earlier.

  They were both smirking and copying the dance Nate was doing. I didn't need to learn it because they loved the movie as much as me and not surprisingly, were an openly gay couple I went to my old school with. Hence why they didn't mind doing this for me. Even a few girls who didn't know about it before joined in the returning dance.

  I think that was just because they were hoping to get with my two gay friends Rick and Tom. But not surprisingly Heather had decided to be one of the dancers, but only because she was as obsessed with the movie as me.

  Nate stopped half way, but the others continued until reaching the stage. I mentally thanked my parents for buying Kira such a large house.

  Rick and Tom looked up at me holding out their arms, lifted me down from the stage and softly placed me on the ground.

  I ran to an awaiting Nate and he lifted me above his head flawlessly. Thank god I made him practice lifts in the lake that day, it was a big help when it came to the real thing.

  Up in the air, my arms held out, the whole room echoed in thunderous applause.

  Slowly he brought me back down to earth, wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close and slightly off the ground, he spun us both around and placed a dozen kisses on my face.

  People slowly got up and began joining us, dancing. Even Dean found himself a pretty Asian looking girl I had never seen before.

  "God I love you Hope." He whispered in my ear. "You are so perfect. Even if you do make me do girly things." He said smirking.

  "Er, you know you enjoyed it. You were grinning the whole time." I tell him.

  "That was because I am dancing with you."

  "Maybe you should give up the idea of being a teacher and become a professional dancer?" I paused "On second thought, don't. I don't want millions of girls trying to get with you. It will be bad enough when you start teaching. All those hormonal teens crushing and lusting after my man." I thought out loud.

  "Your man... I love it when you say that." He says, his voice huskier than normal.

  "Let's go while everyone is distracted, before the track ends" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I roll my eyes. "Not for that. I have a suit and dress ready for us up stairs. Not to mention our masks." I said looking around at all the masked people. We were the only two without one on.

  We slowly made our way back to the back of the stage to see Kira and Robbie making out against the wall.

  I cringed, but was happy for them. They had been together so long and still loved each other the same. I averted my eyes and continued hand in hand with Nate to go up the back stairs to the room, which held our clothes.

  I kept my hair and make up the same. Removed my old dress and slipped on my light pink princess style dress.

  It was strapless with a fitted waistline and a rounder puffy skirt that looks exactly like the shape of the princesses dresses you would see in movies.

  My mask was the same color with a silver pattern.

  Nate now wore a black tux and a silver metallic looking mask with a raised pattern of the same color.

  "Wow." He looked me up and down. "You look so beautiful sweet pea. Maybe we should elope instead of going to this party?" He suggested with a glint in his eyes and a grin.

  "Maybe next time." I giggle at his pout.

  A loud knocking at the door made me jump.

  "If you are touching my sister right now, legal or not, I will beat you." Ricky's voice growled as he opened the bedroom door.

  He saw me and Nate stood hand in hand ready to leave the room and sighed.

  "Good. I wasn't looking forward to breaking your neck." He grinned patting Nate on the shoulder.

  He looked us both over and gave us a thumbs up "Looking very nice."

  "Good enough to elope?" I joke. Probably not the best idea with Ricky.

  His smile dropped, I held my hands up "Only kidding... We aren't getting married for a few weeks yet." I laughed at his expression.

  "Don't push it Hope." He warned. I rolled my eyes. Then he added as if deep in thought. "But if you are going to sleep with my sister..."

  "Ricky." I cut him off "Come on Nate. Let's go before he gets anymore stupid ideas." I say pulling him out of the room with Ricky not far behind.

  The whole way down the stairs he was going on about it. Saying stuff like, "If you have her you have to marry her." and "If you cheat on her, I'll kill you."

  By the time we reach the bottom where everyone is back to partying, Nate and I had blocked Ricky out.

  Heather, Dean and Matt all came over to us.

  "That was great. You looked so cool. Your dress is pretty. Wow." Heather rambled until Dean cut her off.

  "You looked really hot." He said knowing it would wind up Nate.

  "Yes." Matt agreed. "Especially when you did the lift," He was smirking "I could see straight up your dress."

  Nate was glaring at them both.

  "And if you could you would have seen nothing because I have short shorts on underneath just in case" I explained.

  "And don't look at my girl in that way unless you want your face rearranged." My man warned his brothers.

  "Not Dean. He's injured." I tell him.

  "Maybe not straight away, but when he is better." He corrects.

  "Don't think by ignoring me you can get out of it." Ricky tells us, well more Nate than me.

  "What's he on about now?" Matt asked. They all knew how protective he was of me.

  "He told us we have to get married if Nathan took my virginity."

  They all burst out laughing.

  "I've always wanted a sister." Heather bounced "Mom will go back to harassing you about babies."

  Nate groans.

  "She's been pestering you about babies?" Dean asked surprised.

  "Yes and Heather." It was only then I noticed Parker with his arms around her waist.

  His parents were Korean, but he was born in America.

  His eyes widen and she turned around in his arms. "Don't worry. We convinced her that it was Matt's job to have the first baby."

  "What?" Matt exclaimed "I don’t even got a girlfriend."

  "I think she's already got that covered." Dean said, laughing. We all moved our heads to see what he was looking at to see his Lanie coming over, speaking and pointing to Matt with a woman I can only g
uess is one of Kira's friend's by her side.

  "Nooo." He exclaimed over dramatically. "You got to save me. She is pretty and all but I am not ready to settle down."

  His siblings all just laughed at him, as did Ricky and I. But then Ricky sighed. "Come on. I'll show you where you can hide." Both of them made a quick get away.

  But Lanie saw them and said something to the woman, before following them alone.

  "Now they are out of the way I want to give you your present." Nate told me.

  "Me too." Heather said breaking out of Parker's arms and running off somewhere.

  "While she is busy..." Dean stepped forwards and reached in his pocke.t "Hold out your wrist." He told me. I did as I was told and he opened his hand to reveal a beautiful charm bracelet. He clipped it to my wrist and stepped back. "I hope it's OK. I know it isn't much..." he said almost nervous. He was really sweet. If I hadn't started dating Nate I am sure I would have given him a chance.

  I looked at the bracelet. It had about five charms and room for more to be added. There was a watermelon slice, a music note, which had two zircon stones on, a couple dancing, a pair of pumps and lastly the name Baby with a pink gemstone hanging from the y.

  "Thank you so much Dean." I hopped over and hugged him. "It's fantastic." I kissed his cheek.

  I pulled back to see an amused Nate, not jealous in the slightest.

  "Isn't it cool Nate?" I showed him "Look. It's like the movie."

  He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "It's great Sweet Pea." He looked at his younger brother. "Thank you Dean"

  Dean looked unsure.

  "For forgiving me, accepting me and Hope and mostly for still being her friend." Nate told him and embarrassed him by giving him a hug.

  Dean laughed and pushed him away. "You don't have to thank me. You are my brother and Hope has been one of my best friends since we were young. It's hard not to love her, I would be proud if you married her and I had her as my sister."

  I blushed uncontrollably and got a bit teary. "Aww. I would be proud to have you as a little brother."

  "Less of the little." he stood beside me. He was about four inches taller than me.

  "OK. Big little brother." I corrected myself just in time for Heather to arrive panting with a white envelope in her hand.

  She held it out for me. "This is for you"

  I took it from her and opened it up.

  She was watching me impatiently.

  Two tickets to the stage show of Dirty dancing with back stage passes to meet the cast.

  "Like it?"

  Cue more hugs and thanks. "No problem.." she said "You can pay me back by taking me with you"

  "Yes. Please do." Nate said from behind me. I turned and mock glared at him.

  "What?" He said innocently "I have already seen it with you"

  "Come on I want to give you my present." Nate said changing the subject and dragging me behind him.

  "Thank you both again for the presents." I call back as we disappeared up the stairs.

  Once upstairs he lead me into the spare room where he got changed with his brother.

  We walked inside to see an awkward looking trio. A worried looking Ricky, Matt stood on one side of the room and a slightly shocked looking at Lanie on the other.

  "Anything wrong?" I asked gaining all three's attention.

  Both men quickly covered their worried expressions with their normal grins.

  Even Lanie was smiling but unlike the men's, hers looked genuine.

  "No. Everything is great." She said sounding a little too happy.

  "Matt agreed to date the woman?" Nate asked his mom.

  "No." She shook her head, but still smiled "We have decided to leave that. Matt isn't interested in dating women." She sounded almost cryptic.

  Nate and I exchanged a look as if to say 'When does that ever stop her?'

  "Well I have to go to her and tell her." She said heading to the door.

  "Mom." Matt said sounding strange.

  "Don't worry. I'll tell her I made a mistake, nothing else." She promised and disappeared from the room.

  Turning back to our brothers, Nate asked them "What was that about?"

  "Your mom saw me whispering to Matt." We looked at him confused.

  "Apparently from behind it looked like me and Matt were kissing." Ricky explained.

  Nate and I burst out laughing. "She thinks you’re gay?"

  Ricky glared at him, but Matt shrugged. "At least it will stop her from hassling me for a while." He said nonchalantly.

  "No, instead she will be trying to keep you two to come out and adopt a baby now"

  Matt frowned. "I never thought about that"

  "And she is probably telling your dad and Kira right now." I tell him.

  Without another word both Ricky and Matt ran out of the room.

  We laughed so hard we ended up lying on the bed.

  "That was so funny." I panted.

  Nate was trying to get his breath back too. "A beautiful couple don't you think?" he joked.

  "Whispering. Ha. A very likely story"

  "I know. Right?"

  We just lay there for a while in a comfortable silence.

  "We should probably get going back before your brother comes to find you and beat me."

  I sigh. "I guess you’re right." I went to stand but he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

  "Sit there, Sweet Pea. I have my gift to give you." He stood up and reached under the bed and pulled out a large dress type box with a pink ribbon bow.

  It was definitely the biggest looking present I have gotten so far but I had no idea what was inside.

  Placing it on the bed in front of me, he looked at me nervous. "Open it."

  Pulling off the bow and then the lid revealed a large framed black leather jacket. But not just any leather jacket, there was a piece of paper inside. Reading it confirmed my suspicions.

  "Oh my god." I gasped.

  I literally got up and did a loud very embarrassing fan girl scream.

  "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal throwing myself at him, knocking him to the ground laughing.

  He had is arms wrapped around my waist and I was laid on top of him. My skirt fanned out across his lower half.

  "So you like it?" He laughed out.

  “I freaking love it!” I exclaim covering his face in kisses.

  Just then we both hear the door burst open and an angry and worried looking group of people enter. Including our siblings and his mom.

  When Ricky saw I was laid on top of Nate. He rushed over and pulled me up.

  “Why were you screaming?” Lanie asked me looking unsure.

  “Did he hurt you?” my older brother growled glaring at Nate.

  I punched his arm. “No.” I did my shuffle run in my oversized dress to the box still on the bed.

  “Look, look, look” I again squeal holding up the framed jacket.

  Heather’s eyes widen to the size of saucers. “No way."

  "Yes way." I grin.

  "Is that...?" Dean, another victim of Heather and mine's love of Dirty Dancing, asked.

  "Yes." I nodded my head "He got me the jacket Patrick Swayze wore in the movie." I placed it on the bed and picked up the piece of paper.

  "Look it even has a certificate of authenticity" I held in up to show them.

  I didn't even notice Nate stand up until I felt his arms snake around my waist.

  I shivered when I felt him place a single kiss. Matt noticed this and smirked.

  Heather and the others were all too busy checking out my gift.

  "This must have cost a bomb?" Ricky asked wide-eyed.

  "She's worth it." Nate answered holding me tightly against him.

  What Ricky did next surprised all of us. He walked over and hugged not only me but also Nate.

  "I am glad it was you and not some loser at her school." He told Nate pulling back.

  "I can see you care for her a lot."

  "I do." I could feel N
ate's eyes burning into me. He still had his arms around my waist. "I love her more than I ever thought was humanly possible."