Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 24

  "Hey Honey." He said, trying to sound like his brother. "You’re sexy. Why don't I buy you a cider and then we go to the toilet and you let me do you?" He pauses as if waiting for the imaginary woman to answer "Oh don't worry I have condoms... And the end" he said giving a bow.

  Everyone except Matt laughed. "God man that was so perfect." Ricky said between laughs.

  "I think I remember him actually saying that before." Nate teased.

  "And what's wrong with that?" Matt asks seriously.

  "Is he serious?" I say wide-eyed.

  "Sadly." Nate mumbles into my ear.

  "And don't forget he says thank you at the end and even makes it clear he isn't interested in anything more." Ricky adds and Matt nods as if it’s a good thing.

  "I think Matt was starved of oxygen before we were born." Nate whispers into my ear making me laugh more.

  Nate and I sat happily as he held me and listening to the stupid argument between his two brothers as Ricky tries to stop them.

  "I love you." He whispered lowly.

  "I love you too."

  "Do you think they miss us if we disappear?" Nate asked, still whispering with a gleam in his eye.

  And we did leave and drove back to mine knowing no one was home yet and let’s just say I hope Ricky doesn't realize I'm gone too quickly...




  The next few days went well.

  Baby Auron and Kira returned home from the hospital and were settling in well.

  Robbie spent the day before she returned home placing the last finishing touches to the room and even got a Moses basket for their bedroom, so the baby could sleep in their room for the first few nights.

  We haven't heard from our parents since we contacted them about the baby, which wasn't surprising.

  They only cared about their alone time, business and looking good for others.

  Nate and Heather spent the day yesterday around ours and even Lanie came around for a while, wanting to see the new baby. She loved it and kept on telling us all, mainly, Nate how she couldn't wait to be a gran.

  They both told their mom to be patient and wait at least until we had finished school before anything like that happens. I couldn't help but laugh when her face fell into a pout. "But I want to be young still, so I can play with them." She sounded almost like a child.

  Nate rolled his eyes "Mom. We only have a year left and if and when we want a child we will and will tell you. But not before." Nate told her "Why don't you make Matt get a girl and have babies?" he suggested.

  Lanie's eyes brightened "That's a great idea. I know just the girl..." She looked off into the distance "And who knows maybe it'll will make him grow up a little." She said dreamily.

  "Poor Matt." I tease.

  "What have you done?" Heather grinned.

  Nate just smirked proud of himself. "Nothing he wouldn't of done to me if he was in my place."

  The next day Dean was finally allowed home, but was forced to bed rest.

  He was told he should be all right to resume light exercise the day before my party. So that made everyone happy.

  "So Dean’s outfit is all sorted for the party?" I asked sitting in his room while I wait for Nate to change.

  "Yep. Mom sorted it out." He rolled his eyes at the memory. "I wouldn't be surprised if she brought me one with ruffles and a bow tie."

  I can't help but laugh. "That would be quite the sight. It is certainly the type of thing she would do. A nice baby blue one to make her baby boy look so cute" I said pinching his cheeks.

  He waves away my hand "Stop it. She best not or I will blame you."

  "For what?" Nate's voice echoes through the room.

  "Baby brother here in a baby blue suit with a ruffled skirt and bow tie." I grin and pinch his cheeks again. "So cute."

  Nate laughs. "That I have too see."

  Dean smirked. "Don't know why you are laughing. You got her to get yours too. Matt was the only one to get his own." Nate's face dropped.

  "And Matt would have made sure if he went with your mom that she got you the nice ones."

  "You are right..." Nate glared at the wall "That is just kind of thing he would do the..."

  "Nate no cursing." Lanie called as she passed Dean's door.

  "Good thing I've already seen them" I smiled.

  "You what?" They both said.

  I jumped up. "Oh will you look at the time. Must go must go." I tried to rush out of the room but Nate tried to stop me.

  "Hope." He warned.

  "Lanie save me." I yelled and soon she appeared with a grin on her face. "Help! They are trying to get me to tell them what you bought them."

  "Boys." She scolded. "Leave the poor girl alone. Especially you Dean. You are meant to be sleeping and you Nate," she slapped the back of his head "Be nicer to your girlfriend." and with that she left the room.

  "Ouch." Nate whined rubbing the back of his head.

  "Aww does poor Natey want a kiss better?" I cooed.

  "Yes please." He pouts.

  I turn to Dean. "You heard him. Kiss him better" I leave the room giggling with Nate on my tail.

  The day of my party finally came.

  Everyone was around at my house helping prepare the house for later today.

  We did some of it last night and only have a few bits left to do today.

  By midday everything was ready, giving us two hours to get ready before the rest of the guests started arriving at two. Heather and the boys had brought their clothes with them to get changed into.

  Lanie and her husband were coming too from their house and bringing some finger foods with them. Dean would be arriving with them too.

  Yes I invite older people too. Heather's parents have treated me better than my own over the years so there was no question about inviting them. Even a few of my sister’s and Robbie's friends are coming so they don't get bored. Kira's friends will be busy cooing over the newborn, maybe even some of Robbie's friends will be too. But mostly drinking I think. Yes, there will be alcohol. But only a glass for us youngsters as Lanie puts it and that will be a glass of champagne to toast my birthday later this evening. Robbie on the other hand decided to buy a couple of kegs for him and his buddies. But it is under lock and key.

  Not that I am bothered.

  I am not really the drinking and drugs type of girl. I guess you could say I was a goody two shoes.

  Heather was in my room, that way we could help each other get ready. The twins were in the spare room.

  Lanie made Dean stay at bed because she didn't want him to do anything strenuous and Ricky is in his room. Well you get the idea.

  Heather's boyfriend Parker was arriving anytime too. He was bringing a few of his friends with him. I hadn't met them but Heather had and said they were mostly great. Especially since his grumpy best friend got a girlfriend.

  I said I didn't mind, as long as they respect my other guests, my house and me. Wow I sound so grown up. I guess turning eighteen has changed me... or maybe that was Nate.

  Not entirely surprising, Dean and his parents Lanie and Alan arrive at just one o'clock to help finish the last little bits off, though there wasn't many. Mainly making punch and a couple of other food related things, which she finished after only a short time. The two (Mainly Lanie) spent bottlefeeding Auron while his parents finished getting ready.

  Dean on the other hand decided to sit in the bedroom with me and Heather as we did our hair and make up. We were dressed in robes as we did it so there was nothing on display and our clothes dresses would stay clean.

  "Doesn't he look cute?" Heather grins pinching her little brother’s cheeks.

  He groaned and batted her hand away. I chuckled "Just be happy it isn't the power blue number." I tease. "Believe me, I am. I really am." He said in an over-exaggerated voice as he brushed invisible dust off his clean black tux.

  Heather looked at us with a raised eyebrow "Do I want to know?"
  He shook his head.

  "Have you seen Nate's outfit yet?" I asked trying to hide my grin but failing miserably.

  "No. Why? What do you know that we don't?" Dean asked drawing out the no.

  "I might have told your mom what to get him..." I tried to sound innocent.

  "And I'm guessing it's not a normal tux?" Heather asked this time.

  I grinned and shook my head. "But it's OK. My dress isn't like everyone else's either."

  "What do you mean?"

  "You'll see." I grinned. "You'll love it."

  We spent the next hour doing our hair and make up, before finally going to put on our dresses.

  Heather got changed in the bathroom first. Changing into her large sky blue Cinderella style dress. Her hair was in a classic up do with bangs hanging loose at the side and she wore pretty silver Disney style slippers, which were sadly hidden beneath her huge gown.

  She looked like the perfect princess.

  Then it was my turn to change in the bathroom in my modest yet perfect dress.

  "God woman. Hurry the hell up. Dean and I are falling asleep out here and Nate keeps asking through the door to come in!" Heather exclaimed.

  "Hang the hell on!" I yelled back "I'm just putting my shoes on." I heard a low chuckle that sounded like Dean and Heather muttering something low I couldn't hear.

  "Ready." I called, stepping out of the bathroom to reveal me wearing a pair of low heel silver sandals and an exact copy of the white dress Baby wore in the final dance of the Dirty Dancing movie. Unlike Baby I had my hair tied back, smart but cute. My hair was a lot longer than hers in the movie and would be getting in the way of what I had to do.

  Both siblings were confused for a second but quickly realized what it was.

  "Oh my god. I never expected you to be that princess!" Heather screamed. "It's perfect." She jumped up and down clapping her hands.

  "Does this mean..." Dean wore a knowing look and smirked "...Our dearest brother is..." cue the knocking at the door.

  "I've had enough." The familiar voice called through the door "I'm coming in if you are ready or not." The door opened to reveal my handsome boyfriend in a pair of black trousers and tight black short sleeve shirt. He didn't look happy. But then saw me and smiled. "I should have known after a week of..." I ran over and covered his mouth.

  "It's a surprise. Shh." I whisper into his ear.

  I feel him smirk again my hand and then nod his head. I move my hand. He moves me in front of him and looks me up and down, which didn't embarrass me anymore. Not after how close we had become.

  "You look perfect Sweet Pea." He smiles down at me, leans down and kisses my nose.

  "You have some kind of nose fetish I swear." I hear a voice from behind us.

  We both turn around to see Matt standing in his tux in the doorway with a smirk.

  He looked at me and got a look of realization. "I was wondering what he was in the stupid get up." He said smirking wider.

  "But shouldn't he have the shirt unbuttoned a little? I mean like in the movie" Nate groaned and glared at his brother with a look which said 'Why did you tell her that?'

  But I ignore it. "Crap. You’re right" I undid the top three buttons of his shirt and smiled.

  "Now you are perfect too." I grin and rub my fingers over the small amount of exposed chest.

  "If I get abducted by some randy old woman it's your fault." Nate said making the others and me, laugh.

  "If that happened I think I would laugh. Plus you have two other brothers." I joke looking back at Matt who walks beside me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

  "I'll take care of her bro. Have fun with your cougar."

  Nate growls and pushes his brother back making him laugh. "Don't worry bro. I was only messing." Matt said stepping back. "I'm not into sloppy seconds"

  "You what?" I tensed up when I heard my brother’s voice.

  Matt looked back at my very angry looking brother. "Oh Ricky I didn't see you there. I was just joking with Nate..."

  Ricky seemed not to hear him and pushed past and walked towards Nate. I noticed Heather sneak out the room to god knows where.

  "Did you have sex with my little sister?" He growled, glaring at Nate.

  Nate was worse than useless, he just gaped like a fish looking scared of my brother.

  I rolled my eyes and stepped between them "Ricky I am old enough and we love each other"

  Ricky changes his glare to me. "Let him answer!”

  Nate takes hold of me and moves me behind him. "You will not yell at her." He said menacingly, no longer looking scared.

  "I wouldn't hurt her. She is my sister" Ricky said as if Nate was stupid "You on the other hand..."

  He drove at him, but out of nowhere Robbie appeared and he and Matt dragged Ricky back.

  Heather stood in the doorway. I guess we know where she went.

  "Ricky. I don't care what the hell this is about. You will calm down and talk about this tomorrow. Today is Hope's birthday party. You should not be an idiot and get into a fight and ruin it." Robbie yelled at him, obviously annoyed.

  Ricky's face softened and looked at me. I was still tucked behind Nate but had my head poking out.

  "I'm sorry princess." He held out his arms and walked over and hugged me.

  "I promise I won't ruin your day. But I can't promise I won't beat his ass tomorrow." He said honestly.

  Ten minutes later and everyone was calm and back on track.

  Heather and the others had all reluctantly left Nate and me alone and were waiting downstairs for our big entrance.

  Ricky wasn't happy about leaving us alone. But we promised we would only be a couple of minutes behind them so he agreed.

  "I'm so excited." I said bouncing on the back of my feet.

  Nate grinned and shook his head. "If this doesn't prove how much I love you, I don't know what does." He said talking about our entrance, which I have only just told him about.

  "Does anyone else know about it?" He asked.

  "A couple of boys I know and Kira and Robbie has an idea because she is playing the music and he is keeping the people all in one room for now, but doesn't know for certain" I tell him.

  "I really should have guessed after all the practice you made me do this week." He shook his head at himself. "I am so dumb sometimes."

  "Maybe." I smirked. "But I still love you." I pecked his lips "Time to go."

  We took a deep breath and exited the bedroom door, stopped and looked downstairs without anyone seeing us. There was a small stage at the side clear, but people stood in front of it. People didn't ask about the stage they just presumed we were having a band or something.

  "Ready?" he asked.

  I shook my head "Not really, but I want to do this."

  He chuckled as we sneaked down the backset of stairs to the stage.

  Kira and Robbie both noticed us and looked at our clothing and laughed.

  "I saw both of you before but I honestly wasn't paying attention." He said with a raised eyebrow.

  "You’re really doing this?" I looked at Kira and nodded my head "Just don't hurt yourself. I do not fancy heading to the hospital and neither does Auron." We laughed.

  Auron was asleep in his room at the back of the house where it would be quieter, but Kira was carrying a small monitor around with her in case he woke.

  "Don't worry we won't. We've been practicing all week." I tell her.

  They looked to Nate who held up his hands in defense "I was tricked."

  "He likes to keep me happy" I smiled up at him.

  "Awe. So sweet" Kira cooed, then bounced on the back of her feet "Get ready because the music is going on in twenty seconds." I thought her face might break because she was smiling so much.

  "I hope you know this is part of your birthday present, because I look like a complete fool in this and will probably mess up on stage." Nate told me as we waited for the music to start and the cue.

  "I think you look hot." Kira who
was still listening told him. My eyebrows raised in amusement and Robbie, who was still standing near by frowned. "What? I can look and compliment. Just not touch." She said innocently, eyeing my man up.

  We both took a deep breath and prepare for the possible humiliation.